DM Stephens Serpents Skull Campaign - OOC Discussion

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lol, no problem, I wanted to share some pics with some other folks and forgot people can view everything on there.

I am a huge sportscar fanatic so I can't help but own something that doesn't make any sense to drive practically...but can you ever have enough Horsepower????

Dark Archive

No longer matters Drow Lich Epic level Wizard/Cleric of considerable ability

That is what you bought after selling the Porsche?


So I can't find anything that would make me rule that paralyzed characters immediately go prone. To me it is the same thing as hold person, that doesn't automatically make you go prone either.

Unless someone can show me an FAQ I plan to rule that everyone is still standing and not prone.

Dark Archive

No longer matters Drow Lich Epic level Wizard/Cleric of considerable ability

As the guilty party for inserting the prone bit... I am fine with everyone standing... :)

Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

I did the basic checking and you are right, it does say "rooting in place", not falling prone. Though it does say helpless, so it would be easy to get knocked prone, which makes perfect sense to me.

Oh, and in checking this out, I did see in the ghoul description where it said elves are immune to the ghoul paralysis. Sorry about having to ask about that before, but I make a conscious effort to not look at creatures in the bestiary when we are encountering them; I only checked the elves descriptions to try and find the immunity.

Dark Archive

No longer matters Drow Lich Epic level Wizard/Cleric of considerable ability

I have always played paralysis as prone even though officially it does not do that. I mentioned it to Stephen on IM. As well, anyone can move through a paralyzed character's square freely (friend or foe) but they still cannot end their movement there.

I felt compelled to mention this when Mihai pointed out the ghoul standing over him. :)

That and we could really use all the actions we can get right now. :)

HP 39/30, AC- 11 (15 MA) T- 11 FF- 10 (14MA), CMD- 12, F +6, R +4, W +7, P +7, In +5

Paralysis never made you go prone in any edition to my knowledge. This game was the first i'd heard of it. Just didn't have enough time to correct it.

As a Helpless creature, you can move through a paralysed creature's square RAW as well as stand in it.

Dark Archive

No longer matters Drow Lich Epic level Wizard/Cleric of considerable ability

I freely admit it was a house rule... :)

Sovereign Court

I'm now finally moving up to Southampton for university. Things will be hectic for me but will settle down on the 1st of October, at which time expect much more posting from me.

I'll try and weigh in where possible but please don't let the game be waiting for me on anything except combat. Assume my character is passive and goes with the flow. Should be able to keep up with combats but perhaps not more than that and if i'm too slow, bot me.

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim archetype) 6

Mihai will be flying out of Malaysia and back into Australia on 28th September and will be visiting family for a couple of weeks through to the 15th of October. While I should still be able to check in periodically it will likely cause a few interruptions and my posts may involve a little more brevity than usual.

If needed at any point feel free to keep things moving with a DMPC :)

Normally, crawling 5' is a move action (pg. 186). I'm just asking a question, not going to argue with the answer: Why can't Corb withdraw?

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim archetype) 6

Fredrik - thread with discussion of same issue.

Corbius has an option - but would require the use of Acrobatics.

Thank you!! I was wondering why I felt like I'd already had this conversation before...

NP, I don't know all of the rules by heart, not sure why I remembered it as a full round vs. move. Move is fine, let's see if he really wants to take the AOO or just delay until after Tragershen and ask him to move...

Dark Archive

No longer matters Drow Lich Epic level Wizard/Cleric of considerable ability

NOOOOOooooooo!!! :O


Male Halfling (Molthuni) Barbarian 1 Ranger (Trapper) 3

An amulet of natural armor +1, and a ring of swimming! Nice. (I'm just happy to be alive.) Anton passes on the amulet, already having the best AC in the group. Of course he wants the ring, due to his hatred of sahuagin -- which is precisely why I would expect the group to not let him have it; and anyway, he already has Azlanti boots.

For now, until we get back to civilization and do a loot split, Anton would recommend that Nim wear the amulet. Even with the ring of protection, he still doesn't have enough AC for being attacked all the time, which is inevitable with his melee damage output.

The ring should probably just go to the person with the lowest Swim skill -- looks like Aedalis with -4 -- in case he gets knocked into the water, or for when we cross to the grey islet.

