Dain's King Maker Chronicles Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

you have a point. I may have suggested to quickly. I actually used to do spoilers, but i got lazy. ;-)

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

No worries. ;) I'm more of a universal laws kind of gal, so what's good for one in application is good for all. lol

Quick Notes About Galen

Shae - complete sheet via emial

Miscellaneous Description/Notes
1. Background for Character

Where was your character born?

Who raised him?
His parents – Garkin and Clover

What was happening in the region when your character was growing up?
Not much – Galen was working for his father as soon as he could read and write – and assisted in the shop until his father went out of business because of gambling debts. Nobles in Brevoy squabbling as usual.

Does your character have any relatives? Only parents.

2. Motivation

What are your character’s immediate goals? What would he like to do in the coming year?
Galen wishes to study magic – he is obsessed with fire, and the elemental forces – specifically the elements of Fire –and has some connection to that Plane in some capacity.

What are his long-term goals?
In time he wishes to master the power – and try to rediscover the elemental that once visited him.

What type of person would be his ideal mate?
He has no idea – that’s a pretty scary concept to him now – he tends to be very shy around girls – and many adults – the only time he is excited or energetic is when he is immersed in his studies – or using magic. When he is casting – or using his spells – then he is in his “element” – then he feels strong, powerful, and no longer shy. During casting – he is no longer a young boy – he assumes an almost second identity – confident, strong – powerful (In layman’s terms – he is like the immersion of Clark Kent putting on his suit).

Who is his patron deity? Is he a devout worshiper?
No specific patron deity – he never followed a god or goddess – never saw any reason to – the gods did him no favors, though he did receive some assistance from a powerful elemental being at one point, and is always eager to revisit that.

Is he a devout member of any nonreligious cause?
He is more likely to follow any cause that will reconnect to the presence of the beings he discovered.

Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion or the like against which he is strongly prejudiced? Nothing – though he is generally opposed to the element of Water – specifically Ice.

What is his greatest fear?
To live a life of quiet desperation – lost in mediocrity.

What is the one task he absolutely refuses to do?
Uses Water or Ice magic – to honor the being that helped him best when he needed it.

NOTE: Something happened to him as a young boy – he does not speak of it – even to his parents – it is a strange mystery – and it prompted him to begin his study in the arcane – and learning of the Planes specifically – it has to do with a Fire Elemental – more can be discovered in time – please remember this when you play him, though – it will be important later.

3. Idiosyncrasies

What is your character’s motto or favorite saying?
Exuro , infantia , exuro!

What is his favorite color?
Scarlet and gold

Describe what he would wear if money were no object?
The finest silk clothes, leathers, and velvet – he loves velvet – scarlet and gold specifically – if he could ever get it.

What is his favorite food? Drink?
Fresh bread, honey and cream. And recently – roasted pork and applesauce.

What is his favorite animal?
Hedgehog – of course!

What habits of his friends annoy him most?
Stupidity – people who do stupid things really, really annoy him.

4. Traits: rank each trait from 1 to 10 (ten being highest)

Courtesy 6
Valor 7
Self-sacrifice 6
Generosity 5
Sobriety 9
Calm temper 9
Optimism 7
Curiosity 9
Forgiveness 4
Cheerfulness 7
Patience 10
Honesty 4
Helpfulness 6
Loyalty 10


What well-known media figure from sports, movies or politics most closely resembles your character?
Peter Parker – classic nerd, shy, embarrassed, a little bitter with bullies – and keeps his power, for the most part, hidden – afraid that others may find him and try to use him or manipulate him – or use him.

What would be his theme song?
Theme Song

If his friends were to write his epitaph, what would it be?
He died – but was not defeated.

What would be his job in modern society?
Adjunct Professor

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Just read his sheet. Looks cool. I like him and Shae will too. I imagine in time that he'll be an integral part to the more martial side of the school, perhaps professor of more offensive magics. I imagine he'll go a@@$*!! the first time he sees a fireball being cast. ;-)

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

I have a friend who I play with IRL who is interested in getting back into PBP's. If you have room I have a good player for you. He's open to playing whatever, but he thinks the magic characters have probably been covered. Thoughts?

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Is it possible to help the slaves (the moral thing to do) then go exploring (the profitable thing to do) or is it one or the other?

Shaezon Silverfall wrote:
Is it possible to help the slaves (the moral thing to do) then go exploring (the profitable thing to do) or is it one or the other?

Both are possible! It's totally up to you - but freeing the slaves with the part you have currently - and the number of people you have currently - like, a small group - seems - to quote Ralph Wiggum "UMPossible".

Every baddie is at least a Player Character class - that means (at the minimum) you have 400 first level fighters as guardsmen.

Those "elite bodyguards" - the one that gives Khromm pause - yeah, he's six level - that means that - toe-to-toe - he'd have trouble with one of them because they're at LEAST his level - and there's ten of them - not counting magic users, the boss - cavalry and so on... Who are all at least 1st level - and if the boss can grant his peeps spells - then the boss is higher level then you - and, very likely at LEAST a magic user higher level then you.

FYI - yeah, you have the better point buy - 28 - and of course, all NPC's have only 25 point buy - but, just remember the trolls you fought - they were Barbarian class Trolls - a Troll with Rage is no joke! And you'll have other things to deal with here.

But who knows - if you do it on this forray (yay team good) you'll have a whole new city to yourselves!

Good hunting!

