NPCs Stealing the Show?

Jade Regent

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Perhaps a fan-made or community-made project to flesh out the NPC all-stars-in-the-background is warranted. That way it won't clutter up the field of vision for GM's that are fine as-is, and people that are looking for a "bit more" won't have to build it on their own. Of course this does little to help anyone kicking off the AP today (Jade Regent won't hit my table for well over a year or more depending on the longevity of my Eclipse Phase game).

So get crackin' on the fan-content minions!

Herbo wrote:

Perhaps a fan-made or community-made project to flesh out the NPC all-stars-in-the-background is warranted. That way it won't clutter up the field of vision for GM's that are fine as-is, and people that are looking for a "bit more" won't have to build it on their own. Of course this does little to help anyone kicking off the AP today (Jade Regent won't hit my table for well over a year or more depending on the longevity of my Eclipse Phase game).

So get crackin' on the fan-content minions!


I'm a RotR GM, but I'll contribute what I can.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Mort the Fireballed Mage already made some great suggestions in this thread here.

I'll try to contribute something, too, but the next days seem to be pretty filled with other things to do, so it will have to wait a bit.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Being a seasoned gm of heavy rp games may warp my view a little, but I frankly found the two pages quite reasonable for what they're up to so far in the AP. More would to my mind be too much - harkening back to the OPs question as to wither they overshadowed pcs, really. I'm used to having plenty of flex room for allied npcs if they're going to last for more than a scene or two, so making it up to a certain extent suits me just fine.

Herbo wrote:
So get crackin' on the fan-content minions!

I'll +1 to Twigs' +1 and give you a +2. :)

I plan to do it organically, myself, when I run this AP, but I might start writing up something soon to contribute to this. Extra tools in the toolbox is rarely a bad thing.

Mort the Cleverly Named wrote:
I'm not saying the AP is terrible or anything of the sort. Paizo knows their audience and product far better than I do. All I am saying is, from my perspective as a customer, I would have liked a bit more. Events created with the NPCs in mind, storylines that involve them, specific ways they could help out. While transferring six pages of background on NPCs who will likely live through one encounter to this purpose would be preferable, even small, low-word-count changes could have greatly helped. An example below...

I am planning to use a similar event for the Brinewall exploration:

Brinewall Legacy Spoiler:
With Ameiko in a coma, the exploration of Brinewall falls on the PCs, Shalelu and Sandru, while Koya stays with the caravan to look after her. After the first day exploring the village, which would include just the Reefclaws combat, the group returns to find the caravan under assault -I've yet to decide by who-, and on the following days the group cannot allow to leave the caravan unattended.

+1 on the fan contributions. I'm specially interested in depeloping Ameiko's expectations as the journey progresses and she gets used to the idea of what's awaiting her in Minkai

Lantern Lodge

If I ever run this campaign.. I plan on flushing the relationship rules down the proverbial toilet. It's too sideliney and slows the game down plus too many will want to vie for Ameiko's affections.

What?? who wouldn't want to score with the future Empress of Minkai.

Most of the NPC's are history as well including the caravan rules.. again ... it adds more mechanics than I want to deal with.

If you need to cross the north pole.. Think Iditarod.

The only one of relevance is Ameiko and she's only there because she has to be and I want the PC's to be as important as I can make them and I want to run as streamlined a game as I can.

just my opinion though...

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