Playing a pregnant PC?

Pathfinder Society

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The Exchange 5/5

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My wife asked me about this as she was drawing up her new PC. Seems she was looking a dumping Dex and figured this would be cute. So, if a Player states her PC is visibly pregnant (that would be "with child") and role plays it to the max (I can see some fun times at the tables ahead) can she just stay that way? I mean, as far as I can tell, time away from the table is kind of abstract so ... how long can she be "in a family way".
I told her she could always have her PC take a few month off to have the kid, develope the condition again and go adventuring again. Kind of odd thou, having a PC who only adventures when she is 5+ months along.

Anyway - just wanted to hear other peoples thoughts on this.

Grand Lodge 4/5

nosig wrote:

My wife asked me about this as she was drawing up her new PC. Seems she was looking a dumping Dex and figured this would be cute. So, if a Player states her PC is visibly pregnant (that would be "with child") and role plays it to the max (I can see some fun times at the tables ahead) can she just stay that way? I mean, as far as I can tell, time away from the table is kind of abstract so ... how long can she be "in a family way".

I told her she could always have her PC take a few month off to have the kid, develope the condition again and go adventuring again. Kind of odd thou, having a PC who only adventures when she is 5+ months along.

Anyway - just wanted to hear other peoples thoughts on this.

That's.... odd :) Could definitely be amusing.

I don't think there's anything in the rules about it, but I can see a GM coming up with some extra obstacles for the party as a result.

Also, in a "real" medieval society... really, in any society, she'd be strongly encouraged to avoid putting herself (and the baby) in danger if it's at all avoidable. What's her rationale for going out and risking both lives adventuring while she's preggers?

I guess it depends on the tone of your campaign. For instance, I would find it in extremely poor taste if a player had to roll on a Miscarriage Table or something like that.

Grand Lodge 4/5

hogarth wrote:
I guess it depends on the tone of your campaign. For instance, I would find it in extremely poor taste if a player had to roll on a Miscarriage Table or something like that.

I was thinking in terms of PFSOP, since that's the section of the boards we're in. :)

Silver Crusade 2/5

Good sir, I applaud the brilliant pc concept. I hope to see this pc in the future.

The Exchange 5/5

well, she got an Aasimar (spelling?) sheet at Gen Con, and she wants to built a unique cleric for it. And she keeps coming up with off the wall questions (not real Power-Gamer type stuff mind you), things like "How long does a Aasimar carry a baby?" and "Can I get armor with the expansion panels for ... you know, when I get bigger?"

Anyway - I think it's going to be great. Only now I have to come up with something to run with her PC and I am at a total loss. What do you run with a Prego lady?

Grand Lodge 4/5

nosig wrote:

Anyway - I think it's going to be great. Only now I have to come up with something to run with her PC and I am at a total loss. What do you run with a Prego lady?

The eldest child of said lady...

The Exchange 5/5

play her kid... hmmmm.... maybe.
or maybe just a brother. Otherwise I might have have age issues. But I'll put that on the list to discuss with her.
is the child of an Aasamir, an Aasimar (what is the spelling on that?)

Silver Crusade 2/5

nosig wrote:

play her kid... hmmmm.... maybe.

or maybe just a brother. Otherwise I might have have age issues. But I'll put that on the list to discuss with her.
is the child of an Aasamir, an Aasimar (what is the spelling on that?)

The answer is maybe. An aasimar is born when there is good outsider blood in a familial bloodline. Sometimes they crop up generations past the first interbreeding, sometimes they occur right after. For more info, see the bestiary 1 entry on aasimar.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

nosig wrote:

well, she got an Aasimar (spelling?) sheet at Gen Con, and she wants to built a unique cleric for it. And she keeps coming up with off the wall questions (not real Power-Gamer type stuff mind you), things like "How long does a Aasimar carry a baby?" and "Can I get armor with the expansion panels for ... you know, when I get bigger?"

