The New PRD

Website Feedback

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Lissa Guillet wrote:
Zark wrote:

BTW, The page is displaying poorly (or even really poorly) on my Android phone. I have a HTC Legend. I'm gonna ask girlfriend to test it on her Samsung Galaxy Ace and see if it displas better on her phone.
A few things: Which version of android does it use? What's the size in pixels of the screen? What browser are you running? How does it look bad exactly?

Andriod 2.2

Size, according to wikipedia 320×480. (The screen is much smaller than Samsung Galaxy or HTC Wildfire).
I think the browser is explorer.
Text look something like this:

text spoiler:

Beyond the
veil of
the mundane
hide the
secrets of
The works of
mortals, the
legends of
realms where
gods and
spirits tread,
the lore of
and terrible
call to
those with
and the
to rise
above the
folk to
true might.

If I tilt the phone it works fine, but then the red/purple stripe at the right side of the webpage displays in the middle of the screen.

I tested the page on my girlfriend's Samsung Ace, it worked just fine. Her phone was directed to the mobile phone version of the page. My phone wasn't.

I still agree with KaeYoss, monster index and trait index would be great.

Anyway great work!

Silver Crusade

The only traits we have in the PRD are the ones on this page. I'm not sure it needs all that much indexing. I suppose an alphabetical index wouldn't be out of the question but it seems like a small amount of data to do that with.

That said, expect a monster index soonish. I don't want to do much to change it when the bestiary 3 comes out so it will require me to figure a thing or two out first. Still should be fairly simple to put together once I've got a few common obstacles to deal with out of the way.

Silver Crusade

In Ultimate Combat, this page: tml

Has the Exotic Weapons row in the table formatted incorrectly. It shows up as a regular item rather than a heading.

chrids wrote:
Magus archetype Kensai in UC has an ability called Perfect Strike. In the PRD it links to the feat perfect strike from the APG, but they are unrelated.

Link got removed, but now "Perfect Strike" needs bold added like the other abilities.

Lissa Guillet wrote:
hogarth wrote:

Yay! The sidebar is useful to me again. Thanks a bunch! Just one criticism -- did the "breadcrumbs" links disappear in IE?

I'm not sure if that's the right terminology; I'm talking about the links at the top of the page that used to say something like:

PRD Home > Classes > Druid
No. Looks like there might be a problem with one of the new js routines. IE is bit fidgety about certain things. I'll get it fixed for you as soon as possible.

Hooray! Everything looks great now.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The magic item index in the sidebar came and went...?

Silver Crusade

Ravingdork wrote:
The magic item index in the sidebar came and went...?

It's still there. Just checked it. My guess is that it's cached somehow on certain pages. I will take a look tomorrow for weirder stuff.

I don't know if this has been asked before, and maybe it already is in place and I just haven't seen it, but I'll ask anyway.

Is there any chance there will be an official downloadable PRD? I remember WotC had an SRD on their site that could be downloaded, and I was wondering if Paizo has (will have) something similar.

I might start gaming in a PF game and don't have the books and am not sure I will purchase them yet (let's see how the game goes). I am not sure I'll have internet access, so I can't rely on a website.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

My wishlist: Master Monster Index and Master Monster Index by CR. ;)

The Exchange

pres man wrote:
I might start gaming in a PF game and don't have the books and am not sure I will purchase them yet (let's see how the game goes). I am not sure I'll have internet access, so I can't rely on a website.

The PDFs of the books are at a great price!

Joseph Caubo wrote:
pres man wrote:
I might start gaming in a PF game and don't have the books and am not sure I will purchase them yet (let's see how the game goes). I am not sure I'll have internet access, so I can't rely on a website.
The PDFs of the books are at a great price!

I appreciate that, but I'm looking for something more in line with the SRD that WotC had on their site. I don't need the whole awesome professional product at this point, just the rules for download. If I end up sticking with PF, then no doubt the fact that there are cheap official pdfs will be of great benefit.

