Asheville Pathfinder Society Lodge

Local Play

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Dark Archive 3/5

So, do I need to call the canteena to place the order and go pick it up when it's ready?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Yes, yes I am signed up. I also apparently have a jury trial session immediately afterwards. Ah well- work hard, play hard. That does mean I don't think I can put forth the brain-space to run any games that weekend, but I will still be there with bells on!

Scarab Sages 4/5

No they keep it hot and ready and its close enough that you can go order and walk away with it. They may be willing to take orders for lunch and dinner each day and generally time it really well with the lunch and dinner breaks. But it is real close to the PFS area. This conversation is making me hungry, plus I am going to take a tour of the new 2014-2018 location today.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Del- Will you have a Warhorn or other Signup available soon?

Scarab Sages 4/5

Yep - I am trying to not overrun the MACE programming and they are opening their sign up October 1, which is when we were planning on opening ours up so we decided that we will wait two weeks and open on the 15th.

Dark Archive 3/5

Well, looks like I'll be busy at Scarab in January.

In case anyone is interested in knowing what I'll be running: QFP all day on Saturday, Intro Steps all day Sunday and Tide Of Twilight first thing on Monday.

I'll be keeping myself free from running all day on Friday and Monday afternoon.

Scarab Sages 4/5

7 slots? That is almost your first star. Way to go.

Liberty's Edge

I know, I know, it's been forever, and no, I'm not even going to attempt to get caught up on this posts I've missed here.
I'm sorry I've been gone, what with job and school, I figured it would just depress me to come in here and talk about the game I had no time to play.
SO! Here's what's changed. My schedule is now more solid, and while I still can't fit in Saturday nights, I CAN make a regular event on friday nights, if anyone would be interested in having some games then.

ALSO, I have talked about this in the past with a few of you, but I've been making strides towards getting a chapter of the Pathfinder society in Sylva/Cullowhee/Western. I have at least 5-6 interested people, as well as just being introduced to a group that has a home-brew pathfinder game going that I was entirely unaware of.
SO, who was interested in taking part in such an endeavor with me? So far, I've been helping them all to make characters, but I was hoping to run a few of them through the intros pretty soon

Anywho, hope to hear from you all soon, and I hope the games have been going well. I miss you all, seriously

Dark Archive 3/5

Delbert Collins II wrote:
7 slots? That is almost your first star. Way to go.

I'll be glad to ge that star. If I don't have my first star by then, I'll get it at Scarab.

Dark Archive 3/5

Delbert Collins II wrote:
7 slots? That is almost your first star. Way to go.

At the event, if you happen to be looking for me, just look for the stockpile of energy drinks. The tables should be fun, but I'll probably tired going from 8 am til 1 am.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Goln "Goon" Leapstep wrote:


I know, I know, it's been forever, and no, I'm not even going to attempt to get caught up on this posts I've missed here.
I'm sorry I've been gone, what with job and school, I figured it would just depress me to come in here and talk about the game I had no time to play.
SO! Here's what's changed. My schedule is now more solid, and while I still can't fit in Saturday nights, I CAN make a regular event on friday nights, if anyone would be interested in having some games then.

ALSO, I have talked about this in the past with a few of you, but I've been making strides towards getting a chapter of the Pathfinder society in Sylva/Cullowhee/Western. I have at least 5-6 interested people, as well as just being introduced to a group that has a home-brew pathfinder game going that I was entirely unaware of.
SO, who was interested in taking part in such an endeavor with me? So far, I've been helping them all to make characters, but I was hoping to run a few of them through the intros pretty soon

Anywho, hope to hear from you all soon, and I hope the games have been going well. I miss you all, seriously

On the last page someone was talking about starting Friday afternoon games, only have to go back one page, not all the ones you have missed, and depending what my work schedule is if I can make it I would be willing to come out there to run an intro or two for you, or any of the other 1-5 scenarios I have.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Just a Reminder:
I'll be at the WT 12-close running Intro's if anyone wants to bring some new people!

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Granyt wrote:

On the last page someone was talking about starting Friday afternoon games, only have to go back one page, not all the ones you have missed, and depending what my work schedule is if I can make it I would be willing to come out there to run an intro or two for you, or any of the other 1-5 scenarios I have.

Yeah I was

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Goon! Welcome back, man! Let us know if there's anything that we can do here to help out with the formation of APL-Sylva! Awesome awesome time!

Happy Friday, y'all. Week's almost dead and gone. *whew*

Gaming today/tonight with ObscureLego at the WT (Intro Steps) starting at 12noon. Gaming tomorrow all day at Lodge Day. Check out the WARHORN!!!!

Convention news:

ACE is going down on October 13th at the Asheville Expo (Civic) Center. PFS (and other!) games via this WARHORN and after-ACE PFS games at the WT via this WARHORN. Gotta catch 'em all!!!

MACE is going down November 2-4 in Charlotte. Website is HERE and links to the OGRe sign-up for games just went live!!! Get in on the hoopla!