Dark Archive

No longer matters Drow Lich Epic level Wizard/Cleric of considerable ability

While Nim could certainly use more AC... I do not want to short change other characters...

The ring to someone with a low swim check sounds good.

Dark Archive

No longer matters Drow Lich Epic level Wizard/Cleric of considerable ability
Anton Green wrote:
DM Stephen wrote:
Don't worry Aedalis, I got you covered until the 1st...then I expect full participation! :]
Bad news: he won't actually have internet access at home until the 11th.

I'm sure he has seen that. DM Stephen is in that game... as am I. :)

Oh, I saw it in DM AK's Sargavan Saga. Been following it from the beginning -- great game!

Male Halfling (Molthuni) Barbarian 1 Ranger (Trapper) 3
Lord oKOyA wrote:
While Nim could certainly use more AC... I do not want to short change other characters...

I see a couple different ways of looking at it. One is to try to balance it out, kind of pre-splitting. Another is to try and optimize our performance, so that we survive to split. (Loot. Not the group, or like an ooze.) I prefer survival to pre-splitting.

(As a side note, I've come to appreciate doing loot splits ooc, since then I can talk about philosophy like this. It's a reasonable compensation for the loss of the roleplay opportunity.)

So for group performance optimization, there are (again) a few ways of looking at it. Just talking about the amulet of natural armor +1, one is to look at who has the lowest armor (probably Aedalis?). Another is to look at who takes the most dirt naps (I think it's between me and Corbrius). A third is to look at whose health has been the most critical to our combat survival, on a round-by-round basis.

...and now I've talked myself into voting for Mihai, since damn. We all contributed, but if anyone is smart enough to target him -- or just hits us from behind -- then we're much more likely to all die. This last combat made that very clear.

Everyone brings something to the table. Corbrius is up front and does get hit a lot....

Anyways, let's go ahead and start working on leveling characters. Unfortunately Alex's absense will slow things down some, the timing ended up being not so good but we will deal with it.

HP 39/30, AC- 11 (15 MA) T- 11 FF- 10 (14MA), CMD- 12, F +6, R +4, W +7, P +7, In +5

Aedalis' AC is a lost cause. No claim on the ring either. Posting from phone

Male Human 6th level Druid
Init +1 Perception +12 AC 20 Tch 13 FF 19 HP 59 Fort+7(+8 vs disease) Ref+3 Will+8 Spd 20' CMB +11 CMD 23 Acro-2*Climb+6*Esc Art-2*Spellcraft+5 Stealth-2*Swim +6 ACP -2 (shield)

IMHO the amulet should go to one of the front line melee types. (Corb, Anton or Nim/Wic) While protecting Mihai is a worthy cause, the frequency with which he should (hopefully) be subjected to direct attacks makes putting the AC bump there less than optimal. It will be underutilized and unlikely to matter in an one off attack roll scenario when needed. It will pay bigger dividends (over time) on someone who gets attacked a lot.

Anton's AC 22 is already the best by far. Corb rocks an 18 most of the time while Nim is usually at 16 or 17 (w/ shield). Wic has the worst AC of the front liners, but no way do we give him anything until everyone else is decked out.

It is really a toss up between Corb and Nim. Arguments can be made for both...


Levelling up has begun. Nim is so angry sometimes I'm tossing around the idea of taking a level in barbarian. :)

He is never going to be caster focused (no 2nd level spells at this time)... but that would also hurt Wic's progression. Fixable with a feat... but still. Thoughts? Opinions? :)

Sovereign Court

You have enough wisdom to be able to cast some spells that don't rely on saving throws, pretty much self-buffs rather than many things. A headband of wisdom etc. will cover you before you actually get to 5th level spells, I am sure.

Stay straight Druid, rush Wild Shape. If you insist on dipping out of Druid, plan 4 levels of it to maximise the use of Boon Companion. 2 levels Ranger, 2 levels Barbarian perhaps.

Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

I would say Corbius for the amulet, to help bring him closer to Anton for his front line duties. The ring, perhaps Mihai for now?