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Sooo...With all that in mind how the hell are we going to move 5000 slaves without getting all of them or us murdered?

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

On another note:

As interesting as it is I think I will not be talking the Pathfinder Savant PRC. SImply because I have to give up a spell casting level to do it and I am loathe to do it. Though I reserve teh right to change my mind later.

Conversation about laws:

Whenever this occurs Arasmes will put forth the laws he put forth before which are listed below. He also added a part about calling and summoning evil outsiders.

Laws of Saravale:

The laws of Saravale are herein put forth.

Capitol Crimes:
Arson, Assault resulting in mutilation or crippling, Counterfeiting, Defiling a holy place, Murder, Rape, Sabotage, Slavery, Espionage, Treason, Calling an Evil Outsider, Summoning an evil outsider in commission of a capital crime increases the punishment of said crime at the discretion of the sentencing authority.

Punishable by Death, Exile (permanent), Fines & Damages, Hard Labor (3+ years), Imprisonment (10+ years).

Assaulting a Government Official, Blackmail, Bribery of a city officer or official, Burglary, Extortion, Fencing stolen goods, Forgery, Fraud, Impersonation of a Government Official, Kidnapping, Magical assault, Repetition of any misdemeanor or infraction, Robbery, Tax evasion, Theft of temple goods or offerings (includes spoilage or consumption of same), Theft or killing of livestock or mounts, Theft, Tresspassing on Government Property, Tomb-robbing (or unlawful entry and/or vandalism of a tomb), Unlawful dueling (manslaughter), Usury, Vandalism, Willful disobedience of any official edict, Summoning an evil outsider in commission of a Felony makes said crime a capital crime.

Punishable by Exile (5 years to permanent), Fines & Damages, Hard Labor (1 month to 3 years), Humiliation, Imprisonment (1 month to 10 years).

Assault (wounding), Assault on livestock or mounts (non-fatal), Unlawful dueling, , Unlawful hindrance of business, Unlawful observation or copying of an official document, Summoning an evil outsider in commission of a misdemeanor makes said crime a felony.

Punishable by Edict Against Convict, Exile (up to 1 year), Fines & Damages, Humiliation and/or Imprisonment (1 week to 1 month).

Assault (without wounding or robbery, includes expectoration), Blasphemy against any city officer, Blasphemy against foreign ambassadors, Brandishing a weapon dangerously or threateningly without due cause (note: being in a brawl is not due cause unless one is menaced with a weapon), Dangerous operation of a coach, wagon, litter or other conveyance (including airborne), Drunkenness (and disorderly conduct), Excessive noise (interfering with sleep or business), Impeding the swift process of law by delaying the actions of the guard or watch, Littering (includes relief of human wastes in public), Trespassing, Unlawful flight intrusion (into city airspace, of intelligent being flying by means of an aerial mount or magic), Vagrancy, Summoning an evil outsider in commission of an infraction makes said crime a misdemeanor.

Punishable by Edict Against Convict, Fines & Damages, Humiliation and/or Imprisonment (Overnight to 1 week).

Clarification on Punishments

Death: A sentence of Death can only be granted by the High Council upon recommendation of the High Court, and the convict can be executed by being beheaded or hanged. The government confiscates all property owned by the executed convict.

Edict Against Convict: Edicts against the convict often include a ban against performing further actions related to his crimes.

Exile: When Exiled, the court confiscates all property save for one weapon, one week's rations and the clothes worn by the offender.

Fines & Damages: Fines are payable to the court, while Damages are payable to the victim of the crime. Most damages are defined as the relative value of that which was lost by the crime. When considering the value of a sentient life, such damages are roughly equivalent to the wages that would have been earned by that sentient over the course of the next five years. Fines are typically based on the level of crime: infractions (5-50 pieces of gold), misdemeanors (50-500 pieces of gold), felonies (500-2000 pieces of gold), and capitol crimes (2000-25000 pieces of gold).

Hard Labor: Hard Labor can include being impressed into service (for a period of duty commensurate with the crime) or enforced public work.

Humiliation: Humiliation includes whipping, time spent in the stocks, and other public displays (ex. being paraded through the streets tied behind a mule or other stubborn beast of burden as a crier extols the convict's foul deeds.)

Imprisonment: Imprisonment can be performed in a jail, dungeon or similar structure. Convicts with a history of contribution and attachment to the local community may be able to petition the court for Probation instead of Imprisonment. Probation requires the convict to report to the City Jail once a week, and the convict is prohibited from drunkenness, wearing armor, carrying any weapon (other than a dagger), and any other legal violations for the period of Imprisonment. Any violations of the terms of Probation send the convict directly to Imprisonment for the remainder of his sentence.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Shaezon will leave the minutia of the laws to the council unless they specifically ask for his input. Specifically regarding laws governing magic.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

Ka'etil Thanks Raz for the addition of the binding aspects, and reminds the group about the addition of Creation of Undead to the list of Capital crimes.

Maybe add Coercion to commit a crime by magical means either to the felony list of make it like Summoning fiends, and up the level of crime, so comtroling someone and making them commit an infraction is a misdemeanor. not sure which system would be best.

Updated to include creation of undead and magical coercion.

Laws of Saravale:

The laws of Saravale are herein put forth.

