The New PRD

Website Feedback

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Errata Errors.

1- The entry for Spell Like Abilities in the Glossary is still different then every other entry.

Glossary -

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): *Stuff Skipped* Spell-like abilities can be dispelled and counterspelled as normal.

Magic -

Spell-like abilities are subject to spell resistance and dispel magic. They do not function in areas where magic is suppressed or negated. Spell-like abilities cannot be used to counterspell, nor can they be counterspelled.

Universal Monster Rules -

Spell-like abilities cannot be used to counterspell, nor can they be counterspelled.

2 - Also the entry for Toppling Spell Metamagic Feat under Ultimate Magic states "Sonic Spell" in the table and "Force Spell" in the description (This is Errata for the Ultimate Magic hardcopy as well.)

Lissa Guillet wrote:
Caineach wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Caineach wrote:

While your updating the website, can you make it so that I can copy and paste text from the prd?

Hilighting text is a real pain, and I constantly want to quote a specific part without saying "its in the combat section" or something like that. Its enough that I would go to, if it wasn't blocked at work.

I can't seem to replicate that behavior on our end. What browser are you using? Are there specific sections you're trying to access?

It's important that we know these things to improve accessibility. If you ever come across a problem, please let us know either via the Website Feedback forum or by e-mail.

I am using IE8. I get the same behavior on all of the PRD. In order to highlight any text on the page, I have to start highlighting in the navigation tab on the left or the banner at the top and highlight all text up to the part I want. If I click in the body of the PRD, it wont highlight anything.
Can't replicate it on IE 7 or any of our mac browsers. Hmmmm. I'll check at home and see what I get. I wonder if some plugin isn't interacting weirdly.

As of today I am no longer getting the effect. I was yesterday. The front page has also changed more from yesterday. I think I may have had the old version in cashe.

Silver Crusade

estergum wrote:

Android 3.2 firefox beta Asus tablet.

Nav-side bar disappears in portrate but is visible in landscape.


Yes. It uses media queries to figure out which navigation to use, android tablets were technically supposed to get the top navigation and not get the side navigation at all, but a bug with the way it was handling the media queries was giving me the top navigation on my android phone when they shouldn't have been there. Can you tell me what the resolution of the Android is?

Nice update, except I can't use chunks of it because the side nav bar doesn't scroll any more. I did see the explanation for it, and I can probably find the info elsewhere, it's just a pain, and means I won't be using the prd nearly so much. (mac, firefox 3.6.18, java enabled. I know it's old but it's a work machine so I can't readily update it)

I was also hoping it wouldn't lose several lines under the header every time I paged down rather than scrolled down line by line, but no luck. Still, I'm used to that and can get round it easily enough.

Silver Crusade

HerosBackpack wrote:

Nice update, except I can't use chunks of it because the side nav bar doesn't scroll any more. I did see the explanation for it, and I can probably find the info elsewhere, it's just a pain, and means I won't be using the prd nearly so much.

I was also hoping it wouldn't lose several lines under the header every time I paged down rather than scrolled down line by line, but no luck. Still, I'm used to that and can get round it easily enough.

Could you elaborate a little more on what's going on? The sidebar should be fixed to the left so that it's on screen all the time for everyone who isn't using a tablet or phone and was made so that it would be sized about right for anyone with a 1024x768 screen.

When the sidebar is closed, it fits nicely on the screen.

However, when I open one of the longer menus in the sidebar, (for example the Core Rulebook, or the Bestiary) the length means that some of the sub-sections disappear off the bottom of the page/window. With the sidebar being fixed, it means that I can't simply scroll down a bit to access the lower sub-sections.

Screen with Menu closed
Screen with menu open

Does that help?

Thanks, Gary, and company! I like the new look.

Silver Crusade

HerosBackpack wrote:

When the sidebar is closed, it fits nicely on the screen.

However, when I open one of the longer menus in the sidebar, (for example the Core Rulebook, or the Bestiary) the length means that some of the sub-sections disappear off the bottom of the page/window. With the sidebar being fixed, it means that I can't simply scroll down a bit to access the lower sub-sections.

Screen with Menu closed
Screen with menu open

Does that help?

