Possible Bestiary 3 Errata / Issues

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Grand Lodge

Taotieh - Page 260

The construction section doesn't mention the cost of materials needed before construction can begin. Based on the difference of Price and cost, it should be 5,000 gp.

(105,000 - 5,000)/2 = 55,000 - 5,000

Grand Lodge

Terra-cotta soldier - pg. 262

Incorrect construction price or cost. Stat block says price 19,000, cost 10,000 but because of the cost of materials (500 gp), either the price should be 19,500 gp or the cost should be 9,750 gp.

Also I remind that there are no additional costs mentioned for when creating a terra-cotta horseman.

The Hippopotomas does not have a swim speed.

Grand Lodge

peterrco wrote:
The Hippopotomas does not have a swim speed.

I'm not sure it's supposed to. True it spends most of its time in water, but I'm not sure it's what you'd call a graceful swimmer.

Also, the hippopotamus is located in Bestiary 2, whereas this is an errata thread for Bestiary 3. The errata thread for Bestiary 2 is located here

Demilich, page 66

Telekinetic Storm's damage is untyped.
This is somewhat a personal opinion, but since it is a damage given from dust, debris and small items swirling around (read: physical objects that impact like weapons), it should be either bludgeoning, piercing or slashing; perhaps all three "at the same time", so that when meeting a DR, the most appropriate to overcome that DR is chosen, after having halved (or not) the damage with the saving throw.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Demilich, page 66

Telekinetic Storm's damage is untyped.
This is somewhat a personal opinion, but since it is a damage given from dust, debris and small items swirling around (read: physical objects that impact like weapons), it should be either bludgeoning, piercing or slashing; perhaps all three "at the same time", so that when meeting a DR, the most appropriate to overcome that DR is chosen, after having halved (or not) the damage with the saving throw.

Bludgeoning is the most appropriate damage type. Oversight.

Demodand, Slimy, page 70

Other than already reported issues...

1) Not a technical error, but the Demodand wears a (mwk) breastplate, and its speed is listed only as "20 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)".
I suppose that, like for other creatures, it should have been "30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average); 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) in armor".

2) Maybe the Acid special ability/attack should be listed also in the Defense section of the stat block as a Defensive Ability?

Demodand, Shaggy, page 69

Other than already reported issues...

Not a technical error, but seeing that Slimy and Tarry have darkvision 120 ft., I wonder if Shaggy (who has 60 ft.) should also have had it but it slipped away in the editing or if it's really fine as it is.
And in case Shaggy should have had 120 ft. too, I side-wonder if that range of darkvision shouldn't be a Demodand subtype trait at all.

Further, I wonder why certain subtypes list darkvision 60 ft. as a subtype trait (see the Kyton subtype, for example) when their creature type already grants it.


Demodand, Tarry, page 71

1) Spell-like abilities entry lists "CL 13th; concentration +24".
Concentration should be +16 (+3 Cha).

2) As the #1 in my post of the Slimy Demodand above. But I don't know if the listed speeds are the original ones or if they are listed as modified by the breastplate.

Demodand, Tarry, page 71

3) Attack bonus for shortwords is listed as +26, but should be +27 (+18 BAB, +9 Str, +1 Weapon Focus, +1 mwk weapon, -2 two-weapon fighting).

Demon, Incubus, page 73

Other than already reported issues...

The Melee entry lists scimitar attacks OR 2 slams, but the Str bonus to damage for the scimitar is considered as wielding it one-handed. It should either be considered two-handed or a secondary slam attack should be added after the scimitar.

In addition, perhaps all the attacks should have a "plus pain redoubled" added to them.

Demon, Schir, page 74

Other than already reported issues...

Disease DC is listed as 15, but should be 14 (10, +2 for half HD, +2 Con).

Devil, Contract, page 76

Other than already reported issues...

1) The Impale special attack says that "a contract devil can impale an opponent grappled by its binding contract", but how does it grapple with its binding contract (or with a whip anyway)?
Add to this that, while the contracts have a reach of 10 ft., the target should be no more than 5 ft. away from the Devil, to be impaled.