Found another sneaky little link (I'm guess a bot searches for key words and links them - hence the aforementioned trouble with grace?) hiding in the Oracle archetypes in the Ultimate Magic section.

"Divination" in "Natural Divination" under the Seer archetype -found here- links to the spell divination.

I tried to include the word divination in that sentance as much as could... but ran out of steam at the end =P

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
The magic item index in the sidebar came and went...?
It's still there. Just checked it. My guess is that it's cached somehow on certain pages. I will take a look tomorrow for weirder stuff.

Been browsing and I noticed that it doesn't show up on the main PRD page, but does show up on a lot of the sub pages.

Shouldn't it show up on ALL the pages? Are you guys not using a template for that sidebar?

Ravingdork wrote:

Been browsing and I noticed that it doesn't show up on the main PRD page, but does show up on a lot of the sub pages.

Shouldn't it show up on ALL the pages? Are you guys not using a template for that sidebar?

I would recommend clearing out your cache. We have the sidebar in it's own file, so it can't purposely be different on different pages. If that doesn't fix the problem, Lissa seems to be checking it out, so stay tuned. :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:

Been browsing and I noticed that it doesn't show up on the main PRD page, but does show up on a lot of the sub pages.

Shouldn't it show up on ALL the pages? Are you guys not using a template for that sidebar?

I would recommend clearing out your cache. We have the sidebar in it's own file, so it can't purposely be different on different pages. If that doesn't fix the problem, Lissa seems to be checking it out, so stay tuned. :)

Yep, clearing the cache seemed to do the trick. Thanks!

That was really getting annoying. :P

Hi all,

I was using your PDR site today in my game, but noticed that there is no entry for the Fire Snake spell ... it is in the advanced players guide.

Thought you might want to know


Mortiana27 wrote:

Hi all,

I was using your PDR site today in my game, but noticed that there is no entry for the Fire Snake spell ... it is in the advanced players guide.

Thought you might want to know

Ann ke

The resist energy spell has exhaustion linked to the status effect as if a spell can actually be exhausted the same way characters can.
resist energy

The master spell index has both "Deeper Darkness" and "DeeperDarkness" but they both link to the correct place.

The Destruction Judgement on the Inquisitor page is a hyperlink to the spell Destruction.

Scarab Sages

it's great for online viewing, thanks paizo!

Silver Crusade


I have several items I've been saving up. I did search this thread for them and didn't find them, but I apologize up front if they already appeared here and I missed them..

1. Mad Monkeys spell description

"The monkeys attempt one disarm or steal combat maneuver each turn as a free action against any creature that begins its turn in the swarm, using your caster level plus your casting ability score bonus (Intelligence for wizards; Wisdom for druids and oracles; Charisma for bards, sorcerers, and summoners) for its CMB. Recovering an item from the monkeys requires a successful disarm or steal attempt against that CMD. An object stolen by the monkeys takes swarm damage each round the swarm is in possession of the object."

What CMD? Is it the same as for its CMB (which would be strange, because one is a bonus and one is a defensive score).

2. Dread Bolt spell description

(UM) Dread Bolt: (cleric 2) Duration says (1d4 rounds) but doesn't explain. It's otherwise instantaneous. What is 1d4 rounds?

3. APG Feats List

+6 and +9 out of place in APG feats list, in Sundering Strike and Swift Aid:

Sundering Strike* "base attack bonus", "+9 Attempt a sunder attack on a successful critical hit"

Swift Aid* "base attack bonus", "+6 Attempt to aid another as a swift action"

The +9 and +6 should be part of the Prerequisites, not the Benefits.

4. Link goes to wrong place.

Inquisitor spell list on Inquisitor page: Bane goes to the weapon Bane property rather than the Bane spell.

(Actually, I've found this in a lot of places.)

5. Wisdom is not that important for Paladins

In the Core Rulebook, Getting Started, in the Wisdom section, it says, "Wisdom is the most important ability for clerics and druids, and it is also important for paladins and rangers."

