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Not the Seven Deadlies, the 'violate your deity's tenants and lose your powers' kind.
I don't know how long the thread will remain serious... but here we go.
Minor: Facilitate the end of a marriage for minor reasons. "She's not the woman I married." "I want to see other people." Not "He won't stop beating me." or "She sleeps with anything with the humanoid type."
Major: Through your actions, cause the destruction of a community.
Anyone else want to give it a go?

Icyshadow |

Those are actually kinda tough to come up with if you ask me.
Minor: Turn a blind eye to common folk abusing the wildlife (fishing too much fish, cutting down too many trees etc.)
Major: Cause the destruction of a large, pristine wildlife area through the advancement of civilization. (or just for the hell of it)
I hope I'm not missing the point here.

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Minor: Failing to respect the heirarchy (either in disrespecting a superior or being inappropriately generous to an underling). Consorting with demons, qlippoth, azata, proteans or angels.
Major: Breaking a contract. Freeing someone who has been justly imprisoned or enslaved. Getting caught.
Oh, You're Going to Hell for That!: Breaking a contract, with a devil.
Minor: Misrepresenting the value of merchandise. Smuggling to avoid tax or tariffs.
Major: Banditry. Counterfeiting of coin. Bankinghouse or vault robbery. Causing a city to become unsecure (opening gates during a seige, spreading plague, tainting food supplies).
Minor: Allowing someone to shame or humiliate you without retaliating. Allowing a man to shame or humiliate another woman without either retaliating, or encouraging and assisting her to do so.
Major: Failing to avenge a woman who has been egregiously wronged or slain by a man she loved, whether she wants it or not...
Minor: Tee-totallers. People who do stupid / violent things while drunk, and give drunks a bad name.
Major: People who either make bad beer, or water down good beer.
#1 Enemy of the Faith: Carrie Nation.

Erich Norden |

Minor: Failing to respect the heirarchy (either in disrespecting a superior or being inappropriately generous to an underling). Consorting with demons, qlippoth, azata, proteans or angels.Major: Breaking a contract. Freeing someone who has been justly imprisoned or enslaved. Getting caught.
Oh, You're Going to Hell for That!: Breaking a contract, with a devil.
Saw this one in the "Hell's Pawns" novella in the Council of Thieves: "In Cheliax, murderers go to jail. Forgers go to Hell."