A lot! Thank you. We're working on solutions now for slightly smaller heights.

The new layout is great--I'll test it out on my Android tablet when I get home (1024x600, running Honeycomb and using Opera Mobile as browser--I can also test with Dolphin HD, Firefox, etc. if that will help).

I did notice that the ring of feather falling is showing up in the Feat Index.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Abciximab wrote:

Errata Errors.

1- The entry for Spell Like Abilities in the Glossary is still different then every other entry.

Glossary -

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): *Stuff Skipped* Spell-like abilities can be dispelled and counterspelled as normal.

Magic -

Spell-like abilities are subject to spell resistance and dispel magic. They do not function in areas where magic is suppressed or negated. Spell-like abilities cannot be used to counterspell, nor can they be counterspelled.

Universal Monster Rules -

Spell-like abilities cannot be used to counterspell, nor can they be counterspelled.

2 - Also the entry for Toppling Spell Metamagic Feat under Ultimate Magic states "Sonic Spell" in the table and "Force Spell" in the description (This is Errata for the Ultimate Magic hardcopy as well.)

To be clear, the PRD is intended to reflect the latest printings of each book, and it does not incorporate any changes that have not appeared in print. If you see differences between the current print edition and the PRD, please let us know.

There are a few links to some spells in the Advanced Player's Guide spell lists. I'm using Chrome and clicking them just takes me to the same page with the link I just clicked at the top.

This are the spells I experienced this with (within 2nd level bard spells):

Cacophonous Call
Dust of Twilight
Gallant Inspiration
Ghostbane Dirge
Hidden Speech
Honeyed Tongue
Versatile Weapon

But it seems to be happening for all the groups of spells that I checked.

Edit: It seems to happen for any line that doesn't end with hyphen in the link url. I got the page for the correct spell to open correctly, but only if I told it to open the link in a separate window.

Edit2: In the spell lists for Ultimate Magic haunting mists dpesn't have a working link in the 2nd level bard spell list.

My error Log

Error Log:
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02:51:52 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link rds/acidWords.html (from Words.html)
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02:52:22 Error: "" (404) at link dditionalMonsterIndex.html (from
HTTrack Website Copier/3.44-1 mirror complete in 16 minutes 54 seconds : 1992 links scanned, 1931 files written (46637345 bytes overall) [13383419 bytes received at 13198 bytes/sec], 44695198 bytes transfered using HTTP compression in 1871 files, ratio 21%, 76.8 requests per connection
(69 errors, 0 warnings, 0 messages)

The Exchange

Talons Natural Attack in B2 UMR section of the PRD are listed as Damage Type "B" whereas in the physical B2 book talons are listed as "S"

I'm assuming that "S" is the correct damage type?

Silver Crusade

Blazej wrote:

There are a few links to some spells in the Advanced Player's Guide spell lists. I'm using Chrome and clicking them just takes me to the same page with the link I just clicked at the top.

This are the spells I experienced this with (within 2nd level bard spells):

Cacophonous Call
Dust of Twilight
Gallant Inspiration
Ghostbane Dirge
Hidden Speech
Honeyed Tongue
Versatile Weapon

But it seems to be happening for all the groups of spells that I checked.

Edit: It seems to happen for any line that doesn't end with hyphen in the link url. I got the page for the correct spell to open correctly, but only if I told it to open the link in a separate window.

Edit2: In the spell lists for Ultimate Magic haunting mists dpesn't have a working link in the 2nd level bard spell list.

Ah. That happens when a link exists within it's own page that shouldn't be there. So these spells shouldn't have id's. Thanks for letting us know!

Thank you for resolving the navigation issues on Firefox 3.6!

Silver Crusade

see wrote:
Thank you for resolving the navigation issues on Firefox 3.6!

Your welcome. ^_^

Just fixed a couple of things. Hopefully, we fixed way more than we broke today.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ultimate Magic and Ultimate Combat both have links under spell list which direct you to the top of each class list. I would love it if you could do the same for the Core Rules and Advanced Players Guide. When I am comparing several spells the quick links make it much easier than having to scroll through much of the page every time I hit the back button.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you SO MUCH for the new look! I can't tell you how much it shines over the last design!

