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It was a Cockatrice not a Gorgon and yes it was cool.

Dragon78 wrote:
It was a Cockatrice not a Gorgon and yes it was cool.

D'oh. I always get those confused.

Silly people arguing over best pony.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

While watching the lesson of this latest Rarity episode, we find it amusing to keep in mind that Celestia imprisoned her sister in the moon for 1000 years. ^^;

Liz Courts wrote:

My favorites:
1.) Applejack! I was a fan from the original series. :D
2.) Derpy Hooves

I like you. When I unleash the monsters they'll leave you alone.

Anyone catch the last new episode?

Scarab Sages

xellos wrote:
While watching the lesson of this latest Rarity episode, we find it amusing to keep in mind that Celestia imprisoned her sister in the moon for 1000 years. ^^;

I think it was stated that while Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to stop her sister, she could not use them fully because it was only her. It was only when Twilight Sparkle and the gang joined together was it possible to use the elements of Harmony to full effect, breaking through the bitterness and hate Nightmare Moon was filled with and allowed for the redemption of the Princess Luna.

And as a 28yo male, it greatly disturbs me that I know this.

I am 33 so I am more disturbed that I like this show.

Shadow Lodge

I accidentally trolled myself into liking this show. I was sick, and my friend was like 'here, watch this, you'll feel better."

Every s1 episode later, I have wound up with six excellent pony-themed builds for pathfinder. That I can't find. :( I do know one of them was a fluttershy-druid that could almost always get a +20 on Wild Empathy at like, level 5.


Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Adam J Wells wrote:

I accidentally trolled myself into liking this show. I was sick, and my friend was like 'here, watch this, you'll feel better."

Every s1 episode later, I have wound up with six excellent pony-themed builds for pathfinder. That I can't find. :( I do know one of them was a fluttershy-druid that could almost always get a +20 on Wild Empathy at like, level 5.


I've seriously considered a Twilight Sparkle wizard.

Shadow Lodge

Jiggy wrote:
Adam J Wells wrote:

I accidentally trolled myself into liking this show. I was sick, and my friend was like 'here, watch this, you'll feel better."

Every s1 episode later, I have wound up with six excellent pony-themed builds for pathfinder. That I can't find. :( I do know one of them was a fluttershy-druid that could almost always get a +20 on Wild Empathy at like, level 5.


I've seriously considered a Twilight Sparkle wizard.

It would probably be Transmutation or something? I dunno. Let's be productive and hack out the build!

Well it has been confirmed there will be a season 3.

Tara Strong has said that voice work has already started a week ago.

Some of the writers have said that 13 episodes so far have been ordererd.

This info is from

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

.........I finally watched an episode.

My God. The herd was right. They were right.

New ranking:

1. Everypony


Mikaze wrote:

.........I finally watched an episode.

My God. The herd was right. They were right.

One of us. One of us... :D

Welcome to the herd!

I'd have to say Twilight is my favorite. I like the rest of the mane six about equally. It's hard for me to rank them because they are so diverse that I like the for different reasons.

Although, Spike if my favorite of them all. He sense of humor is my favorite.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I liked Death Pony but War Pony was a close second ...

I heard that the musical numbers were parodies of existing musicals, does anyone know what those musicals are?

Dragon78 wrote:
I heard that the musical numbers were parodies of existing musicals, does anyone know what those musicals are?

The Gala Song

Anyone see the last new episode(cutie pox)?

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Dragon78 wrote:
Anyone see the last new episode(cutie pox)?

I did!

Good episode this morning but I would really like to see a Fluttershy episode or one were a pony goes "crazy" again.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Dragon78 wrote:
Anyone see the last new episode(cutie pox)?

Did anyone catch the Big Lebowski ponies at the beginning of that one, in the bowling alley?

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
Did anyone catch the Big Lebowski ponies at the beginning of that one, in the bowling alley?

I may have successfully convinced a coworker to try out the show thanks to that reference.

Hopefully Shinmizu that you were succesful in converting your coworker.

So did anyone catch last weeks episode with Rainbow Dash getting a pet?

Well as anyone seen the last two new episodes?