2) Other than the class skills shared by all Outsiders, math says that the Contract Devil has 5 "varied nature" class skills, rather than 4 (or else, 3 ranks have been assigned in excess): Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nobility) and Knowledge (religion).

Div, Akvan, page 84

Other than already reported issues...

1) Same issue as for most Asuras mentioned here.

2) In the Melee entry, the bite damage is listed as "2d8+12 plus grab/19-20" rather than, as normal, "2d8+12/19-20 plus grab".
Also, perhaps all the melee damage entries should list "plus shake faith".

3) I suppose the effects of the Aura of Hopelessness last only for as long as victims remain inside the aura, but is not specified; also, it is not specified if other Divs are immune to it.

4) In the Akvan Princes section, the Dying Ember set of abilities lists "resist fire 30", but an Akvan is already immune to fire, so...

Div, Ghawwas, page 87

Other than already reported issues...

1) In the Boiling Sea special attack's text, the DC is listed as 22, but should be 23 (10, +7 for half HD, +6 Con).
Also, it is said that it deals "6d6 points of heat damage"; I suppose it was meant to be "fire damage".

2) In the Melee entry, the spear attack is listed (after the "or" as a standalone type of attack, but it could be used together with bite and sting as secondary attacks.
Also, the bonus damage from Str for the spear attack is listed as +7, but since it's a two-handed weapon, it should be +10.

Div, Pairaka, page 88

Other than already reported issues...

1) The DC for the Shakes disease is listed as 13; since the Bubonic Plague has the correct DC 17, is this other one on purpose or an error?

2) The Lustful Dreams special attack says that, after failing the save, a victim is "breathless and fatigued upon waking". Alright with the "fatigued", but was the "breathless" meant to be some kind of effect (rule-wise) or is it just fluff mixed with actual technical terms?

Faerie Dragon, page 91

Swim is listed as +13, but if as most (or all) other Tiny creatures it uses Dex in place of Str for Climb and Swim, then it should be +17.

Dark Archive

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Faerie Dragon, page 91

Swim is listed as +13, but if as most (or all) other Tiny creatures it uses Dex in place of Str for Climb and Swim, then it should be +17.

I wish they would make this a Universal Monster Rule.. and then apply it to all Tiny creatures

Imperial Dragon, page 93

In the "Dragon Attacks and Speeds" table, the damage progression for the gore attack is listed as 4d8 for Colossal size, rather than 4d6 as per the other attacks that have the same progression (bite, claws, tail slap, crush, and also the gore itself in the Universal Monster Rules' natural attacks table).
Is it alright or an error?


Imperial Dragon, Forest Dragon, page 94-95

Other than already reported issues (namely, the Ancient Forest Dragon having Greater Weapon Focus (bite) that it can't have, and the related modification to the bite's attack bonus)...

1) All three sample Forest Dragons have tremorsense 60 ft. listed in their Senses entries; this ability, though, is not mentioned in their "general info", nor in their "growth table". By consequence, it is unknown at which age category they do gain it.

2) In the table showing the abilities of a Forest Dragon per age category, Spell Resistance is missing (although it is present in the sample stat blocks of Adult and Ancient). As per all other Dragons, it should be placed at the Young Adult age category.

3) Elemental Breath's text says that "The caster level for these effects is the same as the dragon’s caster level."
First, shouldn't it be "this effect", rather than "these effects"?
Second, which caster level? The one it uses for the spell-like abilities or the one for Sorcerer spells?
Third (less relevant, unless I'm failing to see something, but just in case...), which level of spell would it be equivalent to?

4) YOUNG FOREST DRAGON: There are 3 skill points assigned in excess (or else, Acrobatics has been wrongly considered a class skill).

Also, Fly cannot be -3. Without assigning ranks, the total would be -5 (+1 Dex, -2 size, -4 maneuverability); and by assigning a rank, it would also get the +3 from being a class skill and reach a total of -1... so, not -3 anyway.