Under UC>Called Shots, both link to the Combat Expertise feats are broken.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Magic Armor page in the Advanced Player's section has text that starts from behind the left frame, so the left-most text is unreadable. Sorry, I couldn't take a screen shot for you.

Info: Viewing in Safari 5.1.


Great job on the new site!

I can only get it to load about half the time as the mobile site. I have a Samsung 4G Sidkick. I'm running the latest and greatest Android version.

Grand Lodge

Aeshuura wrote:


Magic Armor page in the Advanced Player's section has text that starts from behind the left frame, so the left-most text is unreadable. Sorry, I couldn't take a screen shot for you.

Info: Viewing in Safari 5.1.


Great job on the new site!

Update: It also views the same on Firefox 6.0.2

Seems some UM spell HTML files are missing. The spell list entry has no link, I tried to manually type the URL; no dice.
Spells spotted:
Symbol of Strife
Lend Greater Judgement
Haunting Mists
Lightning Rod

When at dinner the other night, discussing our game and characters, questions came up that needed some rules research. I pulled out my iPod Touch and voila! Research was done quickly and efficiently on the new PRD. Yeah I love it!

Gary and the web team:

New look for the SRD site looks great! Congratulations on all the hard work. Now comes the fun part - fixing links and typos! A truly herculean task which NEVER seems to get finished...Enjoy!

Brett, Beastmaster I

After today's downtime, it looks like the navTable on the left side of the PRD has been broken. It worked fine for me previously, but now nothing happens when I click on any of the links there.

Beyond that, I love the new look for the PRD. The only thing missing as far as I'm concerned is columns on the longer pages. For instance, the spell index and bestiary index pages could be sorted into multiple columns, similar to That's a minor issue though :)

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

We didn't change anything about the PRD during the downtime. Maybe empty your browser cache or something?

Grand Lodge

I'm having the same issue as Are - navTable no longer working.

Silver Crusade

This may of been mentioned before but best to cover it again rather than miss it entirely: The store links in the sentence "Purchase the Pathfinder Core Rulebook or Bestiary." underneath the left navigation are broken.

Others have said the table in the left nav is broken. In the latest Firefox, I'm not encountering that, though it is annoying that one can't scroll down to the bottom when one of the "hardbacks" is expanded. It's probably meant to be like that, but its off-putting at first because I don't see anyone else on the web doing that on purpose.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Doh. So they are. We'll fix them asap.

Shadow Lodge

In the OGL section, the Ceustodaemon is listed as having been used from Tome of Horrors Revised. I believe this should be the Cacodaemon.


Kthulhu wrote:
In the OGL section, the Ceustodaemon is listed as having been used from Tome of Horrors Revised. I believe this should be the Cacodaemon.

Short answer: Nooope.

Longer answer: Follows.

The stats for our ceustodaemon are extrapolated from those for the guardian daemon on 231 of Tome of Horrors Revised, tinkering with a few bits and making him into a full-fledged daemon with a daemonic naming convention and everything, but at the root maintaining a similar power level, abilities, and general appearance. So we cited that use in Bestiary 2's section 15.

The cacodaemon, on the other hand, is much more our creation, using pseudo-Latin for "evil spirit." Tome of Horrors Revised has its own version of this mythical monster as a CR 13 cacodaemon, but I think folks can tell from the appearance and abilities that the ToHR version and our CR 2 version are pretty significantly different. Thus, as we did not pick up any open content from other sources related to this folkloric monster, the cacodaemon is not listed in Bestiary 2's section 15.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I posted this in the wrong thread before, so I'm just reposting, in case it was missed:

I was reading through the Ultimate Combat PRD info, and found a few errors. I hope these are helpful. (I did not look at the spells at all)

Gunslinger Archetypes
Musket Master's Weapon Proficiency: Should this be "She must take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearm) feat to gain proficiency with one-handed firearms and firearm siege engines." instead of "two-handed"?

Piecemail Armor
Torso table, Do-maru, speed: This seems like the 20' speed and 30' speed are reversed.