Capitol Crimes:
Arson, Assault resulting in mutilation or crippling, Counterfeiting, Defiling a holy place, Murder, Rape, Sabotage, Slavery, Espionage, Treason, Calling an Evil Outsider, Summoning an evil outsider in commission of a capital crime increases the punishment of said crime at the discretion of the sentencing authority, Coercion (of a magical means) to commit a felony, Creation of Undead.

Punishable by Death, Exile (permanent), Fines & Damages, Hard Labor (3+ years), Imprisonment (10+ years).

Assaulting a Government Official, Blackmail, Bribery of a city officer or official, Burglary, Extortion, Fencing stolen goods, Forgery, Fraud, Impersonation of a Government Official, Kidnapping, Magical assault, Repetition of any misdemeanor or infraction, Robbery, Tax evasion, Theft of temple goods or offerings (includes spoilage or consumption of same), Theft or killing of livestock or mounts, Theft, Tresspassing on Government Property, Tomb-robbing (or unlawful entry and/or vandalism of a tomb), Unlawful dueling (manslaughter), Usury, Vandalism, Willful disobedience of any official edict, Summoning an evil outsider in commission of a Felony makes said crime a capital crime, Coercion (of a magical means) to commit a misdemeanor.

Punishable by Exile (5 years to permanent), Fines & Damages, Hard Labor (1 month to 3 years), Humiliation, Imprisonment (1 month to 10 years).

Assault (wounding), Assault on livestock or mounts (non-fatal), Unlawful dueling, , Unlawful hindrance of business, Unlawful observation or copying of an official document, Summoning an evil outsider in commission of a misdemeanor makes said crime a felony, Coercion (of a magical means) to commit an infraction.

Punishable by Edict Against Convict, Exile (up to 1 year), Fines & Damages, Humiliation and/or Imprisonment (1 week to 1 month).

Assault (without wounding or robbery, includes expectoration), Blasphemy against any city officer, Blasphemy against foreign ambassadors, Brandishing a weapon dangerously or threateningly without due cause (note: being in a brawl is not due cause unless one is menaced with a weapon), Dangerous operation of a coach, wagon, litter or other conveyance (including airborne), Drunkenness (and disorderly conduct), Excessive noise (interfering with sleep or business), Impeding the swift process of law by delaying the actions of the guard or watch, Littering (includes relief of human wastes in public), Trespassing, Unlawful flight intrusion (into city airspace, of intelligent being flying by means of an aerial mount or magic), Vagrancy, Summoning an evil outsider in commission of an infraction makes said crime a misdemeanor.

Punishable by Edict Against Convict, Fines & Damages, Humiliation and/or Imprisonment (Overnight to 1 week).

Clarification on Punishments

Death: A sentence of Death can only be granted by the High Council upon recommendation of the High Court, and the convict can be executed by being beheaded or hanged. The government confiscates all property owned by the executed convict.

Edict Against Convict: Edicts against the convict often include a ban against performing further actions related to his crimes.

Exile: When Exiled, the court confiscates all property save for one weapon, one week's rations and the clothes worn by the offender.

Fines & Damages: Fines are payable to the court, while Damages are payable to the victim of the crime. Most damages are defined as the relative value of that which was lost by the crime. When considering the value of a sentient life, such damages are roughly equivalent to the wages that would have been earned by that sentient over the course of the next five years. Fines are typically based on the level of crime: infractions (5-50 pieces of gold), misdemeanors (50-500 pieces of gold), felonies (500-2000 pieces of gold), and capitol crimes (2000-25000 pieces of gold).

Hard Labor: Hard Labor can include being impressed into service (for a period of duty commensurate with the crime) or enforced public work.

Humiliation: Humiliation includes whipping, time spent in the stocks, and other public displays (ex. being paraded through the streets tied behind a mule or other stubborn beast of burden as a crier extols the convict's foul deeds.)

Imprisonment: Imprisonment can be performed in a jail, dungeon or similar structure. Convicts with a history of contribution and attachment to the local community may be able to petition the court for Probation instead of Imprisonment. Probation requires the convict to report to the City Jail once a week, and the convict is prohibited from drunkenness, wearing armor, carrying any weapon (other than a dagger), and any other legal violations for the period of Imprisonment. Any violations of the terms of Probation send the convict directly to Imprisonment for the remainder of his sentence.

Diplomacy 1 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35

Diplomacy 2 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35

Diplomacy rolls as requested by Dain. Roll 1 is to get the council to actually listen to the suggestions of a tiefling as related to laws. Roll 2 is to convince them that the laws themselves are good.

Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:

Diplomacy 1 1d20+16

Diplomacy 2 1d20+16

Diplomacy rolls as requested by Dain. Roll 1 is to get the council to actually listen to the suggestions of a tiefling as related to laws. Roll 2 is to convince them that the laws themselves are good.

1. After nearly an hour of talking things over - Brett (and the others) will eventually agree to your decision to offer "suggestions" for laws. They will hear your ideas - if they are any good - they will decide to ratify them.

2. Brett can only speak for himself - yet he agrees the laws are good. The others do not have to - and may not choose to - depending on how their characters decide to vote (i.e. players).

HOWEVER - this roll WILL go a long way to getting Brett to "lighten up on you" - and, specifically - like his own idea more and more of putting you as "Expert on Southern Affairs" - giving an eye for potential in the future...

Meanwhile Please read carefully, the next post. I put it up on the thread for treasury, however - I don't want that thread having much of any postings - except for specific issues regarding treasure.