Anyway - I think it's going to be great. Only now I have to come up with something to run with her PC and I am at a total loss. What do you run with a Prego lady?

Nurse Maid?

Grand Lodge 4/5


The Exchange 5/5

wouldn't Nurse Maid be after the baby is born? I don't think they have one before... but I'll put it on the list, and give it some thought. Maybe like the Maid in Gone With the Wind?

Hay! Midwife! that might work... is there a diety for midwives? what's the one for life/death?

An elven midwife, that way I can be a Farie God Mother.... wow, this is getting wierd already...

Silver Crusade 5/5

nosig wrote:

well, she got an Aasimar (spelling?) sheet at Gen Con, and she wants to built a unique cleric for it. And she keeps coming up with off the wall questions (not real Power-Gamer type stuff mind you), things like "How long does a Aasimar carry a baby?" and "Can I get armor with the expansion panels for ... you know, when I get bigger?"

Anyway - I think it's going to be great. Only now I have to come up with something to run with her PC and I am at a total loss. What do you run with a Prego lady?

Her Partner/boyfriend/ Husband?

If she is a cleric? Perhaps an oracle? inquisitor? or a paladin?

The Exchange 5/5

Paladin maybe. Been more than 10 years sense I played a paladin.
I've got to run, but I'll check back on this as soon as I can -
And thanks for any and all suggestions!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

nosig wrote:
Hay! Midwife! that might work... is there a diety for midwives? what's the one for life/death?

Pharasma is the goddess of birth, so she'd probably be the one most likely to cover that sort of thing.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I think her first scenario should be Black Waters.

4/5 ****

Steve from endgame has (err maybe... had, i think she's given birth by now) a pregnant wizard.

The Exchange 5/5

awwww this brings back memories of using the "Unlawful Guide to Carnal Knowledge in ADnD"

*** my story

Was running a group and had them encounter a fair.. The paladin failed his saves against corruption (totally made up) and imbibed a fair amount of the local brew, while incapacitated he had carnal relations with a half-even maiden who was a centaur wizardess in disguise.

The paladin while giggling, rolled badly on the table to determine who ended up pregnant (he did). Rolled badly on the gestation table, and then failed his save to survive the horribly painful birth.

We had to pause the game for a couple of hours while we helped him roll up a centaur baby

Grand Lodge

nosig wrote:
Anyway - I think it's going to be great. Only now I have to come up with something to run with her PC and I am at a total loss. What do you run with a Prego lady?

Assuming that you don't want to be the party responsible for her condition, I think a family member would be good. Her brother, mother or father could tell her how disappointed they are in her and the poor choices she has made in life. Maybe a monk. Maybe a gunslinger looking for a shotgun wedding.

Grand Lodge 4/5


This game really needs a cheap minor magical item that protects unborn children from adventuring. It's not so "cute" if you introduce miscarriage into the game.

Dark Archive 3/5 **

Michael Brock wrote:
I think her first scenario should be Black Waters.

You sir, are a horrible man.

Grand Lodge 4/5

ElyasRavenwood wrote:
Her Partner/boyfriend/ Husband?

I thought of that, too, but figured these are the exact same people (person) that would be most likely to keep her home where she'd be safe...

Thorkull wrote:

ElyasRavenwood wrote:

Her Partner/boyfriend/ Husband?

I thought of that, too, but figured these are the exact same people (person) that would be most likely to keep her home where she'd be safe...

Or they could be the person who has decided to accompany her and keep her safe. Since she is insisting on following this course of action x person could agree to as long as y person goes with.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

nosig wrote:
Anyway - I think it's going to be great. Only now I have to come up with something to run with her PC and I am at a total loss. What do you run with a Prego lady?

What about her wild best friend, you know, always getting her into trouble?

Or Brother-in-law, husband died, so brother takes over looking after her.

