Dimensional Agility + Shift

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

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I know that this has been brought up in other threads, but the answers didn't actually address this question. (This sentence added to demonstrate that I know how to use the search function.)

Can a wizard with the Dimensional Agility feat continue to take actions after using the Shift ability granted by the Teleportation Subschool?

Most of the threads I found merely said that Shift didn't count as qualifying for the feat, a sentiment with which I agree, without actually addressing whether or not the feat permitted a wizard to Shift away from threatening enemies and then loose a spell.

I, for one, think that it should, but I'm interested in the thoughts and opinions of others on this matter.

I think consensus is that it doesn't work. Feat requires character to be able to "cast" dimension door. Spells and spell-like abilities are the only ones that can be casted, incurring the usual penalties like provoking AoO and requiring concentration checks. Shift's a supernatural ability so doesn't qualify for feat, but can still be used easily in cases such as grapples and being adjacent to enemies.

Axebeard wrote:

I know that this has been brought up in other threads, but the answers didn't actually address this question. (This sentence added to demonstrate that I know how to use the search function.)

Can a wizard with the Dimensional Agility feat continue to take actions after using the Shift ability granted by the Teleportation Subschool?

Most of the threads I found merely said that Shift didn't count as qualifying for the feat, a sentiment with which I agree, without actually addressing whether or not the feat permitted a wizard to Shift away from threatening enemies and then loose a spell.

I, for one, think that it should, but I'm interested in the thoughts and opinions of others on this matter.

PRD wrote:
Shift (Su): At 1st level, you can teleport to a nearby space as a swift action as if using dimension door. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity. You must be able to see the space that you are moving into. You cannot take other creatures with you when you use this ability (except for familiars). You can move 5 feet for every two wizard levels you possess (minimum 5 feet). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

The issue with Shift(Su) is that it is neither Abundant Step(Su) nor is it Dimension Door the spell/spell-like ability. Just because it says it works like dimension door does not make it Dimension Door and therefore does not fit the requirements of the feat chain. By RAW, this ability will not qualify you for the Dimensional Agility feat.

Your mileage with houserules will depend on your DM.

Liberty's Edge

I think you both missed the point of the question. It's not about whether or not it qualifies you to take the feat, it's whether or not you can take actions afterwards. I know that you can't take the feat until level 7 when you can actually cast dimension door.

Shift says it works like Dimension Door. How I see it is that the Dimensional Agility feat alters the way the dimension door spell works, so anything that works like dimension door must also be changed.

Sort of like how if A is defined as being equal to B, and you increase B, you must also increase A. You don't invalidate the relationship by changing one variable upon which another depends.

Edit follows:

Shift says "At 1st level, you can teleport to a nearby space as a swift action as if using dimension door."

Dimensional Agility says "After using abundant step or casting dimension door, you can take any actions..."

Given that Shift works as if the character were casting dimension door, and that a character with Dimensional Agility can take actions after casting dimension door, it seems the only logical answer is that Dimensional Agility permit actions after a Shift.

Axebeard wrote:

I think you both missed the point of the question. It's not about whether or not it qualifies you to take the feat, it's whether or not you can take actions afterwards. I know that you can't take the feat until level 7 when you can actually cast dimension door.

Shift says it works like Dimension Door. How I see it is that the Dimensional Agility feat alters the way the dimension door spell works, so anything that works like dimension door must also be changed.

Sort of like how if A is defined as being equal to B, and you increase B, you must also increase A. You don't invalidate the relationship by changing one variable upon which another depends.

Edit follows:

Shift says "At 1st level, you can teleport to a nearby space as a swift action as if using dimension door."

Dimensional Agility says "After using abundant step or casting dimension door, you can take any actions..."

Given that Shift works as if the character were casting dimension door, and that a character with Dimensional Agility can take actions after casting dimension door, it seems the only logical answer is that Dimensional Agility permit actions after a Shift.

You do not use abundant step or cast dimension door, it is a supernatural ability that functions as dimension door in some respects.

By both RAW and RAI as well as a common sense for balance I would say it is not allowed, the requirements to qualify are the same as using it pretty much, I do not see why you think you can not qualify but at the same time think you can use the feat while the conditions are the same.

