Dresden universe game

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Hello im kinda curious on if anyone knows how to gm Dresden universe and if they do if they are willing to run a game on here pbp im just now learning about it(have 2 books so far) and im very interested in trying it. where i live local game shop closed down so no luck there. Thank you

Ryuko's running a game currently. And i was thinking that i might run a game in a few months time, if you are interested? btw there Evil Hat was licenced for only 2 books by Jim Butcher, although i believe there is a chance of a GM screen & and updated universe book as the story progresses.

Actually im very much interested thank you. Maybe as we wait you can help me understand differences ive only ever seriously played pathfinder so lil rusty on everything else but love the dresden series and looking over the books really would like to get in with a good group and try this :)

C'mon DSX.... you know you want to... I'd play.

lol sweet see we have two players and i could get my brother to play I think so theres three lol

Alright, here's what i'll do. I have a RL game of In Nomine (angels and demons), that is scheduled to finish at the end of September. So that should give me time for prep work. Although i did have the start of a campaign planned for my RL group, but with the amount of games we have on it can be hard to fit in (especially if as i wanted it to be special). I also asked 'Valegrim' on the Dresden Thread in the Books forum if he would like to play in a game (as like Songdragon he was in a game that went belly up).

So i will make a recruitment thread later in the week, but the game would not start for a few weeks. This is especially important in DF as the character creation process is meant to integrate the PC's into a team. Although we will not have a complete city creation process as this is difficult not face to face. This will also enable both of you to have established your routine for other games (ie Aria's & the games you are running).

Generally i don't have to much experience pbp'ing, mostly lurking and a few pbem. Ryuko's game is my first experience of Dresden Files RPG but i play a wide variety of other systems. My style of GMing is quite free-form and players should feel like they dictate the plot. I will come up with a variety of other ideas/questions, sound good?

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*high fives for free form RPG'an!*

Sorry, just know these two gentlemen from elsewhere, and the free form bit caught my eye. I like that in one-on-one GMing, but am not skilled enough to do it for a group just yet.

Good luck.

We had a game going; but lost our GM; here is my character; I really like the game and genre and world; would love to play.

Yep Valegrim, that's cool. Do you want to use the same character?

Raventhorn; if your brother wants to play thats fine, but so long as he is enthusiatic. As i am sure we can find enough players.

WOOT!! I'll start statting up an Aqua or Aero mancer.... any idea what power level?

yes I would if that is ok; I think it is a good concept. I kinda picture him like Michael Pare' character in Streets of Fire.

DSXMachina wrote:

Yep Valegrim, that's cool. Do you want to use the same character?

Raventhorn; if your brother wants to play thats fine, but so long as he is enthusiatic. As i am sure we can find enough players.

wow I totally missed that post on the other thread; thanks a billion for reposting

DSXMachina wrote:

Alright, here's what i'll do. I have a RL game of In Nomine (angels and demons), that is scheduled to finish at the end of September. So that should give me time for prep work. Although i did have the start of a campaign planned for my RL group, but with the amount of games we have on it can be hard to fit in (especially if as i wanted it to be special). I also asked 'Valegrim' on the Dresden Thread in the Books forum if he would like to play in a game (as like Songdragon he was in a game that went belly up).

So i will make a recruitment thread later in the week, but the game would not start for a few weeks. This is especially important in DF as the character creation process is meant to integrate the PC's into a team. Although we will not have a complete city creation process as this is difficult not face to face. This will also enable both of you to have established your routine for other games (ie Aria's & the games you are running).

Generally i don't have to much experience pbp'ing, mostly lurking and a few pbem. Ryuko's game is my first experience of Dresden Files RPG but i play a wide variety of other systems. My style of GMing is quite free-form and players should feel like they dictate the plot. I will come up with a variety of other ideas/questions, sound good?

L:ol so who wants to volunteer to help this noob make a character lol my mindset is if I was given the chances harry was I would've been the winter knight a long time ago lol any way that can happen? Tomorrow I plan on reading the books thoroughly but again i will need help understanding game

Raventhorn: You can absolutely be the Winter Knight. The only requirements for that are Unseelie Magic and Marked by Power, making it achievable by 6 Refresh. I'm not sure what Refresh we will be building with, though the Channeling Evoker I want can work at as little as 4, so I'm fine.

Wait what? Dresden has like... magical evil fey? Are they like... cool or stupid housewife stuff?

I must look these up sometime.

Indeed it does, they are evil, dark and incredibly awesome... and slowly corrupt your soul. Fun stuff. I have Summer Fey being a big influence on New York in my Rotten Apple game I'm playing here on the boards, though my players haven't run into them yet.

