I volunteer to create / maintain a list of Pathfinder compatible modules

Product Discussion

In a previous thread, I asked if there was a way to see all the 3rd party modules. The way the store is set up makes it hard to shop for adventures.

My mother always tells me that it is better to cast fireball than curse the darkness, so I am volunteering to create a public list.

My proposed format can be seen here.

The information for each module will be:
Module Name
Module Description (likely the flavor text verbiage from the online store)
Minimum Recommended Level
Maximum Recommended Level
Hyperlink to the module on the Paizo webstore
Other notes (Any additional information that seems important, such as "PFS Approved", "roleplay focused" or "Part 3 of The Gods Must Be Crazy series".)

I plan on sorting the list from lowest level to highest, but there is a hyperlink to download the list in Excel format so viewers can sort by whatever criteria they choose.

The link above should continue to work as I add real information. I will keep posting in this thread as I make changes.

What I would like from publishers (3rd party or Paizo) is:
- Permission to put your adventures in my list
- A list of the Pathfinder RPG compatible modules you would like listed.
- (optionally) What information you would like in the other fields. Otherwise, I will use my best guess.

You can provide this either in this thread or emailing me at (my user name above)@yahoo.com.

What I would like from other players is feedback on the format and information. Does this sound useful to you? What would make it more useful?

Disclaimer: I am doing this for free and I do have a full time job, so my hope is to get this built and then keep it "up-to-the-month" until such a time as the Paizo web store makes my work obsolete.

Sovereign Court Raging Swan Press

I think this is an awesome idea and I'll definitely participate.

My only suggestion regarding your format it to allow more space for the module's blurb - some can be quite long (say 300 words) but they are a great way to provide a really brief, flavoursome summary of the adventure.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We'd be happy to include this on d20pfsrd.com when it is further along as well if you are interested.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Keeper, I think this is a great idea, and I hope you seriously consider d20pfsrd's offer.

Frog God Games

Just sent you an e-mail, Keeper0.

Plus included below.


FGG1: Fane of the Fallen
By William Loran Christensen
All is not as it seems when a large scale orc raid preys upon the city of Brookmere. PCs are sent to parlay with the orcs believed to be responsible, and after many exciting battles and investigation, the characters learn of the masterminds behind the attack, a faction of murderous elves bent on the destruction of the kingdom. Can the characters penetrate the foreboding Harwood Forest and defeat the denizens of Castle Novgorod? Or will they succumb to the fallen elves and their depraved succubus goddess?
13th-18th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/other/v5748bt py8l68

FGG2: Strange Bedfellows
By Carla Harker
A circus show erupts in mayhem when goblinoids crash the performance, slaughtering performers and audience members alike. PCs investigate the attack, leading them into an ancient dungeon and uncovering ancient secrets and harbored grudges. Their decisions affect the politics and economics of three unique towns.
2nd level and up
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/other/v5748bt py8l6a

FGG3: Ursined, Sealed, & Delivered
By Denis Sustare
Ursined, Sealed & Delivered is a newly written adventure module, but it’s a truly unique window into the early days of the game. The module is written by Dennis Sustare, the designer and author of the original Druid class that has become a key character class in virtually every fantasy game ever written since 1978. I’ve done almost no editing of Dennis’s text, although the tournament format has been shifted around to be more easily used during play. The result is that you are about to read an adventure that’s a direct window into the imagination of one of the great figures of fantasy gaming. Any typographical errors or glitches in the “flow” of the adventure are the responsibility of the editor, and all the high-adventurous moments of this fast-moving, gripping adventure are to the credit of the author.
3rd-5th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/other/v5748bt py8l6c

HC1: Valley of the Hawks
By John Stater
Part of the Hex Crawl Chronicles, The Valley of Hawks is a wooded river valley that cuts across a verdant prairie. It is named for the giant specimen of hawks that hunt along its banks and, during the Spring, blacken its skies. In the days of myth and legend, the Valley of the Hawks was inhabited by a race of giants who carved their likenesses in stone and hunted monstrous creatures using the giant hawks as their ardent companions and helpers. In the shadow of the giants dwelled the trouping elves and their erstwhile goblin enemies, fighting and feasting and making sport of life. The coming of the golden men from the west sent the proud elves and vicious goblins into hiding, for they commanded powerful magics and built a grand city of metal and crystal. But the reach of the golden men exceeded their grasp, and within a few generations their city had fallen and sent its children into the valley as orphans, and the elves and goblins worked their vengeance on them until only a few bands of the golden men, as wild and savage as the beasts, still roam the Valley. And so our adventurers arrive in the Valley of the Hawks seeking fame and fortune. Perhaps they come from northern lands or southern lands or perhaps they were born in the Valley and seek to learn its secrets and use its wealth to found a new city in the manner of the long gone golden men, a city that shines and terrifies and engraves their names forever in the stories of elves and men.
Hex Crawl Chronicles do not recommend a level range, so that GMs can tailor it to their own campaign.
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/other/v5748bt py8l5w

