Dain's King Maker Chronicles Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1
Ariarh Kane wrote:
I've come up with an idea to play an Oread Cleric. What do you guys think of the race? (Elemental Affinity: Oread clerics with the Earth domain cast their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.)

Oreads have a 20 foot movement without the dwarves benefits for the same.

Are you planning on switching Ariah out for another character?

Unless we are getting another player - I think she was planning on playing two characters.

This reminds me - does anyone think we need new players?

Personally... well, let's say I'm not opposed to the idea.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

I think we have plenty.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Okay, next option in mind is a half-elf cleric. Better?

And I would keep Ariarh and set up a cleric as well (that is, play two characters). I made a posting on the discussion board earlier but you may have missed it, Shae.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

I don't have an issue with giving ry a second character.

I think we have enough trouble coordinating as is, but if we can get someone with the time, then we'd prolly be ok, even if we give ry a second character. Tho we may want to wait till we get some apps. Dunno, more post later. And kae's general, not martial, sylvath can act as warden if he's interested and a new player don't want that character.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1
Shaezon Silverfall wrote:
Ariarh Kane wrote:
I've come up with an idea to play an Oread Cleric. What do you guys think of the race? (Elemental Affinity: Oread clerics with the Earth domain cast their domain powers and spells at +1 caster level.)

Oreads have a 20 foot movement without the dwarves benefits for the same.

Are you planning on switching Ariah out for another character?

That's so weird about the Oread. never saw that till just now! lol

But yeah, i'd say we can open up recruitment again...

we got : Shae, Ry, Kae, Arasmes(needs a nickname) and BrettDMPC

I personally like a 5PC game, personally, 6 for something like Kingmaker, but that's my opinion. WE can put out the notification, see who bites...

Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:

I don't have an issue with giving ry a second character.

I think we have enough trouble coordinating as is, but if we can get someone with the time, then we'd prolly be ok, even if we give ry a second character. Tho we may want to wait till we get some apps. Dunno, more post later. And kae's general, not martial, sylvath can act as warden if he's interested and a new player don't want that character.

While I support your enthusiasm about being general - remember, you have no formal army at this time (except the 300 guys - and Sparta aside - 300 warriors is not that great).

Marshal is more like the "wild west" marshal - you ride from town to town and hunt down bandits and scum in the wilderness and bring them to justice with a posse.

I figured you'd do that until your army got somewhat more respectable - or "multi-class" as "General" and "Marshal". But of course, it's up to you.

FYI if everyone goes to the "Campaign Information" page - you can see what is up there now... Yay!

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

The character with the highest CHA is Arasmes and he isn't a council member and he has just joined the group and it would not make sense to make him ruler at this time. Plus, Ariarh would have a major problem making a relative stranger the leader who was not party to exploring this land and working for it. Sorry, Ras, but yeah it is most nonsensical at this time.

Kae, the GM and I call Arasmes, 'Ras'. ;)

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

I was thinking that since Anuk-su Seti's people were the original owners/rulers of this land, that she would be the ruler in time. Being that she is currently 6 years old and thus a minor, we would need a Regent (or either Regency Council) until she comes of age (18). The regency would be for a period of 12 years in this case.

I realise we only have a barony currently ...

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

I agree, about Ras. (love the name!) he's too new to be a reasonable leader, so who among us now is a reasonable candidate?

I'd say a new/temporary leader needs to have a stability focus this go round. as we've got a new boss all the sudden.

So Kae's got 9 ranks in applicable ranks, and +2 cha, so that's a 2, not that he's the best candidate, considering the Grishnak thing.

Not sure about Anuk-su. She also may age as a dragon, so the regency may be a lot longer than 12 years.

Maybe Cha and ranks for applicable skills of any pertinant NPCs that can take over temporarily...

hey guys. Actually you will find that though clerics make the best healers of individuals, paladins actually eventually outstrip them for number of channels they can cast per day and as such will far outstrip clerics for healing groups. I was planning on taking leadership at 7th and having a paladin cohort. actually arasmes was almost a paladin himself, though I REALLY liked the summoner build when i came up with it lol

As far as who to rule, I am actually not too fond of anuk su ruling mostly because this land is supposed to be something new in the world, not a coming again of something of old. I would say for the meantime we appoint a steward from the council until a better solution can be decided upon. Just my 2 copper pieces.