5) ADULT FOREST DRAGON: Minor typo in the 1st level Spells. After "hypnotism (DC 14)" there's a rogue "1".
Also, Obscuring Mist has been listed before Magic Missile.
In the 3rd level spells, Wind Wall has been listed before its alphabetical turn (same for the Ancient Forest Dragon).

6) ADULT FOREST DRAGON: Opposedly to most creatures, the sample Dragons list their bonus languages due to high Int, but the Forest Dragon is missing one.

7) ADULT FOREST DRAGON: There are 5 skill points assigned in excess.

8) ADULT FOREST DRAGON: In the 2nd level spells, Glitterdust and Hideous Laughter do not list their DCs (DC 17).

9) ANCIENT FOREST DRAGON: Acrobatics cannot be +25; 25 ranks, -1 Dex gives a maximum of +24.
Anyway, counting the above as a wrong assignation of 26 skill points, the total of skill points used is 272, while the Dragon should have 275.

Grand Lodge

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Imperial Dragon, page 93

In the "Dragon Attacks and Speeds" table, the damage progression for the gore attack is listed as 4d8 for Colossal size, rather than 4d6 as per the other attacks that have the same progression (bite, claws, tail slap, crush, and also the gore itself in the Universal Monster Rules' natural attacks table).
Is it alright or an error?

I'm inclined to believe it was intentional. Since all other types of colossal dragons get two wing attacks at 2d8 each, the imperials substitute that for a single gore attack at what appears to be the combination of those two attacks' damages.

Grand Lodge

Astral Wanderer wrote:

9) ANCIENT FOREST DRAGON: Acrobatics cannot be +25; 25 ranks, -1 Dex gives a maximum of +24.

Anyway, counting the above as a wrong assignation of 26 skill points, the total of skill points used is 272, while the Dragon should have 275.

Would you mind showing your math for this? I have the Acrobatics already adjusted to +24 and my skills come out to 275 total ranks assigned.

Dark Archive

Strife2002 wrote:
Astral Wanderer wrote:

9) ANCIENT FOREST DRAGON: Acrobatics cannot be +25; 25 ranks, -1 Dex gives a maximum of +24.

Anyway, counting the above as a wrong assignation of 26 skill points, the total of skill points used is 272, while the Dragon should have 275.
Would you mind showing your math for this? I have the Acrobatics already adjusted to +24 and my skills come out to 275 total ranks assigned.

This is what I got

Skills Ranks: 275 = 0 class skills +275 race skills
Total Ranks Used 276
Skill Points Exceeded : -1

Skill HD Max:Acrobatics: Computed: 26 HD: 25

Acrobatics +25 = +26 ranks, -1 Dex
Bluff +35 = +23 ranks, +5 Cha, +3 class skill +2 Deceitful +2 Deceitful 10 ranks
Climb +47 = +23 ranks, +13 Str, +3 class skill +8 climb speed
Disguise +7 = +0 ranks, +5 Cha +2 Deceitful
Escape Artist +28 = +25 ranks, -1 Dex +2 Stealthy +2 Stealthy 10 ranks
Fly +0 = +12 ranks, -1 Dex, +3 class skill -6 Gargantuan -8 clumsy
Intimidate +33 = +25 ranks, +5 Cha, +3 class skill
Knowledge (arcana) +31 = +23 ranks, +5 Int, +3 class skill
Knowledge (nature) +31 = +23 ranks, +5 Int, +3 class skill
Perception +33 = +25 ranks, +5 Wis, +3 class skill
Spellcraft +33 = +25 ranks, +5 Int, +3 class skill
Stealth +25 = +25 ranks, -1 Dex, +3 class skill +3 SkillFocus +2 Stealthy -12 Gargantuan +2 Stealthy 10 ranks
Survival +29 = +21 ranks, +5 Wis, +3 class skill

Grand Lodge

chopswil wrote:


Ditto, save that I already brought Acrobatics down to +24 which made it come out nice (and accurate).

Strife2002 wrote:
Astral Wanderer wrote:

9) ANCIENT FOREST DRAGON: Acrobatics cannot be +25; 25 ranks, -1 Dex gives a maximum of +24.