HC2: The Winter Woods
By John Stater
Part of the Hex Crawl Chronicles, The Winter Woods are situated in the northern climes where the snow falls from late Autumn to early Spring. The map can be roughly divided into fi ve geographical regions. The extreme west is a land of thickly wooded canyons, mesas and buttes divided by rushing streams that fl ow into the Great River, visible in the southwest corner of the map. The north central portion of the map is a rolling prairie of tall grasses, wildfl owers, leaping gazelles, browsing wisent and mammoth and prowling smilodons. The prairie and canyon lands are bordered on the east by a land of forested hills, gentle compared to the western lands, and very fertile. The extreme east of the map contains what the native folk call the “Black Water”, a vast sea of viscous, black water that gives off an acrid smell and is said to harbor things better left unseen. The shores of the Black Water are a moor of black, spongy ground and perverse fungal growths, some growing as tall as trees. The natives of the Winter Woods believe they know what lies beyond the Black Water, but are hesitant ever to speak of it lest “they” prick up their ears and take an interest in the teller of tales.
Hex Crawl Chronicles do not recommend a level range, so that GMs can tailor it to their own campaign.
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/other/v5748bt py8owh

HC3: Beyond the Black Water
By John Stater
Part of the Hex Crawl Chronicles: Among the reasons many adventurers choose to end their days in the cannibal-ridden, hurricane-savaged isles of the south is the immense distance it puts between them and the terrible land beyond the Black Water. The Black Water is a great inland sea filled with black, viscous water that sits as still as death. Nobody but a fool would willingly cross the Black Water, save for the strange men who sail the black arks, but many fools have crossed those waters in search of a lost love or a secret taken to the grave, for beyond the Black Water and its grey shores lies the icy Land of the Dead.
Hex Crawl Chronicles do not recommend a level range, so that GMs can tailor it to their own campaign.
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/other/v5748bt py8owd

NS1: Vengeance of the Long Serpent
By Kenneth Spencer
Book 1 of the Northlands Saga, this series of adventures takes place in the frozen north, where men are men, beer is ale and monsters are, well, scary. Who has not loved the setting of the 13th Warrior or wished to relive the Frost Giant’s Daughter by R.E. Howard? Heroes will fight evil in the cold lands, sail the treacherous ice filled seas where sea monsters swallow ships and crews and feast in fire-lit halls with Vikings! Planned as a series of 10 modules, this series will begin in January (appropriately, due to the cold). More information will be added as it becomes available. Written by Ken Spencer, this series is sure to send shivers up even the bravest adventurer’s spine!
1: Vengeance of the Long Serpent
Pull on your hauberk, ready your shield, and take up your axe, the tide is moving out and it is time to set sail on a voyage of adventure. In Vengeance of the Long Serpent, the heroes sail north into a land of murder, savagery, and madness to face a reawakened dark god and his deadly cult.
5th-7th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/northlandsSag a

ONS1: Jungle Ruins of Madero-Shanti
By Scott Casper
A century ago or more, when the town of Cholagadi was just a frontier fort on the coast, Madaro-Shanti was the most powerful city-state in the entire Ambicuaria Jungle. Its citizens were highly advanced in the arts of magic, and even retained some vestiges of magical quasi-technologies perhaps more ancient than humankind itself. Their prosperity made for jealous enemies, none more covetous than the powerful and sorcerous Kiengaa Tribe of the deep jungles. The Kiengaa plotted against Madaro-Shanti, making dark pacts with the monstrous ape-centaurs known as the Borsin, and with the monkey-faced, snake-like monsters known as the Hanu-Naga. Once this terrible, unnatural army was gathered, the Kiengaa and their allies laid siege to Madaro-Shanti itself.
As the walls of Madaro-Shanti fell, and the invaders swarmed into the city, the high priest of the city closed himself within the royal shrine, praying to all the gods for intervention. Yet none of the gods answered his prayers until the last – and that was Ojala, whom the people of Madaro-Shanti knew as a god of evil and treachery. A deadly bargain was struck that night, and true to his promise, Ojala caused a horrible wasting disease to strike the besieging army. But the full extent of the evil god’s treachery became clear when the surviving people of Madaro-Shanti themselves began to succumb to the same disease which had slain their enemies. Within a fortnight, all the people of Madaro-Shanti had either died of the plague or scattered into the depths of the predator-filled jungle.
In only a few years, the city was overgrown by the jungle and fell into ruin, but the magical disease was to have one final consequence. Not only did the contagion affect the Kiengaa and the Madaro-Shanti – it also infected the mind of a powerful nature-spirit that inhabited the surrounding jungles. The nature-spirit Cho-Odaa, driven mad by the disease and hungry for vengeance against all humankind, has discovered the means to exact a terrible reckoning.
4th-7th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/oneNightStand s/v5748btpy8l66

