Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Sooo, I was right!
You called it, Drejk!
So everyone get yourself a copy of next month's AP #60 to see some of my craziest, nastiest monster-related work to date. (Perhaps because it was so crazy and nasty, it got bumped up from AP #59 to the higher-level AP #60. I can't wait to see what the developers have done with it! Plus, pirates and the Eye of Abendego; you can't go wrong!)

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
By my count, 165 monsters from this thread are now live on d20pfsrd's Epic Meepo Presents page.
165 down, 34 to go before I can get back to designing new monsters.

Goth Guru |

Skindancers: Animals with human level intelligence that performed the skindance ritual. Basicly they needed a flesh sample(Doesn't have to be skin, it could be dry bones) of the target creature(usually human). Their type changes to shapeshifter and they start leading a double life. They have to have a concentration skill because they can lapse into a half form if they lose concentration.
Example: a Fox skindancer who found the remains of a murdered little girl tries to infiltrate human society. Occasionally at school her fox tail or ears may reappear, so she hides them with a hat and tucks the tail into her dress.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
@Goth Guru: I am only adding monsters that I've personally created to the Epic Meepo Presents page. If you'd like to post your own creations on d20pfsrd.com, you can probably get an account there by contacting the site admins, and you can then make your own custom creations page.
@Mystic_Snowfang: A tribble familiar would have no combat ability, so its stats are largely irrelevant; just use the stats of a toad familiar and call it a furball instead.
@Suz: I don't think I'm going to stat up an equivalent of illithid brain slugs, because I find the larval stage of the illithid life cycle to be the least interesting.
@towerwarlock: Because Pathfinder is 3.5 compatible, you can already make a hobgolbin/troll crossbreed; just use the half-troll template from the Fiend Folio.
@H.P. Makelovecraft: Since I requested no silly monsters, I won't be making a vicious chicken of Bristol. Just use the stats for an achaierai.
@narlethdrider: You can already generate stats for spider and scorpion humanoids using the Advanced Race Guide.
@Azten: Since I requested no silly monsters, I won't be making a rabbit of Caerbannog. Just slap the advanced simple template on a wolpertinger from this thread a few times to get a scary rabbit.
@Maulium: You can already generate stats for bug folk using the Advanced Race Guide.
@Goth Guru: Since I requested no silly monsters, I won't be making taunting fruit.
Monsters I'm still considering:
-a heart-like monster with tentacles and a stinger
-an incorporeal undead that pulls victims into a pocket dimension
-an alcohol elemental
-a garrot devil
-a new ooze of some sort
-an epic divine race associated with elves
-various golems (brass, bubble, cloth, copper, puzzle, refuse)
-an aquatic unicorn
-a Mayan temple guardian beast
-intelligent animals that impersonate humanoids

_Cobalt_ |

I have two requests.
The first is a CR 1/3 Devil, called a Jury Devil. I want them to be weak individually, but stronger together. I have a general idea for a demoralizing or sickening effect where they recount each of a mortal's wrongdoings. I want the DC to resist the sickening/demoralizing effect to increase similar to a shocker lizard's ability.
The second is a CR 3 Devil, called a Judge Devil (see a theme?). I have no idea what it would do, possibly have a constant zone of truth around it.
Anyway, if you can do them, great. If not, no problem.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
By my count, 187 monsters from this thread are now live on the Epic Meepo Presents page. Just 12 more to go.
After that, here are the new monsters I'm still considering:
-a heart-like monster with tentacles and a stinger
-an incorporeal undead that pulls victims into a pocket dimension
-an alcohol elemental
-a garrote devil
-a new ooze of some sort
-an epic divine race associated with elves
-various golems (bubble, cloth, puzzle, refuse)
-an aquatic unicorn
-a Mayan temple guardian beast
-intelligent animals that impersonate humanoids
-judge and jury devils (plus an unrequested executioner devil)
-a quicksilver construct
-an animal mimic
-a nanobot swarm
I took brass and copper golems off the above list because brass golems are in Bestiary 3 and brass is a copper alloy, so brass and copper are already covered.
@toastwolf: You can already make crab people using the Advanced Race Guide, and a revived fossil template appears in Libris Mortis, with which Pathfinder is backwards compatible.