Axebeard wrote:
I think you both missed the point of the question. It's not about whether or not it qualifies you to take the feat, it's whether or not you can take actions afterwards. I know that you can't take the feat until level 7 when you can actually cast dimension door.

No, actually, Benjamin answered your question correctly.

All of the Dimensional feats use the "use abundant step or cast dimension door" language in both their requirements AND their effects. That means Supernatural dimension door analogues (with the obvious exception of abundant step) do not work with the feat as written, because Supernatural abilities are not cast.

Axebeard wrote:

I think you both missed the point of the question. It's not about whether or not it qualifies you to take the feat, it's whether or not you can take actions afterwards. I know that you can't take the feat until level 7 when you can actually cast dimension door.

Shift says it works like Dimension Door. How I see it is that the Dimensional Agility feat alters the way the dimension door spell works, so anything that works like dimension door must also be changed.

Sort of like how if A is defined as being equal to B, and you increase B, you must also increase A. You don't invalidate the relationship by changing one variable upon which another depends.

Edit follows:

Shift says "At 1st level, you can teleport to a nearby space as a swift action as if using dimension door."

Dimensional Agility says "After using abundant step or casting dimension door, you can take any actions..."

Given that Shift works as if the character were casting dimension door, and that a character with Dimensional Agility can take actions after casting dimension door, it seems the only logical answer is that Dimensional Agility permit actions after a Shift.

In that case, it's a definite No.

Dimensional Agility just affects the action of using abundant step/casting dimension door so that user/caster can still act after teleporting. It even grants a +4 to concentration checks to cast all teleportation spells. Nothing in the feat description suggests changing the actual spell, and the feat description prerequisites put in specific limits on what situations would allow its use: supernatural effects acting like dimension door does not qualify for the feat or its effects.

Well, he is saying that dimensional agility changes how dimension door works and that since shift is based off of dimension door, that it would then also change how shift works.

Though, there is also the notion that dimensional agility is triggered by casting dimension door and thus shift would not trigger it.

It is amazing how many corner cases there are in pathfinder.

If the RAW answer is the only thing interesting, then it must be a no, like more than one has already stated.

If you don't let the exact wording of the rules ruin your fun, I'd say that you can go ahead and allow it without any problems. As a GM I wouldn't have any problem with it.

While it is a neat ability, it won't breaking any balance. It adds decent mobility to your character, as you can get into position and cast your spells. It also adds a small bit of escapability, but in most circumstances you should be able to take a 5-ft step backwards, cast a spell, and then cast shift anyway, so it doesn't really change much.

The feat is decent, and very fitting for a teleportation specialist, but it will not make it to a list of required feats for any character.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'd house rule it. it makes sense, if your wizard already has Dimension Door, spent a feat on Dimensional Agility, and wants to shift and take an action, i'd let him.

You'll never get any leeway RAW because it doesn't satisfy the rules requirements as written. You'd have to house rule it for your game. But id call it fair.

I think the feat should be expanded.

Liberty's Edge

Ah, okay. I tend to take an approach to the rules that attempts to understand what they're trying to express in the game world, as I find that more gratifying than a purely semantic approach. It just makes sense to me that a character who could take actions after a dimension door could take actions after things that worked like dimension door.

As a side note, I think that the Shift ability uses the phrase "used dimension door" totally by accident, and it was not the intent of the creators to specifically use the word "used" instead of "cast", and that those two terms mean the same thing when it comes to activating a spell - but I'm just going off of Pathfinder's history of sloppy mechanics text. Anyways, thanks for the input.

Axebeard wrote:

Ah, okay. I tend to take an approach to the rules that attempts to understand what they're trying to express in the game world, as I find that more gratifying than a purely semantic approach. It just makes sense to me that a character who could take actions after a dimension door could take actions after things that worked like dimension door.

As a side note, I think that the Shift ability uses the phrase "used dimension door" totally by accident, and it was not the intent of the creators to specifically use the word "used" instead of "cast", and that those two terms mean the same thing when it comes to activating a spell - but I'm just going off of Pathfinder's history of sloppy mechanics text. Anyways, thanks for the input.