ONS2: Death in the Painted Canyons
By Kenneth Spencer
A band of gnolls has been attacking caravans passing from the caravanserai of Salt Springs through the Painted Canyons and on towards the oasis town of Beni-Hadith. The Satrap of Salt Springs has offered a bounty on their heads. Can the PCs stop the attacks once and for all?
5th-6th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/oneNightStand s/v5748btpy8osd

ONS3: The Spire of Iron and Crystal
By Matthew J. Finch
Deep in the wilderness stands the legendary Spire of Iron and Crystal, a bizarre structure of twisting iron and four enormous crystals that seem to grow from the very ground itself. The fabled riches of the Spire have never been plundered, for no entrances have ever been found... Until now. Your party of adventurers has discovered the long-hidden secret of entering the Spire.
5th-6th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/oneNightStand s/v5748btpy8ose

SF1: Splinters of Faith, Adventure 1: It Started With a Chicken…
By Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness
Ancient Evil Awakens
In a long-buried tomb, a grave robber restores a death-cult leader to life, and his cloud of evil spreads across the land. Left behind are the broken Scepter of Faiths and a litany of shrines to restore the weapon. But the evil one and his minions wait to destroy any who try...
Temples of faith, bastions of evil
This is the the first of 10 Splinters of Faith adventures—a series for characters of levels 1 to 15 that can be played individually or as part of an epic campaign to restore the Scepter of Faiths. In the full series, you'll adventure in 10 fully detailed temples such as the Shield Basilica of Muir or the dwarven city of Anvil Plunge, and conquer the nightmarish Nether Sepulcher to restore the balance of good.
1st-3rd level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/splintersOfFa ith/v5748btpy8l65

SF2: Splinters of Faith, Adventure 2: Burning Desires
By Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness
PCs visit the aboveground dwarven city of Anvil Plunge, only to discover the starting ritual needed to re-forge the scepter cannot be undertaken because a piece of the holy forge is missing. PCs will have to travel into the sprawling Sin Mire Swamp to recover the artifact.
2nd-4th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/splintersOfFa ith/v5748btpy8lqu

SF3: Splinters of Faith, Adventure 3: Culvert Operations
By Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness
The city of Bargarsport sits upon the sunken ruins of the old city—and the underground temple of Clandestine. But the temple’s faithful are a conniving lot, and require PCs to face down a necromancer and his undead minions moving into the underground city before they will help.
3rd-5th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/splintersOfFa ith/v5748btpy8lqm

SF4: Splinters of Faith, Adventure 4: For Love of Chaos
By Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness
PCs find that the temple of Iseleine, perched high atop a pillar standing in the middle of a lush, garden-fi lled pit, is in dire danger from a force strategically destroying the garden below. What’s worse is the fact that the temple’s high priestess viciously killed her husband… then threw herself from the high pillar. On her was the oil of Iseleine needed to bless the scepter.
4th-6th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/splintersOfFa ith/v5748btpy8lqo

SF5: Splinters of Faith, Adventure 5: Eclipse of the Hearth
By Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness
The pyramid Seraph, once a holy temple, now lies under the sway of darkness. Breaking into the temple is hard enough, but braving the sinister twists awaiting in the dark catacombs will test the strongest PCs.
5th-7th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/splintersOfFa ith/v5748btpy8lqq

SF6: Splinters of Faith, Adventure 6: Morning of Tears
By Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness
PCs must enter a frozen wasteland to find a missing statue. But the icy wastes are the least of their worries in the Wailing Glacier.
6th-8th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/splintersOfFa ith/v5748btpy8lqs

SF7: Splinters of Faith, Adventure 7: The Heir of Sin
By Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness
PCs hope to simply strike the Grindstone of Muir, but are they worthy enough? They’ll have to prove it by rescuing a paladin’s daughter from the lair of a demon lord’s cult.
7th-9th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/splintersOfFa ith/v5748btpy8owp

SF8: Splinters of Faith, Adventure 8: Pains of Scalded Glass
By Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness
A disaster has injured and killed the priests of the Lady of the Searing Waters, but the nearby abandoned mines hold deadly secrets the PCs must unravel.
8th-12th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/splintersOfFa ith/v5748btpy8owr

