Hunting for Artifacts....

Product Discussion

In our game, the DM game 2 characters some pretty epic Artifacts, but only 2 of the 4 of us and, I don't think he has any intention of giving the other two(me and my boyfriend) equal level treasure. So, I've been asked to run a campaign with the same characters, on something of a rescue mission, and it is to take place in the Plane of Acheron. I plan to give the other two members artifacts that bolster their normal array of abilities.

Anyway, I'm looking for something called: Sphere of Fighter, and Sphere of Wizard, or some derivative thereof.

If I can't find the spheres, I'll just have to cook up my own 2 home-made Artifacts, to even the playing field.

Thromgar of Gorum wrote:
Anyway, I'm looking for something called: Sphere of Fighter, and Sphere of Wizard, or some derivative thereof.

If those are specific artifacts, I have never heard of them.

Purple Duck Games wrote:
Thromgar of Gorum wrote:
Anyway, I'm looking for something called: Sphere of Fighter, and Sphere of Wizard, or some derivative thereof.
If those are specific artifacts, I have never heard of them.

Neither have I. I've googled every variation of it, and had no luck anywhere. I found something vaguely similar in TV Tropes, but, I couldn't find it on the page.

Thromgar of Gorum wrote:
Neither have I. I've googled every variation of it, and had no luck anywhere. I found something vaguely similar in TV Tropes, but, I couldn't find it on the page.

Pulling my old Encyclopedia Magica I see that we have had...

Spheres of:
... annihilation
... darkness
... false calling
... Glain's crystal
... Karnrohnb's airy
... Mierest's Starlight
... Thaddigren's Glowglobes
... warning

What do you want the spheres to do?

Purple Duck Games wrote:
Thromgar of Gorum wrote:
Neither have I. I've googled every variation of it, and had no luck anywhere. I found something vaguely similar in TV Tropes, but, I couldn't find it on the page.

Pulling my old Encyclopedia Magica I see that we have had...

Spheres of:
... annihilation
... darkness
... false calling
... Glain's crystal
... Karnrohnb's airy
... Mierest's Starlight
... Thaddigren's Glowglobes
... warning

What do you want the spheres to do?

Its not what I want them to do. Our DM gave them to the Paladin(Sphere of Fighter) and the Sorcerer(Sphere of Wizard) Apparently, you pay gold, and you get an ability, the first one that the Sorcerer got was Immortality, his hp will never drop below 1. The Paladin immediately went to level 20, and is getting Barbarian/Ranger abilities, as if she had normal levels in them.


Excuse me for a second, but holy s&%%.

Cheapy wrote:


Excuse me for a second, but holy s#~*.

What aggrivates me, is the lack of equality, we didn't get anything like that, so, in my next adventure, I wanna throw in 2 artifacts of equal ability for myself and my bf.

Steal the orbs. Dispel the powers.

There is absolutely no way that such powerful items don't attract the attention of every demigod, lich, aboleth, god, mad wizard and devil in the world.

Thromgar of Gorum wrote:
What aggrivates me, is the lack of equality, we didn't get anything like that, so, in my next adventure, I wanna throw in 2 artifacts of equal ability for myself and my bf.

This doesn't strike me as an fair event. It is my belief that the artifacts do not exist at all but the GM is just making them up from some reason that they feel is valid. I'm not sure I would play in such a campaign.

Dreamscarred Press

Purple Duck Games wrote:
Thromgar of Gorum wrote:
What aggrivates me, is the lack of equality, we didn't get anything like that, so, in my next adventure, I wanna throw in 2 artifacts of equal ability for myself and my bf.
This doesn't strike me as an fair event. It is my belief that the artifacts do not exist at all but the GM is just making them up from some reason that they feel is valid. I'm not sure I would play in such a campaign.

Based upon the information available, I have to agree.

Artifacts that do what you just described would have some serious negative side effects. If they were truly just hand-outs, then they're really more the GM just wanting to make the game trivial for those two players...

My suggestion would be to drop the group, or recommend another player take over as DM (perhaps you could take up the mantle). Needless to say, your current DM should never be allowed to assume that role again.

I wouldn't create a sequel to the super-artifact game, as it can only become more of an arms race.

I'd recommend you start over, with an even playing field.

I finally found where these Artifacts are from. They are from a book called 'Enchanted Locations: Crypts and Tombs' The book is published by Fast Forward Entertainment.

That book did *not* get good reviews it looks like.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition Subscriber

Personally I'd want to hear from the DM before I judge his entire campaign based on one account.

With that said, holy crap those are insane.

Last thing I feel the need to ask, is you plan to hand out artifacts to your own character and your boyfriend's? Is that correct? Maybe just my own style, but that I very much doubt would not make the whole situation better. Hate to say it but yeah, probably better to start over with an even playing field and give an example of how it should be done (ex. fair to everyone). Otherwise you'll be favouring your own character and your boyfriend's and the cycle continues...

Aleron wrote:

Personally I'd want to hear from the DM before I judge his entire campaign based on one account.

With that said, holy crap those are insane.

Last thing I feel the need to ask, is you plan to hand out artifacts to your own character and your boyfriend's? Is that correct? Maybe just my own style, but that I very much doubt would not make the whole situation better. Hate to say it but yeah, probably better to start over with an even playing field and give an example of how it should be done (ex. fair to everyone). Otherwise you'll be favouring your own character and your boyfriend's and the cycle continues...

Yeah, I didn't bother with the 'arms race' I don't need epic items to be a bad ass, after some thought, if they need it to keep up with what I can do naturally, then by all means, let them have it. My little cleric can stomp both into the ground, barring the ring of immortalitys effects.

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