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In my games I envision CLW Wands and their ilk functioning within a reasonable radius i.e. line of sight, generally within 60 feet.
I realize this is not the way the rules work.
Can anyone who knows a bit about wands, enlighten me about their function e.g. Wand of Force Missles vs. Wand of CLW. Ranged, radius, or touch?

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To expand upon Serisan's answer (which is correct) and to use your examples:
You can make either of those at a higher caster level for bigger effects (and range for the magic missile wand), but the cost goes up accordingly. For example, a Wand of Magic Missiles created at a caster level of 5 would have the following:
Cost: 3750 gp (spell level 1 x Caster level 5 x 750 gp)
Range: 150 ft (100 ft + 10 ft/level)
Damage: 3 missiles @ 1d4+1 each.
While a Cure light wounds wand at that level would be:
Cost: 3750 gp (spell level 1 x Caster level 5 x 750 gp)
Range: Still touch
Healing: 1d8+5 (max level healing for Cure light wounds)

Dragonchess Player |

If you want to heal with a wand at range, a wand of Reach cure light wounds (cure light wounds with Reach Spell metamagic, 2nd-level effective spell) has a market price of 4,500 gp and heals 1d8+3 hp per charge at close range (30 ft for CL 3). Alternately, you can take the Experimental Spellcaster feat to pick up the lesser cure effect word (as well as all target words and the boost metaword) and create a wand of selected lesser cure with a market price of 750 gp that can heal 1d6+1 hp per charge at close range (25 ft for CL 1).

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Best thing to do is think of wands as swish and flick instead of point at shoot. They're not spell guns. Instead they are really nothing more than a focus which allows someone holding it in hand to cast the spell it contains as if they were a caster with the minimum requirements to cast that spell.
Handy reminder: If you use a wand of CLW to damage undead, and miss, you are still holding the charge like any other touch attack spell. Even if you put away or drop the wand, you are still holding the charge until you touch something or cast another spell. Once used, what happens to the wand is irrelevant.

Quantum Steve |

Best thing to do is think of wands as swish and flick instead of point at shoot. They're not spell guns. Instead they are really nothing more than a focus which allows someone holding it in hand to cast the spell it contains as if they were a caster with the minimum requirements to cast that spell.
Handy reminder: If you use a wand of CLW to damage undead, and miss, you are still holding the charge like any other touch attack spell. Even if you put away or drop the wand, you are still holding the charge until you touch something or cast another spell. Once used, what happens to the wand is irrelevant.
I get that line of reasoning, but by it you need to have a free hand to deliver the spell, i.e. not the hand holding the wand.