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...and Bitter Thorn?
Holy shiznit, the awesome just keeps coming!
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Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote: ...and Bitter Thorn?
Holy shiznit, the awesome just keeps coming!
I was just popping in to bump my sister's charity thread, but I felt compelled to reply to this one.
I'm still getting my ass whipped in Utah for 2 or 3 more weeks.
This job is a rough one.
Gotta go.
Take care!
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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nice! Time to get Cadogan back in action! Give me a call when you can, HD.
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Can I just like the entire thread?
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Once again, welcome Back HD! Glad to see you around again. If you get a chance on FB, check out some pictures/video of my boy, Charlie!
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Welcome back, HD. We missed you.
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Bitter Thorn wrote: Hell yes!!
AND BT?!?!?!??!?!?
Oh man, it's like Power Man and Iron Fist!!!!!
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Freehold DM wrote: Bitter Thorn wrote: Hell yes!!
AND BT?!?!?!??!?!?
Oh man, it's like Power Man and Iron Fist!!!!! Should be a trilogy of movies.
Heroes for Hire.
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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Yay! BT was busy sending me a million postcards while I was away, sorry for monopolizing his time y'all ;-)
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A big hearty 'Welcome back' houstonderek. :)
Much cheers to you and yours.
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Now, don't make me have to necromantize again!
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Kirth Gersen wrote: Nice! Time to get Cadogan back in action! Give me a call when you can, HD. Cadogan is still in storage, but he's antsy and ready for murder. Are you back in the H? *hopeful look*
Gark the Goblin wrote: Kickin'!** spoiler omitted ** Please. I remember all of my playmates ;-)
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houstonderek wrote: Cadogan is still in storage, but he's antsy and ready for murder. Are you back in the H? *hopeful look* Kirth has relocated to the Pittsburgh environs, I'm afraid. But I believe Moorluck has moved to Houston.
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Freehold DM wrote: Bitter Thorn wrote: Hell yes!!
AND BT?!?!?!??!?!?
Oh man, it's like Power Man and Iron Fist!!!!! Well, I AM a super hero. ;-)
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Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote: Yay!!
Now, don't make me have to necromantize again!
Wow, I forgot this was an old thread. I do need to stop ticking off the Feds, I suppose.
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Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote: houstonderek wrote: Cadogan is still in storage, but he's antsy and ready for murder. Are you back in the H? *hopeful look* Kirth has relocated to the Pittsburgh environs, I'm afraid. But I believe Moorluck has moved to Houston.
And Zombieh too... Really, the Houston must be coming close to critical mass of insanity...
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Welcome back HD ... stop getting caught. ;)
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Caught? I turned myself in this time! ;-)
Would be a too much asking what you actually done to end like that?
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Tick off the feds, apparently. =)
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Long story short, I went to prison in 2001 for smuggling 100kg of cocaine from Mexico. I've gone back twice on supervised release violations, mostly due to me stubbornly living my life as I see fit. I just completed my last bit on Monday, and now I am free and clear, no more government supervision.
Of course, when I get my legs under me, I'm going to take the fight to them, so to speak, and get involved in all of the political activism I've had to keep in check when they had a hold on me.
You know... That's a terribly dangerous amount of drugs...
You could get killed.
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Well, weed is more voluminous. 100kg of soda only stacks waist high on me. I felt safe. Well, until the DEA agent put a 9mm to my head.
houstonderek wrote: Caught? I turned myself in this time! ;-) Ahh ... the preemptive strike ... clever. ;)
Seriously, glad you're out and done with it all. Any chance of making Paizocon next year?
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I don't know what's worse- that I misread this as "HD is BLACK, so you better lock up your daughters", or the fact that I posted here already and should know what the title is the thread is. ....
Does that mean I can post this?
zylphryx wrote: houstonderek wrote: Caught? I turned myself in this time! ;-) Ahh ... the preemptive strike ... clever. ;)
Seriously, glad you're out and done with it all. Any chance of making Paizocon next year? Maybe? I will have to see what the employment gods have in store. I would really like to take that trip, not just for the friends and gaming, but to see what a legal *gurgle-gurgle* feels like.
Hooray Washington State being awesome!
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Freehold DM wrote: I don't know what's worse- that I misread this as "HD is BLACK, so you better lock up your daughters", or the fact that I posted here already and should know what the title is the thread is. .... "What are all these white people doing here????"
Freehold DM wrote: "HD is BLACK, so you better lock up your daughters" Yep
houstonderek wrote: Well, weed is more voluminous. 100kg of soda only stacks waist high on me. I felt safe. Well, until the DEA agent put a 9mm to my head. It's not volume that kills you... It's the mass.
Or maybe inertia?
Drejk wrote: houstonderek wrote: Well, weed is more voluminous. 100kg of soda only stacks waist high on me. I felt safe. Well, until the DEA agent put a 9mm to my head. It's not volume that kills you... It's the mass.
Or maybe inertia? Well, the 100kg fit in my trunk, and I am pretty good at avoiding trees...
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Glad you are out my friend. I was just looking over that picture of us from your visit to Boston. The one where Anklebiter blew us off.
Are there trees at the border with Mexico anyway? All the movies show are deserts or desert hills with occasional bush or patch of grass.
Gruumash . wrote: Glad you are out my friend. I was just looking over that picture of us from your visit to Boston. The one where Anklebiter blew us off. Yeah, the old "the rain melted my directions" ploy ;-)
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Freehold DM wrote: I don't know what's worse- that I misread this as "HD is BLACK, so you better lock up your daughters" That would have been an interesting development...
houstonderek wrote: Gruumash . wrote: Glad you are out my friend. I was just looking over that picture of us from your visit to Boston. The one where Anklebiter blew us off. Yeah, the old "the rain melted my directions" ploy ;-) Any plans to head north again? Maybe we could give AD another chance?
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2 people marked this as a favorite.
houstonderek wrote: Freehold DM wrote: I don't know what's worse- that I misread this as "HD is BLACK, so you better lock up your daughters", or the fact that I posted here already and should know what the title is the thread is. .... "What are all these white people doing here????" ROTFL! !!!
wife really wants to meet the man who said that.
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takes out knife and fork let's eat him now before he disappears!
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