Dark Archive

No longer matters Drow Lich Epic level Wizard/Cleric of considerable ability

How are we doing HP again?

Are spells/feats/etc allowed from UC and UM?

Likely staying pure druid...

UC/UM is mostly a no, I don't have the books so I haven't really been able to think through the balance. If you have something you REALLY want, I will consider it bu no guarantees.

Don't forget to summarize your changes in a post when you are ready. HP I think is average rounded up per level...I will look back at the 2nd lvl posting.

Male Human Magus 4(Bladebound)
Asilande +9(1d6+4/18-20x2), Dagger +6 (1d4+2/19-20x2), Longbw +7 (1d6/20x3)
CL 4 +6 melee, +6 ranged, Conc +9
Init+3, Perc+2,AC19/14/15 HP 37,Frt+5,Will+4,Ref+4,Spd 30',CMB+5,CMD 19,Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10

As much as Corb 2ould love to get the amulet (lord knows he gets hit enough) I would say Nim should have it.

DM Stephen wrote:

Level changes in my campaign:

Hit Points:

Toughness Feat Houserule:
3hp+1hp per level.

Feat, Spells, classes:
All Core and APG are fine, other sources-only by prior approval.

Regarding hit points, I found this earlier in the thread.

Male Elven Wizard (Diviner, Foresight) 8 | HP 58 | AC:23 | FF:19 | T:16 | CMB:+4 | CMD:20 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+9 | Will:+9 | Init:+12 | Perc +8 | St:+4 | | St:+3 |

Here's what I am looking at for Tragershen.

Add a level in Wizard (universalist) to 3.
Add Azlanti as a language.
+1 reflex save.
+1 fort save.
+5 hit points
Add feat: Extend Spell.
Add 7 skills points: K: Arcana, K: Dugeoneering, K: Planes, K: Religion, Spellcraft, Linguistics, Stealth.
Add two 2nd level spells to spells memorized: Bull’s Strength, Bull’s Strength.
Add two 2nd level spells to spell book: Mirror Image, Bull’s Strength.

Any advise on the choices for second level spells? I figured Bull's Strength would be a good buff no matter what we are fighting and Mirror Image is a good defensive spell that I can share with Aedalis and Corbius (when he gets second level spells). Do any of you feel the need for me to take something like See Invisibility or Glitterdust instead to cope with potentially invisible opponents? Any other suggestions?

Dark Archive

No longer matters Drow Lich Epic level Wizard/Cleric of considerable ability

Nim is able to cast Bull's Strength without having to worry about spells known... and plans on memorizing it at least once (max twice) on any given day.

Something to factor in anyhow. :)

Lord oKOyA wrote:

Nim is able to cast Bull's Strength without having to worry about spells known... and plans on memorizing it at least once (max twice) on any given day.

Something to factor in anyhow. :)

That and Barkskin so you don't get hit by every attack :)

Dark Archive

No longer matters Drow Lich Epic level Wizard/Cleric of considerable ability

It is funny cause it is true. ;)

I'm thinking Aspect of the Bear instead of Barkskin. Doesn't last as long, but has other benefits above the +2 to AC.

Male Human Magus 4(Bladebound)
Asilande +9(1d6+4/18-20x2), Dagger +6 (1d4+2/19-20x2), Longbw +7 (1d6/20x3)
CL 4 +6 melee, +6 ranged, Conc +9
Init+3, Perc+2,AC19/14/15 HP 37,Frt+5,Will+4,Ref+4,Spd 30',CMB+5,CMD 19,Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10

Corbius Level

Add a level Magus (Bladebound)to lvl 3
Ref +1
BAB +1
HP +5
Feat: Weapon Focus Rapier
Add 6 skill Points: +1 linguistics, +1 Acrobatics, +1 Climb, +1 Fly, +1 Spellcraft, Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Add 2 first level spells to spellbook: Vanish, Frostbite
Memorize second level spell frostbite

Male Human Magus 4(Bladebound)
Asilande +9(1d6+4/18-20x2), Dagger +6 (1d4+2/19-20x2), Longbw +7 (1d6/20x3)
CL 4 +6 melee, +6 ranged, Conc +9
Init+3, Perc+2,AC19/14/15 HP 37,Frt+5,Will+4,Ref+4,Spd 30',CMB+5,CMD 19,Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10