Oh and yeah Arasmes would definitely not accept being leader at this time even if offered to him for the same reasons put forth. As for in the future...well we'll see how things play out lol.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

So who's qualified as a character, and makes sense.

I think Ry may be a good character choice, she's been here from the beginning, is fairly well liked my most of the populace, least as much if not more than Alaric. Unless anyone knows someone statted better!

And can we take multiple positions? i was under the impression that we could not...

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Shaezon has a lot of intimidate. He can rule with an iron fist!

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

lol, what's hit intimidate at?
I'm trying to figure out whether to toss ranks into Diplomacy or Intimidate for Kae.

As I'm about to delve into DD for a whopping 2+int skill points per level, i gotta get good at something so i can have a social skill above a 6...
thinking intimidate, honestly...

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Ariarh's intimidate is crap but her diplomacy's pretty good. ;)

Yeah +9 isn't bad Ry ;-)


I found this on another web site and modified it extensively to fit us. Let me know what you all think.

Laws of Saravale:

The laws of Saravale are herein put forth.

Capitol Crimes:
Arson, Assault resulting in mutilation or crippling, Counterfeiting, Defiling a holy place, Murder, Rape, Sabotage, Slavery, Espionage, Treason.

Punishable by Death, Exile (permanent), Fines & Damages, Hard Labor (3+ years), Imprisonment (10+ years).

Assaulting a Government Official, Blackmail, Bribery of a city officer or official, Burglary, Extortion, Fencing stolen goods, Forgery, Fraud, Impersonation of a Government Official, Kidnapping, Magical assault, Repetition of any misdemeanor or infraction, Robbery, Tax evasion, Theft of temple goods or offerings (includes spoilage or consumption of same), Theft or killing of livestock or mounts, Theft, Tresspassing on Government Property, Tomb-robbing (or unlawful entry and/or vandalism of a tomb), Unlawful dueling (manslaughter), Usury, Vandalism, Willful disobedience of any official edict.

Punishable by Exile (5 years to permanent), Fines & Damages, Hard Labor (1 month to 3 years), Humiliation, Imprisonment (1 month to 10 years).

Assault (wounding), Assault on livestock or mounts (non-fatal), Unlawful dueling, , Unlawful hindrance of business, Unlawful observation or copying of an official document.

Punishable by Edict Against Convict, Exile (up to 1 year), Fines & Damages, Humiliation and/or Imprisonment (1 week to 1 month).

Assault (without wounding or robbery, includes expectoration), Blasphemy against any city officer, Blasphemy against foreign ambassadors, Brandishing a weapon dangerously or threateningly without due cause (note: being in a brawl is not due cause unless one is menaced with a weapon), Dangerous operation of a coach, wagon, litter or other conveyance (including airborne), Drunkenness (and disorderly conduct), Excessive noise (interfering with sleep or business), Impeding the swift process of law by delaying the actions of the guard or watch, Littering (includes relief of human wastes in public), Trespassing, Unlawful flight intrusion (into city airspace, of intelligent being flying by means of an aerial mount or magic), Vagrancy.

Punishable by Edict Against Convict, Fines & Damages, Humiliation and/or Imprisonment (Overnight to 1 week).

Clarification on Punishments

Death: A sentence of Death can only be granted by the High Council upon recommendation of the High Court, and the convict can be executed by being beheaded or hanged. The government confiscates all property owned by the executed convict.

Edict Against Convict: Edicts against the convict often include a ban against performing further actions related to his crimes.

Exile: When Exiled, the court confiscates all property save for one weapon, one week's rations and the clothes worn by the offender.

Fines & Damages: Fines are payable to the court, while Damages are payable to the victim of the crime. Most damages are defined as the relative value of that which was lost by the crime. When considering the value of a sentient life, such damages are roughly equivalent to the wages that would have been earned by that sentient over the course of the next five years. Fines are typically based on the level of crime: infractions (5-50 pieces of gold), misdemeanors (50-500 pieces of gold), felonies (500-2000 pieces of gold), and capitol crimes (2000-25000 pieces of gold).

Hard Labor: Hard Labor can include being impressed into service (for a period of duty commensurate with the crime) or enforced public work.

