Has anyone made classes for races like old basic D&D?

Homebrew and House Rules

Are there any versions of race as class like the old basic D&D like Elf, Dwarf and Halfling classes? I have always been partial to how this was done and would like to see if anyone has made classes for the core pathfinder races yet?

Shadow Lodge

It's on my list of projects, but not a high priority.

I think I saw something like it however, I'll have to see if I saved it. Edit: I didn't. :(

In 3.5 there were the ratial paragon levels. They were short little classes (usually just 3 levels) that added abilities themed for the race involved. You might want to take some inspiration from that design and possibly extend it.

Shadow Lodge

I'm uploading a file I got from someone around here. It contains 20 level racial progressions you can use as a template. You can find it on my site.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
TOZ wrote:
I'm uploading a file I got from someone around here. It contains 20 level racial progressions you can use as a template. You can find it on my site.

That's quite the document. Someone put some time into it. Thanks for (re-)sharing!

I did back in 3.5 They were 10 level classes. I also created bloodlines (3.5 Unearthed Arcana type, not PF sorcerer bloodlines) for each race.

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