Anyway, counting the above as a wrong assignation of 26 skill points, the total of skill points used is 272, while the Dragon should have 275.
Would you mind showing your math for this? I have the Acrobatics already adjusted to +24 and my skills come out to 275 total ranks assigned.

Sorry, it's correct as chopswil posted (in regards to how things are listed in the book).

That's what I get for not writing each element down.

Imperial Dragon, Sea Dragon, page 96-97

Other than already reported issues (namely, the Ancient Sea Dragon having Greater Weapon Focus (bite) that it can't have, and the related modification to the bite's attack bonus)...

1) Not a technical error, but it's totally abnormal that none of the three sample Sea Dragons has Power Attack.

2) YOUNG SEA DRAGON: Opposedly to most creatures, the sample Dragons list their bonus languages due to high Int, but the Young Sea Dragon is missing one.

3) ANCIENT SEA DRAGON: Minor: in the 6th level spells, Freezing Sphere is listed before Forceful Hand; in the spell-like abilities, Control Water is listed before Call Lightning.

Imperial Dragon, Sky Dragon, page 98-99

Other than already reported issues...

1) Am I failing to see something or is it just useless that a creature with supernatural flight like an Imperial Dragon gets Feather Fall as a spell-like ability?
At present, the only use I can see for it is when, in a fight between two Sky Dragons, one successfully uses its Grounding Breath on the other that is flying and thus risks falling.

2) Is it alright that a Great Wyrm gets the Stormbolts spell-like ability at will?

3) YOUNG SKY DRAGON: Opposedly to most creatures, the sample Dragons list their bonus languages due to high Int, but the Young Sky Dragon is missing one.

4) ANCIENT SKY DRAGON: It should know four 5th level spells, but only three are listed.

5) ANCIENT SKY DRAGON: This is a heavy one... it should have 24 HD, but has 23 listed; all the values based on HD (BAB and all attack bonuses, saves, skills, CL for spell-like abilities, special abilities DCs, and so on) are consequently 1 point too low.

Grand Lodge

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Imperial Dragon, Sky Dragon, page 98-99

Other than already reported issues...

1) Am I failing to see something or is it just useless that a creature with supernatural flight like an Imperial Dragon gets Feather Fall as a spell-like ability?
At present, the only use I can see for it is when, in a fight between two Sky Dragons, one successfully uses its Grounding Breath on the other that is flying and thus risks falling.

Well, it can be cast on other creatures, too, and being a LG creature it's not far-fetched that such a creature could have non-naturally flying allies (say, the PCs) helping it out in the skies. Should one be knocked off of a flying mount, having a sky dragon and its feather fall ability around would be super useful.

Grand Lodge

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Imperial Dragon, Sky Dragon, page 98-99

Other than already reported issues...

5) ANCIENT SKY DRAGON: This is a heavy one... it should have 24 HD, but has 23 listed; all the values based on HD (BAB and all attack bonuses, saves, skills, CL for spell-like abilities, special abilities DCs, and so on) are consequently 1 point too low.

Whoa...great catch! For those of you who are updating your books and want the specific changes from this:

- Senses Perception +40

- hp 348 (24d12+192)

- Fort +20, Ref +14, Will +22

- Melee bite +33...2 claws +32...gore +32...tail slap +30

- Special Attacks breath weapon (DC 29)...crush (DC 29)...tail sweep (DC 29)

- Spell-Like Abilities (CL 24th; concentration +31)
* call lightning storm (DC 23)
* control winds (DC 23)
* gust of wind (DC 20)

- Base Atk +24; CMB +40; CMD 49 (53 vs. trip)

- Skills
* Acrobatics +23 (+27 when jumping)
* Appraise +34
* Diplomacy +34
* Fly +28
* Heal +34
* Knowledge (arcana) +34
* Knowledge (geography) +34
* Knowledge (planes) +34
* Knowledge (religion) +34
* Perception +40
* Perform (sing) +31
* Sense Motive +34
* Spellcraft +34

(EDIT: Additionally I'd say another ability point put into one of its ability scores is in order for hitting 24 HD, but the section detailing dragon statistics says that ability score increases are included in the adjustments mentioned on the Dragon Ability Scores table on page 93, which this guy seems to have right.)