Freedom16 |

I like the idea of another nanobot swarm, something that doesn't reproduce through leeching off of sentient beings. Possibly make it two creatures?One to act as a dummy host while they rest or to get near a raw resource to reproduce. Maybe make a 'trap' version that activates when metal gets within its reach?
Quicksilver Construct would be epic, possibly minor or greater shape shifting depending on size?
A new Ooze! Maybe one made of toxic sludge or a ooze that produces smaller oozes.

amir90 |

I hope I am being specific enough, if not feel free too mix and add as you please.
A golemish type creature that adapts to his surrounding.
An often used strategy would be too emerge with the wall to ambush players, it would also not suffer the typical weakness of being attacked with the opposite elemental (e.g if he adapts to fire, he wouldn't be weak to water/ice). he would gain spells appropriate to his elemental, but at the same time being able to cast minor distractions spells to put off monsters/players. Not sure if it's possible for him to be beefy and good at melee with those traits..
Feel free to pick CR, but if it's possible to make such a cool creature with less than CR 9 that would be awesome, if not I understand.
I have read some of your designs, and they are pretty good, I hope I was specific enough :)

Petty Alchemy RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |
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How about an emerald elemental, about CR7 to 8? I think it would be a tanky caster type with decent melee. Maybe doesn't get Earth Glide, but some sort of shard spray ability. First it sprays the emerald shards all around itself, an AOE reflex half type deal. But then it can manipulate the shards around it to do cool stuff? I hope you consider it.

amir90 |

How about an emerald elemental, about CR7 to 8? I think it would be a tanky caster type with decent melee. Maybe doesn't get Earth Glide, but some sort of shard spray ability. First it sprays the emerald shards all around itself, an AOE reflex half type deal. But then it can manipulate the shards around it to do cool stuff? I hope you consider it.
Thanks for the quick reply, however I couldn't find any stat block for emerald elemental in my bestiary book nor on google. Or were you replying to the topic starter? xD

xanthemann |

I see this one is still going strong! (A year long week!) If you are still taking requests or ideas, I have one for you.
A self aware illusionary creature. I imagine the CR would be one or two levels higher than the illusion spell it mimics...so there could be different levels of the creature.
It cannot be fully disbelieved (seeing as how it is self aware), but if it is disbelieved it cannot harm you. If you fail to disbelieve you take subdual damage, but you think it is real damage.
Which leads me to another thought of a 'living spell' which is self aware. If a magic item can have an Intelligence then why not a spell?

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
By my count, 196 monsters from this thread are now live on the Epic Meepo Presents page. Just 3 more to go.
Though I should point out that those last three stat blocks are age categories for quicksilver dragons; I'll probably take time to add the other nine age categories before I move on to anything new.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
Corollary to my previous post:
When making requests, please be aware that I need to make six stat blocks for each elemental I design and twelve stat blocks for each true dragon. So each elemental I design is five other monsters that aren't getting finished any time soon and each true dragon I design is eleven other monsters that aren't getting finished any time soon.

dbass |

Here's a crazy idea. So my main villain in my campaign is a dragon rider riding a white dragon. My players will probably be in the level 12-15 range when they finally engage him in combat...but I was thinking how cool would it be if, instead of just the dragon rider template, if he was also a vampire?
A vampiric dragon rider...sounds pretty fun to throw at my players right?
But that of course, because of the bond between the rider and his dragon, would mean that the dragon would also be affected by his rider being a vampire...
...so I had the idea for a vampiric dragon. The idea sounds freakin awesome to me.
So Mr. Epic Meepo, could you make a dragon that has vampiric qualities to it? I don't know if it would help, but I imagine that the dragon would be white in color, so perhaps start with the white dragon template and then do some hard core adjusting?

Hragas |

I'm a little hesitant to ask for a monster because I see you are swamped. I have really enjoyed reading through your work.
I had an idea for a combining monster, one that can take control of animals or golems that would combine them into a super monster and be the epicenter of control. However I'm afraid this may be too vague to be of any use.
My friend had an idea for a race of beings that could only see magic, and were otherwise blind. I am curious about how a monster that hunts magic users and those wielding magic items because that's all they can see would work. Probably cave dwellers. Higher CR i think.
The first mention of the paint monster, and later a tapestry demon gave me an idea for a monster I don't know if it exsists or not. But a creature that has no form of it's own really and will "steal" people from paintings. Turning into illusions of them, and if he hops from Painting A to Painting B and out again ( switching forms.) He would leave the form from A in B. It would be a mischief kind of creature.
I really don't have specific levels in mind for any of these ideas. I'm giving you a lot of room to play. If that's a problem I can narrow the window. I hope one of these ideas pique your curiosity.

