12 level characters: How many are there?

Pathfinder Society

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Grand Lodge 5/5

Just a quick correction to the spreadsheet ...

It is Dorbin Rockcrusher not Dorvin under the Clerics.
It is Sir Tibor Almos, Knight of Andoran under Paladins.
(Though I guess it's ok to omit the Knight of Andoran part.)

And Fin the Rogue may actually have stolen his titles or at least forgotten to pay the prestige points for them. Yeah, let's go with that.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **



What? Graphs are included now? How can I resist contributing at this point?

The first Atlanta team consisted of:
Priyata Havati Gushtamasati (Vudrani Alchemist 12, Qadira)
Jarina Al'Mullam (Keleshite Cleric of Sarenrae 12, Qadira)
Charlotte DesChamps (Taldan Rogue 8 / Shadowdancer 4, Taldor)
Aurelius of House Cato (Taldan Fighter 6 / Paladin 6, Taldor)
Lol (Gnome Druid 12, Osirion)
Ormizd (Garundi? Oracle of Flame 12, Osirion)

Corrigan Desmond: 12th level rogue, 1st level sorcerer.

Took a little less then a year, playing once a week in an established AP.

Killed once just last week by a big old mean super golem monster.

In Pathfinder at least... I had more then a few in 2E that reached this level.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **

None can resist the allure of graphs!

Phantom this is for PFS organized play, not adventure paths.

Sovereign Court 5/5

Feral wrote:
None can resist the allure of graphs!


Egger is very upset, you seem to have left him off of the fighter list (he's from Taldor) and is a little sensative about having made 12th level just this week.

The Exchange 2/5

Chris' character, Diya, is a paladin. Noticed Jessamine is under cleric but Diya's missing from the list under paladin. Both of them are Qadiran, by the way.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **

I added Egger.

Diya is already there. She's third on the list of paladins.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Andoran Faction

Andoran faction can field 19 level 12 adventurers 
2 Barbarians, 2 druids, 1 clerics, 3 fighters, 1 monk, 2 paladins, 4 rangers, 1 rogue, 1 sorcerer, 1 wizard, and 1 witch


Gallard Stormeye Male Ulfen Barbarian/Druid,
Witch-Hunter 12 level barbarian


Fafnir the Cloud-Headed, Ulfen Druid
Jayn Wildman Level 12 Druid


Dorbin Rockcrusher - Dwarven Cleric of Sarenrae


Dred Grimheim - Half-Orc Fighter
Harl Manz Fighter 10/Barbarian 2
Willow Skye is a 1/2 elven warrior 12 level


Palmer Rivervale, Druid/ Monk 12 level


Sir Tibor Almos - Human Paladin of Iomedae Knight of Andoran
Balinor, Human Paladin of Sarenrae


Tallak Jernfalk son of Keldor. Male Ulfen Ranger
Tecton Ranger 12 level
Timothy McNiel’s Female Half-Elf, Ranger/Rogue/Horizon Walker
Tobias Keldon - Human Ranger (Archer) of Andoran


Ridley the Rogue, Human Rogue 12 lvl


 Celestial Sorcerer


Marius Scipio the Generic Wizard, Human Wizard 12


Iari Witch 12 level Andoran

Chelaxian Faction

The Chelaxian faction can field 6 level 12 characters. 1 Barbarian, 1 bard, 1 monk, 1, ranger, 1 rogue and 1 wizard


Krunth Skullcrush, Half-Orc Barbarian 12

Rolen Bard 12 level


Lucius Vedellic, male Chelaxian human monk 12.


Lyshrr, Human Bard ? / Fighter ? / Horizon Walker ?,


Billy Mays 12 level rogue


Untamo Arturos Emaniel, Elven Signifier, Cheliax, Wiz 9/Diabolist 3

Osirion Faction

The Osirion Faction can field 9 12 level agents: 1 alchemist, 1 Druid, 2 fighter, 1 monk, 1 Oracle, 2 sorcerers, and a wizard


Venture-Captain Vyktor, Race? Fighter 2 / Alchemist 10,


Lol (Gnome Druid 12)


Grog Stonehammer Ftr 5/Living Monolith 7
Moose Level 12 fighter.


Venture-Captain Kasheed, Human Monk, Osirion


Ormizd (Garundi? Oracle of Flame 12)


Amunet - Female Human Sorcerer
Mort 12th level Male 1/2 Orc Abyssal Sorcerer 
Transmutation Specialist


Jasmine Sunstar Evoker Wizard 12 level

Qadiran Faction

The Qadiran faction can field 14 level 12 agents. They have 1 Alchemist, 3 clerics, 2 druid, 1 fighter, 2 paladin, 1 ranger, 2 rogues, 1 sorcerer, and 1 wizard


Priyata Havati Gushtamasati Vudrani Alchemist 12


Venture-Captain Nikolai Adonai 
CG Half-Elf Male 
Cleric of Sarenrae 8 / Holy Vindicator 4 

Jarina Al'Mullam Keleshite Cleric of Sarenrae 12
Jessamine, Cleric level 12


Yasmin bint Farud -12 level druid
Stork Male Dwarven Druid level 12 druid


Ka-Dar the Silent One, Fighter 12


Pasha Qolloran ben Kasiim 
Half Elven male 
Paladin 10/Bard 2
Diya, Paladin level 12


Graham, human ranger 12.