Wow! Okay – let me just clear up a few quick things – hopefully it will help out a bit.

What the treasury page is supposed to be – and how it is supposed to work.

Okay – first thing. The “Treasury” is supposed to be a constant update of things – posted on a regular basis. Whenever you decide to “withdraw funds” from the treasury for the group – you really ought to read what it currently has (via last posting) – decide what you want to withdraw (preferably with the group’s concensus) – then, make a current posting – minus the funds you’ve taken out – or added in.

This way the group can look at the last posting and see – specifically – what is in the “royal treasury” at any given moment – simply by looking at the details of the last post. Of course – specific items (such as untapped potions with “cost value” – magic items – same thing, and so on) will not have to be changed every time – unless someone specifically takes one.

I.E. ”I want to take the sword of dragon slaying – I shall leave the coin instead”. When this is done – you need to make such a note – so the rest of the group doesn’t think the sword is still there, even though the “relative wealth” remains the same.

Unless otherwise noted – try not to put in much “discussion” here – it only clogs up the thread. Just use this for a quick reference so any and all can look here and know what is going on better/faster.

Current state of money for the nation – and the individuals therein.

Okay – for now you have the later postings with the most recent amount of “Wealth” your town earned. Remember – things like BP earned were meant and designed when I assumed your town would grow and develop organically and with social RP – as opposed to the “cut and dry” method in the book.

While I liked the idea – I was “outvoted” – and we are now using Saravale as the template for a “Cut and Dry” method of government. However – this does not formally start until AFTER book 2 is concluded – which should be soon, depending on your quests.

Your Council has divided the town’s money into two separate categories.

1. What the town is worth – in relative wealth (i.e. – book prices for all the junk you have – potions, spices, rare silks – that sort of thing).

2. How much gold you actually have. Remember – if you have a bottle of rare perfume worth 1,000,000 GP – but no one wants to buy it – your town’s relative wealth may be high – but you still don’t have the gold for it until you sell it.

As of right now – the city of Saravale has the following “Town Worth” – in the “Vault” – though it may be greater – or less – then what the town is actually worth – if you can’t find a buyer.

This figure of the town’s current worth: Roughly 80,000 (79 and some odd change, to be more specific). However – this was “relative wealth”. It covers things like “Werebear Blood” – and the value of it – but just like the point above about the million GP perfume – if people won’t buy that – you don’t have anything to spend on gold.

When it was all said and done – taxes, raw gold collected – an so on – you were left with a very thin amount of actual coin – you divided this figure in half (half for the nation – half for the council members to divide again among themselves).

By the end of Pharast – you ended up having the following figure in Actual Coin – (as opposed to all the raw treasury stuff you have, but no one is trying to sell – never mind the raw value of it).

Actual Coin in taxes total 32,000, roughly.

You then took this figure – divided it by 2 (50% for both the Council – and the other for the City/Nation) – which left you with 16,000 GP – roughly.

As you had 4 Council Members – you each got to have a ¼ cut of that loot. Hence your current earnings for Pharast.


You may have had other goods and gear besides on you worth more then that figure. You have had other wealth, too. What is clear, though – is that you each made some rather bold spending in different ways.

For example – Kae – you personally decided to pay Grishnak several thousand coin – 2,500 GP from the treasury – not out of your own pocket.

FYI - this was a risky move – you may have negative results for it later, especially when the town "does the books" at the end of the month and realizes where you got the money to pay Grishnak.

You either got this coin from the city vault – the 16,000 in the city there – or you got it by using your own money personally. You chose the vault, which cost you nothing, for now.

Now – Ariarh bought potions for the group – but she paid for them out of her own pocket – which means her own personal wealth went down. Which is why she is eager for everyone to pay her back their cut for the cots of the potions – as they were not cheap, and she paid for them – not with treasury money/quest money – but out of her own private purse! So far – only Brett, Aliento, Sir Dashan have formally done this.

Arasmes, Anuk-su, Shaezon, and Kae have not given her any money so far. This means that – as Ariarh had to pay for these out of pocket – she is personally paying for 5/8ths of the parties cost for magic potions – even as the rest of the party is doing nothing to comp her for the potions (though – perhaps – that may happen soon – as it was generally promised to happen once you got paid for the items you found on the quest).

Brett spent quite a bit of his own coin (out of private pocket) – specifically 2,810 GP – but that was for specific Information Gathering I had to do to facilitate things in the group. Don’t worry – Brett did not mention this expense – he assumes it was his own – even though it helped the group. Consequently – Brett – as he paid personal money to certain parties – will be remembered well by them later.

This applies to other characters, too – though. For example – if no one chooses to pay back Ariarh for the cost of the goods she bought personally for the temple north – then she is out the money. However – the people she bought the potions will discover Ariarh paid them personally over half the gold out of her own pocket. As such – they will be well-pleased to do business with her in the future – but her alone.

The same applies to Kae with Grishnak; as Grishnak believes that Kae is paying him out of his own pocket – never mind where he got the money.

The treasury then expended an additional 2,000 Gold Pieces to Khromm for his information about the towns to your south.

Currently – the treasury is down 4,500 – at least – for the cost of Kae’s taking coin to Grishnak – and the cost of Khromm’s 2,000 gold pieces in earnings.

Regarding the military –

Kae – there is good news/bad news about the military. The bad news is that you personally have to pay for your officers, even as Shaezon has to pay for his own apprentice; and Ariarh and Brett have to pay for others to do work for them.

