I Need Some GMs In Missouri!

Local Play

Dark Archive

Hello, all!

I'm sending a shout out to Pathfinders all over the state that I might not know yet--send me a line! Also, if you are in the KC area, I have had a distress call come to me from GameCafe in Independence--they can't keep a weekly or bi-weekly PFS game going because they keep losing GMs. If you are in the area and willing to run a few games, please contact either GameCafe or Pulp Fiction, as both are great game stores that need a few GMs to help get regular games going.

And if you play PFS anywhere in Missouri, I look forward to meeting you! Post here or send me an email!

Thank you,


More Games = More Fun

jason roeder wrote:

And if you play PFS anywhere in Missouri, I look forward to meeting you! Post here or send me an email!

If you're free the weekend of November 10-13, you could check out the judges of Pathfinder at the Kansas City Game Fair (http://www.kcgamefair.com/KCGF/events_schedule.php). I'll post your plea to the members of the Role-Players Guild of Kansas City, Ltd.

I don't know if people in that group can quite do a weekly game (we're just now starting up some new PFS characters for our monthly game days), but you could see if there are any likely candidates at the game fair (Tom from Game Cafe has been to previous conventions; I have no idea if he'll be there this year).

PFS has waxed and waned in terms of popularity. There's a reason my main character is only level 6 after a couple of years of play. We're trying to fan the flames again. I suck at PFS knowledge, so I won't be a good judge, but I will be running We Be Goblins at KC Game Fair, which might also help a little.


Grand Lodge

Well, I live in MO and I'm thinking of trying out being a GM, but I'm on the opposite side of the state from you, if you're in Kansas City. I've GM'd for short stints of a couple months at a time but am still pretty inexperienced. Anyway, fellow Missourian, I thought I would at least say,"Hi!"

The Exchange 5/5

I'm in the St. Louis area, and I try to play/judge every week. And often travel to Con's/game days (I'm headed to some games this afternoon).

Not sure how to get your email address - guess I didn't make my Kn(Internet) roll....

Grand Lodge

Hello, nosig!

My email is dvd.wade@gmail.com

Would love to make the aquaintence of another gamer near St. Louis!

Dark Archive

I actually live just outside of Columbia, MO. I am trying to get things moving more on the KC side of the state, as the St. Louis side already has a rockin PFS scene. That doesn't mean St. Louis won't get any love--I plan to go over there and roll some dice soon--but KC just needs some help right now.

My email address should be listed in the free Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play, and also in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide. Just in case you don't have access to either of those, it is kikai13@yahoo.com.

I hope to hear from you all soon!

Grand Lodge 5/5

With my awesome addition to the scene, there shouldn't be an issue getting games going:

If you are GM in the KC area, e-mail me (SBrummond@gmail.com).
If you are a player looking for a game in the KC area, e-mail me.
If you are a rich person looking to give up your inheritance or magic item trove, please drop it off directly at Pulp Fiction Comics & Games where I run a bi-weekly PFS game starting December 8th, 2011.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

Glad to have you with us! I have a friend who was a strong supporter of LG and more recently a PFS player in that area. I'll give him your contact info, so he can find a steady PFS game to join!

Liberty's Edge 3/5

My name is Samuel I am in the springfield missouri area, I am a experienced gamemaster and looking for stable players. I also know of a few venues in the springfield area that are willing to support pathfinder society play. The only thing is is that I dont what being a part of pathfinder society entails. What the rules are and what is normally required. I am pretty well grounded in the mechanics of pathfinder rules but have almost no clue as to the pathfinder game world, I would love a chance to play and meet new people. I can be contacted by my email address at setaprt04@yahoo.com. Thank you for your time.

Shadow Lodge

We play at Changing Hands Book Shoppe in Joplin, Mo on the last Saturday of the month, 11 am. It's a public game so anyone is welcome to join. We are a low level group, however, ranging from level 2 (I think) to 4 so we can't accommodate a higher level character right now.
If you'd like more info, email me at manekochan@netscape.net
We're always looking for extra players for me to hide behind. :p

Well-Met Comrades,

I am looking into starting a Group in the Springfield, Missouri.

Mainly Homebrew though as I am not to keen on PFS and other organized play set-ups...

My email is JTMC93@gmail.com.

Take Care Everyone!

Scarab Sages 3/5

Samuel Hutton wrote:
My name is Samuel I am in the springfield missouri area, I am a experienced gamemaster and looking for stable players. I also know of a few venues in the springfield area that are willing to support pathfinder society play. The only thing is is that I dont what being a part of pathfinder society entails. What the rules are and what is normally required. I am pretty well grounded in the mechanics of pathfinder rules but have almost no clue as to the pathfinder game world, I would love a chance to play and meet new people. I can be contacted by my email address at setaprt04@yahoo.com. Thank you for your time.

Samuel, I help organize a PFS group in Springfield MO. I will email you with details, but you (Or anyone) are welcome to swing by sometime and/or contact me with questions.

Grand Lodge

Hi I am a GM in Florissant, MO looking for a few good men and women to play at the Fantasy Shop in Florissant 8232 N. Lindbergh Blvd. We meet Thrusday nights from 5:30 to 9PM. We are playing Jade Regent "The Brinewall Legacy". We currently are on the road traveling with our caravan to Brinewall and are looking for scrapping adventurers to join our ranks. We have modified rules for the caravan which we personally put togehter to make it a blast for the players. So come down and join us or email me at jgianc@yahoo.com for more info. See you there.

I just organized a meetup group at http://www.meetup.com/The-Springfield-LARP-and-Table-Top-Roleplaying-Group/ to link players up with DM/GMs to form groups. If you are looking for a roleplaying group come check us out and look see what upcoming events we have or start your own!

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