Imperial Dragon, Sovereign Dragon, page 100-101

Other than already reported issues...

1) Is it alright that an Ancient gets the Prismatic Spray spell-like ability at will and a Great Wyrm also gets Moment of Prescience at will?

2) ANCIENT SOVEREIGN DRAGON: In the spell-like abilities, Prismatic Spray doesn't have its DC listed (DC 24).

Imperial Dragon, Underworld Dragon, page 102-103

Other than already reported issues...

1) More than the other Imperial Dragons, with a Great Wyrm Underworld Dragon being CR 19, is it alright that it gets Clashing Rocks at will?

2) YOUNG UNDERWORLD DRAGON: It shouldn't have the Improved Critical feat; its BAB reaches the required +8 at 8 HD, which is the amount it has, but at the 8th HD it doesn't get feats...

3) YOUNG UNDERWORLD DRAGON: It has spells listed as if it had CL 1st, but he doesn't have any CL for spells at all. CL 1st is at Juvenile age category.

4) ANCIENT UNDERWORLD DRAGON: It has a listed burrow speed of 50 ft., but according to the Underworld Burrower special ability it should have 60 ft. at that age category.

Dragonne, page 104

Minor: in the Special Attacks entry, Roar has been listed before Pounce.

Drake, Desert, page 105

Sandstorm Breath's text says that it deals "3d6 points of damage" (plus the rest). Shouldn't that be bludgeoning damage?

Dybbuk, page 108

Other than already reported issues...

It has the Weapon Finesse feat, but it's useless, since incorporeal creatures that have no Str score, automatically use Dex to hit in melee.

Unfettered Eidolon, page 110

1) In the "Evolution Points" section, it is said that an Unfettered Eidolon starts with 8 EP, regardless of its base form; written like that, it could lead to misunderstandings, such as each base form granting its listed starting evolutions plus 8 additional points (what is said in the "Creating an Unfettered Eidolon" section doesn't make it more clear).

2) The "Creating an Unfettered Eidolon" section says that the sample stat block is of an Eidolon with 15 EP, but in the SQ entry, the total is of 14 (bite [1], climb [1], energy attacks [2], flight [2], gore [2],
improved natural armor [2], reach [bite] [1], slam [1], tail [1], tail slap [1]).
In truth, by looking at the listed fly speed, it's clear that an additional point was spent on the Flight evolution to increase the speed to 40 ft; so, the SQ entry would better enlist "flight [3]".
Also, it wouldn't be bad if "energy attacks" and "gore" were listed as "energy attacks [2]" and "gore [2]".

3) Since an Unfettered Eidolon gains one additional HD for each EP spent beyond the starting 8, the one of the sample stat block, with 15 EP, should have 8 HD instead of 10.
If the stat block was intended to effectively be of a 10 HD Eidolon (for which feats, ability scores, natural armor, saves, skills and BAB are all correct as listed), then it is missing the assignation of 2 EP and the "Creating an Unfettered Eidolon" section should say that the stat block is of an Eidolon with 17 EP.

4) The sample Unfettered Eidolon has the Slam evolution, but it can't have it (Slam requires Arms).
As a direct consequence, the slam attack in the melee entry should be removed and the EP assigned to Slam can be assigned to something else.

On a side note, the only way I see to allocate those 2 missing EP and the free EP (from Slam) reducing modifications to the statblock to the minimum, is assigning them to the Improved Evasion evolution.
Or else, leaving 1 EP to Slam and assigning the other 2 to Arms, but in this case... what about the picture?

Familiar, Flying Squirrel, page 112

Other than the already reported issue in skill bonuses...

About the skills' racial modifiers, +11 is a quite unusual bonus. I suppose it was meant to be +12, also because it enlists a "(+8 when jumping)" supposedly due to speed, and since speed gives -4, 8 + 4 = 12.
That would make a total of Acrobatics +16 (+12 when jumping).

Also, its Stealth bonus might be worth listing, since it's +10.


