Mark Knights |

I made a new race using these rules as I needed a mysterious race that came from the Dimension of Time to fill a niche in my game. I give the details later in this post. I will say I started by thinking I would make it advanced and then when I got into making it I found the number of abilities usable to be really slim pickings. There are a whole lot of gaps that need to be filled. So I scaled the race back to a basic race. I was fairly disappointed with this as I wanted to use that race as a precursor to creating an alien race in Numeria that had some kind of breath weapon and some really alien qualities but they are just not there to use. I suppose it is early days yet though. Anyway, on to my race, the Dolan...
Dolan (Outsider)
The Dolan's home dimension is the Dimension of time, though no solid proof of this claim has ever been presented.
They are tall (6'-7' average) violet humanoids with no hair and eyes containing no pupil. They adorn themselves in golden and silver tattoos that represent the lives of their ancestors. They claim to be immortal and are certainly very long lived with some individuals being recorded through the history books of many countries. They tend to favour long flowing robes that enhance their graceful movements in social situations.
The Dolan believe that they were created when time also came into being. They hold no favour with one great creator, and revere their ancestors whom they claim to be able to contact in spirit form through their own racial memories. It is true that they are wise and have great sages amongst their number. Children of their race do appear to be sagacious in their outlook and demeanour that lends credence to this belief. The race tends to believe that they are some kind of protector of the material realms and certainly do not consider themselves a part of it, as if guiding it to some kind of shared destiny.
The Dolan are rare on the material plane and are unable to interbreed with other races. Regardless of this the Dolan ingratiate themselves into any community they come in contact with and are often found in positions of great influence due to this. They are seen as extremely odd but their advice is often sought after which makes them become very valuable in communities.
It is claimed by several scholars that the Dolan present on the Material Plane are actually exiles from the Dimension of Time for some great crime committed there. The Dolan do not respond to such questioning, but nor have they outright denied the rumour. They say very little about how they came to be on the Material Plane other than it was "The Great Journey".
The Dolan get along well with nearly all other sentient races and there are numerous examples of the Dolan becoming close friends with a huge variety of creatures. One thing they cannot abide by though are Demons and they will go out of their way to destroy the Demon scourge wherever they can. For this reason many Dolan can be found on the frontline at, or near the Worldwound.
Dolan are drawn to religion in Golarion. It seems the absence of a spiritual being in their home dimension causes an intense curiosity in the divine beings. Due to this many of the Dolan are drawn to religious service as Clerics, Paladins, Inquisitors and Oracles. Of course this does not restrict them wholly and there are tales of great druids, rangers, rogues and others amongst their number.
Basic Race (10 RP)
Racial Type: Outsider (Native to Dimension of Time) (2 RP) (60' Darkvision)
Medium Size (0 RP)
Base Speed: 30' (0 RP)
Ability Scores: Standard Array (0 RP) +2 Wisdom, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
Language Trait: Standard (1 RP) Common, Celestial (Racial), Int mod up to 7 other non secret
Racial Abilities:
Defence: Eternal Hope (2 RP) +2 Racial Bonus vs. Fear & Despair effects, also 1/day on a roll of 1 can re-roll and use 2nd roll instead
Offence: Hatred (1 RP) Demons: + 1 to attack rolls when fighting Demons
Skill & Feat: Bonus Feat (4 RP) : At 1st Level Dolan gain the Breadth of Experience feat (APG) as a bonus feat based on knowledge passed on by ancestors.