What good is your mom? And also, she might be broken.

Off-Topic Discussions

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People seem to be complaining about everything else. Let's discuss the merits of your mother. And wether or not she might be broken.

My guess? Pretty broken. One could even say that she was poorly designed. Perhaps occasionally overpowered.

Got in before the lock!

"She might be broken?" Really? I mean Really?

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:

Got in before the lock!

"She be broken?" Really? I mean Really?

So worth it.

Shadow Lodge

I got in just in time. Much like I did with your mom.

So totally broken. You should not be able to use Dominate Person as a swift action at will.

But I don't WANNA clean my room!!

Silver Crusade

your a horrible person blackmer. I mean really. even your mom says so. that's what she just told me anyway

nathan blackmer wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:

Got in before the lock!

"She be broken?" Really? I mean Really?

So worth it.

The implied question being "what broke her?"

Grand Lodge

Just so we're clear -- she was broken before my turn came up -- I'm not responsible.

Shadow Lodge

AM BARBARIAN can sunder your mother even on a natural 1. So yeah, she's pretty broken.

sirmattdusty wrote:
your a horrible person blackmer. I mean really. even your mom says so. that's what she just told me anyway

My mother has been broke longer then MC Hammer. It's a known issue.

The Exchange

can we define "broken" here? I mean do we mean as in... broken?

wow - I just got an image of AM BARBARIAN MAMA....


Shadow Lodge

Bring me a new mother. I ripped this one.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Trinam- don't forget Detect lies at will

I think have that backward my mom is good at breaking things like showers faucets vaccums plates and other things.

I have stepped on several cracks in my life. So by RAW she is broken.

Pertinent Text:

Inane School-Age Limmericks wrote:
Step on a crack, and you break your mother's back.

nosig wrote:
can we define "broken" here? I mean do we mean as in... broken?

Your call.

Regardless of how broken she was, I sill caught her flat footed and got a sneak attack.

doctor_wu wrote:
I think have that backward my mom is good at breaking things like showers faucets vaccums plates and other things.

you forgot toilet seats, dreams, and sexual orientations.

Shadow Lodge

Nate, based on our relative ages, and my vacation to Vermont, I might have broken your mother.

j b 200 wrote:
Trinam- don't forget Detect lies at will


I'd just like to take a moment and thank the OP.
Here's to you stupid thread guy!
Thanks again for cluttering up the boards with another inane thread.

Kthulhu wrote:
Nate, based on our relative ages, and my vacation to Vermont, I might have broken your mother.

I think you missed the train on that one.

Mother, hot dog, hall-way, apparently you know the rest.

I'd describe her not so much as over powered, but more as over-powering.

nathan blackmer wrote:
I'd describe her not so much as over powered, but more as over-powering.

So's your face!

Because it had to be done.

Random starting time (in minutes) for the countdown before this thread is locked.

1d20 ⇒ 7

ralantar wrote:

I'd just like to take a moment and thank the OP.

Here's to you stupid thread guy!
Thanks again for cluttering up the boards with another inane thread.

You're welcome.

Your mother however, is not. She's way OP for her CR, Pounce, Rend, AND Swallow Whole??!? Madness.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I think my mother was a TrueNamer: whenever she uses your full name, you know you're in for it.

MendedWall12 wrote:

Random starting time (in minutes) for the countdown before this thread is locked.


It has never been a question of If, only a question of When.

Silver Crusade

Kthulhu wrote:
Nate, based on our relative ages, and my vacation to Vermont, I might have broken your mother.

I'm pretty sure he isn't joking about this one. ever since you guys got back from vermont he's been email us pictures of his 'vacation'. im not that impressed with your mom by the way....sorry

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your mom goes to college.

Shadow Lodge

ralantar wrote:

I'd just like to take a moment and thank the OP.

Here's to you stupid thread guy!
Thanks again for cluttering up the boards with another inane thread.

Will you be posting this to the other 3/4 of all threads on these forums that deserve it?