Alright, just putting some thoughts down. Firstly my posting schedule is GMT (8pm now). Players should post daily (though of course life interrupts) & although some eloquence would be appreciated; regularity & frequency is also a plus.

Of course PC's should be 'team-players'. The level of play will be 'Chest-Deep' (8 refresh, 30 skill points & max level 5 skill). Unlike D&D/Pathfinder Xp will be sporadic, but retraining, extra skill points and Fate Points will be regular. But i do like giving players cool stuff & titles, etc.

An aim/goal for your character would be good as well. For example redemption; fall & rise to power; freeing yourself from vampiric curse; finding love, etc. & my e-mail is in my profile if you want to tell me privately.

What sort of difficulty in fights/conflicts do people like in my RL games i sometimes 'softball' it (because none of my players know any rules). But in Dresden surrendering/ losing is often quite interesting and can lead to as much plot/story as victory.

Generally i will keep to the Dresden universe so we all have a common understanding (& because it is awesome), however i might alter a few small things to reflect other similar influences. But this will not be without forewarning or Lore checks - just like you might reflavour red dragons so they breathe lightnng.

Do people have any ideas for cities?

The Winter Knight idea is an interesting one, the Winter Court surely has other mortal agents & maybe while waiting for Harry to take the mantle Mab gave it to another.

Remember all the Powers & Stunts are only examples (of course a very good list) and not comprehensive if you want to make your own individual ones.

Don't worry Raventhorn, the game is relatively simple. The main thing is you need imagination & judgring from your others games you have that in spades :)

It is collaborative game, players should dicate the plot as much as i will. That said i will/have a few plot threads lined up. What i will also do is try to keep each element quite short/ straight-forward because in pbp it is too easy to miss something or forget.

I may be interested in this if you don't mind a complete n00b joining and exploring a world. I am a fairly heavy role player who loves fey, and not just the exotic looks and whatnot, but the cruelty and danger inherent in them as well.

Which of the game books would I need to complete a character? Both?

To make a character only the book 'Your Story' is required. That said, 'Our World is a truly excellent resource to learn the lore and such, though simply reading the series is even better.

Ah, from the book description on the Website, it seemed like it was more of a GM Guide/Monster Manual and I didn't wish to spoil things for myself.

As for the books, if we've that much time, I can hit up the local library and look into them. :)

Yes, i would be glad to have you playing. Yeah, it will be a while before the IC thread starts and mostly we are all noobs at this system. Yeah, 'Your Story' has all you need as far as rules (though there is a lot of fluff in there too). 'Our World' has the archetypes and individuals from the stories but is still a good read.

The Dresden series of novels are great but not required & it is always interesting to have perspective from someone who has not immersed themselves in the lore.

Coooooool. *bounces on tail*

I think I will spend 20 bucks on myself. hehe.

wow $20, is that the pdf. 'cos it cost me £35-40 (~$60) for the book @ FLGS :P

lol so i was remembering something can't you mix "classes" like well ok what I have in mind was werewolf but an agent of the winter fey? lol or is that tooo far fetched hehe

There are no 'classes' you can be whatever you want. Of course there are a limited number of resource (refresh) points, but a shapeshifter that is an agent of the fey is viable.

dam wish I had my book lol apprently its only on my memory stick which I left at home lol will be fun reading tonight though lol

Oh were you wanting ideas for the city wed be "living" in? what are the choices?

Well, a couple of ideas i had were Edmonton or York (in the Uk). Although anywhere is alright provided everyone is happy.

I did a bit of research on Edmonton for a RL game & ran a Zombie game set there, i thought Canada was an interesting mixture of cultures.

York, is close to me and a beautiful historic city, with a depth of supernatural history.

The main thing with choosing a city is to find a place where nobody feels the culture clash (ie cannot relate).

The interbutts is a magical place where you can find information about most things. Buuuut, that being said, could we be travelers, or would you prefer we be from the city we're starting in?

I can see a couple of Americans going to England on a college trip or something, so that it doesn't seem so out of place...

Btw, GMT is fine by me, because my husband lives at GMT +1 and i'm sorta between that and GMT -8...

This sounds interesting. What are these books called for the game setting?

Travellers are fine, as are any other cities. The only thing is that the game recommends that the GM & Players co-operatively create the city (ie convert it to the supernatural including factions & NPC's), thus you tend to stay in one general geographic location.

TCG the series of books are the Dresedn Files by Jim Butcher, but the RPG books/ system are 'Your Story' & 'Our World' using the FATE system & published by Evil Hat.

DSXMachina wrote:

Travellers are fine, as are any other cities. The only thing is that the game recommends that the GM & Players co-operatively create the city (ie convert it to the supernatural including factions & NPC's), thus you tend to stay in one general geographic location.