SF9: Splinters of Faith, Adventure 9: Duel of Magic
By Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness
PCs journey from a temple of good magic to face a coven of evil witches where they must rescue an astral deva.
10th-14th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/splintersOfFa ith/v5748btpy8owt

SF10: Splinters of Faith, Adventure 10: Remorse of Life
By Gary Schotter & Jeff Harkness
With the completed Scepter of Faiths, PCs must track down the evil Akruel Rathamon in the temple city of Al-Sifon before he consolidates his power and again sets out to conquer the land.
13th and up
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/splintersOfFa ith/v5748btpy8os8

SNS1: The Hollow Mountain
By Uri Kurlianchik
When a peaceful tribe of nomadic wood elves suddenly become hostile and start raiding human settlements with murderous zeal, adventurers are hired by the local baron to investigate why.
They soon discover that the wood elves have left their nomadic lifestyle and taken up residence inside a famous local landmark called the Hollow Mountain.
8th-12th level
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/other/v5748bt py8l5y

ST1: Slumbering Tsar 1: The Desolation, Part 1 – The Edge of Oblivion
By Greg A. Vaughan
The Sleeper Awakes!
At last, after languishing in its crypt for an age, the secrets of the slumbering city of Tsar burst forth in all their macabre glory. Poured forth from the eldritch furnaces and crucibles of the Necromancer and Orcus himself comes Frog God Games bringing you at long last The Slumbering Tsar Saga.
Something Stirs in the City of Evil
Over the distant northern hills, beyond The Camp, and past the Desolation stand the pitted walls of Tsar. A hundred armies have crushed themselves against this bulwark in futile attempts to breach the city. Even the combined might of the Heavens and Earth were unable to break through in the final battle of Tsar. So why was the city suddenly abandoned on the verge of victory, and what waits for those foolish enough to enter the Temple-City of Orcus?
7th level and up
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/slumberingTsa r/v5748btpy8l5l

ST2: Slumbering Tsar 2: The Desolation, Part 2 – The Ghosts of Victory
By Greg A. Vaughan
For more than a year, the Army of Light bivouacked on the plains surrounding the city of Tsar. While the battles raged around the city’s walls, these camps stood as veritable cities in their own right, only occasionally moving due to the depletion of resources or in response to counterattacks. The soldiers of this army lived, built, ate, and died, in these vast camp-cities as the war raged around them, and more than one burial mound and war monument was raised among them to commemorate some lost hero or valorous deed. Eventually the forces of Tsar retreated and the city was abandoned—a victory for the Army of Light, or so the historians say. Yet when the triumphant armies packed up and departed in pursuit of their foes, they left behind a necropolis of elaborate tombs and simple graves, as well as the scarred remains of one of the most horrific attacks in the war, spread out over hundreds of square miles. What had been a victorious armed camp became a desolate, depleted plain, still haunted by its ghosts of victory.
7th level and up
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/slumberingTsa r/v5748btpy8l5m

ST3: Slumbering Tsar 3: The Desolation, Part 3 – The Western Front
By Greg A. Vaughan
The western half of the Desolation sprawls around the walls of the fortified city of Tsar. Here endless armies battered themselves against its unyielding stones and faced off against fell creatures and powers beyond mortal ken. The Western Front takes the players to the very threshold of the city itself in the areas known as the boiling Lands and the Dead Fields, against its malevolent guardian, and through the war-torn fragments of a landscape that can truly be called a no-man’s land.
7th level and up
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/slumberingTsa r/v5748btpy8l5n

ST4: Slumbering Tsar 4: Temple-City of Orcus, Part 1 – The Tower of Weeping Sores
By Greg A. Vaughan
Having won through the Desolation, the players find that the worst is yet to come as they discover that the Black Gates of Tsar are protected by the legendary Kirash Durgaut—the Tower of Weeping Sores. Never broken in battle, this bastion stands firm after centuries. Can it still be inhabited after all this time? Only the brave or the foolish dare find out. For 11th-level PCs, The Tower of Weeping Sores provides the spring board for the exploration of the city beyond by providing the details of The Tower of Weeping Sores as well as the Black Gates of Tsar and the Walls of Death.
11th level and up
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/slumberingTsa r/v5748btpy8l5o

ST5: Slumbering Tsar 5: Temple-City of Orcus, Part 2 – The Lower City
By Greg A. Vaughan
Battered and crushed after a year of war and centuries of abandonment, intrepid explorers find that now all is not restful in the slumbering city. Dark forces gather to man battlements and perhaps even march forth to war once more. The dangers of the Lower City are very much alive and awake as this adventure explores the lowest tenements of the city known as the Grunge and the flooded Dread Marsh.
11th level and up
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/slumberingTsa r/v5748btpy8l5p