How is Wisdom important for Paladins? A search for "Wisdom" on the Paladins page turns up a few skills that use it, and that's it. Rogues and Bards have the same number of class skills that use Wisdom.

Silver Crusade

Just noticed this -- Under Shadowdancer:

It mentions 'assassin' twice: "Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 5th level and higher, shadowdancer can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the assassin by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has assassin levels."

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Michael New wrote:


I have several items I've been saving up. I did search this thread for them and didn't find them, but I apologize up front if they already appeared here and I missed them..


In this thread, we're looking for problems with the PRD itself—places where things don't display properly, or things like the incorrect link you identified as your fourth item. The other things on your list, which are really potential errata or rules questions, should be posted in the Rules Questions forum.

I haven`t read the whole thread, so this may be redundant. Anyway, two finger zooming does not work on my Asus Eeepad Transformer. I tested the stock browser, Oracle, Dolphin and Firefox. Is this an Android thing? Any solutions?

Silver Crusade

KaeYoss wrote:

I haven`t read the whole thread, so this may be redundant. Anyway, two finger zooming does not work on my Asus Eeepad Transformer. I tested the stock browser, Oracle, Dolphin and Firefox. Is this an Android thing? Any solutions?

Kind of. There are a lot of things going on here to make that less useful than you think. =) Because basically, to keep the navigation front and top all of the time(since until ios5 came out there were no mobile browsers with position: fixed enabled) and to keep large components, like the feats table from breaking the view, we had to put the bulk of the site in a container. That container does have the ability to zoom, however, adding the capability really makes it work harder for every little thing, which means it tends to slow down even when you aren't zooming, especially on android devices where there isn't any hardware acceleration for css transforms. Also, certain devices will break if the aspect isn't set to 1 when you turn the device, basically going to a 1.33 aspect and no way to set it back, meaning a bunch of text goes off-screen and then that breaks the component. There are a few other minor issues but with the new ios 5 supporting position: fixed, I may get a chance to play around with it a little.

And actually, I'm not sure what to do about android tablets. A) they are rare and B) identifying it as a tablet is hit and miss at best. I think I read something awhile back that an android tablets didn't have mobile in their user agent about 70% of the time(that's what I remember and memory could be VERY off on that), but that's a really hit and miss kind of solution to determine what you have so most android tablets, right now, are getting the same page as the android phones.

I've been trying to think of a solution to this and I may have one, but have been way too busy to implement it and even then, I'm not sure. I was thinking of putting in a lock button that is locked by default. Then you could add and remove zooming to the main scrolling component without much fuss. Another thought was to have a simple options box that remembered some settings and we could have it do a little more than just locking the zoom. I don't know. We'd have to find room for it and especially since android is mostly getting the mobile phone screens which have even more of a premium for space and there are a lot of other things that have a big priority.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I have a similar issue with my iPad, generally font size is ok, but sometimes I want the tablet a little further away and would like a bigger font.

Would it be possible to have a setting to alter the text size in the document?

Also, in general, the menus on top are rather close and I fat finger them on my iPad.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16





Spell List Filters



Seriously ROCK!!!

Silver Crusade

Dennis Baker wrote:

I have a similar issue with my iPad, generally font size is ok, but sometimes I want the tablet a little further away and would like a bigger font.

Would it be possible to have a setting to alter the text size in the document?

Also, in general, the menus on top are rather close and I fat finger them on my iPad.

We specifically upped the average font-size for the phone version. It's possible that we might do that for the iPad as well. I'm just not sure yet. I know I want the ipad version to be super useful. It's great but I get wanting a larger font size occasionally. I'm just not entirely sure how to make it as accessible as possible for everyone. Specifically, with iPad, I might be able to take that component out now that there is position: fixed available in ios 5, but I've not gotten to play with it yet and see.

Glad you like the spell lists. They were difficult to put together using what we had but I found a way that worked and fairly well so that it feels well put together and a lot of that was Chris who just does amazing work in making things that I throw on a page look decent.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Admit it, you are just paving the way for the PRD-API ;)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Lissa Guillet wrote:
Glad you like the spell lists. They were difficult to put together...

