The prefect summoner chamber

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Alot of people have been talking about PLANAR BINDING. I agree that is a very good spell. I just wonder where the best place to do it is.

It needs a few thing.

1. privacy
you don't want people coming in and messing stuff up.

No matter how good your modifiers you are going to roll a 1 some day you don't want to unlease a horror on the world!
You also don't want to be kill when something breaks free.

So you want to be safe, secret, secure.

How do you go about make a room that is all of these things?

You could have a hole deep underground with no entrances.
Either find a pocket via anything that makes you insubstantial or gives earth glide, then renovate it make sure it's in dimension door range of somewhere friendly. (or have an elemental dig one out)
Then you summon wheel and deal, and if it doesn't workout just pop out. They don't know where they are, so it might keep them from teleporting.
Just have to work out air quality issues and such. Bottle of air and a tiny hut spell should handle environmental factors.

what about earth elements? Also how am I safe. I assume a summoning chamber has some way of stopping stuff from teleporting out.

fictionfan wrote:
what about earth elements? Also how am I safe. I assume a summoning chamber has some way of stopping stuff from teleporting out.

It stops them from walking teleport they would have to know a destination. It's not their plane so ideally they know squat and are stuck. But if not then they still would have to go far away, like maybe to the last Mage that summoned them.if they are familiar with the location. If you are worried about the elemental then use elemental form.

The problem with building a "perfect" summoning chamber is that the safeguards you're going to want to put in place are going to be highly dependent upon the type of entity you're summoning.

As such, there isn't a generically perfect chamber, but there are many specifically ideal chambers.

fictionfan wrote:

Alot of people have been talking about PLANAR BINDING. I agree that is a very good spell. I just wonder where the best place to do it is.

It needs a few thing.

1. privacy
you don't want people coming in and messing stuff up.

No matter how good your modifiers you are going to roll a 1 some day you don't want to unlease a horror on the world!
You also don't want to be kill when something breaks free.

So you want to be safe, secret, secure.

How do you go about make a room that is all of these things?

Seeing as you can't call anything with higher than your own CR (usually since it has a HD limit), I don't think you usually have to worry about being killed by what you called.

#1: the only outsiders that typically like to go berserk and kill a ton of people if freed are demons, devils, and a handful of "from the beyond" eldritch horrors. Most just prefer to go home; some might be mad enough to kill the summoner then go home, but if that happens you're hardly in a position to really dictate terms. Remember, to most outsiders the prime material plane is a crapsack, hostile, uncomfortable and in some cases just plain repulsive place; how would you feel if some smart-aleck ripped you from your comfortable home in the middle of the night and dumped you in New Jersey?

#2: if you're summoning demons and devils willy-nilly, you're probably not of an alignment or ethical mindset to really give a crap if it goes berserk and kills a ton of people. In fact, better if it gets distracted by Yummy Commoners so you can get the hell out of dodge.

So, to answer your question, the safest place to summon that kind of outsider is in the middle of a small town or hamlet, in plain view, away from heroic adventurers. Better yet if you have enough thousands' of GP worth of silver dust/salt/whatever to encompass the whole town: seriously, with a deal like that not even the hardest of the hardcore of devils could say "no".

Scarab Sages

At lower level, the best place is a stone building where no one will bother you. The summoning room itself contains nothing not essential to the spell. You've got multiple magic circles warding both you and the summoned being, etc.

Once you hit 13'th level, the safest place is a private demi-plane.

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