Humiliation: Humiliation includes whipping, time spent in the stocks, and other public displays (ex. being paraded through the streets tied behind a mule or other stubborn beast of burden as a crier extols the convict's foul deeds.)

Imprisonment: Imprisonment can be performed in a jail, dungeon or similar structure. Convicts with a history of contribution and attachment to the local community may be able to petition the court for Probation instead of Imprisonment. Probation requires the convict to report to the City Jail once a week, and the convict is prohibited from drunkenness, wearing armor, carrying any weapon (other than a dagger), and any other legal violations for the period of Imprisonment. Any violations of the terms of Probation send the convict directly to Imprisonment for the remainder of his sentence.

First things first -

Ras, really liking the rule set. They work well, and make a lot of sense to me. I'd vote for them if they were put to the council.

Regarding Diplomacy vs. Intimidate -

Shae - I don't know if you were around for this earlier - but there was a small modification made earlier - but the gist of it is that a player who uses "intimidate" is not one who is governing a "good land" but an "evil land". Yes, we're all aware of the tough talk from Kiefer Sutherland on "24" - as he intimidates terrorists to get good results. But I am not classifying his alignment as "Good" by any means - at best it is "Neutral" and borders on "Lawful Evil".

Your nation is formally "Neutral Good" - which is just something to consider. If you use Intimidate you will get results. But it may not be all of the results you were looking for.

Regarding value of stats

Stats certainly play a big part in the game - as any game - but there will be a system of "Checks and balances" - a player can't simply say "Hey, mo-fo, get your butt over here and obey me!" and have the person do so happily just because of a high roll. Your "Social RP" does have a very large impact on your modifiers - I'm not discounting stats or skills in any way - but it is something that should be considered.

For example - no matter how good Kae's Diplomacy is - it doesn't change the fact that by now everyone knows he's been hobnobbing with a known racketeer, strong-arm artist and probable thief and black-marketer - and the Council allowed Grishnak to win the court case against Goodwyfe (is that how that went down? No, of course not - but those are two separate facts that have been put together; Grishnak was taken to court for behaving poorly in town, and won a court case against a "Lawful Good" woman looking for a better town, even though he's done disreputable things - the second fact is that after Grishnak's victory in the court was seen talking on several occasions to a Councilman in a familiar way).

By now you would also know that Oleg observed Anuk-su breath paralyzing gas on her own allies when one of them revealed himself to be a Tiefling. You also know that this scene caused Oleg to fall under the table with panic, then run out of the room in terror. You also know that Oleg went somewhere to console himself - the tavern in the fortress - and then he drank large quantities of hard liquor. A ward of the leader of the Council attacks a guest (if the guest was good - why should the ward attack? If the guest was evil and deserved to be attacked - why is the guest still free?) Oleg was so horrified at being attacked he went and got drunk - perhaps he is a quiet drunk - perhaps he blabbed it all over the citizens in the fortress. Who knows what he said - or who he said it to - but it is six hours after it happened - but it did happen.

So remember - stats and skills are awesome for events between Social RP. For example - if Arasmes was leader during the time you finish book 2 - you'll have about a "year" in game to do nothing but roll dice to see how much loot your town earns each month, and what you do with it. No troubles, just building for a year - during that time your "cohorts" will come into town - if you have any - and starting on "Book 3" you'll have the cohorts and much better town without having to second guess anything.

However - during actual "Game Time" making economy and stability rolls are less needed or important. It's more about how the game flows when you're social RPing...

Multiple positions

Well - here's thing: Can you take more then one position? No matter what the book says - I say "Sure, why not". Now, to the uneducated mind this would seem somewhat cavalier of me to allow this - giving a player multiple positions - if all they need is stats.

But then, you all know me :)

All players in any positions will have very specific and very well-defined challenges that far eclipse anything in the book. In fact - I'd venture a guess that your success will be better if you have an actual "Staff" to help you in the one position you take - because each position will have lots of "side-quests" to deal with.

For example - Kae: You have reason to believe that somewhere outside the borders of your nation a slowly growing country is developing to rival your own and potentially move across your land and infiltrate your city.