I'd make sure that this isn't a touchy subject for the rest of the party, lots of women have had miscarriages. Hopefully no one wants a "Oh falling off a horse is how my wife miscarried" story to come up in the middle of the game. Other then that though I don't see how you really need rules for it, beyond gestation times for non-human races.

Grand Lodge 4/5

dunelord3001 wrote:
I'd make sure that this isn't a touchy subject for the rest of the party, lots of women have had miscarriages. Hopefully no one wants a "Oh falling off a horse is how my wife miscarried" story to come up in the middle of the game. Other then that though I don't see how you really need rules for it, beyond gestation times for non-human races.

I should be clear that when I said the bit about rules, I wasn't going after miscarriages or anything like that... I was thinking the effects of pregnancy on the character herself.

Decreased Dex, reduced speed maybe, etc.

I really, really didn't want to get into the *mechanics* of putting baby at risk...

I'm little confused how thinking a bit of tact regarding other player's unfortunate real life experiences regarding miscarriages is the same as wanting a pro-life debate...

@Thorkull I'm not saying that you wanted rules on a miscarriage. I just meant PCs have a metric crap ton of dangerous things happen to them. If miscarriage is a touchy subject for someone, roleplaying with a pregnant PC who ends up in events similar to real life miscarriage might be less then ideal.

All that aside I'm suggesting there might not have to be rules for her carrying a child. If she's anything other then human there is no telling what a elf female's pregnancy might be like so it's just as easy to rule there aren't any. If she is a human female for the most part it's a role play issue, and you don't absolutely HAVE to have mechanics to it.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Would she roll fortitude saves against diseases twice? Once for her, once for her unborn baby? Yes, sounds cruel, but I was thinking about it.

Intriguing character concept.

The Exchange 5/5

(rolls eyes) - geez guys! what I set off. Not to offend anyone, but this is a game. So... if the concept of a Pregnant PC offends you - please move to another thread. If not, let's talk fun ideas.

Can we make this a little "lighter", or do we just need to drop the subject?

Having had an older sister in the 101st Airborne (a Captain at the time) I do not want to get in the way of a woman determined to do something, even if she is "with child". You should hear her talk about being pregnant in the Army (rolls eyes again).

The concept of having a pregnant PC is a Roll Playing thing, not a Power-Gamer idea. She is not doing it to adjust stats (though she is giving her PC a lower dex to reflect it - just putting the points elsewhere), or saves or ... anything. Just be able to complain about back-aches or morning sickness or smile when someone tells her she is "glowing" (cast Daylight on herself, and her Aasimar has a silver halo). You know, she plans to sit and discuss things like baby-showers and if the spell Enlarge Person would ease the birthing process. Things us male players would miss (and some would be uncomfortable with).

Perhaps she is adventureing to gain levels to make birthing easier (increased saves/HP etc. Is birthing "easier" for a 12th level cleric than for a 1st level? am I going to get flamed for even asking?). Perhaps her culture is not like ours in the "female protective mode". We'll see what developes when she is playing the PC. You know, character development.

Back to the lighter side of this. I am currently planning to take a "midwife" (profession) PC to run with her Aasimar. Not sure of race/class/sex or anything else. Maybe an Amazon type fighter (our culture beleaves in strong women). Or a Druid, (so that I can use shape change to get Bat so I can do "Ultra-sound") or a wizard with a bat familiar (gives new meaning to a "PET scan").

Anyone else have some ideas/suggestions?

Thorkull wrote:
hogarth wrote:
I guess it depends on the tone of your campaign. For instance, I would find it in extremely poor taste if a player had to roll on a Miscarriage Table or something like that.
I was thinking in terms of PFSOP, since that's the section of the boards we're in. :)

Good point. :-)

Liberty's Edge 5/5

nosig wrote:

Paladin maybe. Been more than 10 years sense I played a paladin.

I've got to run, but I'll check back on this as soon as I can -
And thanks for any and all suggestions!

