Ah...Scorpion Whip

Rules Questions

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Ok, So I'm building an NPC for my regular game. He's got a level of Bard, and I am understandably confused with Scorpion whips.

What I understand:
If you have proficiency with whips (IE: you took the feat, your a bard, or your a cleric who's deity is a fetishist) then you can use scorpion whips.

My Confusion:
According to the Ultimate Combat guide, Scorpion whip is listed as such:

Whip, scorpion 5 gp 1d3 1d4 x2 — 3 lbs. S disarm, performance, reach, trip

Benefit: It deals lethal damage, even to creatures with armor bonuses. If you are proficient with whips, you can use a scorpion whip as a whip.

Weapon Feature(s): performance (plus disarm, reach, and trip if you are proficient with whip.)

(this is all taken from the srd, which admittedly may be different from the book, I don't have the book on me to check atm)

What this means to me anyway, is that the scorpion whip is not really a whip by itself. This means to me that it would work differently depending on what feats you had:

Just the Scorpion Whip EWP: Is just a regular one handed light weapon, that does lethal damage, doesn't have reach, trip, or disarm, but does threaten AoO (and does get the performance ability, for gravy)

Just the Whip EWP: Means you are using it as a whip, and thus has all the stats of a whip (no lethal damage, 15ft reach that provokes AoO, but doesn't threaten, and gets trip and disarm.)

Both Whip and Scorpion Whip EWP: Means you use the weapon as its printed. It has Reach (but not the 15ft reach that regular whips have, and thus does not provoke AoO, and does threaten AoO)and gains the trip and disarm abilities.

In addition, if you have both feats, does that mean you have the option of using it as a regular whip and a scorpion whip with the benefits whip prof gives you?

Am I missing something? I tried digging through backlogs of forums, but I couldn't find a straight answer. Anybody know whats up?

Mucho Gracias!
The Swish

+1. Completely confused what the intention for the scorpion whip is.

How it is supposed to work; EWP: Scorpion Whip lets you use a scorpion whip to do lethal damage and still get all the weapon properties of a whip (reach, trip, disarm). With EWP Whip, you can only use a scorpion whip as a standard (i.e. non-lethal) whip.

How I wish that it worked: EWP Scorpion Whip = EWP Whip (and vice versa).

There are two weapons that are both called Scorpion Whip.

Scorpion Whip from the Adventurer's Armory is awesome. It's a whip that deals lethal damage even to creatures with armor bonuses, has a better die, and shares proficiency with the whip.

Sean K Reynolds (Developer) says about it: "A scorpion whip uses the same rules as the whip in the PFRPG Core Rulebook, except (1) it deals lethal damage, even to creatures with armor bonuses, and (2) the stats in the table."

The Scorpion Whip Gladiator Weapon from Ultimate Combat is a confusing mess.

James Jacobs (Creative Director) says about it: "if you're proficient with a whip, you can use a scorpion whip. Doesn't mean you can use a scorpion whip to do all the things a whip can do, though... just what a scorpion whip can do."

Which I think means the (UC) scorpion whip doesn't have reach, trip, or disarm. It's also Light instead of One-handed.

This Thread has some FAQ requests, if anyone is interested.

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