Nocturn Kingdom Management


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There is a Political calm in the kingdom. The Different faction stop killing each other for the week. Unrest is reduced by 6 (0).

16th Pharast -4711ar
Upkeep Phase
(Current Treasury:2035g)
(Current BP: 49)

First Roll is a Stability Check (1d20+24)

Then you Pay Consumption -3bp

Magic Items Generated:

2 Medium
lesser empower metamagic rod 9,000 gp Rod
gauntlet of rust 11,500 gp Wondrous Item

5 Minor
potion of hide from undead 50 gp Potion / Oil
divine scroll of level 2 spell, zone of truth (caster level 3) 150 gp Scroll
potion of invisibility 300 gp Potion / Oil
potion of cat's grace 300 gp Potion / Oil
wand of level 1 spell, unseen servant (caster level 1), with 40 charges, function indicated by an inscription in orc 600 gp Wand


Male Human (I think)

Stability: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (15) + 24 = 39

Stable Kingom, +1 BP

No unrest.

23rd Pharast -4711ar
Improvement Phase
(Current Treasury:2035g)
(Current BP: 47)

Claim a hex

Establish and Improve cities

Build Roads

Build Farms

Change Edicts

Male Human (I think)

Claim the hex due west of Demonfane, where the river enters the forest. (-1bp)

Let's put a brewery in D1 (-6bp).

No roads, no farms, no changes in edicts.

23rd Pharast -4711ar
Income Phase
(Current Treasury:2035g)
(Current BP: 40)

You can Attempt to sell 4 Magic Items for BP, the rest for Gold, an Econ roll is needed for Each(1d20+28)

Then a Econ roll is needed for Taxes (1d20+28)

Male Human (I think)
Evil Ginger DM wrote:

23rd Pharast -4711ar

Income Phase
(Current Treasury:2035g)
(Current BP: 40)

You can Attempt to sell 4 Magic Items for BP, the rest for Gold, an Econ roll is needed for Each(1d20+28)

Then a Econ roll is needed for Taxes (1d20+28)

Damnit I've forgotten how this stuff works!

Do we even HAVE 4 magic items?
Obviously we'll sell the rod 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (11) + 28 = 39
and the glove 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (16) + 28 = 44
But the remaining items don't even add up to 4k.
They total 1400g.

Taxes: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (17) + 28 = 45

Male Human (I think)

In game note: we cleared the tower on the island. Turned it into a watchtower (3bp) and comes with a contingent of 20 Blacksun orcs lead by Zuroj (my Druid).

*NOTE: Date for Income Phase was 30th Pharast -4711ar*

6th Gozran-4711ar
Event Phase
(current Treasury: 3435g)
(Current BP:65)

Roll 1d100 for an Event

GM only:

25% Change
1d100 ⇒ 31

Male Human (I think)
Evil Ginger DM wrote:

*NOTE: Date for Income Phase was 30th Pharast -4711ar*

6th Gozran-4711ar
Event Phase
(current Treasury: 3435g)
(Current BP:65)

Roll 1d100 for an Event

** spoiler omitted **

I'm guessing we had no event? Next phase?

I was going to have you roll the d100, but i guess i can, then if we get an event, you can roll the event.

No events,

13th Gozran -4711ar
Upkeep Phase
(Current Treasury:3435g)
(Current BP: 65)

First Roll is a Stability Check (1d20+25 (DC31)

Then you Pay Consumption -4bp

Magic Items Generated:

2 Medium:
ring of the ram, with 49 charges, function indicated by a rune 8,428 gp Ring
staff of healing, with 4 charges 29,600 gp Stave

5 Minor:
arcane scroll of level 1 spell, protection from chaos (caster level 1) 25 gp Scroll
potion of stabilise 25 gp Potion / Oil
potion of eagle's splendour 300 gp Potion / Oil
wand of level 1 spell, produce flame (caster level 1), with 38 charges 570 gp Wand
wand of level 1 spell, identify (caster level 1), with 48 charges 720 gp Wand

No Unrest.

Male Human (I think)

Stability Check
1d20 + 25 ⇒ (16) + 25 = 41

Stable Kingdom +1 BP

No unrest.

20th Gozran -4711ar
Improvemet Phase
(Current Treasury:3435g)
(Current BP: 62)

Change Leadership?

Claim Hex?

Establish/ Improve Cities?

Build Roads?

Establish Farms?

Adjust Edicts?

Male Human (I think)
Evil Ginger DM wrote:

20th Gozran -4711ar

Improvemet Phase
(Current Treasury:3435g)
(Current BP: 62)

Change Leadership?
No, none will suffer my disapproval at this time.

Claim Hex?
The hex to the west of Demonfane, as well as the hex to the immediate northwest of that one.

Establish/ Improve Cities?
1. Let's put this in the block E&F/5&6: Training Site (6 BP, must be adjacent to barracks, garrison, or castle): An area for the army, guards, or militias to train. Paying the Consumption cost introduces the Military Parade event, which happens at the beginning of the Event Phase. Rolling 18 1 on any Stability check introduces the Sabotage event at the end of the Event Phase. Consumption +1 (optional), Stability +1; Defensive Modifier +2. (4 city
blocks) (From Wayfinder Issue 5, pg 18-19)
2. Let's put this in the new section, block E6a: Siege Works (16 BP, must be adjacent to a smith): This workshop creates siege weapons and defenses for the city. Stability +1; Defensive Modifier +2; reduce siege equipment cost by 10% (1 city block). (From Wayfinder Issue 5, pg 18).

