Ragathiel |
Hello anyone who reads this, please do not boo me out for posting this on here, but I have no other place to ask in RL so i must resort to here.
Would anyone be willing to teach me how to play 4.0 and possibly recruit me or start a game of 4.0 that I could actually play in? I have never been able to play 4.0 and have always wanted to, if only to be able to play as a Dragonborn, which rule in my mind. Ultimate Race to me, wish there was an race in Pathfinder playable...anyways... My one and only experiance in 4.0 is as follows
Creation: Level 1 Dragonborn Fighter, first time EVER playing
Story: A many-part home campaign with an awesome party
Setting: An icy cave deep in the mountains
GM "All right gang, you set forth into the perilous cave. Dragonborn Fighter, what do you do?"
me thinking Oh man this is gonna be so cool "I step forwards and keep my weapon drawn in case any beasties are lurking about. What do I roll to look around for them?"
GM: "No need for that, you step onto this square, fall down a crevice, and die."
Me: "Why? Can't I just not step on the huge crevise and not die?"
GM: "Nope, sucks to be you. Eladrin Wizard! What do you do? Oh you step forwards onto a different crack? You discover an entombed warrior long frozen...
Again, I would really really appreciate anyone willing to teach me, as I have no way of getting access to a book beyond the first corebook and Martial Prowess. I have a quick, easy creation character generator on my comp but only with those two books on it, and its infuriating to me to have such an awesome character design or two and being unable to play the edition they star in :(
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If you have the first corebook, you've got all you need to know how to play. Just read the general sections and the class specific one. It's not rocket science, really. Despite what the PF Nazis might say, in a lot of ways it's not that different from playing older versions of D&D, only in this case you've got powers in addition to your basic attack roll and damage option.
I hope your spoiler wasn't describing an actual game. With that kind of DM, no advice could help.
Spiral_Ninja |
![Lamashtu (symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Lamashtu_Symbol_final.jpg)
First thing I'd suggest is a new DM.
Look around a bit more in your area.
Let us know where it is, so someone who plays 4.0 can contact you.
For example, I'm in Pittsburgh, Pa. However, we tried 4.0 and didn't like it so we're a Pathfinder group.
Another option for finding gamers is your local FGS. Keep looking.
BTW, none of us are that type of GM, so if you're in my area and want to play, period, let me know.
Ragathiel |
My need for help in learning is mainly due o the fact that I am probably missing out on a lot of neat feats or class abilities/powers that I can't get access to any other way. I know there is a race that is kinda like Giants with gray skin and such, seen the cover of corebook 2 the big grey guy looks really cool. Anyways...Again, appreciate any help or offers to play :)
And yes, that spoiler describes my first experience with 4.0 playing. The Gm seemed like a really nice guy and we got along great, then I admitted right before we started that I wasn't a big big fan of Watchmen the movie and he didn't react. I asked him why he made my character die on the beginning after the first encounter and just sitting there pissed off and confused, and he told me, quite literally "Sit down, be quiet and just watch, or get out of my house." then he proceeded to go into a monologue about his previous games and bad experiences and I tuned him out. Never played under him again. or 4.0 ever again. I lived in Wyoming at the time, his was the only gaming group I could find anywhere without having to leave the state. This was also 3 years ago when I wasn't old enough to drive so i was stuck.
Again, really appreciate any game offers, I learn best through actually playing :) Thanks Spiral_Ninja but PBP are the only thing I have besides a rather crappy RL Kingmaker game. Only RL game I have so I can't even drop it. ANYWAYS thanks a lot everyone whose responded so far :)
Benoc |
![Eando Kline](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/36-absalompathfinder.jpg)
have you given any thought to virtual table top games? alot of ppl cant find local groups adn play over the internet with a VTT and skype. acouple of sites you might check are
sorry for not linking but im not so good at that yet
Jeremy Mac Donald |
Where are you? Is there a FLGs with Encounters sessions nearby? If you can go to those you can play a Dragonborn, albeit you'll be playing one using one of the Essentials classes. The idea is to meet people at the Encounters sessions and get into a real group.
Pull that off and you could likely use whatever they use to make a character. Often the DM of the group will have access to the DDI and you can show up an hour early to make your character. Sounds like your reasonably young and most DMs (that are any good anyway) would be willing to make suggestions and walk a new player through character creation.
Otherwise I think you need to narrow the question down a lot before anyone could help you. There are thousands of feats not listed in either of the two books you mention owning...I can't list them all.
Really though ideally you'd get access to the DDI yourself since that would give you all this information. You might also find the Virtual Table Top they have to be right down your alley.
Diffan |
@ Ragathiel: Yea that DM was really, really bad. The rules even say your allowed a saving throw NOT to fall into the pit so to basically kill your character right off the bat is just bad bad bad. For character creations, I usually pilfer ideas and the like from the various Handbooks on THIS site. They usually have some great advice and a breakdown of which powers are essential, good, mid-range, and poor. This is, however, based on opinion so don't think it's a perfect grading system. Also, posting your character usually helps us determine what type of character you want to play. A Dragonborn Fighter is a pretty good combo and I think it would work pretty well in any style (maybe not Tempest).
ShinHakkaider |
Let me get this right..the DM killed your character without so much as asking you where you were actually going to move to and then abused you when you asked why?
