Urbantakeover |
I know that CR rating should equal the ACL of a party, but I am little confused about it in some respect.
My plan is to have an opposing party fight the PCs through out a campaign always running from them as they stay one step ahead of the PCs.
Normally I would have the Levels be below that of the PCs in order to make it a fairer fight.
But I am a little confused to how CR is calculated after reading some of pre-made adventures. For instance in Curse of the Crimson Throne - Crown of Fangs - Encounter - A38 - PCs are faced against 4 gray maidens (CR 8 each), but the ECL for the entire encounter is EL 12.....
How does this work?

Stabatha |

I know that CR rating should equal the ACL of a party, but I am little confused about it in some respect.
My plan is to have an opposing party fight the PCs through out a campaign always running from them as they stay one step ahead of the PCs.
Normally I would have the Levels be below that of the PCs in order to make it a fairer fight.
But I am a little confused to how CR is calculated after reading some of pre-made adventures. For instance in Curse of the Crimson Throne - Crown of Fangs - Encounter - A38 - PCs are faced against 4 gray maidens (CR 8 each), but the ECL for the entire encounter is EL 12.....
How does this work?
Keep reading , on page 398 of the core rule book , chart 12-3 presents a quick chart for adding multiple creatures . 4 creatures of the same cr add a +4 to the CR.