Does the "Channel Energy" ability have an associated spell school?

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

None appears listed in the rules as I read them; anyone know this?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Graylith wrote:
None appears listed in the rules as I read them; anyone know this?

Nope, no associated spell school, since it's not a spell.

If you wanted to associate one with it, though, I'd assign it to conjuration, since it's pulling energies from another plane. But that starts opening things up to further complications, like "can you channel energy on the plane the energy comes from?" or "What about in an area of dimension lock?" and so on.

Needless complication, in my opinion.

James Jacobs wrote:

Nope, no associated spell school, since it's not a spell.

It's not even magic. It's supernatural. It's pure power of life/unlife. While an antimagic field does stop it, that's the only interaction it has with magic. Otherwise, nothing that helps against magic helps against channelled energy per se. No spell resistance, no spell immunity, no saving throw bonus against magic, no counterspell, nothing.

(Resistance to positive/negative energy does help, of course, but that has nothing to do with magic).

Silver Crusade

Thanks, James, for such a quick answer!

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