This costs money.

You have 2 level 1 types (as I recall) – and Shaezon has 1 level 2 type.

However – you must pay them coin each week for their personal living expenses. On the other hand – you control their leveling – like a mini-Cohort – so it’s like a Cohort you can play with – but you DO have to pay them.

Both you and Shaezon are personally responsible for the expenditures each week for your boys.

The good news is that you don’t have to pay for the city guards, militia. As general you can stat them out – but you don’t have to pay for them.

The nation does – and – as such – your treasury will be lower again because of that.

By the end of the month – you will need to pay your troops.

From the troops that died you (Kae) – have offered a classy funeral and donation to the park – this was recalled at 300 GP for the men who dies – roughly 30 GP a “funeral service” – plot of land, and so on.

As for the army itself – as stated it would cost for the 300 men (roughly) 630 GP a week. You were gone 2 weeks, and this is now moving into week 3. Depending on your current speed of exploration – and so forth – you will end up having to pay 2,400 GP a month for your current army.

HOWEVER: Your army is paid by the Nation – not our of your personal expenditures. You only pay your current officers – and, after the current notes on payment – you Kae – will have to pay your officers the following by the end of the month total:

20 GP per man, per week – this reflects your bonuses with each man – as per house rules.

Shaezon – your “out of pocket expenses” for taking care of your apprentice are as follows:

250 gold per week for your apprentice – this also reflects your bonuses with your apprentice. He is also a higher level – and costs more money.

In addition – Arasmes has been made a formal “Expert in Southern Relations”. He was already paid 500 gold pieces, and another 500 at the end of the month for his services are forthcoming. Soo…

So – to sum up

Your nation had the following in “raw gold” in its vaults at the beginning of the month:

16,100 gold pieces.

It is currently the start of week 3 – at this time your nation has spent the following money:

11,100 gold pieces

The town has more money then this technically – if you ever managed to sell all the gear in the treasury.

For now – you haven’t. The town “army” is paid up to the end of the week – next week they will need more money.

What you each have in current gold?

Oh – that’s easy enough for me to discover. No doubt it’s on your current sheet.

Which reminds me – some of you may be in the negatives – no worries. That money can easily be deducted out of what you find on the trail.

Remember – council members – half of what you find on the trail should be going to the town at this time. However – things will change in time.

Hope this clears up any questions. I need to run some errands – please let me know if there any other questions… I will be back later tonight!

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

The laws so far look good. Thanks, Ras. Can we add two more: 1. along the lines of "dangerous and addictive drugs cannot be distributed, purchased or consumed" (maybe a caveat in there that if Council is formally approached and medical reason/purpose can be provided (with evidence) then a exemption (after consideration) can be made for that individual). 2. "All animal or creature bloodsports are prohibited from being organised and held (as in public forum/game) within the land/s under Council rule. This includes the capture or sale of creatures and animals for express purposes of bloodsport." If you can form better wording of these laws, please go ahead. Thanks.

These 2 new laws might fall under : Misdemeanors: Punishable by Exile (5 years to permanent), Fines & Damages, Hard Labor (1 month to 3 years), Humiliation, Imprisonment (1 month to 10 years).

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Ive been drinking tonight. I can barely read what's happening. I will read and post something substantial tomorrow.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Also thought of another two: 1. Destruction, defilement and vandalism of public parks is prohibited and 2. the premeditated pollution of waterways and wells is prohibited - no dumping of potions, chemicals, drugs, poisons and excrement/urine into sources of clean water.

Maybe they can also fall under: Misdemeanors: Punishable by Exile (5 years to permanent), Fines & Damages, Hard Labor (1 month to 3 years), Humiliation, Imprisonment (1 month to 10 years).

To all

You guys are trying to found a kingdom.

There are certain parts of the game that "1 night" can literally take weeks to get done with the back and forth of social RP and Play by Posts. But it's still one night in game.

As it is 1 night - you may be having a rough "one week" in game, but if you are short of cash for a week - who cares? Suck it up - because next week you may go out and find big money, or not. It all depends. This Pesh shipment is rumored to have alone 10,000 gold pieces in Pesh - not to mention other trade goods. That could be a lot of money - it is not even the end of the week - by the time you go out - get the deal done - and come back - it will be one week, maybe less, and you'll probably all be richer for it.

Worrying about the finances this week will drive you nuts. Wait a week "in game" - then deal with it later. Do a latter planning ahead - budget a little - it'll be easier for you guys.

You guys are stressing over - pretty much - small stuff. Ironically you were sitting on top of over 60,000 gold pieces of treasure - and no one bothered to get the value of the treasure.

Council Members: You have over 50,000 gold pieces of crap in your "national vault" that no one is selling or using - and - no one is selling it or using it. So your nation is slowly becoming bankrupt - because no one is taking the stuff and selling it or using it.

You guys have so much wealth potential just sitting here. All you have to do is say "we use it" - and you'd all be much richer.

But, anyway...

Take a moment - read it over - and you'll see the money you have (potentially) - and we can work from there. I say potentially because you'll still need to sell the stuff you have, but it's fairly easy to do that, you just need to find a buyer.

By the way

After using extensive fact checking, and lots of time and effort - I prepared the following artwork for the group -

In it you will the group in the following order -

1. Shaezon - slightly greenish tint to his skin - brandishing a magical wand, a curved elven bow - and wearing his long black robes and hood...