ST6: Slumbering Tsar 6: Temple-City of Orcus, Part 3 – The Harrow Lanes
By Greg A. Vaughan
Stretching across the center of the city like a jagged scar, the Harrow Lanes block all access to the ways above. To plumb the secrets of the city, the lanes must be surmounted. But this is no easy feat when wheels within wheels set powerful pawns into motion at the hands of chess masters filled with ancient wisdom. What lurks in The Harrow Lanes is something few will live to tell of.
This adventure includes the exploration of the many sites within the Harrow Lanes, including Mordecai’s Stair, the Cursed Smithy of Larach-Umbriol, the Encampment of the Beast-Fiends, the Khanjar’s Gauntlet, the Cathedral of Pain, and many more.
11th level and up
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/slumberingTsa r/v5748btpy8l5q

ST7: Slumbering Tsar 7: Temple-City of Orcus, Part 4 – The Crooked Tower
By Greg A. Vaughan
Rising like a broken finger above a city of the dead, the Crooked Tower has stood longer than the city itself. And the city’s destruction and abandonment proved no obstacle to the plans of the tower’s master. With a reach that stretches far across the Desolation, the master of the tower—and perhaps master of the city—lurks on high and pulls the strings of his many puppets. Only the most foolhardy would dare brave the heights of the Crooked Tower.
11th level and up
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/slumberingTsa r/v5748btpy8l5r

ST8: Slumbering Tsar 8: Temple-City of Orcus, Part 5 – Foundations of Infamy
By Greg A. Vaughan
The secrets of the city have been laid bare as brave heroes reach its pinnacles only to discover they have only scratched the surface of the dread they face. For after braving all the perils they have, PCs discover that the Foundations of Infamy merely provide the means of reaching the final challenge—The Hidden Citadel. This adventure explores the upper reaches of the city known as the High Terrace, the Maze, the Darken Bridge and the Plateau of the Demon Prince.
11th level and up
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/slumberingTsa r/v5748btpy8l5s

ST9: Slumbering Tsar 9: The Hidden Citadel, Part 1 – At the Feet of Orcus
By Greg A. Vaughan
Daring to enter the great Throne of Orcus, lost these many centuries to the knowledge of the world, the heroes begin to unravel the mystery of the Lost Fifty and One as they explore the High Altar of Orcus and the Death Chambers in this, the Hidden Citadel.
15th level and up
Frog God Games
http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/f/frogGodGames/pathfinderRPG/slumberingTsa r/v5748btpy8opz

You can find our one-and-only adventure module here: Albion Armitage's Astounding Arsenal.

I have added modules from Frog God Games (thank you for supplying the urls!), Raging Swan Press, Open Design and 4 Winds. Creighton, if I missed any of your modules, let me know.

I stretched the width of the description column to better handle the verbosity. I deleted the hyperlink column and just put the hyperlink on the adventure name.

The link above works, but here it is again for your fun and constructive criticism.

I would be honored to be linked to by d20pfsrd. You guys are my heros! I always have about 20 tabs from it open in my browser during games.

Some thoughts and questions:

I noticed in another thread that a publisher was promoting their adventures, but they are only listed on DriveThruRPG and not on the Paizo store.

Is that common?
Is there a reason that a publisher would not be listed on the Paizo website, other than "I haven't gotten around to filling out the paperwork yet"?

I would prefer to link back to the Paizo store, both out of affection for the company and because I think the value of the reviews are better.

How should I handle publishers who aren't listed in the Paizo store?
- Don't list their adventures?
- List their adventures but don't supply a hyperlink?
- List their adventures and hyperlink to any place they prefer?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
keeper0 wrote:
How should I handle publishers who aren't listed in the Paizo store?

My vote would be:

"List their adventures and hyperlink to any place they prefer."

Shadow Lodge

keeper0 wrote:

Some thoughts and questions:

I noticed in another thread that a publisher was promoting their adventures, but they are only listed on DriveThruRPG and not on the Paizo store.

Is that common?
Is there a reason that a publisher would not be listed on the Paizo website, other than "I haven't gotten around to filling out the paperwork yet"?

I would prefer to link back to the Paizo store, both out of affection for the company and because I think the value of the reviews are better.

How should I handle publishers who aren't listed in the Paizo store?
- Don't list their adventures?
- List their adventures but don't supply a hyperlink?
- List their adventures and hyperlink to any place they prefer?

I know that DriveThruRPG does have some sort of exclusivity contract with some publishers. I think that if you really want your list to be comprehensive, then ignoring anyone who doesn't deal with Paizo isn't the way to do it.