Dark Archive

My eidilon took the tentacle evolution just for your mom.

Silver Crusade

I think this thread is in the wrong forum. and that it should be locked.

Shadow Lodge

Thalin wrote:
My eidilon took the tentacle evolution just for your mom.

My mom took the oriface evolution just for your eidolon.

Ralantar wrote:

I'd just like to take a moment and thank the OP.
Here's to you stupid thread guy!
Thanks again for cluttering up the boards with another inane thread.

Please post links to all threads on the boards that can be defined as not inane.

MendedWall12 wrote:
Ralantar wrote:

I'd just like to take a moment and thank the OP.
Here's to you stupid thread guy!
Thanks again for cluttering up the boards with another inane thread.
Please post links to all threads on the boards that can be defined as not inane.

Maybe more importantly - please post the will save of your mothers "Babbling Rebuke" Su Mind affecting powers. Mine? DC - 19. It got dad, after all. And Ben, and most of the threadgoers here.

You should all probably get tested. Have fun with the fort saves.

The Exchange

ha! I realize why most Phantasmal Killers look like the targets mother....

Dark Archive

Inb4 lock.

Also, All mothers are broken. FACT.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You guys should show some love for your mothers....I do....

Y'know how I know that I broke your mom?
~points at you~
Looks what came out of 'er instead of a person; broken begets broken.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Your mom is the booty Call of C'thulhu.

My mom... oh well...

She actually loves Drizzt and Legolas instead of fuzzy old singers,

She meet my father on a D&D Games. And we're actually playing a game each week with some friends and both of my parents.

She signs email with "Your mom"

She played MMORPG before me. She introduced me over Diablo 2 and Dark Age of Camelot.

She gaves me big dices when I was a kid so I could play with them.

She used to correspond with R.A Salvatore since she owns the biggest french-fan website of Drizzt, which she build herself.

Yeah seriously, I think my mom rock. Even if we always need to help her to build her characters because she can't read english (french canadian). So no, she's not broken.

Amuny wrote:

My mom... oh well...

She actually loves Drizzt and Legolas instead of fuzzy old singers,

She meet my father on a D&D Games. And we're actually playing a game each week with some friends and both of my parents.

She signs email with "Your mom"

She played MMORPG before me. She introduced me over Diablo 2 and Dark Age of Camelot.

She gaves me big dices when I was a kid so I could play with them.

She used to correspond with R.A Salvatore since she owns the biggest french-fan website of Drizzt, which she build herself.

Yeah seriously, I think my mom rock. Even if we always need to help her to build her characters because she can't read english (french canadian). So no, she's not broken.

[sarcastic malice]No, but your English certainly is. :P[/sarcastic malice]

MendedWall12 wrote:

[sarcastic malice]No, but your English certainly is. :P[/sarcastic malice]

rofl, well I never admited I was bilingual either, but I'm still able to read english perfectly and write, I think, pretty well. Nope? ;)

And whitout leaving the main purpose of the thread I'd be happy if you could point out what's wrong with what I wrote. ^^

Dark Archive

Nothing wrong with what you wrote. Basically your mom loves men who know how to "dual wield", likes Cyber, and likes little kids to play with her big dice.

The Exchange

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Your mom is the booty Call of C'thulhu.


Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I moved the thread to off-topic. Stunt posts deliberately made in the wrong forum are not funny.

Please feel free to never make another stunt post in what you know to be the wrong forum. I know you think it's funny but it's a waste of time for us, and it's just as funny posted in the off-topic forum where it belongs. Funnier, even, because then we can enjoy the fun too instead of having to clean up the flags and whatnot.

Silver Crusade

yep, i was sure this was in the wrong forum.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My mother was a pure woman from a noble family. And I, at least, know who my father is, you pig-eating son of a whore!

Silver Crusade

Maybe "your mom" needs her own subforum.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Maybe "your mom" needs her own subforum.

Make it a big forum.

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