If you played a Marshal - you could patrol the wild lands between the capital and your borders - if you were warden you could clean up the town - if you were the general you could ride out after them and fight them! But, if you rode out to wage war against them then there would be no one in town to take care of problems - and you may come back to find the town in flames thanks to a coup - and as you are warden also - you may discover that your fleeing townspeople were cut down by roaming gangs of bandits and monsters you could fight because you were going to war.

In the end - each position will have specific needs that must be role-played out. If you are invading an enemy nation - you cannot stay behind to watch the town - and it will likely be in big trouble when/if you return. So - yeah - you can play multiple rolls - but if something happens to one of your "jurisdictions" and you cannot take care of it while you're on a quest - that can make things very tricky...

Just something to consider.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

I was mostly joking about intimidate. Ruling by fear is a tactic for a drug lord, not noble kings. Or at least in the latter case used sparingly and with specific enemies/goals.

Shaezon would be inappropriate for a king. Vsier, yes. king, no.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

My cleric is almost done and her profile will be up to view soon. Watch this space. :)

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

yo, long day, so no posts from me tonight, sorry.

Dain, what sort of thing you eman by formations and stuff. sorry, i'm really slow tonight...

Kae - short answer is: you're pretty much in charge of organizing how you want your 300 men to be armed, armored, equipped and what orders, and under what officers.

Do you want cavalry, infantry, some combination?

You have the resources for 1/10th of your men in infantry, 1/100 in cavalry - and you have 3,000 citizens.

Currently you have 300 1st level Warriors with leather armor and a spear.

If you want more - tell me what you want - what kind of gear, what kind of "level" - and who is their officer. For example - you could have 300 3rd level fighters and 30 3rd level Cavaliers - but that would be pretty pricey - as you may guess... Or you could have all 300 1st level fighters and scrap cavalry - or you could even have some officers at higher level. Sylvath is, for example, a 3rd level Paladin of Apsu - he works for free (though giving him some form of reward - even if it is a formal "honor", not cash - would be really useful soon). Not all the people are like that - how many are out there - what is your plan to find out? What will you do when you get the men?

After you DO get the men picked out, then tell me what your general orders are - Do you want them organized a certain way - archers, spear men, swords men, some combination of the bunch (for example; five squads of 20 archers each behind 10 squads of 20 spear men who stand forward for cover in pitched battle - or something like that).

For purposes of this post your information is not really modified by rolls or stats - but your creativity as a player to come up with a cool/bad-ass/impressive/fun/realistic military force in the town; not to mention what you have them do.

Will they patrol the borders of the country - will they advance en masse into the valley and fight - will they declare "Martial Law" on the town and force everyone inside to obey a law and curfew, no matter what your citizens think - naturally, though, no matter what you pick will have some basic ramification (even if it is a good one) - but it's up to you to come up with something cool and fun for you military right now.

While I'm at it - uniforms are expensive - but they do grant certain bonuses (see "Parade Armor" for a better example). Will you pay for those bonuses out of pocket - or what?

When you assign Sylvath - what are you orders for him? Or will you pick someone else?

The more creative you are - the more liberty I'll grant you and the more flexibility and success you're likely to have. This is all about a good story - so try to be as creative and fun as possible - can't stress this enough.

Remember, dude - you're building an army now, theoretically; if you want to take it, do it.

The same goes for the rest of you - there's a TON of potential in the town now, if anyone wants to go exploring and find things out either before or (probably) after this quest... Just saying...

If you have any other questions - more about them tomorrow!

Actually, Kae - I'm off to do some errands - when I get back I'll toss up some basic costs for ideas that may help you with what you have in mind. It will probably make the process easier and more fun, and free you of worrying about a lot of unneeded number crunching - and just let you be creative.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

It's after midnight and I'm too tired to post the next part in the morning after Ariarh's meditations and her various "chats" with the dignitaries and townsfolk. I will post something up in my morning when I'm more awake and functioning. Long day and a longer day tomorrow. Night.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

To make an army;

Add one part leadership feat,

Have cohort and any minions of appropriate level also take leadership

Repeat until all who can take leadership have

Bake at 350 for an hour

Congrats you now have a loyal army via pyramid scheme. As you level you get more minions!

Shaezon Silverfall wrote:

To make an army;

Add one part leadership feat,

Have cohort and any minions of appropriate level also take leadership

Repeat until all who can take leadership have

Bake at 350 for an hour

Congrats you now have a loyal army via pyramid scheme. As you level you get more minions!