The rest are all seemingly incorrect hyperlinks. I left out a few that seemed pertinent (like Master of Disguise linking to the Disguise skill)

Under Deeds, "Gunslinger's Dodge" has "Dodge" hyperlinked to the unrelated Dodge feat.
"Menacing Shot" has "Menacing" hyperlinked to the unrelated Menacing weapon enchantment.

"Shadow Clone" is hyperlinked to both the Shadow armor enchantment and the Clone spell.
"Slow Metabolism" and "Slow Reactions" are both hyperlinked to the Slow spell.
"Uncanny Dodge" (and Improved a bit below) link to the Dodge feat.
"Blinding Bomb" links to the Blinding armor enchantment.
"Shadow Split" links to the Shadow armor enchantment.

Barbarian Archetype
"Reflexive Dodge" links to the Dodge feat.

Cavalier Archetype
"Mounted Acrobatics" links to the Acrobatics skill.

Inquisitor Archetype
"Witch's Bane" links to Bane weapon enchantment....

Shadow Lodge

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
In the OGL section, the Ceustodaemon is listed as having been used from Tome of Horrors Revised. I believe this should be the Cacodaemon.

Short answer: Nooope.

Longer answer: Follows.

The stats for our ceustodaemon are extrapolated from those for the guardian daemon on 231 of Tome of Horrors Revised, tinkering with a few bits and making him into a full-fledged daemon with a daemonic naming convention and everything, but at the root maintaining a similar power level, abilities, and general appearance. So we cited that use in Bestiary 2's section 15.

The cacodaemon, on the other hand, is much more our creation, using pseudo-Latin for "evil spirit." Tome of Horrors Revised has its own version of this mythical monster as a CR 13 cacodaemon, but I think folks can tell from the appearance and abilities that the ToHR version and our CR 2 version are pretty significantly different. Thus, as we did not pick up any open content from other sources related to this folkloric monster, the cacodaemon is not listed in Bestiary 2's section 15.

Ok, that makes sense.

The Lich entry lists "life sight*" under Senses, but it omits the line entry from Bestiary 1 explaining that this is a class ability of the Necromancer. A hyperlink to that ability might not be a bad idea.

I believe that there are some missing spell links in the Ultimate Magic Patron themes section:
Ancestors: 18th - choose fate
Insanity: 6th - madn hallucination (UM errata)
Portents: 2nd - ill-omen

And in the Sea Witch archetype: 2nd-touch of sea (UM errata), 12th-control weather.

Apologies if these have already been posted.



The ´global´ Feat and Spell Indexes (which aren´t labelled as such, but hey)
would be TONS easier to use if they had the ´alphabet´ at the top of the page, instead of forcing you to scroll down the page until you see the letter section that you want...
You know, how the normal (per book) Spell Indexes work. Actually, it wouldn´t hurt if the per book Feat indexes had that ´alphabet´ index/hot-list at the to of their page (possibly that stuck there and didn´t scroll away)

Silver Crusade

Quandary wrote:

The ´global´ Feat and Spell Indexes (which aren´t labelled as such, but hey)

would be TONS easier to use if they had the ´alphabet´ at the top of the page, instead of forcing you to scroll down the page until you see the letter section that you want...
You know, how the normal (per book) Spell Indexes work. Actually, it wouldn´t hurt if the per book Feat indexes had that ´alphabet´ index/hot-list at the to of their page (possibly that stuck there and didn´t scroll away)

This uses some fancy css3 markup to make it look much better on browsers that support it. We're using, basically the same file for this that we are for the iPhone navigation, which is radically different than the sidenav or the iPad's topnav and we really don't want to branch it and have to update even more files for new feats and things. If you use safari, chrome(I think), or mozilla, you should get a much better looking index than you do with IE. In IE's defense here, those standards aren't 100% standardized yet, but I wanted a solution that allows it to work with everything and work well with the iPhone navigation, which it is more necessary for, and then also provide it for other users and even have it look ok for most other browsers. IE just gets short shrift here, sadly, due to lack of support for certain features, but it is still viewable and useful, just not as useful as it is for other browsers.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any chance you guys will be working on any of the following master indexes?