Amir Ak-Zeal Ranger 6/Rogue6
Pasha Fin the Trade Prince - Halfling Rogue of lvl 12


Suliman Dar Cleric/ Sorcerer 12 level


Wraif Broadwell, 12 level Wizard

Shadow Lodge has one level 12 agent

Thieran half-elven Cleric 9, Rogue 3; worshiper of Sivanah a former operative of Qadira. (when the new factions came out, and the possibility of having one free switch, I am eyeing a bunch of new factions for some of my characters, because the factions they are in didn’t quite fit or feel right for the characters)


Taldor has 8 level 12 agents 2 bards, 1 cavalier, 1 fighter, 1 Paladin, 1 ranger, 1 Rogue and 1 wizard


Damien Rilos Al’Gwyth Bard 11 Fighter 1
Lord Gerard d'Apcher a 12th-level Bard.

Hernando Ruiz, Knight of the Shield Chavalier Level 12


Egger 12 level Fighter. (two weapon)


Aurelius of House Cato (Taldan Fighter 6 / Paladin 6)


Tenkje Ranger/Rogue


Charlotte DesChamps (Taldan Rogue 8 / Shadowdancer 4


Lord Vinny a level 12 Human Wizard of Taldor

The list keeps growing I count roughly 59 named 12 level characters. 

Andoran 19 levle 12 agents

I moved two characters from Androan to Qadiran Tarabinthia9 let me know what their factiosn were. I had assumed a cleric of a good aligned god, and a paladin would be in the Andoran faction.

Cheliax can field 6 level 12 agents

Osirion can field 9 level 12 agents

Qadiran can field 12 level 12 agents

Shadow Lodge can field 1 levle 12 agents

Taldor can field 8 levle 12 agents

The list keeps growing. Please let me know if i have stuck a character in the wrong faction...and well my counting may be off.

The Exchange 3/5

A fifi dog enters among the assembled Pathfinders and shifts its form to his more natural elven form. He wears dragonhide armor and carries a heavy shield. A haversack hands near his side.

Looking peevish, he addresses the attendant throng, a ball of fire on his hands.

"Why have I been summoned to such a meaningless exercise? Of course I am among the best the Society has to offer! What else would you expect of the Most Powerful Mage in *all* Absalom?"

Thorne sneers at the assembled crowd of Pathfinders.

Druid 12. Qadira.

Dark Archive 1/5

Thorne, the Most Powerful Mage wrote:
What else would you expect of the Most Powerful Mage in *all* Absalom?"

I must have been planar traveling at the time you were in town.

The Exchange 5/5

Quick correction to the spreadsheet .. Yasmin is a Sorceress... and is mumbling from her notebook and threatening to breath on you for thinking she was a druid

Silver Crusade 5/5

Andoran Faction

Andoran faction can field 19 level 12 adventurers 
2 Barbarians, 2 druids, 1 clerics, 3 fighters, 1 monk, 2 paladins, 4 rangers, 1 rogue, 1 sorcerer, 1 wizard, and 1 witch


Gallard Stormeye Male Ulfen Barbarian/Druid,

Witch-Hunter 12 level barbarian


Fafnir the Cloud-Headed, Ulfen Druid

Jayn Wildman Level 12 Druid


Dorbin Rockcrusher - Dwarven Cleric of Sarenrae


Dred Grimheim - Half-Orc Fighter

Harl Manz Fighter 10/Barbarian 2

Willow Skye is a 1/2 elven warrior 12 level


Palmer Rivervale, Druid/ Monk 12 level


Sir Tibor Almos - Human Paladin of Iomedae Knight of Andoran

Balinor, Human Paladin of Sarenrae


Tallak Jernfalk son of Keldor. Male Ulfen Ranger

Tecton Ranger 12 level

Timothy McNiel’s Female Half-Elf, Ranger/Rogue/Horizon Walker

Tobias Keldon - Human Ranger (Archer) of Andoran


Ridley the Rogue, Human Rogue 12 lvl


 Celestial Sorcerer


Marius Scipio the Generic Wizard, Human Wizard 12


Iari Witch 12 level Andoran

Chelaxian Faction

The Chelaxian faction can field 6 level 12 characters. 1 Barbarian, 1 bard, 1 monk, 1, ranger, 1 rogue and 1 wizard


Krunth Skullcrush, Half-Orc Barbarian 12


Rolen Bard 12 level


Lucius Vedellic, male Chelaxian human monk 12.


