PFS from the Beginner Box

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade

Does anyone have any advice on how to move newbie players from the Beginner Box over to PFS? More specifically, are characters created with the Beginner Box PFS legal? I want to run some guys through the First Steps scenarios, but I'd rather use the Box ruleset as they are new to d20 RPGs.


Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5

The box bash event on the 29th is supposed to run 4 short adventures which will provide the pc's with a chronicle sheet upon completion. Details are still forthcoming, but sounds like a great bridge to the society. I'm hoping they make the adventures generally available thereafter as I'd love to use them as a hook to bring more players in online as well.

uriel222 wrote:

Does anyone have any advice on how to move newbie players from the Beginner Box over to PFS? More specifically, are characters created with the Beginner Box PFS legal? I want to run some guys through the First Steps scenarios, but I'd rather use the Box ruleset as they are new to d20 RPGs.


Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Ok, a few thing, The chronicle sheets from the Bash are Boons, no Exp or money. They are meant to be given to a PFS legal PC.

The Beginner Bash Pregens are not PFS Legal..

Best thing for you to do to move them towards PFS is to do just that, move them towards PFS rules. Have them move from the Beginner Box to the Core rules once they get a hang of the Beginner Box.

A good way to do that is to run them through the First Steps scenarios using the Core book rules to teach it to them.

You can use the Pregens for PFS if you wish for the First Steps scenarios, they are the same Iconics that the Beginner Box uses.

The Beginner Box rules are not PFS legal, though they still use a basis of the Core rules, so though you can't use the rules verbatim from the Beginner Box, all the rules in the Beginner Box are in the Core rules, just the Core Rules adds more things, like Attack of Opportunities.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Also this from Mike Brock

Michael Brock wrote:
We are looking into a info page that a Beginner Box player can use to transition their Beginner Box character to a legal Pathfinder Society character.

Silver Crusade

Dragnmoon wrote:
The Beginner Box rules are not PFS legal, though they still use a basis of the Core rules, so though you can't use the rules verbatim from the Beginner Box, all the rules in the Beginner Box are in the Core rules, just the Core Rules adds more things, like Attack of Opportunities.

Thanks for the reply, but now I'm even more confused! :)

Maybe all this will be clear when my copy of the Box arrives, but if the Box's rules are just a sub-set of the Core rules, how are the characters not PFS legal?

What I was looking for was a way to add more options (both in game and in character design) as the players grow with the characters. In other words, use the Box as a "tutorial" of sorts for a "pre-First Steps".

Scarab Sages

I'm curious about this as well. Why is a character created under the BB not PFS legal? A BB character uses the standard races, isn't evil, and doesn't craft things.

(Caveat: I don't own the BB yet, so the above are my own assumptions and may be completely erroneous.)

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

At a guess, I'd say the wizard still has Scribe Scroll, which is not legal in PFS. That feat can be pretty easily presented in a "beginner" format without over complicating things.

But, otherwise, from everything I've read on the Beginner Box, compatibility was one of the key design goals. How would the characters and rules used from the box not be compatible with the game played using the Core Book?

Last, something Dragnmoon is correct about is that you want to transition into the Core Rulebook to actually play PFS. My suggestion would be to run the Beginner Box stuff, including the "Bash" modules that will be released for next weekend's events; these should eat up several sessions worth of playing time. From there, do what Dragnmoon suggested and get the more comprehensive versions of the same iconics that were released for PFS pregens and use those to play the First Steps series. Then, sit down with them and construct new characters that are custom to their own desires.

If you read the threads going on in the "Beginner Box" section, this kind of thing is being discussed. The Beginner Box is supposed to be just a slimmed down version of the Core Book, something that doesn't overwhelm it's readers the way the Core Book does. Paizo wants players to be able to transition smoothly from that to the Core Book and not have to "relearn" any rules. Instead, they'll just be learning *new* rules to go with what they already know.

Having said all that, I know Dragnmoon is in possession of a box due to some event he's running. He can certainly gainsay any of this, and has the stuff in front of him to back it up. However, if I'm wrong, then I'm very concerned about the direction of this product. Moreover, I'm wondering why Paizo employees are saying what they're saying in those threads, if all the rules are different.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
uriel222 wrote:

Maybe all this will be clear when my copy of the Box arrives, but if the Box's rules are just a sub-set of the Core rules, how are the characters not PFS legal?

What I was looking for was a way to add more options (both in game and in character design) as the players grow with the characters. In other words, use the Box as a "tutorial" of sorts for a "pre-First Steps".

This is easy to Answer..

1. Not in Additional Resources, so that makes it not PFS legal there, but beyond that..

2. Missing rules like CMB, CMD and attack of opportunities, so it does not Follow the "Legal" rules.

3. One last thing the Basic Box Pregens uses 15 pt build, not 20

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Drogon wrote:
Moreover, I'm wondering why Paizo employees are saying what they're saying in those threads, if all the rules are different.

They are not different, just "less"

If a player went into a PFS game only knowing Basic Box, they would be able to transition very easily I think, but that said, the PFS uses the Full rules which many of those are not in the Basic set.