Familiar, Raccoon, page 113

Climb bonus is listed as +7, but should be +10 (+2 Dex, +8 racial).

Also, its Stealth bonus might be worth listing, since it's +10.

Faun, page 114

Other than already reported issues...

Possessing masterwork panpipes, its Perform (wind) bonus should be +11.

JoelF847 wrote:
p. 119 Flumph - Stench Spray DC should be DC 11 = 10 + 1/2 of 2HD + Cha mod (0)

It's the Con mod, but otherwise right: it should be DC 11.

Fey Creature, Fey Giant Toad, page 116

The creature type is missing "(augmented animal)".

Perhaps this should also be noted in the Type entry of the Creating a Fey Creature section.

Dark Archive

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Familiar, Raccoon, page 113

Climb bonus is listed as +7, but should be +10 (+2 Dex, +8 racial).

It's because they used Str instead of Dex (which makes the numbers work) even though they said at the beginning of the familiar section to use Dex for Climb

Foo Creature, page 120

1) FOO DOG: speed is listed as 30 ft., but the base creature's speed (Riding Dog from the first Bestiary) is 40 ft.
This would also change its Acrobatics bonus to "Acrobatics +6 (+14 when jumping)".

2) FOO LION: claw damage in the Melee entry is listed as 1d6, but the base creature's claws deal 1d4.
Actually, it could be unclear where the error really is, because the Lion is a Large creature, and universal monster rules say that a Large creature's claws dela 1d6. But both the Lion and Foo Lion rake attacks (which are claws) deal 1d4, so the error seem to really be in the Melee line of the Foo Lion (although I suppose the listed rake special attack is a copy/paste from the base Lion [see #3 below], and as such, not totally trustworthy, about the 1d4/1d6 matter).

3) In the Special Attacks entry, rake bonus to hit is listed as +7, but should be +8; bonus to damage is listed as +5, but should be +6.

4) FOO LION: the reach is listed as 10 ft., but the base creature's reach is 5 ft.

5) FOO LION: natural armor is listed as +3, but +3 is the base creature's, so it should be +5, thus changing the AC entry to "AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, -1 size)".

6) FOO LION: skills have some issues. First, the racial modifiers: the base creature's are "+4 Acrobatics, +4 Stealth (+8 in undergrowth)", while in the Foo Lion's they have been changed to "+4 Acrobatics
when jumping, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth (+8 in undergrowth)".
Second, if the ranks have the same allocation as the base creature's (1 to acrobatics, 2 to Perception and 2 to Stealth), by applying either the base or the Foo racial modifiers, you won't get anyway the same bonuses for skills as they are listed in the Foo Lion's skills (and not even by changing ranks allocation).
By maintaining the base creature's ranks allocation and racial modifiers, the Skills entry should read "Acrobatics +11 (+15 when jumping), Perception +9, Stealth +8 (+12 in undergrowth); Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4 Stealth (+8 in undergrowth)".

Garden Ooze, page 122

Might be worth noting in its skills that it has a +7 Stealth bonus.


Garuda, page 123

Spellcraft and Survival may well be considered class skills thanks to the Outsider's varied nature thing (the other two, already assigned, are Acrobatics and Intimidate).

Ghorazagh, page 124

Knowledge (dungeoneering) hasn't been considered a class skill, but it should.
Or at least could, but since Aberrations have a Knowledge skill to choose as a class skill, if the Ghorazagh doesn't pick that single one to which it has assigned ranks... you know...

Cerberi, page 51

Other than already reported issues...

Special Attacks: the 3 bites version of Rend lists damage as 1d6+8. With the Cerberi having Str 16, that +8 must be the result of a quite odd calculation, like (1-1/2 Str modifier rounded down) x 2.
Is it alright?


Ghul, page 125

Special Attacks: Rend doesn't say what triggers it (supposedly, the usual 2 claws).

Giant, Ash, page 126

Other than already reported issues...

1) Special Abilities: in Disease's text, frequency is listed as "1 day", but should be "1/day".