Matthew Shelton |
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Here are some snippets of monster ideas for you to run with, Epic Meepo.
* Brain Sifter - These rust-colored furry serpentine creatures were once engineered by the Inquisitors (with the help of a clique of duped phrenic scourges) to serve as interrogators of spellcasters. Possessed of strange nonmagical mental powers, they are formidable opponents for those who mistake them for spellcasters. The only weakness these creatures have is their abhorrence over having to take the life of another creature, even in self-defense, because of the wracking psychic waves of agony they feel from the death.
* Chainworm - Resembling coils of interlocking metal rings like those found in a chain shirt, chainworms were first created by a spellcasting blacksmith who wanted to combine her love of chainmail with her talents for magic.
* Cinderbreath - An unfortunate victim of a failed attempt to transform a creature (usually a humanoid) into a dragon.
* Crystal Trees - Scattered throughout the planes are intelligent animated flora known as crystal trees, translucent with the appearance and texture of green-stained glass or quartz, though made of living wood not much more difficult to hew than hardy oak.
* Doomsday Machine - It is said that the heart of this behemoth of magic was forged as a miniature dimensional gate connected to one of the lower planes, enabling the machine to be powered by hellfire itself.
* Elemental, Quark - Unlike conventional elementals, quark elementals do not favor any single element but are made of a fundamental substance that is simultaneously all elements yet none of them. No mage having captured a quark elemental has ever been able to isolate this elusive “meta-elemental” substance, as the remains of a shattered quark always recombines into normal matter. This of course does not prevent researchers from continuing their experiments.
* Hoard Golem - A pile of potent magic items kept in close proximity to each other for a long period of time will sometimes spontaneously generate a hoard golem, as the magics of the various enchanted items, potions, scroll cases, and magical arms and armor weave themselves together and bloom into awareness and sentience.
* Force Golem - This type of golem is made of pure magical force, impossibly made of the same glowing, rippling 'glass' that Walls of Force are composed of. The secret formulas required for its creation are jealously guarded by those few who know them, although it is rumored that the distilled essence of the souls of spellcasters is a vital material component.
* Id Wrangler - Thought to have originated as an early magical experiment in creating the perfect burglar or thief, the id wrangler is a near-mindless incorporeal creature with absolutely no fear, a surprising toughness, and an overwhelming desire for all things shiny or magical.
* Lost Child - One of the more horrific creations ever conceived by a necromancer, it was chiefly the creation of this monster that spurred the founding of the wizard-hunting Inquisitors. Although most laymen believe lost children to be the reanimated corpses of minors that were kidnapped and slain, a lost child is in fact created from the corpse of a young adult humanoid whose apparent age is retrogressed during the reanimation process. In some cases this will result in a zombie that appears to be an infant or adolescent in all respects except for their adult height and strength. Other than their apparent age, lost children differ from "normal" zombies in that they are not driven to consume living flesh, nor are they completely mindless. The rituals impose a state of permanent near-total amnesia while retaining a childlike intelligence, and create in the victim a compulsion to kill anything alive using any weapon they can find. The rituals do not create sadism where none existed before, only extreme forms of antisocial and psychopathic behavior. In rare cases, lost children retain vague memories of former loved ones which will (temporarily) interfere with their new instinct to murder.
* Misery - A misery is a form of incorporeal undead capable of redirecting and amplifying most negative emotions and wielding them as psychological weapons. Not only that, but the creature is rejuvenated in the presence of negative emotions. Miseries tend to hang around battlefields, dungeons, and torture chambers, feeding off the psychic energy released by intense fear, agony, and loathing, and to a limited extent can symbiotically restore the health and well-being of its “hosts,” keeping them alive and improving the odds of its own survival.
* Moebian Ribbon - This semi-solid creature would be fairly harmless for an ooze where it not for the fact that the curvature of nearby space is continually tortured by their presence.
* Spirit Vandal - Spirit vandals appear as ghostly gray humanoids with fingers that end in sharp silvery claws. While not intentionally malicious, they are still irresistibly attracted to the spiritual energies of those who use magic. Despite conventional wisdom, spirit vandals are not literally incorporeal spirit creatures, but are simply able to shift between planes of material existence as freely as a fish can swim through water.
* Warder - Warders are a race of four-armed, chubby humanoids with bronze skin and a shaggy coat of blonde hair. Like the Inquisitors, they loathe the presence of magic and those who wield it — not because of some primitive fear of the unknown, but because magic is, to them, a corruption of the natural order of things. These hardy creatures have an innate resistance to magic which radiates and surrounds their person as well as their equipment. Warders are capable of focusing this anti-magical energy into a semi-tangible shield that can turn away melee weapons and projectiles (even magical ones).