I did not mean to make it sound like the rules where different, only that they are Not PFS legal.

Grand Lodge 5/5 ****

As long as you generate a character that could have been generated with the Core Rule it will be legal - so this shouldn't be a problem.

So let's add my view here:

Adapting Pre-Gens: Both my kids play Pre-Gens from the Kingmaker AP which are 15 point builds and are 'non-PFS' legal.

Solution - take the build, add 5 points for abilities to make them stronger (never seen a player objecting to that) and check the value of equipment and modify as well if overspend or underspend. Voila - done.

Attack of Opportunity - run the game until this happens the first time and introduce them to the rule. If it is an AoO on them tell them - if you move this way - the monster will get a free attack. Give the player the choice to alter his move or show him how to avoid it.
If it is a monster he is likely happy to just have another AoO.

CMD/CMB - be prepared and have the CMD/CMD ready for your players. Ignore until needed and the add this rule.

What are the issues I see?

A) a PFS GM running a scenario and only owning the Beginners Box will have problems. This can occur when a new gaming group decides to try out scenarios and dip their toes into PFS without advice/help from someone with Core Rulebook experience.

B) rebuild issues might rear their ugly head when a power game aligned player starts with the beginners Box and finds all the goodies in the Core Rules at level 3 and likes to rebuild because his Beginner Box character isn't the optimal race, has the wrong spells, feats, etc. This is similar to builds where new books come out - but players might feel cheated.

For B) - if you have a very driven player who plays to 'succeed' tell him beforehand or start him directly with the Core Rules. A lot of players don't mind. They don't read the books, they don't know what they miss. In these cases I act as advice during level up and tell them options they are not aware but that I feel they would like to add. Yes - often these options are also from the Core Rulebook. But not every player reads it back- to - back.

Another way to soften B). During creation or level up offer the player options from the Core Rulebook if you think this is what they really want but has been left out in Basic.

We should try to welcome fresh and new gamers. I have a ten year old playing his first game Wednesday with my two kids and friends. I would love to be able to give him the beginners box a few days ahead to give him a better feel for the rules or to allow my son play the GM for his friends before they get to my table and play 'proper'.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Dragnmoon wrote:
Drogon wrote:
Moreover, I'm wondering why Paizo employees are saying what they're saying in those threads, if all the rules are different.

They are not different, just "less"

If a player went into a PFS game only knowing Basic Box, they would be able to transition very easily I think, but that said, the PFS uses the Full rules which many of those are not in the Basic set.

I did not mean to make it sound like the rules where different, only that they are Not PFS legal.

This is good to hear. You had me worried for a bit, there.

Uriel, it seems like this is easily overcome by many of the suggestions that are listed here. Good luck with your endeavor, and let us know how it works out.

I, for one, plan on using this boxed set during my store's "Learn to Play Pathfinder" nights going forward. In the past I have always used those nights to transition people to PFS. Using this will change that tactic, slightly, but I still want the same result. So, I'm curious to see how it works for you.

Scarab Sages

Dragnmoon wrote:

This is easy to Answer..

1. Not in Additional Resources, so that makes it not PFS legal there, but beyond that..

Yikes, that was so easy, I'm quite ashamed I didn't even think to check Additional Resources. Thanks, Dragnmoon.

Thod gives some great ideas on how to make a legal conversion though.

This beginner box is going to be very good for our hobby.

Silver Crusade

Thanks for all the help! I can't wait to get my hands on this.

The Exchange 4/5

uriel222 wrote:
Thanks for all the help! I can't wait to get my hands on this.

really really use the Beginner Box (BB) as a tool to introduce them to Pathfinder. it is the baby steps way to teach people about D20 Rules. give them a month on baby food then throw them the real food of the Core rule book and run them through Fallen fortress. with a PFS legal pregen.

If they transition well to the FULL rules you have them hooked.

I have heard a lot of people say why start with the BB. and my response is. the core is a lot of rules for some people and it scares them. the BB rules are all in the core. but all the Core is not in the BB. so it is a simple way to get them hooked and wanting more. just like the original Red, Blue and Black boxes where for many used to transition into the Advanced version.

The best part is it is in the exact same setting is used for the BB and PFS, Golarian. so the transition is a lot easier than back then.

Good luck. I am sure it wont take long to get them into the PFS with the BB!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

To be clear, we do want to allow BB players to bring their characters to PFS and play. As the BB character sheet is missing things like CMB, CMD, and some skills, there will be a (very easy) procedure to make those characters fully PFS-happy.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We will be releasing information for players with only the Beginner Box to make Pathfinder Society-legal characters in the near future. We have to get the game launched first, and then we'll work on meshing it with the existing Society. But for those wondering, there will be guidelines for using the Beginner Box to generate a character and play that character in Pathfinder Society events through 5th level, as well as rules for converting such a character to the full Pathfinder RPG rules upon reaching 6th level. When exactly we'll have these up relies on a few factors that are still hazy enough that I can't promise a specific date.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Dragnmoon wrote:
uriel222 wrote:

Maybe all this will be clear when my copy of the Box arrives, but if the Box's rules are just a sub-set of the Core rules, how are the characters not PFS legal?