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32


And is it just me, or does the alleged embodiment of the Element of Generosity tend to be pretty selfish most of the time?

watches an episode

holy crap, this is good. I loved pinkie pie, she's so cute!

The last episode with spike was awesome, anyone else see it?

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Yep. Raises some interesting questions:

If Spike continually manages to not be greedy, does he stay a baby forever?

If he does grow up "naturally", will the Will save DC to resist greed continue to increase forever?

Are dragons evil? Are they just victims? Do they start as victims but then cross a threshold of permanent evil?

Yeah the Spike episode was awesome but I agree it does add many questions about dragons in there world.

My daughter (3 and a half) loves the show.
Her favorite used to be Pinkie Pie, but now it is Rarity. She also likes Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. It's definitely a well made show though. Way better than some of the other stuff she watches.... Like Dora or Max and Ruby.
She watches the 1967 Spiderman and Jem too lol, man wanna talk about cheesy...

Greedy spike and gray Rarity... and Derpy!

Also, last episode was great. Captain Hurricane. The Wendego's. The entire medieval feel of the play, and Derpy waving at us!

I thought they were called Windegos.

Who saw this past saturdays new episode, it was definetly the best Applejack focused episode they have done yet.

Applejack? Oh, yeah, she was in that episode too.
Most importantly, Derpy talked! And given the name of Derpy! So happy.

*Raises hand* I actually got into the show as a form of punishment at the table, I fell asleep during the 10th hour of a marathon gaming session and when I woke up I was told I would have to watch the entire first two episodes of My Little Pony.

Was at first "Pssssh! Guys, I religiously collect 80's cartoons."

They came in mid-way through the first episode to turn it off and I was very much "No, mate, leave it on, this is fun."

We were having a game at a friend's house who has a little four-year-old Girl, it's 6pm, she wanders in, holding a giant stuffed horse and tugs on her dad's shirt and goes "Daaaaaaaad, it's time for Pony!"

Cue four of us drumming on the table going "One of us! One of us!" at which point we called it a night, two people went to go home and the remaining five sat down to watch MLP:Friendship is Magic.

Then his wife walked in, saw us all watching this show with her daughter in the middle and began to laugh hysterically.

That was cool that they had Derpy speak and say her name.

Gotta catch this ep when I can

I have been disapointed that there has not been a single Fluttershy episode this season.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Dragon78 wrote:
That was cool that they had Derpy speak and say her name.

I was a little disappointed in her voice - I always imagined it a bit higher.

My only complaint is about the 'fans', and now there is a decidedly unjust outcry that a mere 20 seconds of dialogue from Derpy is discriminatory against people with learning abilities from a group of people that, at last count, numbered about 20 or less.

Love and Tolerance
Love and Tolerance
Love and .... damn it!

Funny I thought we lived in a country were the majority ruled.

That is just like with the "Pirates a band of misfits" movie(from the same people as Walace and Gromit) were they have to edit out the leprosey joke because some people complained.

Derpy's voice actress mistakenly thought she was supposed to be voicing a younger male character.

Also, Friendship is Dragons.

Yesterdays episode was great, I loved the whole indiana jones type story and finally a mythical monster again.

Dragon78 wrote:

Funny I thought we lived in a country were the majority ruled.

That is just like with the "Pirates a band of misfits" movie(from the same people as Walace and Gromit) were they have to edit out the leprosey joke because some people complained.

Majority rules leads to situations where I would not enjoy life very much. Not in favor of censorship at all, but I see where the offended are coming from.

Anyone else see saturday's episode?

I am happy that there will finally be a Fluttershy focused episode.

It's About Time and Dragon Quest.
Can't. Come. Soon. Enough.
I got into the herd by that Pathfinder/MLP April Fools parody. I saw that the races weren't quite balanced. I was already interested, so I decided to watch the show and see if it could be fixed. Cue me getting halfway through Season One in one day.
I now wear a Derpy shirt, get a sizable portion of my entertainment from Equestria Daily and recently entered a fanfiction contest.

So that is how you got into the show Kobold Cleaver.

Yes I am vey excited next a Fluttershy episode, a Twilight episode, and a Spike episode.

I'll just leave this here.....

... I don't know what to say to this...

They need a codex for it.

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