Cavalier Order of the Star

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I removed a couple posts. This is not the place to have that particular discussion.
This, however, is a link relevant to the discussion.

2/5 *

nosig wrote:

Can we make this a little "lighter", or do we just need to drop the subject?

Having had an older sister in the 101st Airborne (a Captain at the time) I do not want to get in the way of a woman determined to do something, even if she is "with child". You should hear her talk about being pregnant in the Army (rolls eyes again).

I guess it's cute, until she gets stomped. No offense but this can only end badly.

My Dad was also in the Air Force, but I'm pretty sure both your sister and my Dad didn't:
- Walked 3 days solid through wilderness in Arctic conditions
- Get stabbed repeatedly in the neck until unconscious
- Fall off a ship and land in freezing cold water in the middle of the ocean in a storm
- Fall 40' flat on their back onto solid wood
- Blasted in the eyes until unconscious from sensory overload
- Been exposed to a deadly virus (pox)
- Traveled through a disease filled swamp

That's what has happenned to my PCs lately, and they're only 2nd level. I'm pretty sure it's going to get worse.

So being pregnant is kind of cute until I have to do that to the pregnant woman. Makes me a little uncomfortable as GM.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Jason S wrote:
nosig wrote:

Can we make this a little "lighter", or do we just need to drop the subject?

Having had an older sister in the 101st Airborne (a Captain at the time) I do not want to get in the way of a woman determined to do something, even if she is "with child". You should hear her talk about being pregnant in the Army (rolls eyes again).

I guess it's cute, until she gets stomped. No offense but this can only end badly.

My Dad was also in the Air Force, but I'm pretty sure both your sister and my Dad didn't:
- Walked 3 days solid through wilderness in Arctic conditions
- Get stabbed repeatedly in the neck until unconscious
- Fall off a ship and land in freezing cold water in the middle of the ocean in a storm
- Fall 40' flat on their back onto solid wood
- Blasted in the eyes until unconscious from sensory overload
- Been exposed to a deadly virus (pox)
- Traveled through a disease filled swamp

That's what has happenned to my PCs lately, and they're only 2nd level. I'm pretty sure it's going to get worse.

So being pregnant is kind of cute until I have to do that to the pregnant woman. Makes me a little uncomfortable as GM.

Its a very clever ploy for sympathy...

Silver Crusade 5/5

Thorkull wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:
Her Partner/boyfriend/ Husband?
I thought of that, too, but figured these are the exact same people (person) that would be most likely to keep her home where she'd be safe...

Perhaps the character is too headstrong, and wont listen to any allowances for her "delicate" condition and her partner/boyfriend/ simply going along to help her as best he can.

Not that this is a related subject, my ex girlfriend and I played World of Warcraft together. we met on wow. When we were doing guild runs, where five of us were doing an instance, she would have her character a "DPS dual wielding warrior woman" rush in and attack the monsters first often drawing all the "aggro" in the room. Her character would often go down in every fight. My paladin would raise her from the dead.

We tried to explain to her "party roles" like tank DPS and healer.....she never listened and kept on rushing into combat before the tank she was too head strong. Eventually i stopped trying to "save" her, and i would go into combat after the tank (my pally was dps) and we would do our best to struggle with 4 people, and we would res her afterwards. I thought the repair bills would bring about some caution, but it never did.

she was too head strong. Perhaps this character is too head strong, and won't listen to the people who care about her, and she insists on going on adventuring because she "doesn't want to lie around like a beached whale for 9 months."

well its an interesting character idea.

Dark Archive

If the pregnant lady was a caster I feel like Bloatmage Initiate would work great mechanically, as for the accompanying character the idea of someone trying to defend their wife who refuses to go on bed rest even though she is very pregnant seems like it would be the best fit to me

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Thorkull wrote:
dunelord3001 wrote:
I'd make sure that this isn't a touchy subject for the rest of the party, lots of women have had miscarriages. Hopefully no one wants a "Oh falling off a horse is how my wife miscarried" story to come up in the middle of the game. Other then that though I don't see how you really need rules for it, beyond gestation times for non-human races.