2. Arasmes - in desert robes - with his dark glasses to protect his background - creating a magical floating circle of purple glowing runes - out of which is (heh heh) rising a demon...

3. Ka'etil - the gruff, grizzled, half-elf barbarian - brandishing a massive sword - loincloth and heavy armor under long dark hair.

4. Brett - with his dueling sword an pistol - garbed in the blue of his Ducal House - as well as his jaunty cap and scoundrel-like feather.

5. Ariarh - summoning lightening from the clouds above - wearing leather breeches and a utility jacket - carrying a curved blade - and wearing an artistic sash - dyed in her favorite color: blue.

6. Dior - still little - is flying by his mistress.

7. Anuk-su Seti is standing by Ariarh, wearing long white monk's robe - a dragon like pendent on it - and is carrying a quarterstaff.

Anyway - I hope you enjoy the pic - I believe it captures the group's ideals very well. To that effect - I added a motto from an ancient Chinese Martial Arts expert - I think it sums up the motto of your heroes fairly well....

Well - enjoy!

Group Photo

PS - let me know if the link works, if not - I will fix it.

What it says on the tin; Caffiene addict 20

Sorry for my little outburst. I see what you're saying now.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Sorry for my little outburst. I see what you're saying now.

FYI - what did you think of the group photo? I was curious to know if I managed to capture your character's look - though I just couldn't get the shot for Mister right... Other then that - what do you think?

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1
Dain GM wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Sorry for my little outburst. I see what you're saying now.
FYI - what did you think of the group photo? I was curious to know if I managed to capture your character's look - though I just couldn't get the shot for Mister right... Other then that - what do you think?

I thought it was cute. LIttle leggo people. ;-)

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

If I may make a suggestion concerning the government.

My Opinion and only my opinion:

We need a single ruler/Tsar/ chancellor. I know we have an absent king, but perhaps someone could be his stand in. That way the council could have their vote, but at some point somone would be able to make the final decision. That way instead of talking about things someone could take the lead and help to move things along.

Now this is not to say the king/queen has to do everything, but he or she could delegate tasks. He could assign positions such as General (to build an army), etc. That way everything is nice and official and efficient.

Also the King/Queen could still adventure. He or she would simply have to assign tasks to be accomplished (by NPC's) in his/her absence.

Had I thought of a different backstory Shaezon would make a wonderful "Grand Vizier," but alas as plot goes it's probably not going to work out that way. Of course he would take the post should someone suggest it. ;-)

Kae would probably be an appropriate persoon for this appointment. He has some social skill and ranks in sense motive and diplomacy.

I think perhaps not any of the clerical types (Ariah included). Too many debates over the laws of man vs the laws of god (or natural law). Then again, I'm an Athiest in real life so I may be bias. ;-)

Aside from the fact that he's an NPC and I don't think dain wants to run the game that way I think Brett is an innappropriate choice. He's too much of a cowboy and also he's quite undiplomatic.

Though mechanically some of the newcombers may be an appropriate choice they're far too new for such a position.

Just a thought.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Re Government Suggestion.

So, according to the suggestion you have posed above, the only possible "good" rulers of the Republic of Saravale would only be characters run by Kae, Ras or yourself?

And with a republic, the elected head of state has a term and then is replaced by another elected representative who has their term and so forth. So, we do not have a King or Queen as there is no monarch as head of state.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1
Ariarh Kane wrote:

Re Government Suggestion.

So, according to the suggestion you have posed above, the only possible "good" rulers of the Republic of Saravale would only be characters run by Kae, Ras or yourself?

And with a republic, the elected head of state has a term and then is replaced by another elected representative who has their term and so forth. So, we do not have a King or Queen as there is no monarch as head of state.

I did caveat and say that it was an opinion. Also, I openly admit bias with clerical types. ;-) To be clear I was referring to the characters, not the players. ;-) I'm not saying they couldn't do a good job. I just threw up some thoughts based on character profiles. That's all. Take everything with a grain of salt.

The important part was that we seem to spend a lot of time talking and sweating the small stuff when we could be tackling the larger issues. Having a formal head of state would help. Even the US has a single figurehead who delegates tasks to his cabinet. Then we have the senate, congress and supreme court that do what they do.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Yes, but the position is rotated, so you may get Kae as head of state for a period but then it becomes another elected person's term, cleric, druid or otherwise, whether you have a bias or not.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1
Ariarh Kane wrote:
Yes, but the position is rotated, so you may get Kae as head of state for a period but then it becomes another elected person's term, cleric, druid or otherwise, whether you have a bias or not.

I didn't realize it was a republic. Sorry.

Since there is such a problem with who is going to take power when...Arasmes would humbly take the post...you know for the good of the people of course...permanently so that there are no more arguments...which totally undermines the peace of the group...and Arasmes will grudgingly take over in order to help...because he's such a great guy. ;-)

In all seriousness a ruler needs to be elected for the time being and the only person that currently makes sense is Ariarh. Kae is a bit too.....morally flexible ;-) lol. I say two year terms with only two terms in a row but no term limits beyond just not more than two terms in a row.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1
Arasmes ibn'Fayad wrote:

Since there is such a problem with who is going to take power when...Arasmes would humbly take the post...you know for the good of the people of course...permanently so that there are no more arguments...which totally undermines the peace of the group...and Arasmes will grudgingly take over in order to help...because he's such a great guy. ;-)

In all seriousness a ruler needs to be elected for the time being and the only person that currently makes sense is Ariarh. Kae is a bit too.....morally flexible ;-) lol. I say two year terms with only two terms in a row but no term limits beyond just not more than two terms in a row.

