As a player can I report an event?

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court

One of the games I had played at AnCon was not reported. At least it was not for my character in any case. Is there a way for me to submit an image of the scenario sheet and get credit?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

The hard copy chronicle is all that is needed for play.

To your question, only the GM can report.

Lantern Lodge 4/5

Hi HacknSlashn,

If you can't get in touch with the GM who ran your session, or the event organiser, then you should contact your local Venture-Captain. If you have your chronicle sheet, then it should contain all the info they need to look up the event and add you to the session.

How long ago was AnCon? Maybe they just need a little more time. I know I've reported most, but not all, sessions yet from PaizoConOz last month - Beginner Box Bashes and the flu kinda got in the way :-( I'd better get onto that now ...

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Pathfinder Society 4-Star GM
Venture-Captain, Australia

Liberty's Edge 4/5

If you have the PFS # for all the players and the DM. I don't think that anything prevents you from reporting it, for instance if the convention never had an event page on


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