I should be clear that when I said the bit about rules, I wasn't going after miscarriages or anything like that... I was thinking the effects of pregnancy on the character herself.

Decreased Dex, reduced speed maybe, etc.

I really, really didn't want to get into the *mechanics* of putting baby at risk...

Head over to Liberty Science Center in Jersey City and try the infamous "pregnancy vest". That should give you some idea of what you're dealing with.

I can't believe no one mentioned this, but...


Maybe not, but its worth considering.

If not, I can't see anyone wanting to risk a baby's health to go fighting monsters, trudging through swamps, climbing cliffs, and everything else that goes with adventuring. Well, maybe a priestess of Lamashtu, but certainly not most people.

The Exchange 5/5

LOL! Jason - that is great! Having 3 adult children I can say that there is very little chance that what you are thinking she might be hinting at is possible (only in our past). Not sure what the Heal check on this one would be, but trust me. That is not likely. (might be fun again, but at this point we're waiting for grandkids. and the fact that I even think it might be fun shows how old we are)

And thanks Jason - I was ready to throw in the towel and ask my wife not to run the character. It seemed that most of the responses were bad to the idea - (from Judges being uncomfortable to the thought that she was doing it as "a very clever ploy for sympathy".

opps, guess I spoke to soon. Jason seems down on the idea too.

Grand Lodge 4/5

nosig wrote:
And thanks Jason - I was ready to throw in the towel and ask my wife not to run the character. It seemed that most of the responses were bad to the idea - (from Judges being uncomfortable to the thought that she was doing it as "a very clever ploy for sympathy".

Actually I think Alexander was saying that Jason was making a clever ploy for sympathy...

That aside, my only concern was the whole suspension of disbelief. Even in modern society we tend to shelter pregnant women and try to keep them out of dangerous situations. I think it'd be potentially funny, but I can also see a lot of players and GMs giving you both some very weird looks. Heck, that was my initial reaction...

The Exchange 5/5

very weird looks I can deal with. heck, I (older heavy bald guy) run a Chelaxian Bard/Harlot - so I'm used to weird looks (and funny reactions from Judges/Players). As long as it's fun, it's worth doing.

The question is, would you have a problem running a table (being the judge) if one of the PCs was pregnant? If so, and if a large minority of Judges would, then I need to suggest to my wife to move that idea to a Home game setting.

Grand Lodge 4/5

nosig wrote:
The question is, would you have a problem running a table (being the judge) if one of the PCs was pregnant? If so, and if a large minority of Judges would, then I need to suggest to my wife to move that idea to a Home game setting.

Heh. In a home game I'd look at you and say, "Are you on dope? No one in their right mind would go adventuring while pregnant."

In PFS, I'd look at you and say, "Your character's pregnant? Really? Ooookay." In the interests of keeping the mod moving, I'd probably just ignore it from then on out, except where jokes and RP were concerned.

The Exchange 5/5

LOL! ok. and my replies (and my best guess at my wifes) would be

Home game) My reply would be: "Lots of women go into combat pregnant - in history and now. But I've always figure women were crazy, and pregnant ones even more so. So do you disallow it then?" My wife's responce? not sure, she's kind of shy so she might be kind of withdrawn after that.

In PFSOP) My response? I'd laugh. My wife's? not sure. I think she'll think you response is "cute". And get what she was aiming for. A RP quirk, something people will remeber her character for.

Grand Lodge 4/5

nosig wrote:
Home game) My reply would be: "Lots of women go into combat pregnant - in history and now. But I've always figure women were crazy, and pregnant ones even more so. So do you disallow it then?" My wife's responce? not sure, she's kind of shy so she might be kind of withdrawn after that.

