Gestalt Settings

Homebrew and House Rules

Dark Archive

are there any settings out there that are built using the Gestalt rules? maybe a homebrew you guys made? if so what are the big differences you see/made in that setting?

ulgulanoth wrote:
are there any settings out there that are built using the Gestalt rules? maybe a homebrew you guys made? if so what are the big differences you see/made in that setting?

Somone mentioned that maxing out HP for enemies is the easiest way to significantly help the balance issue.

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Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
are there any settings out there that are built using the Gestalt rules? maybe a homebrew you guys made? if so what are the big differences you see/made in that setting?
Somone mentioned that maxing out HP for enemies is the easiest way to significantly help the balance issue.

That'd be me. As long as your players aren't trying to break the game, maximizing hit points should bring NPCs and monsters back to relative combat parity with the PCs, at least in my experience.

If your players are trying to break the game, then there's not much you can do outside of the Orbital Bovine Launcher.

I frequently calculate the party as being 1-2 levels higher and all enemies as 1 CR weaker. Hasn't killed anyone yet... yet.

I've never done this, but the way I'd do it is allow monsters to gestalt a PC class with their racial HD. Of course, most would be grabbing levels in Barbarian, Fighter, or possibly Ranger, but a Balor Wizard/Outsider would be a truly fearsome opponent.

Also, this way would require the most math.

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