Wow - I had a really long and detailed rebuttal written here in response to this strategy. But then I deleted it.

While there may be other methods of creating an army - if that is the preferred method that you choose to employ - well; what can I say?

However - to make my long post very succinct - I would not recommend that strategy for multiple reasons which I shall not go into now (unless someone really wants me to - in which case I'd happily do so). Yet, if that is the method you prefer - I shall not stop you from doing so.

I just wouldn't recommend it.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1
Dain GM wrote:
Shaezon Silverfall wrote:

To make an army;

Add one part leadership feat,

Have cohort and any minions of appropriate level also take leadership

Repeat until all who can take leadership have

Bake at 350 for an hour

Congrats you now have a loyal army via pyramid scheme. As you level you get more minions!

Wow - I had a really long and detailed rebuttal written here in response to this strategy. But then I deleted it.

While there may be other methods of creating an army - if that is the preferred method that you choose to employ - well; what can I say?

However - to make my long post very succinct - I would not recommend that strategy for multiple reasons which I shall not go into now (unless someone really wants me to - in which case I'd happily do so). Yet, if that is the method you prefer - I shall not stop you from doing so.

I just wouldn't recommend it.

I was kidding. Written purely for cheese factor. It falls under other things that are RAW, but now RAI.

Shaezon Silverfall wrote:
Dain GM wrote:
Shaezon Silverfall wrote:

To make an army;

Add one part leadership feat,

Have cohort and any minions of appropriate level also take leadership

Repeat until all who can take leadership have

Bake at 350 for an hour

Congrats you now have a loyal army via pyramid scheme. As you level you get more minions!

Wow - I had a really long and detailed rebuttal written here in response to this strategy. But then I deleted it.

While there may be other methods of creating an army - if that is the preferred method that you choose to employ - well; what can I say?

However - to make my long post very succinct - I would not recommend that strategy for multiple reasons which I shall not go into now (unless someone really wants me to - in which case I'd happily do so). Yet, if that is the method you prefer - I shall not stop you from doing so.

I just wouldn't recommend it.

I was kidding. Written purely for cheese factor. It falls under other things that are RAW, but now RAI.

Thank you! That was relief, actually - because I was like "Man - please don't let it come to that... Ahhhh" :)

That said, if you want to take the time for people to get to know you better, maybe you should take that shop/apartment you got for a month and set up a "magic shop" or something like that. You'll need coin at some point - and it may be nice to get yourself in good with the locals...

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1
Dain GM wrote:

Thank you! That was relief, actually - because I was like "Man - please don't let it come to that... Ahhhh" :)

That said, if you want to take the time for people to get to know you better, maybe you should take that shop/apartment you got for a month and set up a "magic shop" or something like that. You'll need coin at some point - and it may be nice to get yourself in good with the locals...

I'm actually reading the dresden novels right now, so I am quasi-basing Shaezon off of him. Hence the name of my familiar. All I need now is a black trenchcoat and a revolver.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

I just made a posting on the game thread. Are you guys interested in hiring any of the NPCs to come to the Temple of the Elk with us? If so, please let Ariarh know on the game thread. Thanks. :)

Shaezon Silverfall wrote:
Dain GM wrote:

Thank you! That was relief, actually - because I was like "Man - please don't let it come to that... Ahhhh" :)

That said, if you want to take the time for people to get to know you better, maybe you should take that shop/apartment you got for a month and set up a "magic shop" or something like that. You'll need coin at some point - and it may be nice to get yourself in good with the locals...

I'm actually reading the dresden novels right now, so I am quasi-basing Shaezon off of him. Hence the name of my familiar. All I need now is a black trenchcoat and a revolver.

Hmm... in which case you may find this interesting...

For Shaezon's eyes

Ariarh Kane wrote:
I just made a posting on the game thread. Are you guys interested in hiring any of the NPCs to come to the Temple of the Elk with us? If so, please let Ariarh know on the game thread. Thanks. :)

Though I do post a lot in game - Brett does not do so formally at these times away from the party.

But he is by no means silent.

