Probably silly rebuild question

Rules Questions

Shadow Lodge


I'm still a newbie to Pathfinder and, after some re-reading of the rules, i've realized that I built my first and only character suboptimally. After some research i've also gathered that rebuilding is quite discouraged. However, I just wanted to make certain as making any of these changes would be hand. My character is currently a level 4 magus.

Which of these rebuild-type changes can I make-
1. As a bladebound archetype, change his black blade weapon.
2. Change his point buy.
3. Change a previous feat choice.

Its the first one which would be most handy, but I wanted to know whether I could change any of the others as well.

Thanks in advance, and sorry if question is ridiculous or whatnot.


Is this for Pathfinder Society? If it is then you are stuck with your character.

If this is for a home game just ask your GM what he will and will not allow.

Shadow Lodge

It is for Society.

Understood, thanks very much for quick answer.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Arkwright wrote:
It is for Society.

Don't be too worried; you don't really need 100% optimization to make it in PFS. Also (if you're really worried about survivability), you can always start a new character. Later on, when you're comfortable enough, you could start GMing and apply the credit to your magus, allowing him to "safely" level up and give you a chance to grab gear/feats (or even multiclass) to shore up whatever weaknesses he might have. For instance, if his CON is too low, you could give him GM credits until he can afford a +2 CON belt and/or gains an odd-numbered level and take the Toughness feat.

Or you could run him through suicide missions until you go down in a blaze of glory. ;)

Shadow Lodge

:) true, sadly I am a twink at heart.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Then shouldn't salvaging him be the ultimate challenge? ;)

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Urban Dictionary wrote:


An attractive, boyish-looking, young gay man. The stereotypical twink is 18-22, slender with little or no body hair, often blonde, dresses in club wear even at 10:00 AM, and is not particularly intelligent. A twink is the gay answer to the blonde bimbo cheerleader.

We talking about this?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

No, the RPG type of twink. (See here)

Twinking is a type of behavior in role-playing games. A player who engages in such behavior is known as a twink. The precise definition of twinking varies depending on the variety of role-playing game. In "pen and paper" role-playing games, a twink is often synonymous with a munchkin. In MUDs, a twink is a player who is variously anything from a munchkin to a newbie to a griefer. In MMORPGs, twinking refers to powerleveling a character through the assistance of a higher level character, particularly through the use of otherwise unattainable high level equipment, or the process of keeping a video game character at a low level while using in-game currency, earned by a high level character, to provide it with superior equipment.

Grand Lodge

Oh, I do not play MMORPGs, and with that Avatar and all, I thought the definition fit.
I did wonder what it had to do with rebuilding his character.

Shadow Lodge

:) I define it as a person who spends ten times as much time with his nose in a rulebook compared to actually playing in a bid to add just that extra +1 to his character for optimum killing power.

IE check out R2D2 in

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