Reduce Person Familiar

Rules Questions

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Is there any way I could use Reduce Person on a Familiar. Or would I have to ask my DM if I could custom create a spell to Reduce Outsider?
Azata, Lyrakien

Was thinking of making her a Lyre of Building and then shrinking it so I could have a tiny construction crew jutebox wherever I go. Or could I just construct the Lyre in tiny size?

Alwaysafk wrote:

Is there any way I could use Reduce Person on a Familiar. Or would I have to ask my DM if I could custom create a spell to Reduce Outsider?

Azata, Lyrakien

Was thinking of making her a Lyre of Building and then shrinking it so I could have a tiny construction crew jutebox wherever I go. Or could I just construct the Lyre in tiny size?

'Yes. Any spell you can cast on yourself you can cast on your familiar. Plus you can make it permanent.

You should be able to do that, Share Spells: "A wizard may cast spells on his familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar’s type (magical beast)."

The spell is aimed at medium/small creatures. But it says it targets humanoids (type, not size), thus it works with Share Spells.

What the others said.

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