TCG the series of books are the Dresedn Files by Jim Butcher, but the RPG books/ system are 'Your Story' & 'Our World' using the FATE system & published by Evil Hat.

The books I know. The gaming system was the intended, but unclear, question. Thank you.

Its alright, TCG. I am going to ask a couple of other people before i put out an open call though.

DSXMachina wrote:
Its alright, TCG. I am going to ask a couple of other people before i put out an open call though.

No worries. I just wanted to look over the books. ALso, I might recommend Atlanta for the city. It has an interesting combination of wealth and slums as well as highly industrial and yet old school. 2C

Yay finally home and now going to start looking over the books and then ill need help haha I like the idea of York, I also suggest Budapest just because lol

UMMM where to start lol oh btw how would we do fuge dice sorry just read that part

{dice}4d3 - 8 + modifier{/dice} with square brackets

You use d3-2 for each so a roll of 1=> -1, 2=> 0 , 3=> +1 Then you add the skill at the end. So you have this 4 times to get 4 (d3-2)=> 4d3-8 then you add your modifier. The advantage of this is that it give you the end result, like the d6-d6 option. {the good thing about the board rollers is you can have any faceted dice eg d17}

I prefer this method to the d6-d6 +mod , just because it is more like the one in the book. The probabilities are similar but i think it is a bit more random with the d6-d6.

So for those that don't know the skill mechanic is basically you have a strating skill level 0-5 in each skill. When you need/want to make a roll, in RL you roll 4 dice (d6) with 2 faces of +, to neutral & 2 -. And add these to the skill to alter it slightly, so you can change your skill level by between -4 to +4.

The book can be a bit daunting, especially the magic system, but in some ways it is quite straight-forward. You don't have attributes, feats, & skills. Just skills and powers and aspects.

- Skills encompassing stats, appearance and abilities.
- Powers are Stunts or Special Things, like magic, speed, supernatural healing, etc.
- Aspects are the most critical, but nebulous part of your character. They are what defines them, what they believe in, who they are. They are meant to be pithy, witty, cliched or quotes that define the character but also what gets them into & out of trouble.

*tear* to be werewolf is at least a -6 refresh it says and faerie knight is like a -5 now im torn between the 2 lol will be a difficult descision

Well, you could be a Werewolf that has a been 'marked by Power' making him/her affliated to the Fey.

Grand Lodge

I am familiar with the system and in a game IRL. Is there any room? Because I have a couple of ideas for characters knocking around in my head.

The breakdown for a Fae Knight is -4 for Magic & 1 for the 'Marked' ability.

Madclaw maybe ideally i would like 4-6 players, if you want to pop a couple of ideas down or wait a couple of days as i asked a couple of people in another pbp i am in.

I'm off to sleep now :(

Having trouble deciding between Aeromancer, Aquamancer, Gravmancer, or Ferromancer.

I'm really wanting to avoid the stereotypical Pyromancer, and I've already played a Kinetomancer.... I really love the magic and will absolutely play a caster. I was considering going Summer Knight, but since Raventhorne has the semi-fey angle covered and Aria seems to want a Feyish character as well I'll avoid that.... Any thoughts? I must admit that Ferromancer or a Geomancer focusing on gravity are my biggest draws right now.

Whats ferromancer do? and gravity is always fun hell its always on so plenty of stuff to work with lol.

Im sort thinking going winter knight, high concept obviously winter knight and the problem of having to constantly prove himself to Mabd and Mav to not just be replaced by Harry. Is that a difficult enough Trouble to go on?

Im considering taking an item of power sword of winters breath, +1 item of power, -2 inhuman speed, so net is -1 so im left with +2 refresh this good or bad thing?

A 2 refresh does mean that you don't have too many fate points to play around with but that does mean that you are quite powerful. Remember the inhuman speed will be linked to the item (so whilst wielding it you are fast). The main thing though is to get a handle on the fey magic as that will be your primary focus/ strength.

Ryuko, Geo or Ferromancer both sound interesting, with quite a few options for spell-casting. I am playing a Gravmancer in an 'Edge of Midnight' (Film Noir) game and it fun, especially as it is based upon maths.

So it will a caster heavy group with Axe being the main fighter.

Btw if we do end up with York as the city it has a top-notch university, with plenty of foreign students and lecturers. (in fact one of my best friends is an American who did her masters there). So like many university cities it has a diverse range of cultures, although there is not wide range of social classes in the immediate vicinity.

Sounds good to me. As someone who is currently living between countries (my husband and my home are in Norway, but they didn't want me), I can totally dig the whole displaced in a new city vibe, and having actual monsters on top of that might be pretty sweet, too.

Sorry, to hear about that. A few friends of mine have residence problems.

'Strangers in a strange land' is always a fun RP experience.

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