Excuse me while I go beat my head against a wall.
I think beating that DM's head against a wall would be a better option...
Jam412 |
Spiral_Ninja wrote:What the hey? I'm from Pittsburgh too!! You only do homebrews or do you do any games at stores and the like?
For example, I'm in Pittsburgh, Pa. However, we tried 4.0 and didn't like it so we're a Pathfinder group.
Hey, me three! Small world!
Spiral_Ninja |
![Lamashtu (symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Lamashtu_Symbol_final.jpg)
Well, we do mainly Pathfinder with some 3.5 allowed. We like psionics and are using the DSP update now. We also allow Bo9S. One of the group is running a 3.5 duskblade in the game I'm running.
We mostly play Sundays at our house. Currently we have a group of 4; myself (currently running Carrion Crown with some homebrew elements), my husband (best GM in the group), our 18 year old daughter, and a family friend. All but my daughter GM on a rotating basis.
If you don't object to cats and an iguana you should be OK.
We don't smoke and do not allow drugs in the house (your private life is your business).
After CC we will probably start Jade Regent. I'd love if someone else would run it, I do *so* want to play in it, but I haven't been able to convince my daughter to take her first step into GMing with an
Oh, and I apologize Ragathiel for trying a recruit in your thread.
Diffan |
Ragathiel, are you dead-set on a dragonborn Fighter? From my experience dragonborn Paladins have a bit more optimization allowed for it. One way to go is Strength/Constitution and use big weapons (I favored the Fullblade) OR go with a "Baladin" or Balanced-Paladin using both Strength and Charisma. This gives you the best of both Charisma- and Strength-based powers. If you go with the stat array, I favor the 16/16/12/12/10/8 spread, putting your 16's into Strength and Charisma (both are 18s), your 12 into Wisdom, your other 12 into Constitution, your 10 into Dexterity, and your 8 into Intelligence. I'd also favor blunt weapons (mace/hammer) for this style since it works towards Constitution at later levels.
@ Spiral_Ninja: I'm a fan of v3.5, Pathfinder, and 4E and have about 2 book shelves dedicated to 3E material (I usually run Forgotten Realms stuff). I love the Bo9S but have relatively little experience with Psionics (not that they're bad or broken, just have little interest in them). As for cats, I have 2 loving ones at home so there's no problem with that and I'm a general animal lover so unless the iguana sits on my lap or on my stuff, i'm ok :).
I also don't smoke and have never done drugs (save OTC or Doc-orderd ones) but I do like the occasional beer or two. I have a rotating work schedule for days off (I work at the Rivers Casino) and my shift ends at 3PM so I don't know if that is in the middle of your game or not. My wife spends her Sundays at her moms with our 3 year old daughter so I'm usually free til about 6pm. If your interested in a new player, shoot me an e-mail (mdiff70@gmail.com) and we'll try to work something out. :)
C4 |
** spoiler omitted **
Man, one bad egg makes us all look bad! I'm glad you still want to play 4e after that guy treated you.
Anyway, I have a compilation of everything dragonborn, everything fighter, and well...everything 4e that I'd be happy to share with you. Just email me at Complete4th@gmail.com.
Spiral_Ninja |
![Lamashtu (symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Lamashtu_Symbol_final.jpg)
@ Spiral_Ninja: I'm a fan of v3.5, Pathfinder, and 4E and have about 2 book shelves dedicated to 3E material (I usually run Forgotten Realms stuff). I love the Bo9S but have relatively little experience with Psionics (not that they're bad or broken, just have little interest in them). As for cats, I have 2 loving ones at home so there's no problem with that and I'm a general animal lover so unless the iguana sits on my lap or on my stuff, i'm ok :).
I also don't smoke and have never done drugs (save OTC or Doc-orderd ones) but I do like the occasional beer or two. I have a rotating work schedule for days off (I work at the Rivers Casino) and my shift ends at 3PM so I don't know if that is in the middle of your game or not. My wife spends her Sundays at her moms with our 3 year old daughter so I'm usually free til about 6pm. If your interested in a new player, shoot me an e-mail (mdiff70@gmail.com) and we'll try to work something out. :)
The Rivers? Well, well. That should make getting in contact easier. My husband works in the Rivers as well, on the count team.
Look for an e-mail from Lynx412 (we're with verizon)
DM Wellard |
Spiral_Ninja wrote:Haha, too funny. Well I know I've seen him since I work in Surveillance....(scary, I know!!)The Rivers? Well, well. That should make getting in contact easier. My husband works in the Rivers as well, on the count team.
Look for an e-mail from Lynx412 (we're with verizon)
What were the chances, thats really quite amusing.
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The other thing you can do is to get a subscription to Dungeons and Dragons Insider. Try it for a month. It will give you access to the character builder with all the races and classes from all the books.
The DM you played with would be horrible no matter what system he was playing.
You might be forced to do what many of us had to do when this hobby was brand new, DM yourself. Once you find a group of people to play, you can pass the DM reigns off to someone who wants the job.
You don't need all the books to DM, Wizards has quick start rules for the DM and a pretty good adventure for free. You can find it here and if you subscribed to the Insider, you would also get access to quite a few adventures.
The world is full of DMs who have a god complex. A good DM isn't a god, he is of the Bard class.