Instead I have used the time to begin recruiting and hiring people of my own for my own purposes. This also includes specific tasks such as gathering information and selling/buying rare and unusual items - don't worry; you guys can do that sort of thing, too. Provided you want to.

Meanwhile, if all goes as planned, we should arrive at the Temple of the Elk out of game no later then the 26... Between now and then is Christmas, but it is also (probably) going to be filled with buys time for everyone with family.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Um, how is Brett selling rare and unusual items that belong to the Council without telling them or voting that is prudent? ;)

Ariarh Kane wrote:
Um, how is Brett selling rare and unusual items that belong to the Council without telling them or voting that is prudent? ;)

Hmm... that's a good question - hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, how is Brett doing that... Hmm... well, I'm not sure, let me ask him...

Dain GM: "Hey Brett, how are you selling rare and/or unusual items that may or may not belong to the council without telling them or voting that is prudent?"

Brett: "Well - that be a fair question mate! The thing is, this be what ye call a "free flowing" world. Things are always happening around the players, whether they are aware of what is happening or not. So, fer example - when I said I was out talking to Otter - maybe I was, and maybe I weren't! But then again, no one really doubted me - because, after all - it be me! But stuff happens around the players - they say they do something and it causes stuff to happen all over. So everyone be doing stuff - and not all the council be agreeing with the stuff that they do - but while they done do the stuff they do (they being the others), I does it, too; if ye take me meaning?"

Dain GM: "Frankly, I don't. And to be honest, I can hardly understand you half the time. In fact, your slang can be really confusing. So, um... can you be more clear?"

Brett pauses from the conversation, pressing his fingers and thumb against the bridge of his nose, his eyes closing, and letting out a deep and melodramatic sigh...

Brett: "Alright then - here it be - I do things in "spoilers" to you, the GM. The players don't read the spoilers, because they can't and they shouldn't read what I do - if it is in a spoiler to the GM. And since the others don't know what I'm doing when I want it done in a spoiler - because the players can't know anyway - and since writing spoilers takes a long time - and since I don't need to write them out formally - I pretty much do whatever the hell I want - begging your pardon - and if the players want to know all my doings or dealings they are free to socially RP that out with me. If I answer them, and they still don't believe me - they are free to doubt me, and try to toss up a "Sense Motive" check. But, ah - I rarely bluff. Now - is there any other questions?"

Dain GM: "No need to get huffy with me sir, I'm just kind of asking because you doing all this wheeling and dealing... well... it's kind of surprising, that's all."

Brett - in his best Harrison Ford imitation: "You'll find I'm full of surprises..."

This presentation brought to you by a GM and an NPC. Thank you for your support! Yay... :)

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

hey guess, we cool making Sylvath our Warden? I'm sort of giving him that responsibility right now,

Personally I'd like to have a bit of jurisdiction over him. He'd not so much be my subordinate, but his actions fall under the Department of Defense, as it were.
Being a charter-holder, Kae's got a particular level authority, in this player's understanding, and Martial pursuits being the Malas'rae's area of expertise, That's Kae's area.

So any posts that fall under Kae's purview have their own authority, and almost total autonomy, but respect the authority of their chartered department-manager.

Having someone there to deligate, and synchronize ensures synergy and cooperation so we don't have several members with their own agendas which, while not in opposition to each other, may not quite mesh.

That work, or anyone want something else?

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

i've got 300 troops, 30 cavalry. Is that in addition, or part of. I'm assuming part of right now.

I want 3rd level captians of each division, specially spec-ed for each area, the best one for each job.

Boss-Idea: Cavalier: give him Mwk Field-plate, a Lance, Longsword, Morning-star, and Heavy shield, has Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack, and Spirited Charge, and Cavalry Formation as his tactician bonus teamwork feat
He has two Dragoons (fighter archetype) to start that act as his vanguard.

1/3 of the Cavalry have short-bows that they use at range and have short-swords as side-arms. The rest have Lances, Shields, and short-swords as sidearms
There will be a distribution of...
Rangers: Mounted-combat Style, some archers some not.
Fighters: Roughriders
and 2 Barbrians: Mounted Fury Archetype these dudes ara somewhat silly guys.. =P

The other 270 are divided
I'm gonna think about the proportions, bosses and their second in commands later, but we got...