Time well-spent, Lissa & Chris. You guys are really rocking this thing out. I always keep several pages from the PRD open on different tabs in my browser now when I'm working on manuscripts. They let me refer to rules and navigate them far more quickly than my PDF copies of all the books. And, the spell list navigation (and filtering) is absolutely fantastic! Thank you guys for making my job that much easier.

Liberty's Edge

Neil Spicer wrote:
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Glad you like the spell lists. They were difficult to put together...
Time well-spent, Lissa & Chris. You guys are really rocking this thing out. I always keep several pages from the PRD open on different tabs in my browser now when I'm working on manuscripts. They let me refer to rules and navigate them far more quickly than my PDF copies of all the books. And, the spell list navigation (and filtering) is absolutely fantastic! Thank you guys for making my job that much easier.


I have 2 flat screen monitors - I keep the PRD open on one screen and whatever manuscript I'm working on open on the other.

The PRD is just freaking awesome!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

One thing that might be a nice "add" is if you could make it so that each monster entry picks up the page number designated for it from the corresponding Bestiary. That's the only part that slows me down right now. I still have to crack the PDFs open (or the actual hardcopy book) to include a page reference when doing stat-blocks. If each monster "page" included a call out to its source, including page number, that would make it the definitive reference for me.

Neil Spicer wrote:
One thing that might be a nice "add" is if you could make it so that each monster entry picks up the page number designated for it from the corresponding Bestiary.

They've deliberately removed page number and table number references from the stuff in the PRD, since those numbers can change from one printing to the next.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

hogarth wrote:
They've deliberately removed page number and table number references from the stuff in the PRD, since those numbers can change from one printing to the next.

It's doubtful that would happen in a Bestiary, though. Monster books are much more limited in the sense that Paizo always confines each entry to a single page. For other rulebooks, it makes sense to leave out page number references, because errata corrections and what-not can push text onto another page. I don't think you'd see anything in a correction to a monster entry do that, however. Not unless they were adding more monster entries in a reprint...which, I also doubt.

Silver Crusade

Vic Wertz wrote:
Michael New wrote:


I have several items I've been saving up. I did search this thread for them and didn't find them, but I apologize up front if they already appeared here and I missed them..


In this thread, we're looking for problems with the PRD itself—places where things don't display properly, or things like the incorrect link you identified as your fourth item. The other things on your list, which are really potential errata or rules questions, should be posted in the Rules Questions forum.

I see.

I just clicked on the link on the lower left, where it says, "Need to report a problem? Please let us know by posting in this thread." It doesn't specify what kind of problem. Maybe there should be two links there, one for content errors and one for webby problems?

Silver Crusade

Vic Wertz wrote:
Michael New wrote:


I have several items I've been saving up. I did search this thread for them and didn't find them, but I apologize up front if they already appeared here and I missed them..


In this thread, we're looking for problems with the PRD itself—places where things don't display properly, or things like the incorrect link you identified as your fourth item. The other things on your list, which are really potential errata or rules questions, should be posted in the Rules Questions forum.

Oh, and number three on my list is also a web/formatting problem.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Bearing in mind this may just be something weird that I did on my end:

I've been getting weird issues with the auto-fill on the Search function for the PRD. Like, I typed "Suffocation" and hit enter to search, and the word changed to "stone shapecation" before trying to look that up. Which is in part weird because suffocation has it's own entry so I don't know why stone shape was coming up, and the enter-to-search and the enter-to-use autofill seemed to be confounding each other. This happened to me a few times (chain shirt pulled up something weird, as did something else I can't remember now).

But when I TRY to recreate the issue, the search works fine. So I'm not sure what's doing this and it's possible while juggling windows I kept hitting a wrong key or something. Or that when I stop and think about it I don't hit enter too fast or something. But it still happened several times so I thought I'd note it.

(Although really, I don't find the autofill that helpful even when it does work. I'd rather just type in the word I want and go from there, without being given "suggestions." Just a personal preference though.)