Lyshrr, Human Bard ? / Fighter ? / Horizon Walker ?,


Billy Mays 12 level rogue


Untamo Arturos Emaniel, Elven Signifier, Cheliax, Wiz 9/Diabolist 3

Osirion Faction

The Osirion Faction can field 9 12 level agents: 1 alchemist, 1 Druid, 2 fighter, 1 monk, 1
Oracle, 2 sorcerers, and a wizard


Venture-Captain Vyktor, Race? Fighter 2 / Alchemist 10,


Lol (Gnome Druid 12)


Grog Stonehammer Ftr 5/Living Monolith 7

Moose Level 12 fighter.


Venture-Captain Kasheed, Human Monk, Osirion


Ormizd (Garundi? Oracle of Flame 12)

Amunet - Female Human Sorcerer

Mort 12th level Male 1/2 Orc Abyssal Sorcerer 
Transmutation Specialist


Jasmine Sunstar Evoker Wizard 12 level

Qadiran Faction

The Qadiran faction can field 15 level 12 agents. They have 1 Alchemist, 3 clerics, 2 druids, 1 fighter, 2 paladin, 1 ranger, 2 rogues, 1 sorcerer, and 2 wizards


Priyata Havati Gushtamasati Vudrani Alchemist 12


Venture-Captain Nikolai Adonai 
CG Half-Elf Male 
Cleric of Sarenrae 8 / Holy Vindicator 4 

Jarina Al'Mullam Keleshite Cleric of Sarenrae 12

Jessamine, Cleric level 12


Stork Male Dwarven Druid level 12 druid

Thorne Level 12 Fifi dog (Druid)


Ka-Dar the Silent One, Fighter 12


Pasha Qolloran ben Kasiim 
Half Elven male 
Paladin 10/Bard 2

Diya, Paladin level 12


Graham, human ranger 12.


Amir Ak-Zeal Ranger 6/Rogue6

Pasha Fin the Trade Prince - Halfling Rogue of lvl 12


Suliman Dar Cleric/ Sorcerer 12 level


Wraif Broadwell, 12 level Wizard

Yasmin bint Farud -12 level Wizard

Shadow Lodge has one level 12 agent

Thieran half-elven Cleric 9, Rogue 3; worshiper of Sivanah a former operative of Qadira. (when the new factions came out, and the possibility of having one free switch, I am eyeing a bunch of new factions for some of my characters, because the factions they are in didn’t quite fit or feel right for the characters)

Taldor has 8 level 12 agents 2 bards, 1 cavalier, 1 fighter, 1 Paladin, 1 ranger, 1 Rogue and 1 wizard


Damien Rilos Al’Gwyth Bard 11 Fighter 1

Lord Gerard d'Apcher a 12th-level Bard.


Hernando Ruiz, Knight of the Shield Chavalier Level 12


Egger 12 level Fighter. (two weapon)


Aurelius of House Cato (Taldan Fighter 6 / Paladin 6)


Tenkje Ranger/Rogue


Charlotte DesChamps (Taldan Rogue 8 / Shadowdancer 4


Lord Vinny a level 12 Human Wizard of Taldor

The list keeps growing I count roughly 58 named 12 level characters. 

Andoran agents= 19
Qadiran agents=15
Osirion agents=9
Taldor agents=8
Cheliax agents=6
Shadow lodge= 1 

Thea Peters, my apologies, “Yasmin bint Farud - an inquisitive little gnome that can pull some mean lightning out when needed.” I am not sure why I thought druid, perhaps I imagined lightning falling from the sky. I have moved her over to the wizard section

Silver Crusade 5/5

Andoran Faction

Andoran faction can field 19 level 12 adventurers 
2 Barbarians, 2 druids, 1 clerics, 3 fighters, 1 monk, 2 paladins, 4 rangers, 1 rogue, 1 sorcerer, 1 wizard, and 1 witch


Gallard Stormeye Male Ulfen Barbarian/Druid,

Witch-Hunter 12 level barbarian


Fafnir the Cloud-Headed, Ulfen Druid

Jayn Wildman Level 12 Druid


Dorbin Rockcrusher - Dwarven Cleric of Sarenrae


Dred Grimheim - Half-Orc Fighter

Harl Manz Fighter 10/Barbarian 2

Willow Skye is a 1/2 elven warrior 12 level


Palmer Rivervale, Druid/ Monk 12 level


Sir Tibor Almos - Human Paladin of Iomedae Knight of Andoran

Balinor, Human Paladin of Sarenrae


Tallak Jernfalk son of Keldor. Male Ulfen Ranger

Tecton Ranger 12 level

Timothy McNiel’s Female Half-Elf, Ranger/Rogue/Horizon Walker

Tobias Keldon - Human Ranger (Archer) of Andoran


Ridley the Rogue, Human Rogue 12 lvl


 Celestial Sorcerer


Marius Scipio the Generic Wizard, Human Wizard 12


Iari Witch 12 level Andoran

Chelaxian Faction

The Chelaxian faction can field 6 level 12 characters. 1 Barbarian, 1 bard, 1 monk, 1, ranger, 1 rogue and 1 wizard


Krunth Skullcrush, Half-Orc Barbarian 12


Rolen Bard 12 level


Lucius Vedellic, male Chelaxian human monk 12.


