SO it has come to my attention that many of you do not understand the awesome intellect of the man called TOZ. Feel free to challenge his acerbic wit, but be warned for The TOZ always knows best.
And to prove this theory, I will ask the first question of the mighty wizard of TOZ.
Dear TOZ, how did you get to be so damn smart?
TOZ wrote: Uh... Ah, so by clearing your mind of all distractions you effectively turned your mind into a sponge that quickly absorbed all available information!
Thank you for sharing that tip with the rest of us.
I don't think they exist.
How do I avoid the Holiday weight gain? :P
How long would it take you to clear all the clouds out of the sky?
Why does the dice roller give me a nat 20 on initiative and follow it with a nat 1 on the attack? Do the dice gods hate me? Or is it perhaps the doing of the pmg and his minions?
Lord President Moorluck wrote: TOZ wrote: Uh... Ah, so by clearing your mind of all distractions you effectively turned your mind into a sponge that quickly absorbed all available information!
Thank you for sharing that tip with the rest of us. ???
TOZ knows best. Coming this Fall to CBS.
Yes. His fall is coming soon.
ΩΩΩ0 wrote: Yes. His fall is coming soon. !!!
Who is this pretender to my throne? I am all seeing and all knowing. I will not be mocked in this manner. I demand this thread be deleted at once.
Are you eyeballin' me Private!!! Drop and beat your face, you ate up sack of Joe S~*& the Rag Bag!!!
I see I have been too easy going on people. Maybe a good ol' disintegrate will get you in line.
Solnes wrote: How do I avoid the Holiday weight gain? :P High Stealth checks.
Jiggy wrote: How long would it take you to clear all the clouds out of the sky? 10. Seconds. Flat.
5 if I didn't stop for lunch.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote: Why does the dice roller give me a nat 20 on initiative and follow it with a nat 1 on the attack? Do the dice gods hate me? Or is it perhaps the doing of the pmg and his minions? It's a complex algorithm involving the total number of orders placed with Paizo, how many subscriptions you are subscribed to, and how you weigh when compared to a duck.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Obo the all seeing. wrote: Who is this pretender to my throne? I am all seeing and all knowing. I will not be mocked in this manner. I demand this thread be deleted at once. Actually, it's my throne. Bought most of the shares. Didn't you get the memo?
Drill Sargent Vülfünbürger wrote: Are you eyeballin' me Private!!! Drop and beat your face, you ate up sack of Joe S&%% the Rag Bag!!! No.
Drill Sargent Vülfünbürger wrote: Are you eyeballin' me Private!!! Drop and beat your face, you ate up sack of Joe S**& the Rag Bag!!! NOW I'm eyeballing you.
If you clone yourself, and then seduce yourself, is it sex or masturbation?
Philandering, as you are no longer faithful to yourself, having dallied with your other self.
TOZ wrote: Philandering, as you are no longer faithful to yourself, having dallied with your other self. What if I was really asking for it, wearing that tight dress and all?
Go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Why did Australia lose to New Zealand in the Rugby World Cup Semi Final?
Critical shortage of pistachios.
TOZ wrote: Critical shortage of pistachios. That explains it all...
Should every football game start like this.........
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Any team that takes Mr. Peanut as their mascot will become unstoppable.
I just have to pop back in and say that I am in awe of your sense of timing.
If a sitcom starring you was to be made called "TOZ knows best", who would be your co-stars?
Ciretose and seekerofshadowlight.
TOZ wrote: Ciretose and seekerofshadowlight. 0_0
This works!
even your avatars complement each other
TOZ wrote: Ciretose and seekerofshadowlight. Gods help us. I was gonna say Kirth and Mistah Green :)
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Me, Kirth, and Roy? That would end worse than Two and a Half Men.
TOZ wrote: Me, Kirth, and Roy? That would end worse than Two and a Half Men. And anything involving seekerofshadowlight wouldn't?
TOZ wrote: Treppa wrote: Why does the dice roller give me a nat 20 on initiative and follow it with a nat 1 on the attack? Do the dice gods hate me? Or is it perhaps the doing of the pmg and his minions? It's a complex algorithm involving the total number of orders placed with Paizo, how many subscriptions you are subscribed to, and how you weigh when compared to a duck. Ah, one who knows the true significance of the duck....predator, destroyer of souls, system of measure.....I am once more awed by your all-encompassing knowledge and wisdom.
Fake Healer wrote: Ah, one who knows the true significance of the duck....predator, destroyer of souls, system of measure..... Not to mention, delicious meal.
Do you like pastries and if so what are you're favorite toppings?
TOZ wrote: That would end worse than Two and a Half Men. Too soon.
If you knew you were going to be stuck on a desert island and you could only take two books with you, which would they be?
The Book of Eibon and the Clow Book.
Best weapon when you are involved in a zombie apocalypse?