Ranged Prestige Classes


So I am in a campaign playing a Ninja. This campaign is level 9 (a session away from level 10) and the GM has said that we are going to hit level 25 (assuming we all live that long). Now, as there is now way for me to take 25 levels of Ninja, it leaves me with an interesting conundrum:

What prestige class will I take? I am a crossbow specializing in Sniping (Sniper's Goggles are AWESOME), and I plan to take 20 levels in Ninja. I don't mind taking only five levels of a prestige class, but now I run into a problem...

Where are all the ranged Prestige Class options?

So, any help finding a suitable ranged prestige class (3.5 options are acceptable) would be awesome. I am playing a Halfling.

The GM may have a way to expand classes past level 20. It would be poor planning on his part if he didn't, IMHO. Don't worry about a PRC if he does not though. Just take five levels in fighter/ranger/rogue. The ranger's feats might not be useful by then, but the the favored enemy bonus will be useful if you don't take the guide variant. It also has 6 class skills.

every prestige class. Or just take a base class. Fighter 5 and just use bonus feats for whatever.
Horizon Walker is decent i suppose.

Ganny wrote:

So I am in a campaign playing a Ninja. This campaign is level 9 (a session away from level 10) and the GM has said that we are going to hit level 25 (assuming we all live that long). Now, as there is now way for me to take 25 levels of Ninja, it leaves me with an interesting conundrum:

What prestige class will I take? I am a crossbow specializing in Sniping (Sniper's Goggles are AWESOME), and I plan to take 20 levels in Ninja. I don't mind taking only five levels of a prestige class, but now I run into a problem...

Where are all the ranged Prestige Class options?

So, any help finding a suitable ranged prestige class (3.5 options are acceptable) would be awesome. I am playing a Halfling.

Unless you're really set on the crossbow idea, I can't help thinking a Whisperknife from Races of the Wild with something like a kunai would be awesome.

Whisperknife seems cool, but I am kinda stuck on the crossbow. It is really tied into his backstory, and there has been quite the feat/combat trick investment into it (3 feats and 2 ninja tricks).

Ganny wrote:
Whisperknife seems cool, but I am kinda stuck on the crossbow. It is really tied into his backstory, and there has been quite the feat/combat trick investment into it (3 feats and 2 ninja tricks).

At the risk of sounding like a simpleton, why not take the fighter/crossbowman archetype?

A possibility, but it really doesn't offer me much. Some extra feats (those are nice), readying an action to add half my dex mod to damage (I already do this with the Dead-Eye feat, which you was updated for Pathfinder in a supplement. It lets me add my Dex mod as precision damage), and a +1 to attack and Damage.

Its a neat idea, and one I considered.

Edit: Found the Paizo Update that allows me to take Dead-Eye. http://paizo.com/download/dragon/compendium/DragonCompendiumVolumeIErrata.p df

Ganny wrote:
Whisperknife seems cool, but I am kinda stuck on the crossbow. It is really tied into his backstory, and there has been quite the feat/combat trick investment into it (3 feats and 2 ninja tricks).

Well, if you pay the feats for it... Frankly I'd suggest fighter too for the feats, WFocus, specialization, weapon training + the bonus if you get gloves of dueling, etc.

Anyway, if you are set on PrCs, here are some that might be helpful:

Halfling Opportunist - you get some SA, exploitive maneuver can be nasty for those enemies that DO engage you in combat, some trap-related mojo, improved saves, and a few other ok things. It's slightly more useful to a melee rogue, but you can do quite well in it.

Horizon Walker: Favored terrain goodness.
- favored terrain - buffs; if you expect to be in a certain setting fairly often (i.e it's an urban campaign) those are good
- terrain mastery - handy abilities/bonuses to you, and you can give them to others with a move action.
- terrain dominance - more nice things for you and FE bonuses against native creatures. How does permanent speed bonus or dimension door several times per day strike you?

Justiciar (must be lawful): 3 levels, full BAB, can get bonuses to a crossbow shot a few times per day

Chevalier (must be good): 3 levels, full BAB, aura of courage, stubborn mind, poison immunity, smite 1xday. You also get some charge-related things, but you don't have to be a raging barbarian to apply.

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