Lyshrr, Human Bard ? / Fighter ? / Horizon Walker ?,


Billy Mays 12 level rogue


Untamo Arturos Emaniel, Elven Signifier, Cheliax, Wiz 9/Diabolist 3

Osirion Faction

The Osirion Faction can field 9 12 level agents: 1 alchemist, 1 Druid, 2 fighter, 1 monk, 1
Oracle, 2 sorcerers, and a wizard


Venture-Captain Vyktor, Race? Fighter 2 / Alchemist 10,


Lol (Gnome Druid 12)


Grog Stonehammer Ftr 5/Living Monolith 7

Moose Level 12 fighter.


Venture-Captain Kasheed, Human Monk, Osirion


Ormizd (Garundi? Oracle of Flame 12)

Amunet - Female Human Sorcerer

Mort 12th level Male 1/2 Orc Abyssal Sorcerer 
Transmutation Specialist


Jasmine Sunstar Evoker Wizard 12 level

Qadiran Faction

The Qadiran faction can field 15 level 12 agents. They have 1 Alchemist, 3 clerics, 2 druids, 1 fighter, 2 paladin, 1 ranger, 2 rogues, 1 sorcerer, and 2 wizards


Priyata Havati Gushtamasati Vudrani Alchemist 12


Venture-Captain Nikolai Adonai 
CG Half-Elf Male 
Cleric of Sarenrae 8 / Holy Vindicator 4 

Jarina Al'Mullam Keleshite Cleric of Sarenrae 12

Jessamine, Cleric level 12


Stork Male Dwarven Druid level 12 druid

Thorne Level 12 Fifi dog (Druid)


Ka-Dar the Silent One, Fighter 12


Pasha Qolloran ben Kasiim 
Half Elven male 
Paladin 10/Bard 2

Diya, Paladin level 12


Graham, human ranger 12.


Amir Ak-Zeal Ranger 6/Rogue6

Pasha Fin the Trade Prince - Halfling Rogue of lvl 12


Suliman Dar Cleric/ Sorcerer 12 level


Wraif Broadwell, 12 level Wizard

Yasmin bint Farud -12 level Wizard

Shadow Lodge has one level 12 agent

Thieran half-elven Cleric 9, Rogue 3; worshiper of Sivanah a former operative of Qadira. (when the new factions came out, and the possibility of having one free switch, I am eyeing a bunch of new factions for some of my characters, because the factions they are in didn’t quite fit or feel right for the characters)

Taldor has 8 level 12 agents 2 bards, 1 cavalier, 1 fighter, 1 Paladin, 1 ranger, 1 Rogue and 1 wizard


Damien Rilos Al’Gwyth Bard 11 Fighter 1

Lord Gerard d'Apcher a 12th-level Bard.


Hernando Ruiz, Knight of the Shield Chavalier Level 12


Egger 12 level Fighter. (two weapon)


Aurelius of House Cato (Taldan Fighter 6 / Paladin 6)


Tenkje Ranger/Rogue


Charlotte DesChamps (Taldan Rogue 8 / Shadowdancer 4


Lord Vinny a level 12 Human Wizard of Taldor

The list keeps growing I count roughly 58 named 12 level characters. 

Andoran agents= 19
Qadiran agents=15
Osirion agents=9
Taldor agents=8
Cheliax agents=6
Shadow lodge= 1 

Thea Peters, my apologies, “Yasmin bint Farud - an inquisitive little gnome that can pull some mean lightning out when needed.” I am not sure why I thought druid, perhaps I imagined lightning falling from the sky. I have moved her over to the wizard section

thanks for the posts.please keep them coming.

Dark Archive 1/5

And the list grows:

The following have completed the 12th Lvel Arc.

Helen Keier, playing Venture Captain Saadia Toor, 12 Level Rogue, Taldor.

Russell Augello, playing Rand Noor, 12th Level Monk, Andoran.

David Santana, playing Venture Captain Rokktor the Dark Walker, Gnome Sorceror 1/Druid 11 for the Empire of Cheliax.

Currently still awaiting to play parts 3 and 4 of the 12th level arc:

Noel Athony de Joya, playing Untamo Arturos Emaniel, Elven Signifier, Wiz 9/Diabolist 3 for Cheliax.

Kevin B, playing human Amidar Andabar 12th level Paladin of Iomedea. Cheliaxian faction.

Ed Pereira, playing an Eldritch Knight at level 12, for Cheliax again!

Dan Schulltz, playing halfling Ignatius Calixto the Untouchable, level 12 fighter, Cheliax.

In my region, the Para Countess does not lack for loyal liegemen.

The lone opposition, Mike Brody, playing Grom level 12 human Fighter Qadira has played part 1 of the 12th level series.

Awaiting to start the 12th level Arc

Marty K, playing "The Bringer of Light", level 12 human Cleric, Andoran.

