Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |

I am conducting an informal poll inquiring if people would play a Pathfinder miniatures battle game. The link below will take you to the poll.
Please limit the usual discussion of poll validity in this thread. (It's all been said before). This is simply an unofficial, informal poll for curiosity sake and will likely hold no weight as to whether Paizo would consider such a product.
Please also note that I have use the word "play" and not "support".
I realize without a set of rules to review, it can be difficult to make this decision, so lets assume that Paizo will, like all their other products, make a very interesting and fun game that will be playtested fairly thoroughly prior to implentation.
I am also assuming people know what a miniatures battle game is and how it differs from a roleplaying game. If you are not familiar with what a miniatures battle game is, then please either do an internet search or perhaps visit www.ddmguild.com

Damon Griffin |

I would not play it on a train.
I would not play it in the rain.
I would not play it with a fox.
I would not play it in a box.
Srsly, I have so little use for miniatures battles games that when I shop for aftermarket minis from any series or ruleset, I try to buy them without the stat cards, and throw away any cards I do get. And a figure with a number dial built into the base has for me exactly the same functionality as a figure with a plain base.

Uninvited Ghost |

I would not play it on a train.
I would.
I would not play it in the rain.
Me either. Any books/papers/manuals would get all wet.
I would not play it with a fox.
First of all, I don't think a fox would possess enough intelligence to learn how to play. Secondly, I hear they can be dangerous.
I would not play it in a box.
All depends on the size of the box. I wouldn't want to feel cramped when I play.

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

I would no more play a skirmish minis game than I would insert them nasally. You're welcome to do whatever you want with your minis, including stuffing them up your nose but I don't know why you'd want to. It'snot my idea of fun.
Wow, harsh.
I wouldn't personally play a minis game, just like I never played the Star Wars minis game or the D&D minis game.
But that didn't stop me from accumulating a sizeable collection of the stupid things :)

Uninvited Ghost |

I would no more play a skirmish minis game than I would insert them nasally. You're welcome to do whatever you want with your minis, including stuffing them up your nose but I don't know why you'd want to. It'snot my idea of fun.
Okay. Riddle me this... would you rather be forced to play a skirmish minis game or someone forcibly insert minis into you nasally? Just curious.

Carl Cascone |

No I would not play a Pathfinder Battles miniatures game.
I thought that DDM ruined production of otherwise perfectly viable RPG minis. Instead there were designed 'cool' creatures like dragon spawn specifically used in DDM with no useful RPG analogue. Or an air elemental with a subtype that made it look like a grey sea anemone.
Subtypes are great, but I want a stock of useful monsters I will use often. I found I was using DDM miniatures for proxys of the monsters they SHOULD represent.

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Damon Griffin wrote:I would not play it with a fox.First of all, I don't think a fox would possess enough intelligence to learn how to play. Secondly, I hear they can be dangerous.
A fox familiar would be smart enough though, and if it's master fed it well and wasn't a bad person, then the fox shouldn't be too dangerous.

Fredrik |

Sure, why not. But only if it were set-specific or player-driven.
I wouldn't touch an official inter-set game with a ten-foot polearm, due to not wanting to give Paizo the wrong incentives. Incentive-caused bias is such a powerful force that if something pumps up his metrics, a manager could be told not to do it, say that he won't, and even believe that isn't, and yet still be doing it unknowing.
So, the existence of miniatures skirmish fans means that the existence of official inter-set rules would be enough for the sales effects of the skirmish game to distort the makeup of the sets away from the needs of the RPG players. Official set-specific rules? Great! A forum for players to hash out their own inter-set rules amonst themselves? Great! Anything beyond that? No.

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Hello people, the poll has been reopened and after seeing just how detailed and awesome the PF miniatures are would anyone be interested in a PF minis battle game.
Just think of it, taking your collection and assembling a warband to put and use against another warband. The poll ask yes or no but please share your thoughts here.