Smattering of Rangers,
Archer-fighters, going to get composite longbows when they can...
Crossbowmen-fighters (low str, high dex)

Phalanx soldiers who advance in front of
Pole-arm masters who stay one square behind their shielded buddies
--The Phalanx soldiers currently don't use shields, jsut polearms, but once they hit 3, they get tower shields and 1-hand their pole-arms, cause they can.

way too tired to even start to try to work on them, but will as time goes on.

Order has speerment in front, Infantry behind, and archers in back. Archers shoot over the first two at approaching enemies. speerment break any approaching charge, and then infantry move forword through the spearmen to directly engage the enemy, falling back behind the spear-wall if need be, all retreating under archer's cover-fire.

Cavalry provides support, scouting, etc.

comments guys?

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1
Dain GM wrote:
Shaezon Silverfall wrote:
Dain GM wrote:

Thank you! That was relief, actually - because I was like "Man - please don't let it come to that... Ahhhh" :)

That said, if you want to take the time for people to get to know you better, maybe you should take that shop/apartment you got for a month and set up a "magic shop" or something like that. You'll need coin at some point - and it may be nice to get yourself in good with the locals...

I'm actually reading the dresden novels right now, so I am quasi-basing Shaezon off of him. Hence the name of my familiar. All I need now is a black trenchcoat and a revolver.

Hmm... in which case you may find this interesting...

For Shaezon's eyes

Oh, I'm familiar with the spellslinger. I like the flavor, but not a huge fan of the mechanics. Besides, Harry isn't a spell slinger. He's a wizard who carrys a gun. Frankly, he's not even that good with the revolver. It's just there in case he's out of magic or his magic isn't working for one reason or another. Shae may carry a revolver eventually and he will probably add some kind of magical enchantment to it, but it'll never be his go-to weapon.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1
Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:
good DOD stuff.

Shaezon, upon returining from this mission will be setting up a "Wizard for Hire" shop. Spellccasting services per the PHB. Also he'll eventually be taking on apprentices as the beginnings of the "magical school" concept. Eventually the school can be parlayed into a "magic wing" of the government.

SIgn to read:

Shaezon Silverfall — WIZARD
Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations.
Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates.
No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties or Other Entertainment

I had such hope for the spellslinger but was thoroughly disappointed with it. Mechanically it is just a big mess of crap for what you give up.

As for the wizard shop Arasmes would definitely set up next door as a mediator or "Devil's Advocate" lol. He would want to help with the arcane school too though, helping with those attempting to harness their innate abilities instead of you book learnin types lol.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:
I had such hope for the spellslinger but was thoroughly disappointed with it. Mechanically it is just a big mess of crap for what you give up.

If I was going to go that route I'd just take a level of gunslinger with my wizard levels and invest in a spellstoring gun.

Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:

i've got 300 troops, 30 cavalry. Is that in addition, or part of. I'm assuming part of right now.

I want 3rd level captians of each division, specially spec-ed for each area, the best one for each job.

Boss-Idea: Cavalier: give him Mwk Field-plate, a Lance, Longsword, Morning-star, and Heavy shield, has Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack, and Spirited Charge, and Cavalry Formation as his tactician bonus teamwork feat
He has two Dragoons (fighter archetype) to start that act as his vanguard.

1/3 of the Cavalry have short-bows that they use at range and have short-swords as side-arms. The rest have Lances, Shields, and short-swords as sidearms
There will be a distribution of...
Rangers: Mounted-combat Style, some archers some not.
Fighters: Roughriders
and 2 Barbrians: Mounted Fury Archetype these dudes ara somewhat silly guys.. =P

The other 270 are divided
I'm gonna think about the proportions, bosses and their second in commands later, but we got...

Smattering of Rangers,
Archer-fighters, going to get composite longbows when they can...
Crossbowmen-fighters (low str, high dex)

Phalanx soldiers who advance in front of
Pole-arm masters who stay one square behind their shielded buddies
--The Phalanx soldiers currently don't use shields, jsut polearms, but once they hit 3, they get tower shields and 1-hand their pole-arms, cause they can.

way too tired to even start to try to work on them, but will as time goes on.