David Santana also has Adeline Wulf, Human 12th level Cleric for Taldor.

Ed again has a Inquistor 1/Monk 10 ready to level up for Cheliax.

If Mark Moreland had not gone off to some western coffee bean cult he would have been 12th Level with this merry band as well.

As noted three of my fellow players have posted thier four high level pcs upthread.

Dark Archive 1/5

ElyasRavenwood wrote:
Baron Arem Hesvuan I have not included your 14 players in the count, because im not sure who are your fellow players. Baron by any chance would that area be New York? If I may ask? I suspect I may have played next to you at a table last spring at Mepacon in PA. I had a Mystic theurge of Pharasma, who got by a lava trap by casting “Otiluke’s resilliant sphere” and “hampster” balling it across the lava.

That area is indeed New York sir. I would have counted myself lucky if I had shared a table with you but I have not been able to get to Mepacon; perhaps you shared a table with my friend Ed our Eldritch Knight.

An inspired tactic by the way, I hope to roll dice with you someday soon.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Andoran Faction

Andoran faction can field 21 level 12 adventurers 
2 Barbarians, 2 druids, 2 clerics, 3 fighters, 2 monks, 2 paladins, 4 rangers, 1 rogue, 1 sorcerer, 1 wizard, and 1 witch



Gallard Stormeye Male Ulfen Barbarian/Druid,

Witch-Hunter 12 level barbarian


Fafnir the Cloud-Headed, Ulfen Druid

Jayn Wildman Level 12 Druid


Dorbin Rockcrusher - Dwarven Cleric of Sarenrae

"The Bringer of Light", level 12 human Cleric


Dred Grimheim - Half-Orc Fighter

Harl Manz Fighter 10/Barbarian 2

Willow Skye is a 1/2 elven warrior 12 level


Palmer Rivervale, Druid/ Monk 12 level

Rand Noor, 12th Level Monk


Sir Tibor Almos - Human Paladin of Iomedae Knight of Andoran

Balinor, Human Paladin of Sarenrae


Tallak Jernfalk son of Keldor. Male Ulfen Ranger

Tecton Ranger 12 level

Timothy McNiel’s Female Half-Elf, Ranger/Rogue/Horizon Walker

Tobias Keldon - Human Ranger (Archer) of Andoran


Ridley the Rogue, Human Rogue 12 lvl


 Celestial Sorcerer


Marius Scipio the Generic Wizard, Human Wizard 12


Iari Witch 12 level Andoran

Chelaxian Faction

The Chelaxian faction can field 10 level 12 characters. 1 Barbarian, 1 bard, 1 Druid, 1 Eldritch Knight, 1 Fighter, 1 Paladin, 1 monk, 1 ranger, 1 rogue and 1 wizard



Krunth Skullcrush, Half-Orc Barbarian 12


Rolen Bard 12 level


Venture Captain Rokktor the Dark Walker, Gnome Sorceror 1/Druid 11

Eldritch Knight

Eldritch Knight at level 12


Ignatius Calixto the Untouchable, level 12 fighter


Amidar Andabar 12th level Paladin of Iomedea

Lucius Vedellic, male Chelaxian human monk 12.


Lyshrr, Human Bard ? / Fighter ? / Horizon Walker ?,


Billy Mays 12 level rogue


Untamo Arturos Emaniel, Elven Signifier, Cheliax, Wiz 9/Diabolist 3

Osirion Faction

The Osirion Faction can field 9 12 level agents: 1 alchemist, 1 Druid, 2 fighter, 1 monk, 1
Oracle, 2 sorcerers, and a wizard



Venture-Captain Vyktor, Race? Fighter 2 / Alchemist 10,


Lol (Gnome Druid 12)


Grog Stonehammer Ftr 5/Living Monolith 7

Moose Level 12 fighter.


Venture-Captain Kasheed, Human Monk, Osirion


Ormizd (Garundi? Oracle of Flame 12)


Amunet - Female Human Sorcerer

Mort 12th level Male 1/2 Orc Abyssal Sorcerer 
Transmutation Specialist


Jasmine Sunstar Evoker Wizard 12 level

Qadiran Faction

The Qadiran faction can field 16 level 12 agents. They have 1 Alchemist, 3 clerics, 2 druids,
2 fighter, 2 paladin, 1 ranger, 2 rogues, 1 sorcerer, and 2 wizards



Priyata Havati Gushtamasati Vudrani Alchemist 12


Venture-Captain Nikolai Adonai 
CG Half-Elf Male 
Cleric of Sarenrae 8 / Holy Vindicator 4

Jarina Al'Mullam Keleshite Cleric of Sarenrae 12

Jessamine, Cleric level 12


Stork Male Dwarven Druid level 12 druid

Thorne Level 12 Fifi dog (Druid)


Grom Fighter 12

Ka-Dar the Silent One, Fighter 12


Pasha Qolloran ben Kasiim 
Half Elven male 
Paladin 10/Bard 2

Diya, Paladin level 12


Graham, human ranger 12.