SCARAB (Del Collins' little baby) will be happening sometime in January....ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? If I wrote that, DC2 would come up to Asheville and smack me. Del's bomb-diggity of a convention will take place from January 18-21 in Columbia, SC, and it will rock the ever lovin' rock. Website is HERE. Sign-ups are not live yet, and likely won't be until October 15th. Stay posted.

And finally.....DragonCon 2013!!! It's not too early to plan, my wee will-o-wisps! And the hotels are going fast and furious....or will be going starting on Tuesday, October 2nd. Check out your schedules; get your gaming planning going now.

Alright, enough cray-cray for this Friday. Game out with your dice out, peeps.


Shadow Lodge 2/5

Dink, where would i find the Society Numbers for new players?

3/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Do you think there will be more games added in the coming days, or is this set? I'm trying to decide if I want to come down to Asheville next Saturday, or hold out for ACE, but I don't see any games for next week, and I've already played Cyphermage Dilemma.

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Next Saturday, the 6th, won't be a regular lodge day. The Cyphermage Dilemma is the post-ACE game on the 13th. There will likely be games going on on the 6th, but they haven't been planned just yet. Of course, you could always come to the awesome APL Game Day planned for tomorrow, RainyDay (LAST WARHORN SIGN-UP OF THE WEEK!!!)

ObscureLego, you'll need to go to the event page for your event night (or create it HERE (upper right hand corner)). Once you've created your event, scroll to the bottom of the page. That'll let you download PFS ID numbers.

Let me know if you're having difficulties; we can sort it out for you.


RainyDayNinja wrote:
Do you think there will be more games added in the coming days, or is this set? I'm trying to decide if I want to come down to Asheville next Saturday, or hold out for ACE, but I don't see any games for next week, and I've already played Cyphermage Dilemma.

There are 5 games scheduled for tomorrow:

Oct. 6th doesn't have anything scheduled yet, but it's not uncommon for something to be added on the off-weekends.

Oct. 13th is ACE:
& after ACE is when the Cyphermage Dilemma is happening, at The Wyvern's Tale:

I tend to keep a tab opened for this thread and for the APL WarHorn page, since unfortunately neither seem to have a way to subscribe to email updates.

3/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I've already got my own game scheduled for tomorrow, and I don't want to leave my players hanging since I was out of town last weekend. I'll keep an eye out for next Saturday.

Sovereign Court

So I may not be there tomorrow. I either have a royally fouled fuel filter or a dead fuel pump. So I will be under the hood in the morning to see if it is (hopefully) the filter, in which case I hope to make the 12pm game. Otherwise I will be at a mechanic tomorrow ... great way to spend a Saturday.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

I can't make the morning slot, but will be there for the second one. I've dropped out of the first game on Warhorn and should be current.


So is the Cyphermage game the only one running after ace? I have already played it. Will there be other games offered?

Silver Crusade 5/5

I'll be running something... we'll decide today what that will be. Something no one has run in a real long time probably

Sovereign Court

looks like I'm out for the day ... updated Warhorn ... Sorry Jason, I was looking forward to that one.

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

There will be Intro Steps being offered as well as a Season 0 or 1 scenario being offered by Luthril at the post-ACE slot. I've updated Warhorn to reflect that.

Happy Game Day!



Didn't see any updates on Warhorn for after party.

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

Try it now, Varrian. I haven't listed Luth's game yet; he'll let me soon enough what he's planning on running, but rest assured, he will have a game as well.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Ok, My selection for the 13th is added... I'll be running the Pallid Plague for levels 1-7 at 6pm... :)

Had fun yesterday... see you all soon.

Liberty's Edge

So, I clicked on those links to Warhorn, and it would seem that my password has been randomly changed without me knowing it, and therefor, I cannot sign in... Still, I thinking of "being sick" on the 13th and coming out to ACE

Silver Crusade 5/5

Yeeeah Goon! I think you may need to sign up again Adam. Can't wait to see ya buddy.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Awesome! Get back here, Pathfinder! Sound off and get on the ready line!!!

Oh, and Goon? We had a couple folks drop by from Franklin yesterday evening. I hope they come by the thread and introduce themselves. If they're interested, we might have an infusion of new blood for APL West.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Dink~ I'll be running a "Training Lodge" as i like to call it, in hopes to bring in some UNCA students into the Lodge. (It's their fall break) I'll set up an event, and do all that fun stuff.

I really enjoyed playing Madame Isriel last night! Scaring people in her party >:D
I never thought playing a Cheliax Character would be that fun! Looking forward to playing her more!

EDIT: How much does the GM credit count for? is it two for two or two for one?

Silver Crusade 5/5

GM credit is 1xp and 2 Prestige and gold for whatever difficulty your character would qualify.

Dark Archive 3/5

Luthril wrote:
GM credit is 1xp and 2 Prestige and gold for whatever difficulty your character would qualify.

Also, the boons and other benefits that a player gets.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Thanks guys!

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Looking Forward to ACE, I'm Bringing Madame Iriel Lassire. Who are you bringing?