I'm on Windows using Firefox 7.0.1.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Ok.. this is a request, but I think one that a lot of people would use. It would be awesome if you could filter magic items based on price.

I'd suggest making compiled spell lists for classes, it's kinda rough the way they're divided by books. I mean you have to go through each one if you're not exactly sure what you're looking for.

I'd suggest making compiled lists, of equipment, spells, everything that's spread across a number of books.


Roshan wrote:
I'd suggest making compiled spell lists for classes, it's kinda rough the way they're divided by books. I mean you have to go through each one if you're not exactly sure what you're looking for.

I'm not 100% sure what you're asking, but there is a Spell List Index now, as well as alphabetical spell list. Can you be more specific as to what you're looking for?

As for your other request, are you referring to books outside of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game line (Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, etc.)?

Liz Courts wrote:
Roshan wrote:
I'd suggest making compiled spell lists for classes, it's kinda rough the way they're divided by books. I mean you have to go through each one if you're not exactly sure what you're looking for.

I'm not 100% sure what you're asking, but there is a Spell List Index now, as well as alphabetical spell list. Can you be more specific as to what you're looking for?

As for your other request, are you referring to books outside of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game line (Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, etc.)?

Huh. Haven't seen it before. And I know why. It does not appear on main listing of main page but only in the side menu. I guess that it is what Roshan was asking for.

I found that spell list index has a very minor error with Inquistor and Witch spell lists. It lists some spells twice: brand and sift for Inquisitor, putrefy food and drink and spark for witch).

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Drejk wrote:
Huh. Haven't seen it before. And I know why. It does not appear on main listing of main page but only in the side menu. I guess that it is what Roshan was asking for.

I had a similar problem, turns out the old version of the page gets stuck in the browser's cache easily. Not sure what browser you are using, but if you clean the cache out it should show the new version.

Karelzarath wrote:
The master spell index has both "Deeper Darkness" and "DeeperDarkness" but they both link to the correct place.

This is still the case.

BTW, congrats on getting the unified spell list thing together! WOW!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
see wrote:

The left-side navigation doesn't work in Firefox 3.6.22 unless you're on the main PRD page.

(I grant it's an older browser, but it does still get security updates.)

Lissa Guillet wrote:
I'll probably be working on the javascript first thing in the morning. I'll see if I can't add Firefox 3.6.22 to my list of browsers to test with and figure out what bits causing problems. Likely something to do with font size for the navigation if it doesn't have a problem on the front page. Thanks for letting me know. There is js error on some of the larger heavily linked pages for IE so that's on my list as well.

I love the new prd. But just wanted to let you know that they sidebar completely uncollapses in about half of the pages when using Windows 7 and Firefox 8.0

(which is better than 7.x firefox... where is was always uncollapsed)

I'm noticing a problem today using Firefox. The main page is black with blue lettering. Moving the cursor highlights everything it passes over. If I click a link, the destination page appears black with a white text heading, and all the other text is apparently black...unreadable unless I right-click and highlight.

Works fine on IE, but I normally use Firefox as my main browser. Odd thing is, it was working normally this morning. I haven't made any setting changes or downloaded any updates for Firefox between now and then.

When talking over skype with my player about his character's development I noticed two erroneous links:

Board Ferocity and Board Shred.

Shadowborn wrote:

I'm noticing a problem today using Firefox. The main page is black with blue lettering. Moving the cursor highlights everything it passes over. If I click a link, the destination page appears black with a white text heading, and all the other text is apparently black...unreadable unless I right-click and highlight.

Works fine on IE, but I normally use Firefox as my main browser. Odd thing is, it was working normally this morning. I haven't made any setting changes or downloaded any updates for Firefox between now and then.

Well, whatever the problem was that I was having yesterday, it's gone now.

Drejk wrote:

When talking over skype with my player about his character's development I noticed two erroneous links:

Board Ferocity and Board Shred.

My bad. I hadn't write that those two erroneous links are in the feat table of Ultimate Combat section.

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