Scarab Sages

Keeper0, I sent an email to you on behalf of Rite Publishing. I'll include it below just in case.


Coliseum Morpheuon
Go Beyond the Adventure Path and enter the Realm of Dreams!
Hundreds of teams enter. One team leaves! Can your team survive the Chimeric Amphitheater? Navigate among manipulative benefactors, violent rivals, vengeful trainers and the mysterious Khan of Nightmares who rules all.
Coliseum Morpheuon is an extraplanar plug-and-play mini-setting and adventure for 16–20th level characters, wholly compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
Authors: Clinton J. Boomer and Jonathan McAnulty
Cartography: Jonathan Roberts
Recommended Levels: 16th - 20th
Publisher: Rite Publishing/Cubicle 7

The Gift: Curse of the Golden Spear Part 1
The shores of Kaidan beckon...Traveler Beware!
For centuries Kaidan has been isolated from the world. Now, at long last, by Imperial decree, its ports are open to gaijin sailors and merchants. You come to Kaidan, escorting a merchant and the gift he carries, a gift meant for a powerful Kaidanese lord. But Kaidan is cursed and once within its borders you may find that not even death will release you from the Islands’ powerful grip. Do you have what it takes to survive the Curse of the Golden Spear?
The first of a three part campaign, "The Gift" is an adventure set in the cursed land of Kaidan and is suitable for a group of 5th level characters. Drawing inspiration from Japanese folklore, and fully compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Kaidan is a land of horror and mystery. In Kaidan, demons stalk the land in human form, the dead seldom rest easy, and life is cheap. This adventure serves to introduces players and game masters alike to the cursed realm of Kaidan.
Author: Jonathan McAnulty
Cartography: Michael Tumey
Recommended Level: 5th
Publisher: Rite Publishing/Cubicle 7

Dim Spirit: Curse of the Golden Spear Part 2
Danger lurks with the Forests of Kaidan ...Traveler Beware!
You came to Kaidan, escorting a merchant and the gift he carried, a gift meant for a powerful Kaidanese lord. Yet with the gift delivered, and the merchant's daughter rescued, your troubles are only just beginning. Kaidan is cursed, and now that you are within its borders you discover that not even death will release you from the Islands' powerful grip. As new horrors continue to present themselves, you must ask, do you have what it takes to survive theCurse of the Golden Spear?
The second of a three part campaign, Dim Spirit is an adventure set in the cursed land of Kaidan and is suitable for a group of 6th level characters. Drawing inspiration from Japanese folklore, and fully compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Kaidan is a land of horror and mystery. In Kaidan, demons stalk the land in human form, the dead seldom rest easy, and life is cheap. This adventure continues the story which began in The Gift, introducing players and game masters alike to the cursed realm of Kaidan.
Author: Jonathan McAnulty
Cartography: Michael Tumey
Recommended Level: 6th
Publisher: Rite Publishing/Cubicle 7

Dark Path: Curse of the Golden Spear Part 3
Horror dwells in the Lands of Kaidan ... Traveler Beware!
You came to Kaidan, escorting a merchant and the gift he carried, a gift meant for a powerful Kaidanese lord. Yet this gift bore a powerful curse and now, unless you can reclaim the golden spear, you will be forever trapped in Kaidan. A dark path lies before you, full of wicked undead, vicious demons and unnatural warriors. To survive The Curse of the Golden Spear, you will need all of your skill, cunning and bravery.
The third of a three part campaign, "The Dark Path" is an adventure set in the cursed land of Kaidan and is suitable for a group of 7th level characters. Drawing inspiration from Japanese folklore, and fully compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Kaidan is a land of horror and mystery. In Kaidan, demons stalk the land in human form, the dead seldom rest easy, and life is cheap. This adventure concludes the story which began in "The Gift" and "Dim Spirit", introducing players and game masters alike to the cursed realm of Kaidan.
Author: Jonathan McAnulty
Cartography: Michael Tumey
Recommended Level: 7th
Publisher: Rite Publishing/Cubicle 7

Frozen Wind
"Winter is not coming, it is here!"
Trekking along the high mountain trail five lonely travelers find themselves in grave danger. Caught in a fierce and unseasonal snowstorm, they must take shelter in Miyamakoori Monastery, a shrine of the yamabushi, located within a crevice near thesummit of a mountain. The yamabushi shrine offers the only refuge for travelers along the highland trail. On this night, however, a powerful spirit of Jigoku, and her demonic entourage, has come to settle an old agreement between the abbot and herself. As a cold and unspeakable darkness falls upon the monastery, the travelers must use all the resources at their disposal to survive...
"Frozen Wind" is a one-shot adventure for five characters at 5th level designed for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
Author: Jonathan McAnulty
Cartography: Michael Tumey
Recommended Level: 5th
Publisher: Rite Publishing