Amir Ak-Zeal Ranger 6/Rogue6

Pasha Fin the Trade Prince - Halfling Rogue of lvl 12


Suliman Dar Cleric/ Sorcerer 12 level


Wraif Broadwell, 12 level Wizard

Yasmin bint Farud -12 level Wizard

Shadow Lodge has one level 12 agent


Thieran half-elven Cleric 9, Rogue 3; worshiper of Sivanah a former operative of Qadira. (when the new factions came out, and the possibility of having one free switch, I am eyeing a bunch of new factions for some of my characters, because the factions they are in didn’t quite fit or feel right for the characters)


Taldor has 10 level 12 agents 2 bards, 1 cavalier, 1 Cleric, 1 fighter, 1 Paladin, 1 ranger, 2 Rogue and 1 wizard



Damien Rilos Al’Gwyth Bard 11 Fighter 1

Lord Gerard d'Apcher a 12th-level Bard.


Hernando Ruiz, Knight of the Shield Chavalier Level 12


Adeline Wulf, Human 12th level Cleric


Egger 12 level Fighter. (two weapon)


Aurelius of House Cato (Taldan Fighter 6 / Paladin 6)


Tenkje Ranger/Rogue


Charlotte DesChamps (Taldan Rogue 8 / Shadowdancer 4

Captain Saadia Toor, 12 Level Rogue


Lord Vinny a level 12 Human Wizard of Taldor

The list keeps growing I count roughly 67 named 12 level characters. 

Andoran agents= 21
Qadiran agents=16
Taldor agents=10
Cheliax agents=10
Osirion agents=9
Shadow lodge= 1

Baron arem Heshvuan, thanks for the list of additional NY 12 level characters.
Our paths may have crossed. Last fall from September to January I played PFS for a few months at Café au bon pan in Manhatten. My name is Myles Crocker. Natertot is a long time friend of mine. Last spring at Conn con, I got to meet Helen, and my character barely survived a table run by Dave Santana at Mepacon last spring.
I played an irrepressible little gnome alchemist/rogue called Fizzabang the Fabulous at Art Lobel’s Rich Orlowski’s, and Martin Kauffman’s table last year. They may not remember me. It has been a year and so many players come and go.
Anyways thanks for the batch of 12 level characters,

Dark Archive 1/5

ElyasRavenwood wrote:

Baron arem Heshvuan, thanks for the list of additional NY 12 level characters.

Our paths may have crossed. Last fall from September to January I played PFS for a few months at Café au bon pan in Manhatten. My name is Myles Crocker. Natertot is a long time friend of mine. Last spring at Conn con, I got to meet Helen, and my character barely survived a table run by Dave Santana at Mepacon last spring.

I played an irrepressible little gnome alchemist/rogue called Fizzabang the Fabulous at Art Lobel’s Rich Orlowski’s, and Martin Kauffman’s table last year. They may not remember me. It has been a year and so many players come and go.

Alas this is one instance where you are quite wrong my friend, I very much remember you Myles!

We had the pleasure of playing with you on Wednesday nights and we enjoyed your good humor so much we even made attempts to invite you to join our Council of Thieves home campaign. We wrapped that up in August and plan to start Carrion Crown after Hallow's Eve.

If your available to join that campaign please let me know:



Grand Lodge 4/5

I've got one 12.

Sir Thordin Stonehocker
Male Dwarf Fighter

Was killed by a whole bunch of assassins in The Mantis' Prey.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Baron arem Heshvuan,
Thank you. I appreciated your kind invitation. The only reason I didn't accept, was because, at that time, i didn't know if i was going to be staying in New Jersey on a more permanent basis, or returning to Vermont. And I didn't feel it was fair of me to take a seat at the gaming table, not knowing where i would be.

The next time Im in NJ, i will bug Helen and try to catch a game on wednesday nights.

Thank you Feral, for doing the spread sheet and breaking down the characters by class.

Alchemsit: 2
Barbarian: 4
Bard: 5
Chavalier: 1
Cleric: 6 clerics, the majority worshiped Sarenrae
Druids: 7
Fighters: 10
Monks: 4
Oracle 1 (flame)
Paladins: 5 (2 Sarenrae, 2 Iomedae, 1 Abadar)
Ranger's 8
Rogue 8
Sorcerer 4
Witch 1
Wizards 5

Mad claw, i will add Sir Thordin Ston hocker Mad oops Male Dwarf fighter of Aroden to the list, as soon as i find where i have put that world file on my computer. Oh i cant wait to play Mantis prey. I plan to send my 8th level Inquisitor of iomedae (andoran) through it.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Here is the list with Sir Thordin Ston Hocker added.

