Zeetle Wyrp |

Male, 32 years 2 months according to human records (I trust nothing).
Never served in the armed forces of our great nation.
Started in 1992 with the Dungeons and Dragons Rules Cyclopedia, so that's 20 years.
AD&D 2nd edition
Heros Unlimited
Warhammer (briefly)
And finally .....
Pathfinder (my home to stay I hope!!)

bodrin |

Male, 41 years. Married with Children. No military but Full Metal Jacket is favourite military film.;)
Playing since 1981. Started with Runequest still got the game box plus original citadel miniatures box sets Heroes in one Creatures in the other.
Fighting Fantasy solo game books #1 "The Warlock of Firetop mountain" to #15 "The Rings of Kether"
D&D Basic, Expert, Companion never got the master set though.
AD&D 1st and 2nd Editions
Dungeons and Dragons D20 V3.0 core books
Dungeons and Dragons D20 V3.5 core plus all the extra hardcovers released. So much investment **Face Palm**
Definitely no 4th!
Present day
Pathfinder CRB, Bestiaries 1/2/3, Ultimate Books, Inner Sea World guide plus Carrion Crown AP including map folio.
Hero Lab!
Heavily invested again!!! ** Face Palm **

MicMan |

Male, 43, we don't even have military here in germany ;)
Started gaming with the release of AD&D here in Germany (1986?).
My first character was a dwarven warrior with a natural 18°° Strength (yes, I rolled that with 3d6+d100).
We played three times a week and after about a year I took over another group and GMed once a week (AD&D -> D&D 3/3.5 -> 4e half a year -> Pathfinder) which I still do so with mostly the same group.
So we are now having our 25th aniversary of playing once a week!

Smarnil le couard |

Okay, my turn.
40, began D&D with a red box translation back in 1983. Spent the first two years devising mega-dungeons nobody ever ventured into, and playing one on one with a cousin of mine.
Began seriously playing in '86 by joining a club, and ended up a casualty in the B4 module (never, ever, enter a 1st level cleric in that pyramid !). Hooked at once, have been playing since with the same guys/gals, of course much less frequently that when we weren't all employed/engaged/parents.
Served my time in the military (the french one, does it count?), part in the artillery, part in the "infanterie de marine". I did learn some useful skills, such as firing an heavy caliber howitzer (come and get it, Cthulhu) or knowing how to properly polish black boots. Conscription was still mandatory, at the time.
Mostly playing Hero system games (Champions and Fantasy Hero), with a little bit of Cthulhu, Morrow Project and some french games you haven't heard of (Reve de Dragon, etc.).

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Served my time in the military (the french one, does it count?), part in the artillery, part in the "infanterie de marine". I did learn some useful skills, such as firing an heavy caliber howitzer (come and get it, Cthulhu) or knowing how to properly polish black boots. Conscription was still mandatory, at the time.
It's good enough for me to count it. NATO comrades still count as our 'brothers-in-arms' (at least, for all of us U.S. Veterans with the common sense to not want to be out there all alone, without our allies).
Welcome to the boards!

BenS |

Think I answered something like this (sans the military question) some years back, but...
Now 47; no military service; and the exact year I started to play D&D is...a little hazy. At the latest, it was 1979. Might have been '77 or '78. The owner of my comic store had a group, and even though they were all much older than me, I wormed my way into the group.
Alternated between D&D and Runequest in those early years. A little bit of Tunnels & Trolls and later Villains & Vigilantes, as well as the Stormbringer RPG (essentially Runequest if I remember the rules). But w/ the exception of a hiatus in the 90's and early 2000's, it's pretty much been D&D for all this time.
Didn't do the online survey, fyi.

meatrace |

Male, 39, no military.
Began with Red Box in '82 or '83 (it's a bit of a haze). Moved on to AD&D, but was playing a bit of Twilight 2000 early on, followed by TMNT, Ars Magica, Shadowrun, Doctor Who, V&V, etc ...
Oh yeah. TMNT love!
Seriously, the system was clunky (it WAS palladium) but the character generation is STILL TODAY the most fun I've encountered.
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I've heard that the majority of Pathfinder players are older players who've been playing a long time. I'm curious as to have much truth this has, so I ask all you guys how old you are and how old you've been playing. I myself am 20 years and 8 months old, and I've been playing 5 years, having started with D&D 3.5 when a friend at school loaned me his PHB.
As a secondary question, are you a guy or girl? I've generally seen D&D as a more male than female hobby, but I've seen more than a few girls here, and Paizo has a lot of female staff. I myself am female (male body transgendered).
As a third question, where you ever in the military? I've seen a lot of people post here who were, and I'm curious about how common that is in the RPG community. I served in the US Navy, but I received a medical discharge before getting the chance to deploy anywhere.
Male. Been playing (every edition - except 4th) since 1978 when I was 13. I'm am diehard Pathfinder fan now. I GM and play in two other Pathfinder campaigns. Have also played - Boot Hill, Gamma World, Traveller (old school w/ small booklets), Star Frontiers, Top Secret, you get the drift.
Have two kids in college now. My son is more in WoW than D&D. But he does love reading sword & sorcery/fantasy novels.
Served in the USMC. Only break from playing D&D I ever took was my first 2 years in the Corps..Been going strong ever since.