2) Special Abilities: Vermin Empathy says that the Ash Giant has a racial bonus equal to its HD, but other creatures with the same ability, such as the Mite, make a distiction on the nature of that racial bonus. The Mite's Vermin Empathy assumes that the Mite adds its HD (1) and Charisma modifier (-1) as basics, and says that it gets a standalone +4 racial bonus.

Strife2002 wrote:

Cave giant - Pg. 127

Rock throwing seems to be off. Stat block says +5 but:

6 (BAB) + 1 (rock throwing ability) - 1 (size) = +6

Desert giant - Pg. 128

Rock throwing seems to be off. Stat block says +11 but:

9 (BAB) + 3 (Dex) + 1 (rock throwing ability) - 1 (size) = +12

Plus, their damage is listed as per their Str modifier, but the general rule would have it 1-1/2 Str.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Fey Creature, Fey Giant Toad, page 116

The creature type is missing "(augmented animal)".

Perhaps this should also be noted in the Type entry of the Creating a Fey Creature section.

Probably. Mistaken assumption that this rather functionless bit of the rules had been dropped :)

Grand Lodge

Astral Wanderer wrote:

Foo Creature, page 120

2) FOO LION: claw damage in the Melee entry is listed as 1d6, but the base creature's claws deal 1d4.
Actually, it could be unclear where the error really is, because the Lion is a Large creature, and universal monster rules say that a Large creature's claws dela 1d6. But both the Lion and Foo Lion rake attacks (which are claws) deal 1d4, so the error seem to really be in the Melee line of the Foo Lion (although I suppose the listed rake special attack is a copy/paste from the base Lion [see #3 below], and as such, not totally trustworthy, about the 1d4/1d6 matter).

Not that it matters because it's been stated time and time again that animal companions work differently than their run-of-the-mill brethren, but its worth mentioning the lion animal companion gets d6 damage dice for its claws when it hits 7th level and goes from Medium to Large.

Astral Wanderer wrote:

5) FOO LION: natural armor is listed as +3, but +3 is the base creature's, so it should be +5, thus changing the AC entry to "AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, -1 size)".

Good catch. I know you meant to say +5 natural, too.

Bogeyman, page 42

Other than already reported issues...

This may be unimportant (or maybe not), but the fact that the Bogeyman has an unexplained +7 deflection bonus to AC (and CMD) which is exactly the same value as its Charisma modifier is a little suspect. If it was intended as a fixed bonus, alright; but if it was effectively intended as turning Cha bonus to AC's deflection (as for Nymphs and others), it'd be better to state it clearly (you know, Cha damage to the monster becoming an easier AC to hit... that sort of things).

Girtablilu, page 130

Scorpion Empathy: same as for the Ash Giant's Vermin Empathy a few posts above.

chopswil wrote:

Globster p. 131

Melee Attack Bonus-Slam: Computed-6 Stat Block-9
BAB + AbilityBonus + SizeMod
4 +3 +-1

CMB: Computed-8 Stat Block-+11
BAB + SizeMod + AbilityMod
4 + 1 + 3

CMD: Computed-13 Stat Block-16
10 + BAB + StrModUsed + DexMod + SizeMod + DodgeBonus
10 + 4 + 3 + -5 + 1 + 0

Skill:Swim: Computed: 11 Stat Block: 14

ooze no skill ranks
Total Ranks Used 0

Swim +11 = +0 ranks, +3 Str +8 swim speed

We generally assume that ability scores in the stat blocks are correct, since they're arbitrary and we have no way to know if they were meant to be different. Yet, in a case such as the Globster's, I'm quite prone to think that the only error was in its Str 16. If we assign it Str 22 (as I think was intended), each of the above (I'll add Constrict damage to them) is correct as listed on the book.

And also, it is more close to the guidelines of the "Monster Statistics by CR" table in the Monster Creation section.

chopswil wrote:

Goblin Snake p. 132

Melee Attack Bonus-Bite: Computed-4 Stat Block-2
BAB + AbilityBonus + SizeMod
1 +2 +1

Plus, the skill entry doesn't enlist its +10 Swim bonus (+2 Str, +8 racial for having a swim speed).

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