The Living Airship
A stolen airship.
A Vallorian fleshcrafter.
A secluded mountain outpost.
Vallorians, a pernicious race of subterranean humanoids, forever seek to invade and subjugate the surface world with their twisted, living weapons. One enterprising enclave absconded with a gnomish airship and moored it deep within the Spellborne Peaks. Led by the ambitious Hegen diHorome, they work to fleshcraft The Zephyr into a sentient aerial dreadnought—a living airship. Can the heroes navigate through the treacherous caverns to defeat diHorome and his allies in time? Or will the Vallorians blight the skies over Questhaven with their monstrous vessel?
An adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game suitable for 4–6 Player Characters of 7th to 10th level.
Includes printer-friendly version, map folio, and high-resolution map images with and without grids.
Author: Soren Keis Thustrup with additional design by Jonathan McAnulty
Cartography: Jonathan Roberts
Recommended Levels: 7th – 10th
Publisher: Rite Publishing

The Breaking of Forstor Nagar
Savage battlecries and screams of pain echo through the streets and off the raw sheer walls that make up the carved stronghold of Forstor Nagar. The cannibalistic troops of The Hungering Legion have breached the gates, and the defenders have been routed.
Trapped in the heart of Forstor Nagar, the ambassador from Ithulandis, the City of Adventure, must be rescued. But the redoubt is cut from the living ice of the Forstorheim glacier, and enemies rip the very life from the inhabitants. Only scant hours remain before the alleys are slick with a crimson slush.
Adventurers must cross the invaders' lines to infiltrate the fortress, locate the diplomatic compound and escape with the ambassador before filed teeth sink into their flesh and the fate of the city is sealed forever. Will they succeed, or just become more corpses for the conquerers' larder? Welcome to the Breaking of Forstor Nagar!
Author: Ben McFarland
Cartography: Jonathan Roberts
Recommended Levels: 8th
Publisher: Rite Publishing/Cubicle 7

Kthulhu wrote:
I know that DriveThruRPG does have some sort of exclusivity contract with some publishers. I think that if you really want your list to be comprehensive, then ignoring anyone who doesn't deal with Paizo isn't the way to do it.

That is a good reason. I wanted to make sure that it wasn't because they were not really compatible or some such reason.

The disparate listings only make a single canonical list more valuable. (And it was no easier to scan for adventures on DriveThruRPG.) So, the hyperlink will point anywhere the publisher wishes and all publishers are welcome.

Rite Publishing is now on the list! Thanks for the URLs!

Shadow Lodge

You can sort apply a rule system filter and DTRPG. There will still be thousands of products, but at least it will cull out the tens of thousands that are NOT for Pathfinder.

I'd just like to say thanks to Keeper0 for taking the time and effort to put this together.

I think a lot of GM's (including myself) will find this a valuable time-saving resource

Sovereign Court Raging Swan Press

Here's Raging Swan's list! Thank again for doing this!

Dark Oak
Beneath the fetid roots of a noisome swamp linger the pathetic remnants of a once proud and noble tribe. Laid low by a powerful narcotic administered by their ambitious (but wildly paranoid) mistress, the lizardfolk of the Dark Oak are but a shadow of their former greatness. Now below the slumbering body of a diseased treant she plots to bring bloody slaughter to the folk of the nearby villages before her followers forget their proud heritage and sink into a lethargy from which there is no escape.

An adventure for four 5th-level characters by Creighton Broadhurst and Steve Hood.

Publisher: Raging Swan Press


In the frozen depths of winter, murderous winds mercilessly batter the crumbling Priory of Cymer. Within, trapped by their duty and the heaped snowdrifts that render travel near impossible, the few remaining faithful huddle together and tend the sacred places of their forbears. With the weather worsening, nerves fray and tempers snap as the wind howls its mournful dirge for the forgotten dead of a fallen time. But the worst is yet to come. One of those trapped within holds a murderous grudge that only blood can expunge and as the storm reaches its savage height terrible revenge is wrought amid the frigid halls and faded glories of a bygone age.

An adventure for four 1st-level characters by Creighton Broadhurst.

Publisher: Raging Swan Press


Road of the Dead
Centuries ago, the Tuath were a mighty folk who strove against the goblins of the Tangled Wood for dominion over that ancient place. Defeated by treachery and their feral, warlike enemies their civilisation was thrown down. Their settlements were sacked, their places of strength broken open and their holy places despoiled; the few survivors melted away into the trackless gloom of the deep forest leaving behind nothing but remnants of their once-great culture. The Road of the Dead, a ceremonial pathway representing a soul’s journey to the underworld, is one such fragment that yet lingers in the Tangled Wood awaiting the brave or the foolhardy. A cunningly designed death-trap, it hides the forgotten treasures and legends of a fallen people.