1) Monsters - I'd find it particularly useful to see consolidated lists including all the Bestiary creatures in alphabetical order, by CR, and by terrain. That would be a huge resource for this freelancer.

2) Spell Lists - If you could give us a consolidated list of spells by class, that would become another huge resource, both for players and designers. I'd also recommend updating each of the spell lists with a high-level set of navigation links so you can quickly jump to each class's spell list rather than having to scroll way down to find the beginning of the Sor/Wiz spells, for instance.

Just my two cents (and keep up the great job!),

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Improved indexes are definitely on our radar, but no promises as to when.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah... I´m not sure why Lisa thought I was talking about IE... Hardly use the thing.
I see the same thing in Firefox and Chrome (not sure which versions)

Here is the ´Global´ Spell Index.
Here is the Core Rulebook Spell Index.
See the difference?

I don´t have/use things like iPhones, and understand you may have contextual stuff for them,
but don´t understand why that contextual stuff can´t be layed over a layout like the Core Rule spell Index uses instead of like the Globa Spell/Feat indexes use. The bigger text in the Global indexes is actually nice... IF you had an alphabetical index at the top to ´jump´ to each letter´s section (IDEALLY that didn´t scroll up/disappear when you ´jumped´ down, although that´s how the Core Rule index works currently).

Anchors are working differently now. With scripting enabled the anchors kinda work, it drops to that part of the page but doesn't update the location bar. This means if you click Back, instead of taking you back to the pre-anchor part of the page, it takes to whatever page you were on before that. It also makes it harder to copy anchored locations, since you have to copy the url from the link pointing to the anchor, instead of from the anchored page itself.

Here's an example of what I mean: I'm interested in the Acrobatics feat. I go to the PRD, then go to feats.html, I scroll down and in Table:Feats I click the Acrobatics link. This drops the page down to the Acrobatics text, but doesn't show in the location bar, so I have no way of copying that URL for my messageboard post. I want to get back to Table:Feats so I click the Back button in my browser. This takes me back to the PRD index, instead of feats.html because the anchor didn't update the location bar. So I have to click the link to feats.html again, scroll down to Table:Feats, then copy the URL for acrobatics, then manually remove the underscore.

Quandary wrote:

Yeah... I´m not sure why Lisa thought I was talking about IE... Hardly use the thing.

I see the same thing in Firefox and Chrome (not sure which versions)

Here is the ´Global´ Spell Index.
Here is the Core Rulebook Spell Index.
See the difference?

I don´t have/use things like iPhones, and understand you may have contextual stuff for them,
but don´t understand why that contextual stuff can´t be layed over a layout like the Core Rule spell Index uses instead of like the Globa Spell/Feat indexes use. The bigger text in the Global indexes is actually nice... IF you had an alphabetical index at the top to ´jump´ to each letter´s section (IDEALLY that didn´t scroll up/disappear when you ´jumped´ down, although that´s how the Core Rule index works currently).

I get what you're saying. The Indexes that we added are coded completely differently than those that already existed in the PRD. I can add converting those to our to-do list, as that would make sense.

Grick wrote:

Anchors are working differently now. With scripting enabled the anchors kinda work, it drops to that part of the page but doesn't update the location bar. This means if you click Back, instead of taking you back to the pre-anchor part of the page, it takes to whatever page you were on before that. It also makes it harder to copy anchored locations, since you have to copy the url from the link pointing to the anchor, instead of from the anchored page itself.

Here's an example of what I mean: I'm interested in the Acrobatics feat. I go to the PRD, then go to feats.html, I scroll down and in Table:Feats I click the Acrobatics link. This drops the page down to the Acrobatics text, but doesn't show in the location bar, so I have no way of copying that URL for my messageboard post. I want to get back to Table:Feats so I click the Back button in my browser. This takes me back to the PRD index, instead of feats.html because the anchor didn't update the location bar. So I have to click the link to feats.html again, scroll down to Table:Feats, then copy the URL for acrobatics, then manually remove the underscore.

We're working on coming up with a solution for this problem that will cover the entirety of the PRD, not just pages like feats. It's a bit tricky figuring out how we want to implement it, but it is on the to-do list.