DM Stephen:
I am unsure what you would like to do with my sword? At this point I have made it plus one beyond that it is your call:)

Male Halfling (Molthuni) Barbarian 1 Ranger (Trapper) 3

Not that it really matters, but Anton's AC is "only" 20, except when fighting defensively. ;)

Also, FWIW, DM Stephen disallowed Boon Companion for Anton in a PM in April. (We were discussing the possibility of changing Anton's ranger combat style, and I was also flirting with the idea of dipping into barbarian, since back then he still had a lot of anger from Nora's death.) But it was a ranger-specific ruling.

DM Stephen wrote:
As far as the animal companion feat, I think I am going not going to allow it sorry. Seems a little powerful for a single feat to be able to then get a full powered animal companion as well as dip away from your main class. They are pretty powerful by themselves let alone with a full powered ranger.

Still working on my build. The feat is a tough choice, but I'm leaning toward Quick Draw, and then Deadly Aim at 5th -- or maybe the other way around? -- since I inadvertently ended up with a switch-hitter. (Can't wait until I get a belt of giant strength.) Definitely ranger all the way, though.

Male Halfling (Molthuni) Barbarian 1 Ranger (Trapper) 3
Niɱ wrote:
IMHO the amulet should go to one of the front line melee types. (Corb, Anton or Nim/Wic) While protecting Mihai is a worthy cause, the frequency with which he should (hopefully) be subjected to direct attacks makes putting the AC bump there less than optimal. It will be underutilized and unlikely to matter in an one off attack roll scenario when needed. It will pay bigger dividends (over time) on someone who gets attacked a lot.

That is a good argument. I'm changing my vote (again) to Mr. Jank, because of what you said, combined with the ooc consideration that every player should get the pleasure of having something nice and non-expendable. It's part of the enjoyment of the game (says the guy with the spiffy boots). :)

Edit: Maybe swap? IIRC, Aedalis tends to put Ward on Nim more than Corb, and it overlaps with the ring of protection instead of stacking; whereas an amulet of natural armor would stack with Ward. (It would also stack with either barkskin or aspect of the bear, since they give an enhancement bonus to natural armor, so that doesn't factor into the consideration.) So Nim gets the new amulet, Corb gets Nim's ring, and everyone is happier. Does that make sense?

Sorry, I forgot that the amulet of natural armor is also an enhancement bonus to natural armor... so it wouldn't actually stack with those druid spells. So never mind. :/

Male Human (Varisian) Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim archetype) 6

On holidays so probably will be a little while before I can give a good update.

Please don't give the amulet to Mihai - it belongs with a frontliner. As far as protecting Mihai goes, I should probably look at setting aside a 1st spell or two to sanctuary.

Male Halfling (Molthuni) Barbarian 1 Ranger (Trapper) 3

@Corbius: Don't forget to add the club that Nim made for you in case of skeletons. ;)

Tragershen wrote:
Any advise on the choices for second level spells? I figured Bull's Strength would be a good buff no matter what we are fighting and Mirror Image is a good defensive spell that I can share with Aedalis and Corbius (when he gets second level spells). Do any of you feel the need for me to take something like See Invisibility or Glitterdust instead to cope with potentially invisible opponents? Any other suggestions?

Anton approves of as many people having bull's strength as possible. ;) As for the other, I like make whole. If I can use sunder, then so can they, and there aren't any stores around here. You'd be a healer of objects, which is a service that can be bartered or used to improve an NPC's disposition. It would even provide a roleplay justification for Asilande suddenly regaining sentience. Just a thought. :)

Edit: Also, just fyi, I think that you're the only one with Knowledge (local) as a class skill.

Male Halfling (Molthuni) Barbarian 1 Ranger (Trapper) 3

It's down to Deadly Aim, Cosmopolitan, and Additional Traits (Helpful & Ease of Faith).