That's true. She's the only one with the clout.


Um - yeah - you guys may or may not realize that the issue has already been decided by the council.

To refresh - each member of the council is rotated each month - by fiat of the council.

This took a rather long time to decide among the players - but the decision was made a long time ago. I know it, and am eager to see that played out properly.

One other thing...

Remember too - the two least important things to think about when you play the game, and run the kingdom - in order of least important - to REALLY least important are -

1. Character Class (fairly unimportant).
2. Stats/skill ranks (REALLY unimportant).

As for why? Well - to clarify - as Forest Gump said "Stupid is as stupid does".

You're not going to be able to settle the majority of things by just "rolling dice" - most the problems will take your own personal level of thinking, writing, creativity and how you want to solve things. In other words - if you have all 30's in your stats - and are on 30th level - you still might be a terrible king/queen depending on how you play it out.

And if you have all 12's and are on level 7 - never mind what class - you may be the best leader in the game (especially if you are Halfling -ahem ;)

It's all about if you are able to out and make things happen really awesome, no matter what your stats are. They just help you execute the method of what you are actually doing.

So - just something to remember when you play out the game. No matter how hot your character is on paper - if you don't do things with those details - if you don't play them out - it really won't matter in the long run.

Just saying...

Female Silver Dragon My Level of Class is unmatched by any and all!
Dain GM wrote:


Um - yeah - you guys may or may not realize that the issue has already been decided by the council.

To refresh - each member of the council is rotated each month - by fiat of the council.

This took a rather long time to decide among the players - but the decision was made a long time ago. I know it, and am eager to see that played out properly.

One other thing...

Remember too - the two least important things to think about when you play the game, and run the kingdom - in order of least important - to REALLY least important are -

1. Character Class (fairly unimportant).
2. Stats/skill ranks (REALLY unimportant).

As for why? Well - to clarify - as Forest Gump said "Stupid is as stupid as does".

You're not going to be able to settle the majority of things by just "rolling dice" - most the problems will take your own personal level of thinking, writing, creativity and how you want to solve things. In other words - if you have all 30's in your stats - and are on 30th level - you still might be a terrible king/queen depending on how you play it out.

And if you have all 12's and are on level 7 - never mind what class - you may be the best leader in the game (especially if you are Halfling -ahem ;)

It's all about if you are able to out and make things happen really awesome, no matter what your stats are. They just help you execute the method of what you are actually doing.

So - just something to remember when you play out the game. No matter how hot your character is on paper - if you don't do things with those details - if you don't play them out - it really won't matter in the long run.

Just saying...

"Poltroon! What matter of land is this to bow to a mere king or queen when the presence of She who may yet become an Empress is inevitable? Thou may lay aside my awesome powers, my imperial lineage, my splendid heritage - indeed - never mind all of that, for - I am, as they do say in the modern vernacular - Super cute!."

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

kae's already the general, hence my organizing the army. Lets figure that out who exactly is running things over the down-time.

I was also rolling up a bard that would make a natural leader, playing her character to do that, but am holding off till i see the new southern races.

When was it decided to rotate on a monthly basis? I don't mind rotating quicker than every two years but monthly seems a bit much. I wouldn't think we should do less than once a year or every six months at the absolute minimum. Less than that and as soon as someone starts getting going their time is up. It just doesnt make much sense to me is all. If that is the way the council decides to go then ok but it doesn't seem like a very efficient way to rule. As I said I'm ok with whatever way we do it but I wanted to voice my opinion...and that's all it is lol.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

I also like the idea of rotating the position every 6 months (at minimum).

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1
Ariarh Kane wrote:
I also like the idea of rotating the position every 6 months (at minimum).

Agreed. I think a year or two would be most appropriate. A month is far too short of a time period.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

we get the chance to re-assign leaders every month, depending on the situation, so we can change monthly, but don't have to. Useful when we got new characters coming and going on occasion like we have....

We still need to get the organization hammered out right now.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

Re: Loot

I think we're going to ask Oleg to get the stuff sold so everyone can get paid. When this happens jsut let Shae know what his fair share is and I'll be happy.

Thanks. ;-0

Still need to know about the leaves and the bow.

If you sell the bow to an actual cleric of Erastil - it is worth a hell of a lot. If you sell it to a regular archer - it is merely a +1 bow - and not worth nearly as much - so that depends.

If you decide to keep the leaves (any of you) - that comes out of your "Cut" - also - if you don't keep the leaves - you must tell me where you'd like them sold. We can go from there.

Finally - Oleg will petition the council to take the Horn - and one leaf - for a total cost of 7,500 GP - if you are agreeable.

This is - sadly - 1,500 less then the appraised value - but he does not have more to offer at this time. He will agree to the full 9,000 gold - if you must - but it will take him 2 months to get that amount. Though you know he is good for it. But he will definitely pay you the 4,000 GP for the Horn - as soon as he can get the money back from his place. That should take him to the end of a week or so. But you'll have it "on paper" until then.

As soon as I know where you intend to sell the stuff - or what you intend to do with it - you'l know more about the loot.