Cool. I´m not sure if I understand what Lisa wrote 100%, but I get the feeling there´s some ´special´ feature I can´t see because I don´t use iPhone/etc. But it seems like if the alphabet-index was the same for both Core Rules and ¨Global¨ indexes, that would make it simpler to apply the iPhone/portable specific code to BOTH the new Global indexes AND the older Core Rules/book-specific indexes, which seems like a good thing (for one, it´s kind of wierd to have the discrepancy, both index-wise, and font size-wise).

Awesome that you guys are able to do such great work!

Silver Crusade

Quandary wrote:

Yeah... I´m not sure why Lisa thought I was talking about IE... Hardly use the thing.

I see the same thing in Firefox and Chrome (not sure which versions)

Here is the ´Global´ Spell Index.
Here is the Core Rulebook Spell Index.
See the difference?

I don´t have/use things like iPhones, and understand you may have contextual stuff for them,
but don´t understand why that contextual stuff can´t be layed over a layout like the Core Rule spell Index uses instead of like the Globa Spell/Feat indexes use. The bigger text in the Global indexes is actually nice... IF you had an alphabetical index at the top to ´jump´ to each letter´s section (IDEALLY that didn´t scroll up/disappear when you ´jumped´ down, although that´s how the Core Rule index works currently).

Oh, I completely spaced on your meaning. IE doesn't get to see the letter header for each section and just gets an alphabetical list of links like on the iPhone navigation(although iphone gets them letter at a time from a letter index... ok so bad example, but in providing those, we are basically just sending a list of link in an unordered list like we need for some special navigation to make the phone lookups a little easier. Also, they don't get columns sadly since the columns are css3 related and a fairly new addition at that.

That might be doable, but I'm really not crazy about a fixed top menu there. That causes more problems than you might believe at first glance, but I'll think about adding an a-z index at the top if I can do it and make it look decent and work as it should. Since that page is generated from generic list of links, it may be harder to make it work than I would like. We'll see, ultimately, an a-z menu makes sense. So does columnizing the current per book spell indexes, so it will likely happy at some indeterminate point in time.

Now it just needs to be weighted so that searching "Druid" doesn't just automatically get you the most recent item to use druid.

Lissa Guillet wrote:
We'll see, ultimately, an a-z menu makes sense. So does columnizing the current per book spell indexes, so it will likely happy at some indeterminate point in time.

Personally, I like columns on the printed page, but for an electronic format like the PRD, the way 'O' and 'S' spells break across columns on the master spell index is counterproductive. Unless there's a css trick that can paginate the columns based on screen size in the same way that a word processor would by page size then I'd prefer a straight-up list like you currently have implemented on the book specific pages.

With that said, if you grouped everything by letter and then had columns within that letter's section, I could see that working. However, seeing A, D, H, P, and S atop the master index (as we do now), isn't particularly helpful for perusing the lists, only for using Ctrl+F.

Either way though, A-Z links at the top of the page would be appreciated — at least on the non-mobile version of the site. (The way the master spell index works on the mobile version I access via my Droid is perfect IMO.)

Neil Spicer wrote:

Any chance you guys will be working on any of the following master indexes?

1) Monsters - I'd find it particularly useful to see consolidated lists including all the Bestiary creatures in alphabetical order, by CR, and by terrain. That would be a huge resource for this freelancer.

2) Spell Lists - If you could give us a consolidated list of spells by class, that would become another huge resource, both for players and designers. I'd also recommend updating each of the spell lists with a high-level set of navigation links so you can quickly jump to each class's spell list rather than having to scroll way down to find the beginning of the Sor/Wiz spells, for instance.

Just my two cents (and keep up the great job!),

If you don't want to wait for the prd to be updated, I can get you lists of the Bestiary monsters sorted by CR and terrain (without links, for know, though). Just shoot me an e-mail (address is in profile) and let me know if you want it in .doc or .pdf format.

The Exchange

Kajehase wrote:
If you don't want to wait for the prd to be updated, I can get you lists of the Bestiary monsters sorted by CR and terrain (without links, for know, though).

Pretty sure I can think of a place where that's already available.. with links lol

Hint: My name is a clue. :)

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