Some rules questions

RPG Superstar™ 2012 General Discussion

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

1)Can you post your magic item/monster here first before you submit to get advice, feeddback, correct pricing, etc.?

2)Do you have to make the cut on the first round to play in the other rounds?

3)Will you be disquilifed for minor spelling/gramer errors?

4)What if you create an item but are not sure about pricing? the item has an ability that is different from an other item or spell for example.

5)Is there a price limit or pice range the item has to be?

6)Can your magic item have a lesser and greater version and still count as one entry?

7)Are you required to give a description of what the item looks like?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Standback

Dragon78 wrote:
1)Can you post your magic item/monster here first before you submit to get advice, feeddback, correct pricing, etc.?

No. You cannot post any entry publicly, here or elsewhere; doing so is cause for disqualification. Even letting slip important details ("this'll be a great item for sorcerers"; "I've got a cool idea based The Matrix") is not allowed. This is crucial in the first round to preserve anonymity; and in later rounds because everybody's already watching you :P However, it's OK to ask for feedback from a few friends or acquaintances, as long as you're not publicly sharing details about your entries (and neither can they).

Dragon78 wrote:
2)Do you have to make the cut on the first round to play in the other rounds?

Yes. However, many others who don't make the cut will be happy to follow along, try the challenges themselves, and give you feedback on your own attempt.

Dragon78 wrote:
3)Will you be disquilifed for minor spelling/gramer errors?

Probably. One or two minor errors might be glossed over if the item's good, but if the spelling and grammar are noticeably poor, then presentation is poor, and your entry will probably be rejected.

Dragon78 wrote:
4)What if you create an item but are not sure about pricing? the item has an ability that is different from an other item or spell for example.

Then you need to figure out how those differences and choices affect the price.

Dragon78 wrote:
5)Is there a price limit or pice range the item has to be?

I think 200,000 has been cited as an upper limit.

Dragon78 wrote:
6)Can your magic item have a lesser and greater version and still count as one entry?

Yes, but consider whether splitting your item into two sub-items really adds value to your entry, or only spends up your word count.

Dragon78 wrote:
7)Are you required to give a description of what the item looks like?

It's generally expected, but if you think your item stands better without it, that might be a valid choice.

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9

@5 - any item above 200,000gp is classified as 'epic' and isn't yet included in Pathfinder's official rules. Therefore, if it would have a cost of 200,000gp or greater, it's not for Pathfinder anymore - and thus probably doesn't qualify.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 7

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Dragon, most of the answers you're looking for can be found in the Round 1 Rules and FAQ, Contest FAQ, or the Contest rules (all linked from the Superstar page) or Sean's advice thread (which is stickied.)

In summary:

1) No.
2) Yes.
3) You will not be disqualified (that requires an actual rules violation), but they do not help your chances to make the Top 32.
4) That's part of the challenge. You have to figure it out.
5) No.
6) It can.
7) What do the items in the Core Rulebook do?

Shadow Lodge Marathon Voter Season 6

2 people marked this as a favorite.


3) Regarding spelling/grammar: It is a courtesy to anyone who reads your writing to write as clearly as possible. Anything less than that is sloppy and shows your respect for your audience is not as good as it could be.

4) No item has ever made it in or been forced out of the top 32 based upon imprecise pricing. As long as you get the order of magnitude correct, the judges more than likely won't blink an eyelid.

7) Not offering a description of your item is like eating a 3 hat meal with a blindfold on. You'll know how nice it tastes but you're missing the visual splendor that unites the entire presentation and experience. This doesn't mean going over the top but giving your audience a definite mental picture that they can imagine and build upon.

In addition to what everyone else is saying, I suggest you have a close look at each of the items that made top 32 in previous RPG Superstar competition. In particular, read the entire thread for each focusing on the judges comments. If you do this, you will have a really good idea of what the judges are looking for and what things will cause them issues.

Pay particular note that not that many entries go over the 20,000gp mark, let alone the 100,000gp mark and I don't think any have even gotten close to 200,000gp. In the RPg Superstar Seminar podcast, I think it was Sean that mentions that anything over 100,000gp really does not work that well as a wondrous item. I think it fair to say that the judges will always place a 300gp imaginative and tightly designed wondrous item over a 150,000gp uber item. It is not a competition to see who can create the most powerful item, but the most imaginative, useful and coolest one.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Wise words, Herremann.

I thought there was a way to check word count on this site...was I mistaken?

Otherwise what method or program is the golden mean?


Paizo Employee Developer , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Wild Gazebo wrote:

I thought there was a way to check word count on this site...was I mistaken?

Otherwise what method or program is the golden mean?


When you type out your entry in the submission box and hit "preview," it will give you a word count. I recommend (and the judges have recommended) using Microsoft Word to do your initial word count, then double-check before you submit it using the "preview" button.

I tried that...I just didn't see the count. I'll try again.

Thanks though.

Yep. Still don't see it. I'll just use word...and hope that if it's close it will be in my favor. ;)

Paizo Employee Developer , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Wild Gazebo wrote:

I tried that...I just didn't see the count. I'll try again.

Thanks though.

It shows up in the preview of your item, next to the title of the post.

Shadow Lodge Marathon Voter Season 6

Wild Gazebo wrote:

I tried that...I just didn't see the count. I'll try again.

Thanks though.

Scroll to the top so the header is showing, it should have your title in caps followed by the word count.

I have noticed one instance where Microsoft Word is different to the word counter:

No judges just in case:
Word does not count an em dash as a word where as Paizo's counter does. It took me forever to work out where the one word discrepancy was coming from.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


Wild Gazebo wrote:
Yep. Still don't see it. I'll just use word...and hope that if it's close it will be in my favor. ;)

Take a look at this screenshot of the preview page of a (joke) I made last year: link

You'll see the word count on the very second line:

first line is Paizo/Messageboards...
second line is Sean Reynolds's Sword... and the word count is at the end of this line.

Thanks guys! Just for future reference...if you don't put a title in the title line (because I was just testing) the word count won't show up.


Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

Dude, I'd probably hit KEEP on that item!


(just kidding of course)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6

#3) Amour. That is all. (Yes I'll never forgive myself)

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