FYI - yeah the monthly rotation thing does kind of suck - but that was decided on for the first year. After the first year, it may be altered - but until that time, sadly - no.

But, that works out well - because, for example - if Brett and Oleg where on the first 2 months of the "six month rotation" - you'd have only their bonuses to use.

The way it is now - you formally have 4 Council Members - each will be serving for 3 months out of the year - in a cycle - but, if I don't miss my guess if you guys ever finish book 2 and hit level 7 - then you'll all be able to rotate 2 months a piece - maybe more - depending on how long you keep Oleg around as a formal Council Member - but most of that depends on how you play the game.

If you don't reach level 7, for example, - this entire concern won't matter :)

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

I'd recommend contacting the cleric of Erastril and have her pass the word up the chain of command, so to speak.

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

I'd like us to keep a few leaves, so we can take them on occasion. I vote to sell Oleg the Horn, and the leaf. I'd like to give it to him for 8500, and give him the months to come up with the last 1000. Shae can have his cut of gold. I'd like us to keep the rest of the leaves. They are especially useful. while situational...

I agree to trying to sell the bow at the high price to a cleric of erastril. If one can't afford it now, we should get them to pass up the line till we can find one who can afford it, or sell it when one here can afford it. I'd also like to have this cleric stick around the city, if we can convince him/her to do so.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

I agree that we should keep a few leaves for ourselves. I also like Kae's installment plan for Oleg re the horn and leaf -- 8500 now and the remaining 1000 at a date agreed upon. Giving Shae his cut of gold is fine -- it'll keep him happier with the Council. ;)

Re the Erastil's bow -- I'm sure we can make contact with other priests/priestesses of Erastil through Moira Lochlin. Ry has a good relationship with Moira and she can try and arrange something, if the Council are in agreement. Who knows ... we may even be able to make use of it in Saravale at some point. :)

We have a number of dangerous potions and chemicals in our vaults, thanks to our Osirion "friend" Amun. Could we try and sell some of these to alchemists we trust? Say like Selendria Grear or Sarah Ironhorse?

Male Half-Elf Invulnerable Rager 2/Crossblooded Envenomed+Draconic Sorcerer 1/ Trapper Ranger 1/Rage-Vivisectionist 2/Dragon Disciple 1

I second the selliing stuff to trusted alchemists, if we can. I sortof feel like we can unload some of the stuff with grishnak, stuff he already sells, so it don't hurt too bad... plus, if there's an issue, we can use him to trace the ones that have it...

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

I'm of the opinion that we should convert the "drugs" to medicine and dispense them (i.e. Sell) them to trustworthy people in small amounts for medicinal uses.

However, Shaezon won't complain too much as long as he can get enough to help with his surgery. ALthough, i'm not entirely convinced he needs the surgery.

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

We have things such as wereblood, efreeti tears and succubus musk. Can such things be converted into medicine?

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)

Kae, you may find Ariarh will vote "no" to selling any "drug" or "potion" to Grishnak. Sadly, I don't think you will convince her otherwise.

Sorry for.lack.of.posting no internet and won't have again.until Monday night

Yeah - I was kind of surprised that you intend to rotate things so soon so quickly - but who am I to argue with what you all agreed on?

You have no formal "ruler" - and set terms of shared responsibility. For "year 1" - everyone has to have an equal "share" - to be fair - but, after year 1 - and in the years/decades to come - you'll be able to do things differently, no doubt.

Meanwhile - it may interest you to know that Oleg has accepted Kae's generous suggestion - taken a leaf and the horn north - and will be sending you (in less then a week) - your first installment of 4,000 GP - with the next month bringing you 3,000 - and the last month 1,500.

Aliento has "claimed" a leaf - and informs you that he is going to give you a small collection of gemstones - each worth 100 GP (he has a small sack of valuable trading gems/jewels - he gives you 50 of them).

There is nothing spectacular about the gems - they are fairly mundane - and, after giving them to you - he also informs you that he will take no more of your gear - but for the rest of his payment he will like to copy all the spells in your treasury, for free - into his spellbook.

Sir Dashan informs you all that he has made inquiries - and has found a dwarf named Kolgrym is a priest of Pharasma. As that is the patron of Sir Dashan - he is using his "cut" of the loot to donate directly to the foundation of a Shrine to Pharasma.

Note - this is not "Town Property - to enjoy for stat bonuses, though you CAN enjoy the benefits it affords you "In Game". It occurs in your city, but takes no space, as usual. However - as to where the formal foundations will be set up - that part is up to you to all social RP - At this time there is enough for 1 and a quarter BP - Kholgrym will donate another 1,000 GP out of his own pocket - making it 1.5 BP - but he needs more funds. He is setting up a collection - just so you know.

It should occur to all of you that of the 8 "cuts" of the loot - that the "cuts" Sir Dashan and Aliento took only totaled 10,000 GP - and some modest copying of information. If you make more then 40,000 on the total sales of your goods the are forfeiting their profit margin. They do not mind - they merely want 1 leaf - and 5,000 GP donated to the foundation of the Shrine.

As that shrine will take some time to build - be comforted in knowing it could be theoretically molded into a "temple district" - as you already have a slowly growing shrine to Apsu nearly finished.

F Elf Spellbinder Conjuration (teleport) Wiz 1

For some reason I can't save my character profile with new spells.

Swapping 3rd level tiny hut for fireball and adding a rope trick to my level 2 spells.

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