Carrion Crown Miniatures

Carrion Crown

Scarab Sages

Hi I was wondering if some out there had a list of which minis would be needed per Module.

Haunting of Harrowstone
3 Flaming skulls, 4 zombies etc etc

Trial of the Beast
1 flesh golem, 4 wraiths etc

also does any know if paper minis are going to be done for this AP?

The group I am running is about half way thru Harrowstone and dislike my tokens that I have been using.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Fewmaster Rys wrote:

Hi I was wondering if some out there had a list of which minis would be needed per Module.

Haunting of Harrowstone
3 Flaming skulls, 4 zombies etc etc

Trial of the Beast
1 flesh golem, 4 wraiths etc

also does any know if paper minis are going to be done for this AP?

The group I am running is about half way thru Harrowstone and dislike my tokens that I have been using.

Here is a flesh golem from Reaper: [url] 8btpy8dkp/discuss#tabs[/url]

Cool looking wraiths from Games Workshop: [url] 030a&_requestid=939194 [/url]

Plenty of places have zombies (many even offer them pre-painted).

There are lots of horror/Cathulu themed models once you start looking around.

Just posting some fixed links for Gabriel, don't mind me.

Flesh Golem

Wraiths (yes, the link is correct - just select your country if it asks and it takes you right through.

Scarab Sages

I think I was misunderstood, those are good links however

I was thinking of some more like a check list for potential combatants.

Fewmaster Rys wrote:

I think I was misunderstood, those are good links however

I was thinking of some more like a check list for potential combatants.

Check out my Harrowstome GM Material. It contains a list of all Monsters in H0H.

Thanks Windspirit. good Stuff there.

Anyone know (or hope Paizo posts here) if a PDF of the mini's for The Carrion Crown books will be released?


This is perfect - the scythe and hands are separate from the fig, so you can just use the scythe!!


Chris Wojcik wrote:
Anyone know (or hope Paizo posts here) if a PDF of the mini's for The Carrion Crown books will be released?

The paper minis are not done by paizo, its done by artists in their free time, and then put together/uploaded by a different company.

also with the wishlist and list features, you can create a list of the miniatures needed, it's not that hard

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