Completely valid to interpret it like that, though it is not intentionally balanced for the shift ability, I am not sure wether there are any loopholes in the use of the shift ability that could be exploited, but shift is essentially meant to be a weak power and would be wary to enhance it beyond it's intended purpose. If it was a 4th or 5th level spell that worked like dimension doorin most respects I would be less wary.

The 'using dimension door' is worded that way because shift is a (SU) effect rather than a - spell - which do not actually get cast.

Liberty's Edge

Remco Sommeling wrote:
Completely valid to interpret it like that, though it is not intentionally balanced for the shift ability, I am not sure wether there are any loopholes in the use of the shift ability, but shift is essentially meant to be a weak power and would be wary to enhance it beyond it's intended purpose. If it was a 4th or 5th level spell that worked like dimension doorin most respects I would be less wary.

I confess that in the back of my mind, there was a little voice telling me it was too good - but I'm ignoring it because I want it to work. It's one of those things that would help you out only once in a while, but really save your bacon in a powerful way.

Axebeard wrote:
Remco Sommeling wrote:
Completely valid to interpret it like that, though it is not intentionally balanced for the shift ability, I am not sure wether there are any loopholes in the use of the shift ability, but shift is essentially meant to be a weak power and would be wary to enhance it beyond it's intended purpose. If it was a 4th or 5th level spell that worked like dimension doorin most respects I would be less wary.
I confess that in the back of my mind, there was a little voice telling me it was too good - but I'm ignoring it because I want it to work. It's one of those things that would help you out only once in a while, but really save your bacon in a powerful way.

Shift has enough limitations (extremely short range [1/2 conjurer level in 5ft increments], must be able to *see* where you are teleporting, which many people forget about) that applying Dimensional Agility to it isn't all that game breaking.

Brotato wrote:
Shift has enough limitations (extremely short range [1/2 conjurer level in 5ft increments], must be able to *see* where you are teleporting, which many people forget about) that applying Dimensional Agility to it isn't all that game breaking.

Compared to shooting an acid dart for 1d6+1 damage per 2 levels as a standard action ?

Liberty's Edge

Remco Sommeling wrote:

Compared to shooting an acid dart for 1d6+1 damage per 2 levels as a standard action ?

To be fair, ANYTHING is gamebreaking when compared to that.

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RAW for PFS I would presume it doesn't work.

But a non-RAW-only DM who can't figure out that it should apply in *any* case where Dimension Door would normally axe your follow-up actions to restore them (the entire purpose of this feat) is a rules lawyer DM that I personally would never want to play with.

The concept behind Dimension Door is that you are disoriented when you arrive and cannot function for the rest of the round. Dimensional Agility implies that you are trained to re-orient quickly following a dimension door-like shunt (which is why it works for abundant steps, which functions "as if using the spell dimension door"). If Shift functions "as if using Dimension Door" and you incur the penalties of that spell when using it, why wouldn't the feat that specifically alleviates those penalties not also apply? Because your DM is a RAW rules lawyer, and you should find a new game with old-school RPG'ers who know that creativity, story and fun are more important than RAW. Furthermore, people who point to the difference between "as if using the spell" vs. "as if using" as the basis of disallowing are the same people who say Shift shouldn't be allowed because it's SU, not SLA. Only, Abundant Steps is also SU. So, uh, yeah.

I personally would even allow Shift to qualify you. It seems along the lines of the Fly skill, which you cannot take ranks in until you have some means of flying with which to practice it. Well, guess what, as a 1st level Teleportation wizard, you have a means to Dimension Door (a lot) and can therefore practice/learn the feat.

do you realize this thread was over 3 years old?

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Not sure I understand your point.

Did people stop playing Pathfinder? Did people stop wondering if/how Shift should interact with Dimensional Agility? Did it take you more than 10 minutes to notice I had added to the conversation?

Yes, we obviously need to give conjuration wizards more awesome abilities since they are so underpowered as it is.


Shift does not work with Dimensional Agility by RAW, and it shouldn't because it's just way way overpowered. It would basically mean wizards are now impossible to grapple and impossible to full attack.

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