Andoran Faction

Andoran faction can field 22 level 12 adventurers 
2 Barbarians, 2 druids, 2 clerics, 4 fighters, 2 monks, 2 paladins, 4 rangers, 1 rogue, 1 sorcerer, 1 wizard, and 1 witch



Gallard Stormeye Male Ulfen Barbarian/Druid,
Witch-Hunter 12 level barbarian


Fafnir the Cloud-Headed, Ulfen Druid
Jayn Wildman Level 12 Druid


Dorbin Rockcrusher - Dwarven Cleric of Sarenrae
"The Bringer of Light", level 12 human Cleric


Dred Grimheim - Half-Orc Fighter
Harl Manz Fighter 10/Barbarian 2
Sir Thordin Stonehocker Dwarvin Fighter 12 level
Willow Skye is a 1/2 elven warrior 12 level


Palmer Rivervale, Druid/ Monk 12 level
Rand Noor, 12th Level Monk


Sir Tibor Almos - Human Paladin of Iomedae Knight of Andoran
Balinor, Human Paladin of Sarenrae


Tallak Jernfalk son of Keldor. Male Ulfen Ranger
Tecton Ranger 12 level
Timothy McNiel’s Female Half-Elf, Ranger/Rogue/Horizon Walker
Tobias Keldon - Human Ranger (Archer) of Andoran


Ridley the Rogue, Human Rogue 12 lvl


 Celestial Sorcerer


Marius Scipio the Generic Wizard, Human Wizard 12


Iari Witch 12 level Andoran

Chelaxian Faction

The Chelaxian faction can field 10 level 12 characters. 1 Barbarian, 1 bard, 1 Druid, 1 Eldritch Knight, 1 Fighter, 1 Paladin, 1 monk, 1 ranger, 1 rogue and 1 wizard



Krunth Skullcrush, Half-Orc Barbarian 12


Rolen Bard 12 level


Venture Captain Rokktor the Dark Walker, Gnome Sorceror 1/Druid 11

Eldritch Knight

Eldritch Knight at level 12


Ignatius Calixto the Untouchable, level 12 fighter


Amidar Andabar 12th level Paladin of Iomedea.


Lucius Vedellic, male Chelaxian human monk 12.


Lyshrr, Human Bard ? / Fighter ? / Horizon Walker ?,


Billy Mays 12 level rogue


Untamo Arturos Emaniel, Elven Signifier, Cheliax, Wiz 9/Diabolist 3

Osirion Faction

The Osirion Faction can field 9 12 level agents: 1 alchemist, 1 Druid, 2 fighter, 1 monk, 1 Oracle, 2 sorcerers, and a wizard



Venture-Captain Vyktor, Race? Fighter 2 / Alchemist 10,


Lol (Gnome Druid 12)


Grog Stonehammer Ftr 5/Living Monolith 7
Moose Level 12 fighter.


Venture-Captain Kasheed, Human Monk, Osirion


Ormizd (Garundi? Oracle of Flame 12)


Amunet - Female Human Sorcerer
Mort 12th level Male 1/2 Orc Abyssal Sorcerer 
Transmutation Specialist


Jasmine Sunstar Evoker Wizard 12 level

Qadiran Faction

The Qadiran faction can field 16 level 12 agents. They have 1 Alchemist, 3 clerics, 2 druids, 2 fighter, 2 paladin, 1 ranger, 2 rogues, 1 sorcerer, and 2 wizards



Priyata Havati Gushtamasati Vudrani Alchemist 12


Venture-Captain Nikolai Adonai 
CG Half-Elf Male 
Cleric of Sarenrae 8 / Holy Vindicator 4 

Jarina Al'Mullam Keleshite Cleric of Sarenrae 12
Jessamine, Cleric level 12


Stork Male Dwarven Druid level 12 druid
Thorne Level 12 Fifi dog (Druid)


Grom Fighter 12

Ka-Dar the Silent One, Fighter 12


Pasha Qolloran ben Kasiim 
Half Elven male 
Paladin 10/Bard 2
Diya, Paladin level 12


Graham, human ranger 12.


Amir Ak-Zeal Ranger 6/Rogue6
Pasha Fin the Trade Prince - Halfling Rogue of lvl 12


Suliman Dar Cleric/ Sorcerer 12 level


Wraif Broadwell, 12 level Wizard
Yasmin bint Farud -12 level Wizard

Shadow Lodge has one level 12 agent

Thieran half-elven Cleric 9, Rogue 3; worshiper of Sivanah a former operative of Qadira. (when the new factions came out, and the possibility of having one free switch, I am eyeing a bunch of new factions for some of my characters, because the factions they are in didn’t quite fit or feel right for the characters)


Taldor has 10 level 12 agents 2 bards, 1 cavalier, 1 Cleric, 1 fighter, 1 Paladin, 1 ranger, 2 Rogue and 1 wizard



Damien Rilos Al’Gwyth Bard 11 Fighter 1
Lord Gerard d'Apcher a 12th-level Bard.


Hernando Ruiz, Knight of the Shield Chavalier Level 12


Adeline Wulf, Human 12th level Cleric


Egger 12 level Fighter. (two weapon)


Aurelius of House Cato (Taldan Fighter 6 / Paladin 6)


Tenkje Ranger/Rogue


Charlotte DesChamps (Taldan Rogue 8 / Shadowdancer 4
Captain Saadia Toor, 12 Level Rogue


Lord Vinny a level 12 Human Wizard of Taldor

The list keeps growing I count roughly 68 named 12 level characters. 