1. More damage is always nice -- but really, it's only the opening volley. Then Anton takes his good armor up front. But maybe he can step back and throw a javelin or something.
2. It would fit Anton's background to have more languages and mental skills from his travels. Probably Aquan, Polyglot (Ijo), Diplomacy, and Perform (percussion).
3. Being able to give +4 with Aid Another would be great, since I didn't know that I was making a switch-hitter, and Anton just doesn't have enough Str. Plus then I could give Mihai some more help with Diplomacy, which is most needed when most dangerous to use.

I like them all, and I'm open to feedback, including other suggestions. Since it's impossible to see yourself objectively, by definition.


The blade will awaken the next morning, the spirit of Larissia Landor is now in the blade...

Just FYI: Until I get a tablet, on workdays, I will only be able to post at night and in the morning. I can't take my laptop to work any more, because it's too old, and the power jack is getting too finicky; I'm scared that if I move it again, I might not be able to use it again. Sorry. :(

Dark Archive

No longer matters Drow Lich Epic level Wizard/Cleric of considerable ability

Proposed changes to Nim:

Add a level in Druid (3rd)
HP = +8+6+6(d8) +3(Con) +3(FavClass) +6(Toughness) = new total of 32
+1 Ref Save
+1 BAB
Gain (2) 2nd level spell slots
Gain Trackless Step
Add feat: Power Attack
Add 6 skills points: Handle Animal +1, Knowledge (Geography)+1, Knowledge (Nature)+1, Perception +1, Spellcraft +1, Survival +1

Has a final decision been made with regards to the amulet and ring? Should I add the amulet to Nim?

Is fine by me for Nim to get the amulet.

Male Human Magus 4(Bladebound)
Asilande +9(1d6+4/18-20x2), Dagger +6 (1d4+2/19-20x2), Longbw +7 (1d6/20x3)
CL 4 +6 melee, +6 ranged, Conc +9
Init+3, Perc+2,AC19/14/15 HP 37,Frt+5,Will+4,Ref+4,Spd 30',CMB+5,CMD 19,Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10

Addendum to Corbius leveling,

Delete 1 rank fly add 1rank knowledge arcana
Add Azlanti, for rank in linguistics
Delete frostbite and add flare burst memorize chill touch

Male Halfling (Molthuni) Barbarian 1 Ranger (Trapper) 3

No consensus on the loot. For the amulet of natural armor +1, Trag said Corb, Corb said Nim, and I argued with myself. And I lied about the lack of consensus: apparently no one wants the ring of swimming. We might have to force it on someone (until we get a chance to sell it), just on account of them being a bad swimmer. Or if you all run screaming from it, then Anton will take it (for now) in case of sahuagin. :p

Also, Toughness was slightly modified twenty posts down from the one that markofbane quoted.

DM Stephen wrote:

Sorry to do this but I am going to "tweak" the toughness feat one more time after more consideration.

+3 hit points at first, +1 additional hit point per level after first.
2nd: +4
3rd: +5 etc.

Male Halfling (Molthuni) Barbarian 1 Ranger (Trapper) 3

Okay, I think I have it worked out. Tuesday is going to be a very long day, so my profile won't be updated until very late.

Add a level of ranger (trapper) from 2 to 3.
Add polyglot (Ijo) as a language. (Still just catching up with Anton's background, not current events.)
hp 18 + 6 + 1 + 1 = 26
+1 Will save
Feat: Deadly Aim
Bonus feat: Endurance (so he can be anywhere in the watch order now)
8 skill* ranks: Craft (woodcarving), Disable Device, Knowledge (local), Linguistics, Perception, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival
+1 Wild Empathy
+2 Favored Terrain (Jungle)

* Maxing out Disable Device, Perception, Stealth, and Survival. Linguistics (polyglot) and Knowledge (local) to match Anton's written background. Spellcraft was traded for Sleight of Hand as a class skill, to fit Trapper better; but he'd still know some by now, surrounded by spellcasters. And Craft (woodcarving) just because he got lucky and made some cool things untrained.

HP 39/30, AC- 11 (15 MA) T- 11 FF- 10 (14MA), CMD- 12, F +6, R +4, W +7, P +7, In +5

I vote Corbrius for amulet. And I will carry the Ring of Swimming as no one wants to. I just don't want to "claim" it for the purpose of loot shares (AKA- we still flog it once we can).

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