What I was looking for was a way to add more options (both in game and in character design) as the players grow with the characters. In other words, use the Box as a "tutorial" of sorts for a "pre-First Steps".

This is easy to Answer..

1. Not in Additional Resources, so that makes it not PFS legal there, but beyond that..

2. Missing rules like CMB, CMD and attack of opportunities, so it does not Follow the "Legal" rules.

3. One last thing the Basic Box Pregens uses 15 pt build, not 20

There are more differences than just the 15 point build to 20 point build between the BB Pregens and the PFS Pregens, like the feats given and such.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Mark Moreland wrote:
But for those wondering, there will be guidelines for using the Beginner Box to generate a character and play that character in Pathfinder Society events through 5th level, as well as rules for converting such a character to the full Pathfinder RPG rules upon reaching 6th level. When exactly we'll have these up relies on a few factors that are still hazy enough that I can't promise a specific date.

That will be interesting to see, I can see it done from the players perspective, but I can't imagine how it can be done from the GM perspective since the scenarios will have feats/abilities/monsters not in the Beginner box.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Dragnmoon wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
But for those wondering, there will be guidelines for using the Beginner Box to generate a character and play that character in Pathfinder Society events through 5th level, as well as rules for converting such a character to the full Pathfinder RPG rules upon reaching 6th level. When exactly we'll have these up relies on a few factors that are still hazy enough that I can't promise a specific date.
That will be interesting to see, I can see it done from the players perspective, but I can't imagine how it can be done from the GM perspective since the scenarios will have feats/abilities/monsters not in the Beginner box.

Scenarios don't need to be adjusted in any way. Only PCs. There's nothing a Beginner Box PC can do that a regular PC can't, and as a player faces more complex elements in PFS play, that will allow them to familiarize themselves with additional rules slowly, while only needing to know the same, simplified rules they already know as part of the Beginner Box.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Mark Moreland wrote:

Scenarios don't need to be adjusted in any way. Only PCs. There's nothing a Beginner Box PC can do that a regular PC can't, and as a player faces more complex elements in PFS play, that will allow them to familiarize themselves with additional rules slowly, while only needing to know the same, simplified rules they already know as part of the Beginner Box.

I get the player side... What I am saying is how would a GM run a scenario with just the Beginner Box...

Dragnmoon wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:

Scenarios don't need to be adjusted in any way. Only PCs. There's nothing a Beginner Box PC can do that a regular PC can't, and as a player faces more complex elements in PFS play, that will allow them to familiarize themselves with additional rules slowly, while only needing to know the same, simplified rules they already know as part of the Beginner Box.
I get the player side... What I am saying is how would a GM run a scenario with just the Beginner Box...

It is simple: they can't. Core Assumption assumes any PFS GM to own at least the Core Book and first Bestiary, and should own the Field Guide, in order to run a PFS scenario.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Ok - just to be clear here. When participating in a Bash event am I to use the box characters only or do can I use my PFS registered level 1 new shiny character?

What is the 'reward' either way, for the completion of the 'Bash' - I saw something about boon? I have no idea what this is - can you spell it out for the players about what should happen when they rock up to play - what characters should be played and what is the final result at the end of the event.

If it is a boon, what is a boon and what does it grant?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Helaman wrote:
Ok - just to be clear here. When participating in a Bash event am I to use the box characters only or do can I use my PFS registered level 1 new shiny character?

You use the pre-generated characters that come with the boxed set.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Helaman wrote:

Ok - just to be clear here. When participating in a Bash event am I to use the box characters only or do can I use my PFS registered level 1 new shiny character?

What is the 'reward' either way, for the completion of the 'Bash' - I saw something about boon? I have no idea what this is - can you spell it out for the players about what should happen when they rock up to play - what characters should be played and what is the final result at the end of the event.

If it is a boon, what is a boon and what does it grant?

A boon is a benefit that have caring effects. Some of the boons given out at Gen Con allow a player to build a new PFS character with a race that isn't normally allowed. Some boons grant circumstance bonuses during certain conditions.

SInce the delves aren't out it is unknown what the boons are for the BB. But they will be helpful and the delves will be fun.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Thanks for clearing that up. Shouldnt need to bring anything then... Except dice and pencil

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Helaman wrote:
Thanks for clearing that up. Shouldnt need to bring anything then... Except dice and pencil

The boxed set comes with a set of dice, so you don't even need that. A pencil is probably a good idea, but any organizer worth his/her salt will have spare pencils. So just bring your body, clothing is required :-)

The Exchange 4/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:
Helaman wrote:
Thanks for clearing that up. Shouldnt need to bring anything then... Except dice and pencil
The boxed set comes with a set of dice, so you don't even need that. A pencil is probably a good idea, but any organizer worth his/her salt will have spare pencils. So just bring your body, clothing is required :-)

Noo! my Dice! Mine! Mine! Mine! bring your own :-)

J/K since I am running in a game store for bothe these you forget your dice I think we can round up a set :-)

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