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
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*All* monsters I posted in this thread are now up on the Epic Meepo Presents page at www.d20pfsrd.org!
And don't forget to look for my latest monster in AP #60, available from Paizo any day now. (Mine is the monster whose name starts with "L" and comes from real-world folklore.)
In the weeks and months ahead, chances are good I'll also be announcing my contribution to one, possibly more, monster-related third-party products. Stayed tuned for that.
In the mean time: more new monsters based on your suggestions.
Thank you, fellow Paizonians, for your continued interest in this thread. :)

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
@dbass: As pointed out above, a vampiric dragon template already exists.
@bardess: A fey horse would be an ordinary horse with the fey creature template from Bestiary 3.
@Matthew Shelton:
--I would make chainworms a special material that happens to be alive, not a monster.
--I would create stats for cinderbreaths using the half-dragon template.
--I would make crystal trees terrain features, not monsters.
--Quark elementals, being made of charged particles, would just be lightning elementals.
--For id wranglers, I would just take any suitable magical beast and add immunity to fear.
--For lost children, I would use the juju zombie and young creature templates.
--Moebian ribbons would be teratomorphs from the 3.5 Monster Manual II.
--Spirit vandals could be ethereal filtchers or reskinned ethereal marauders from the 3.5 SRD.
--You can create a quicksilver golem by applying the unstable creature template to a mithral golem.
--You can create a quicksilver (improved) familiar by applying that same template to an homonculus.
--I've already made an aquatic, unicorn-themed monster.
@Suz: A garrote devil would probably just be a bone devil or imp equipped with a garrote, garrote weapon proficiency, and the Improved Grapple feat.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
And now, some much awaited new monsters...
Here's my take on a heart-themed monster.
Here are new special abilities for ghosts, including abilities matching those of the incorporeal monster you described.
Here are alcohol alchementals.
@3/5 Loyalist:
Note that the above monster is also a new type of ooze.
@Matthew Shelton:
Note that some of the ghost special abilities mentioned above can be used to approximate your misery creature.

![]() |

I saw the unicorn fish, it is not what I'm looking for. In fact is is very very very far away from what I'm looking for.
1) It's huge, not large
2) It's extraplanar
3) It's a fish, not half-equine half fish
I was thinking more along the lines of this
http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs20/f/2007/275/d/7/___RipTide__Sea_Unicorn____b y_phantomphanatic2910.jpg

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
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And here it is...
#30 Variant Dragons, written by yours truly and published by Rite Publishing.
If you're looking for a new spin any of the ten standard dragon types, or for some inspiration for a true dragon NPC to add to your game, feel free to check it out.

JaceDK |

And here it is...
#30 Variant Dragons, written by yours truly and published by Rite Publishing.
If you're looking for a new spin any of the ten standard dragon types, or for some inspiration for a true dragon NPC to add to your game, feel free to check it out.
Congratulations, both on this and the AP monster!
Your body of work is truly impressive, and it's about time we started seeing some of it published.

![]() |

Okay, here's something from the bowls of my mind. Based on my new fursona. It's called a Dracomorph. This is the quadurpedal form.
It has the body and markings of a clouded leopard, however the whole body is covered in irradecent scales that look like the rainbow when the light hits them (think rainbow boa). The creature has two rows of fur on its ventral sides, and down its limbs. It has slitted feline eyes and a catlike face. However the fangs of the creature are usually hidden in the mouth, like a vipers. When they are revealed they are long and hypodermic capable of injecting venom, however are also very strong, like the teeth of a saber toothed cat. The teeth are about fifteen inches long and retract back into sheathes in the mouth. Each creature has a spark pouch in their lower jaw, capable of creating a rather powrfull charge. The bite can stun a large creature for a short while. However the deadliest aplication of this charge generation is not stunning foes by biting them, but by igniting the deadly neurotoxin that the creature produces, causing large globs of flaming neorotoxin to go flying at a foe. The claws are long and retractable, and are capable if injecting venom into prey. However the claw venom is less deadly is is acutlly just a bunch of bacterial that causes unpleasent infections. Oh, and did I mention they have wings, and can fly.
Luckily they're not evil. They're very intellegent, same level as a human, maybe even a bit more. They tend to either live alone, or in small family groups consisting of a mother, a father and their current and last litter of cubs.
They give live births, and lactate. However they are not plecental, instead they carry the eggs in their belly until it is time for them to hatch, the hatching takes place within the womb of the female and the young are born with a few moments of hatching. However they do feed the young with milk.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
And now... golems!
@darth_borehd: Here are a bubble golem and a cloth golem.
@DrkMagusX: Here is a puzzle golem.
@MysticSnowfang: Here is a refuse golem.
@Matthew Shelton: Here are a force golem and a treasure golem.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
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Just one new monster today.
@Mortagon: Stats for full-blown creator deities with epic arcane magic will have to wait for next year's mythic rules, but here's a fallen elven god who's been stripped of his magic and tossed into the Negative Energy Plane.

EpicMuffinFTW |
Just an idea if you haven't designed one already (I couldn't see one), and are still designing:
Name: Shaggy men
CR- 6-12 (Perhaps smaller and larger variants)
Description: A creature clad in moss and shaggy vegetation (Whether thats it's fur, made completely out of it, or just clothing I'll leave to you), which has a face of a wooden mask or skull of a animal, such as deer, elk, or similar horned creatures, with the ability to burrow short distances and hide beneath the earth to ambush in groups.
Thank you :)