My little bro would love to play the 12 and Under Game but he has soccer

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Had a great Time Saturday, Cant wait to Play @ Ace. OK A few questions (I know Yall Love Questions LOL) Ok When your going to gm can we gm any thing as Pathfinder Modules or do they have to be Society Modules. OK and i just found out you cant play something you have already Have played with a different PC. So once we have played it we cant play it ever again, not really understanding that part. but OK so there's my Questions thanks for helping.

Sovereign Court

Here are all of the PFS Sanctioned Modules.

And yes, you can only get credit on a scenario or module once for playing it and you can get credit a second time for running it.

That said, there is an exception. Tier 1-2 sanctioned modules (We Be Goblins, Godsmouth Heresy, Crypt of the Everflame, Master of the Fallen Fortress) and Tier 1 scenarios (the Intro scenarios) can be played multiple times for PC credit.

Silver Crusade 1/5

also you can't play again for credit, but can play for the fun of it to help make a table legal with the GM's consent

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Speaking of Intro's, I have drawn out the last three "dungeons" for intro one onto a map. I even designed Auntie Baltwin's House! I'll leave it at the Tale for free use!

Intro Spoiler:
Zarta's secret room is not drawn in. It would have to be drawn in with a dry-erase marker.

Dark Archive 3/5

Varrian Lunari wrote:
So is the Cyphermage game the only one running after ace? I have already played it. Will there be other games offered?

I'll be running In Wraith's Shadow. It is a tier 3 - 7 scenario. Last I checked, I had a ninja 3 and wizard 4 signed up to play.

Dark Archive 3/5

Ok, I made a mistake. That's what I'm running at ACE.

Intro Steps and the Pallid Plague are what's being run after ACE.

Here's the link for after ACE. Warhorn

Dark Archive 2/5

Light week this week - Judges Conference....

So, any interest in a Thursday 12-4 game? The traditional meeting of the High Noon crowd? I can run just about any scenario, so take your pick.

But sound off quickly. We'll need to see if we have the bodies to make a game.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

7th Son wrote:

Light week this week - Judges Conference....

So, any interest in a Thursday 12-4 game? The traditional meeting of the High Noon crowd? I can run just about any scenario, so take your pick.

But sound off quickly. We'll need to see if we have the bodies to make a game.

I might be able to but I'll have to see I just have to make sure I can get to AB-Tech by 5

Shadow Lodge 3/5

Are there any plans to have the GM 101 happen on a Saturday? I just can't make a 6pm on a week night but would love to be able to participate.

Also, I mentioned this earlier - my life as a Pathfinder would be more adventurous if there were some late night sessions available. If anyone has any ideas for a way to facilitate something, preferably starting around 8pm, that would be great. I think the main problem would be finding a venue. I would be willing to try my hand at running the sessions, though I lack any experience as a GM. Any ideas?

Shadow Lodge 2/5

enaudible wrote:

Are there any plans to have the GM 101 happen on a Saturday? I just can't make a 6pm on a week night but would love to be able to participate.

Also, I mentioned this earlier - my life as a Pathfinder would be more adventurous if there were some late night sessions available. If anyone has any ideas for a way to facilitate something, preferably starting around 8pm, that would be great. I think the main problem would be finding a venue. I would be willing to try my hand at running the sessions, though I lack any experience as a GM. Any ideas?

That is indeed a problem. Especially in finding a Venue. I know the WT only goes an hour over on Saturdays. Most games during the week are just one game, and saturdays are lodge days...

I know that was a crap explanation but thats what i got....

Wish I could help more!

Shadow Lodge 2/5

I'll be running Intro's again this week, 12-10 at the Wyvren's Tale if anyone knows some people that never really have come to the society meetings. I hope to bring some people in from AB-Tech as well. So new faces all around!

Edit: If I get new people, should I get the D20's of Bludgeoning for them?

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

The initial idea behind the GM 101 on a Friday night is to offer it immediately prior to the next APL Game Day, allowing folks who participated an opportunity to see pay-offs from their Geek Education in a quick fashion. We'll likely repeat a GM 101 class again in the future. I will make certain to take a Saturday request for it.

Still working on a late night game, but the venue is the problem. What nights are you thinking about, Enaudible?

Shadow Lodge 3/5

I could make it most any night, but Friday/Saturdays are usually best, and for me make the potentially longer game less of a problem. I would offer to host at my house but she would kill me as my house wouldn't really accommodate.

There is one business (food service) location I know of that stays open to 12 on Friday/Saturday that may be willing to let us camp out there. I often camp out there for hours on end, just not with 6 other people and a big map. I imagine it would have to be limited to a single group of 6+GM. I can inquire if there would be interest.

enaudible wrote:
There is one business (food service) location I know of that stays open to 12 on Friday/Saturday that may be willing to let us camp out there.

There are some 24-hour spots, Huddle House, Waffle House, IHOP, Denny's etc. If we're not causing problems and the place isn't so packed that we're taking up space that more customers might sit, that might work. I'd figure the after-bar crowd probably wouldn't start until after 1 AM.

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