Order has speerment in front, Infantry behind, and archers in back. Archers shoot over the first two at approaching enemies. speerment break any approaching charge, and then infantry move forword through the spearmen to directly engage the enemy, falling back behind the spear-wall if need be, all retreating under archer's cover-fire.

Cavalry provides support, scouting, etc.

comments guys?

Not bad - but consider two things:

1. You have 30 Cavalry - 300 Infantry. Not 270 footmen PLUS 30 cavalry for a total of 300. You would (theoretically) have 330 troops.

2. You'll need to be paying for their gear out of pocket - you have funds in the treasury - but that is pretty pricey. Also - once you pay to equip the men - they'll need some sort of weekly/monthly wage. Higher level guys will cost more money...

More on that to come, though, including your wealth.

Shaezon Silverfall wrote:
Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:
good DOD stuff.

Shaezon, upon returining from this mission will be setting up a "Wizard for Hire" shop. Spellccasting services per the PHB. Also he'll eventually be taking on apprentices as the beginnings of the "magical school" concept. Eventually the school can be parlayed into a "magic wing" of the government.

SIgn to read:

Shaezon Silverfall — WIZARD
Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations.
Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates.
No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties or Other Entertainment


Paranormal Investigations? Excellent! This opens the door to many potential private quests for you to solve cases, if you are interested...

Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:

I had such hope for the spellslinger but was thoroughly disappointed with it. Mechanically it is just a big mess of crap for what you give up.

As for the wizard shop Arasmes would definitely set up next door as a mediator or "Devil's Advocate" lol. He would want to help with the arcane school too though, helping with those attempting to harness their innate abilities instead of you book learnin types lol.

Question - are you actually going to play out a lawyer type? That can be done, I just need to know... It will provide some other private quests for you - but, in the end - it may offer some competition - there is already a pretty well established lawyer here - but another one could make things... interesting... :)

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

I thought Kae'd already payed Grishnak. he would not have gone back that morning without cash, and would have acquired it from the treasury before going to the village. What sort of cash is there, 25 Platinum would do the trick. Is there that much in the treasury?

What is the distribution of cash? I'll have a response on the story board when i know what's there in terms of coin.

So I probably wont be on much tonight either. This has been one of the worst years I have ever experienced and to top it all off on the way home from picking up a present for my 3 year old my car threw a piston and caught fire. I'm fine and was alone in the car but the car is totaled so I'm not in the best of moods. Have fun and npc me as needed. Happy fraking holidays.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

I'm sorry about the car, Ras. Glad you're okay ... With your bad luck this year, I'm thinking 2012 will be full of good, positive stuff. Fingers crossed.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

To All: Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Blessed Solstice. Please have an enjoyable festive season, be safe and may 2012 be a better year. :)

Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:

I thought Kae'd already payed Grishnak. he would not have gone back that morning without cash, and would have acquired it from the treasury before going to the village. What sort of cash is there, 25 Platinum would do the trick. Is there that much in the treasury?

What is the distribution of cash? I'll have a response on the story board when i know what's there in terms of coin.

Alaric collected at least 20,000 gold from DeVille - you could have easily snaked the loot if you wanted - no questions asked...

Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:
So I probably wont be on much tonight either. This has been one of the worst years I have ever experienced and to top it all off on the way home from picking up a present for my 3 year old my car threw a piston and caught fire. I'm fine and was alone in the car but the car is totaled so I'm not in the best of moods. Have fun and npc me as needed. Happy fraking holidays.

I am so sorry for what is going on with you - know that I will pray for you and if there is anything I can do - please let me know. I am glad you are okay, though, and I don't know what to say, but I hope you have at least a special time with your family this Christmas.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1
Dain GM wrote:
Shaezon Silverfall wrote:
Ka'etil Malas'rae wrote:
good DOD stuff.

Shaezon, upon returining from this mission will be setting up a "Wizard for Hire" shop. Spellccasting services per the PHB. Also he'll eventually be taking on apprentices as the beginnings of the "magical school" concept. Eventually the school can be parlayed into a "magic wing" of the government.

SIgn to read:

Shaezon Silverfall — WIZARD
Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations.
Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates.
No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties or Other Entertainment


Paranormal Investigations? Excellent! This opens the door to many potential private quests for you to solve cases, if you are interested...

That's Harry Dresden's yellow pages ad, ver badium with the exception of the name change.

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