Andoran agents= 22
Qadiran agents=16
Taldor agents=10
Cheliax agents=10
Osirion agents=9
Shadow lodge= 1

By class thanks to Feral's spread sheet
Alchemsit: 2
Barbarian: 4
Bard: 5
Chavalier: 1
Cleric: 6 clerics, the majority worshiped Sarenrae
Druids: 7
Fighters: 11
Monks: 4
Oracle 1 (flame)
Paladins: 5 (2 Sarenrae, 2 Iomedae, 1 Abadar)
Ranger's 8
Rogue 8
Sorcerer 4
Witch 1
Wizards 5

Thanks keep them coming

Shadow Lodge 1/5

I have one 12th level character. Evan Tananger, Halfling Bard 12 from the river kingdoms and supporter of the Andoran faction.

My wife also has a 12th level rogue. Syra Tananger, Halfling Rogue 12. Evan's sister and also Andoran.

For what it's worth I'm in favor of more high level play options.


marvin_bishop wrote:
For what it's worth I'm in favor of more high level play options.

That would interest me greatly, as well (I am interpreting options as opportunities). While I am still sitting at only the one 12th level PC (whose name is Daenaris, which I didn't give before and that has resulted in her being referred to just being my Ranger/Rogue/Horizon Walker), I will likely have three by early spring.

Yes, scheduling play at higher levels may be an issue, but it would be nice to have opportunities for all of the characters to be played, even the ones who would otherwise be removed from action.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 ***

*ThaX here, saying I have two characters now.*

Hello, I am Venture Captain Lemtwist Bratham Mallentwine Flannelfoot Smyth Olgen Jeebs Nathers Bingham the Third. I am a gnome, 13th level now. I am a Sparker. (Sorcerer Air element bloodline) I died when I opened a trapped door (I was the only one with resistances with lightning, which was sparking all over the place near the door) The guy inside hit my with Scorching Ray, critting with one, and followed up with a very painful area fire attack. I was told that it was somewhat toasty. I missed the Mad Monkeys, which is a shame.

I also died trying to save one of the Ten from (redacted) who had betrayed (redacted) and (redacted) so that the (redacted) and that hurt!!

The Exchange 5/5 5/5 ***

Me Grog.

Have Scythe, will travel.

Me am weapon Master, a fighter, not cruddy Barbarian! Reached 12th level over RPG Gameday weekend, 2014. Am a half - Orc, but despise Orcs and don' trust humans. Parents are Dwarves, sturdy and steadfast. Me adopted, before you ask.

I never did die, but me come close in Bonekeep. Never go back... NEVER!!

*thaX again, this is my second*

4/5 *

Myles Crocker wrote:

Im just curious

Do you have a 12 level character? And how long did it take you to get from 1st to 12 level? did it take six months? 1 year? 2 years?

What Is your characters Race, gender, Character class and Faction?

Did your character have to be raised from the dead? what killed him or her?

Im just curious,


My very first PFS game was Aug 19, 2012. I have three 12+ characters:

Human Male Cleric Level 12 and 2/3 Silver Crusade

Human Male Paladin/15 Silver Crusade
Eyes of the Ten got him to 13 and 2/3
Rise of the Runelords GM credit got him to 14 and 2/3
Race for the Runecarved Key got him to 15
This Sunday, Tomb of the Iron Medusa will get him to 16

Dar Credito
Human Male Sorcerer/12 Silver Crusade

And I have another who's a most there:

Human Male Sorcerer/11 and 2/3 Silver Crusade

I plan to run Eyes of the Ten later this year and apply that credit to Dar Credito. Then use my GM replays to replay Eyes of the Ten with either Raphael or

Half-Orc Male Barbarian Silver Crusade

In my lodge we also have Academy of Secrets scheduled in a few weeks. I may do that with Atrahasis.



Well lets see
There is Aster the Male Halfling Paladin level 15 currently going through Tomb of the Iron Medusa.
Last Sunday my second character Boleros at Male Gnome Musket Master 5/Shieldmarshall 7 did his last regular PFS scenario. He is going to be doing the Academy of secrets quite soon with Atrahasis.

4/5 *

David Neilson wrote:
He is going to be doing the Academy of secrets quite soon with Atrahasis.

In character:

Atrahasis salutes and bows to Boleros.

"We have not yet met. I am Atarahasis ibn Ahmad ibn Faldan ibn Rasid ibn Hamad of Shuruppak. I am pleased to serve the light with your companionship."

Out of character:

Hey, David. I'm going to bring a cake this Sunday for Lisa's birthday! :-)



Quite a thread necromancy that happened here. ;)

I would strongly recommend posting in this thread instead, as it is much newer.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I'd also recommend posting your character to the Level 12 Character List Google Doc. It's a pretty awesome setup!

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