Things I like about Pathfinder

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Dark Archive

In many of my past posts I have been critical of some things in the game, but it is ment to improve this already great game.I want to list some things I like about the game instead of negative points. I encourage you all to do the same, lets try to keep it positive and mention only things you like.

I come from a background of playing 1st ed for about 20 years. I finally decided to jump into the new millenium with pathfinder, and I am glad I did. So here it goes things I like.

I really like the simplification of making manuvers. It really adds options to the martial classes.

I like the art and layouts of the books.

I like the translation to the board with this game, in many RPGs this is not as seemless.

I like the Adventure paths. I was new to that term, normaly refered to games as campaigns or modules, but now that I have played a few I really see how the term fits.

The formatting is great and the classes are great.

It's not 4.0

No really, it's the game I love, kept alive by a company that didn't make it in the first place. Love you Paizo

Dark Archive

The Base classes over 3.5 just Rock!

It's a significant portion of my old 3.5 house rules, and some more that are better ideas than what I had.

All characters in the game--PC, NPC, and Monster--play by the same rules. That's what is most important to me and what I love about 3.0 to Pathfinder. It's like having an underlying "physics" to the world.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Barbarians are no longer illiterate by default.

Liberty's Edge

Copied from the 10 Things You Love and Hate about PF thread:

1 Skill consolidation (e.g. Spot Hidden, Listen, Search = Perception)
2 Standardised Skill Rank Cost
3 More frequent feats (every other level now)
4 Traits from the APG
5 Favoured class as a carrot rather than a stick, also favoured class options in APG
6 Alternatve Racial variants in APG
7 Treat Deadly Wounds use of the Heal skill (you can now immediately heal some HP damage, yay!)
8 Sorcerer bloodlines
9 The cheap PDFs - although I wish they were less image heavy as some are almost unusable even on a decent laptop.
10 Pathfinder Society Organised Play - this is the only reason I play Pathfinder RPG.

Grand Lodge

DigitalMage wrote:

Copied from the 10 Things You Love and Hate about PF thread:

1 Skill consolidation (e.g. Spot Hidden, Listen, Search = Perception)
2 Standardised Skill Rank Cost
3 More frequent feats (every other level now)
4 Traits from the APG
5 Favoured class as a carrot rather than a stick, also favoured class options in APG
6 Alternatve Racial variants in APG
7 Treat Deadly Wounds use of the Heal skill (you can now immediately heal some HP damage, yay!)
8 Sorcerer bloodlines
9 The cheap PDFs - although I wish they were less image heavy as some are almost unusable even on a decent laptop.
10 Pathfinder Society Organised Play - this is the only reason I play Pathfinder RPG.

Thanks, I missed that one. I did a search for "Things I like" and did not find one so made a new one.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Nimon wrote:
I really like the simplification of making manuvers. It really adds options to the martial classes.

Agreed. I don't have the background for comparison, but yeah, it's pretty slick. I hear it used to be a mess, but even taken on its own, I really like the system for combat maneuvers.

I like the art and layouts of the books.

Agreed again. In particular, I like Wayne Reynolds' work.

I like the translation to the board with this game, in many RPGs this is not as seemless.

I'm curious about this. I haven't really played other RPGs too much - can you elaborate?

I like the Adventure paths. I was new to that term, normaly refered to games as campaigns or modules, but now that I have played a few I really see how the term fits.

Wish I could try one sometime.

I also really like the skills as compared to 3.5.

Dark Archive

The translation to a board is a lot better than 1st ed. First ed, movement and actions were not so well defined, this was normally done(if at all) by a lot of house rules. I have not played the recent version of L5R, but older ones also did not translate to a board well, though this game and the WoD games are arguably not ment for that type of game play.

I forgot to add I think the Inner Sea Guide is probably one of the best world books I have ever come across.

DMing is fun for me again with Adventure Paths. I now have a quality adventure framework I don't have to make myself broken down into easily useable parts rather than one big mega module.

Pathfinder kept the magic system interesting and versatile. So I can still plan encounters around events other than doing damage and killing monsters.

I like the lore and world setting. I also like some of the power boosts Paladin received. Can't find anything else to say (anything positive, that is).


Combat Manoeuvres are worth doing. CMB simplified that so very well.

The classes seem to be well balanced against each other.

Paizo's support, pricing and quality make it a system worth staying with. I had decided to stay with 3.5 - I'd invested in a few books and didn't want to waste it. When I came across Pathfinder I thought long and hard before taking the plunge, and decided this system was worth the investment.

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