(Home game) I wouldn't disallow it, but we'd be tracking all *kinds* of annoying things... and damage to the baby would be a real possibility. Of course, I'd warn you of such up front... we're veering way off topic here, which is the PFSOP-related.

For PFS I just figure each table is a microcosm, so long-term effects that aren't covered in the campaign documenation probably aren't worth raising a fuss about. If you (she) enjoy(s) the RP of it, great, we're all having fun playing PF -- which is what it's all about.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

@Nosig-I've got a real question for you. Is she saying all this to drop you a Roc-sized stork of a hit about a real life baby? Don't mean to pry but that would be on my mind if I was asked so much about a pregnant PC.

btw-who need rules or a timeline about this subject. Batman is still around and we're not looking up rules on venerable stats. 007 is immortal. Why can't her PC always be 5-months along? There's no need to track time in PFS if you don't want to.

nosig wrote:

My wife asked me about this as she was drawing up her new PC. Seems she was looking a dumping Dex and figured this would be cute. So, if a Player states her PC is visibly pregnant (that would be "with child") and role plays it to the max (I can see some fun times at the tables ahead) can she just stay that way? I mean, as far as I can tell, time away from the table is kind of abstract so ... how long can she be "in a family way".

I told her she could always have her PC take a few month off to have the kid, develope the condition again and go adventuring again. Kind of odd thou, having a PC who only adventures when she is 5+ months along.

Anyway - just wanted to hear other peoples thoughts on this.

I'm just thinking about the role-playing opportunity this opens up for the rest of the table.

Halfling - "Pregnant? I thought you were just getting fat."

Half-Orc /leering/ - "Ah, that's why I keep thinking I'm thirsty."

Dwarf - "What, you gonna whine all day 'bout yer condition. Me ma, she was adventuring all through her pregnancy. Never stopped reminding me how she crouched to duck a battleaxe swing, and I just dropped out."

Elf - "Hmm. What's your gestational period? You people do breed like rabbits don't you. How...distasteful. /takes a step away as though not wanting to "catch cooties"/"

Gnome - "Hmm. I have this alchemical infusion that I've been wanting to try on a pregnant subject. It has a 74% chance of making your child 3% smarter. And only a 14% chance of the child spontaneously mutating and bursting forth immediately. Here. Drink this!"

The Exchange 5/5

Rene - well - if it were Stork time again, it would not be something to drop hints about. Cause for a party yes, hints no. But I would have to break the news to my 30 something son that he is expecting another sibling. No. Relax everyone. My wife and I are not expecting a 4th child at our age.
A Pregnant PC is as close as we are going to get to being pregnant again.

Fuzzy - I really enjoy most of your posts. You sir, would be fun to game with.

2/5 *

nosig wrote:
opps, guess I spoke to soon. Jason seems down on the idea too.

I'm not down on the idea, I actually think it's a great short term plot device. The things that are hindering it are:

1) It's a long term penalty (Dex penalty)
2) Eventually she gives birth
3) Eventually she can't adventure (too pregnant)
4) Eventually she has a child. What do you do with the child?
5) GMs and players have negative feelings on beating the snot out of a pregnant woman

So to do it, you need to work around those things somehow.

Here are some ideas to make it work, for a long term penalty. I'm just brainstorming, so please don't be too harsh on my ideas:

1) Maybe she is cursed to be eternally pregnant. Maybe she is leveling to remove the curse and finally deliver!

2) Maybe it's a demon child and she doesn't really want to deliver. Maybe it's in stasis on purpose (see #1). Maybe it's still around because if it dies, she dies.

3) Maybe an angel (or some kind of outsider / mythical force) protects the child from harm, so she can go adventuring. Or maybe it's an evil force protecting it...

4) Maybe the gestation period for the (non-human) baby is much longer than a human baby, maybe it takes YEARS before it's born! That way you could essentially stay 5 months pregnant forever.

I'm sure you can come up with some ideas on solving these problems as well.

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