An adventure for four 3rd-level characters by Creighton Broadhurst.

Publisher: Raging Swan Press


Shadowed Keep on the Borderlands
A ruined monument to folly and ego, the Shadowed Keep stands atop an isolated bluff deep in a mist-wreathed forest. Sacked by marauding goblins decades ago the place was thought abandoned, but shadows now creep among the forest's great boles and footprints have appeared on the single, overgrown track leading to the keep. Travellers now disappear with alarming regularity from the nearby road and the local folk fear some slumbering evil has claimed the ruin as its own.

An adventure for four 1st-level characters by Creighton Broadhurst.
Publisher: Raging Swan Press

Out later this year

I'd also sent Streets of Zobeck, Tales of the Old Margreve, KQ#16, KQ#17, Breaking, and Coliseum, but my post apparently timed out. I didn't know about the Kaidan material, or that the Living Airship had been converted.


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

keeper0 wrote:

What I would like from publishers (3rd party or Paizo) is:

- Permission to put your adventures in my list
- A list of the Pathfinder RPG compatible modules you would like listed.
- (optionally) What information you would like in the other fields. Otherwise, I will use my best guess.

Our Community Use Policy gives you the permission you need (and also lets you use cover images and descriptions from our product listings). If you're just doing modules and not sourcebooks, you want to head over here and look at the Adventure Path, Module, and Pathfinder Society Scenario sections.

Added "Shadowed Keep".

Ben, I got your email on those items and they are on the list.

Now I need to figure out how to get in contact with publishers who aren't actively searching the message boards.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Our Community Use Policy gives you the permission you need (and also lets you use cover images and descriptions from our product listings). If you're just doing modules and not sourcebooks, you want to head over here and look at the Adventure Path, Module, and Pathfinder Society Scenario sections.

Awesome! Those will take me a bit of time to enter, but it wouldn't be complete without them.

The Exchange

New page has been added to d20pfsrd.com under Extras.

Keeper0: If you have different credit information or an email address or something you'd like us to list or use please let me know. Right now I linked your name to your Paizo profile.

Sovereign Court Raging Swan Press

d20pfsrd.com wrote:

New page has been added to d20pfsrd.com under Extras.

Keeper0: If you have different credit information or an email address or something you'd like us to list or use please let me know. Right now I linked your name to your Paizo profile.

Thanks for doing that! if you need any more information from Raging Swan, don't hesitate to ask. I can be reached here or at creighton [at] ragingswan [dot] com.

Cake for Keeperman... what flavour do you want?

Silver Crusade

Thanks for putting this together. Here's the info for Sneak Attack Press's first adventure:

Good Little Children Never Grow Up

Everybody in Hedgebird knows that the old DeMay orphanage is haunted, but that did not stop the Perseville family from moving to town and buying the place. Nor did it stop the Tarnak boys from venturing inside. Now the children are trapped inside, and to get them out the heroes must confront terrible ghosts from the orphanage’s past.

Min Level: 4
Max Level: 5
Publisher: Sneak Attack Press
Link: http://paizo.com/store/games/roleplayingGames/p/pathfinderRPG/sneakAttackPr ess/v5748btpy8p3b

Where's the Weed? wrote:
Cake for Keeperman... what flavour do you want?

Based on the look of your icon, I'm not hungry. :-)

But thank you for the thought.

Sneak Attack Press is added, as are Blackbyrne and the Headless Hydra.

With the addition of Paizo and 0one Games, I am going to take the bold step of calling the list "Complete". There are a couple of publishers with modules on the Paizo store that I haven't been in contact with, but hopefully they will find me. I could probably link to them without explicit permission under the "Fair Use" laws, or under the "I am giving you free advertising" amendment, but for the moment I will wait until I have it in digital ink.

For Paizo, I lumped the APs into one line each and I also lumped the Pathfinder Society seasons into one line each. Partly that was a "I'm only human" move since it meant nine lines rather than 100+, and it won't go out of date as quickly. It also keeps the list from being swamped by those.

I added legal disclaimers at the bottom. The one from the Paizo Community Use Page and then a paraphrased version for other publishers.

With that, I am calling this thread closed. I am going to start a new thread with the title "The Complete List of Pathfinder Compatible Modules" so it is clearer to the reader what it contains. New modules or revised information on existing ones can be posted there, since I will be subscribing to it. Or they can be emailed to me at keeper0 (that is a zero) at yahoo.

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