Build Roads?
Let's build roads from point R, through the bridge at point Q, down to point W.

Establish Farms? Nah.

Adjust Edicts? Nah.

**Edit: Hexes changed to just go west and northwest of W**

Siege works moved to C6a to be adjacent to a Smith

Military Parade event Added to Comsupmtion.

Claimed 2 Hexes -2 BP
Buildings Build -22 BP

Build two Roads -2 BP

Total BP spent: 26 bp

Male Human (I think)

Thanks. This is what I get for trying to do it at work. :P

27th Gozran-4711ar
(Current Treasury:3435g)
(Current BP: 36)



Sell magic Items, You can sell a Total of 5 Magic Items that are at least over 4GP each, the rest is sold @50% gold

Collect Taxes, Econ roll (1d20+29) vs. DC33

Male Human (I think)
Evil Ginger DM wrote:

27th Gozran-4711ar

(Current Treasury:3435g)
(Current BP: 36)


Sell magic Items, You can sell a Total of 5 Magic Items that are at least over 4GP each, the rest is sold @50% gold

Collect Taxes, Econ roll (1d20+29) vs. DC33

Well, we don't really have 5 magic items to roll on.

Evil Ginger DM wrote:

2 Medium:
ring of the ram, with 49 charges, function indicated by a rune 8,428 gp Ring
staff of healing, with 4 charges 29,600 gp Stave

Ring sale:1d20 + 29 ⇒ (12) + 29 = 41

Staff sale:1d20 + 29 ⇒ (5) + 29 = 34

Evil Ginger DM wrote:

5 Minor:
arcane scroll of level 1 spell, protection from chaos (caster level 1) 25 gp Scroll
potion of stabilise 25 gp Potion / Oil
potion of eagle's splendour 300 gp Potion / Oil
wand of level 1 spell, produce flame (caster level 1), with 38 charges 570 gp Wand
wand of level 1 spell, identify (caster level 1), with 48 charges 720 gp Wand

Total minor magic items: 1640 / 2= 820g,

When deposited should allow us to convert some treasury gp to bp.

No Withdraws.

Taxes roll: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (14) + 29 = 43

The Ring Sells, the Staff Does not, and will carry over to next round (DC35 for Medium Items)

+8bp Earned via Selling magic Items,
+1 Bp from Converting GOld to BP (255 left over)

8 BP earned via taxes.

Total BP earned: 17

4th Desnus-4711ar
Event Phase
(Current Treasury:255g)
(Current BP: 52)

Event Phase

1d100 ⇒ 6

an Event happens!

Please roll 1d100!

Male Human (I think)

1d100 ⇒ 80


Another Round of "murders" in the Area of Demon Fane, this time, outside the City around a Small Pig Farm, Same as Before Wolf tracks, and Symbols Of Iomedae Burned into the Bodies of the Orcs tending the Farm.

make a Stability check, (1d20+28) or gain 2 unrest!

Male Human (I think)

Stability 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (6) + 28 = 34

You are able to Calm the Local Area Orcs, and Explain those who Died where Unfaithful to your Goddess, thus. No unrest Gained. However the Killer has still yet to be Found.

5th Desnus-4711ar
Event Phase
(Current Treasury:255g)
(Current BP: 52)

First Roll is a Stability Check (1d20+28 (DC33)

Then you Pay Consumption -7bp

Magic Items Generated:

2 Medium:
wand of level 3 spell, halt undead (caster level 5), with 7 charges 1,575 gp
staff of healing, with 4 charges 29,600 gp Stave

5 Minor:
arcane scroll of level 1 spell, shocking grasp (caster level 1) 25 gp Scroll
arcane scroll of level 2 spell, bear's endurance (caster level 3) 150 gp Scroll
oil of remove paralysis 300 gp Potion / Oil
potion of cat's grace 300 gp Potion / Oil
+1 greatsword 2,350 gp Weapon

No Unrest.

Male Human (I think)

Stability check 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (1) + 28 = 29

Stable Kingdom, No surplus of Goods.

12th Desnus-4711ar
Event Phase
(Current Treasury:255g)
(Current BP: 45)

Change Leadership?

Claim Hex?

Establish/ Improve Cities?

Build Roads?

Establish Farms?

Adjust Edicts?

*Edit, Corrected Farms Consumption, Added 15 BP

Male Human (I think)

Ok, so we're up to 60bp then?

Change Leadership?
My wrath is a fickle thing. Pray it does not surface while you are in my sight.

Claim Hex? No

Establish/ Improve Cities?
We will build a Cathedral to Nocticula using the expanded cathedral rules for Calistria in Wayfinder Issue #5 pg 19.

Wayfinder #5, pg 19 wrote:
Calistria(L)(CN): A single Brothel in the city can be upgraded to the Flames of Lust sacred brothel, increasing the Economy and Loyalty it provides by 1.

This means that the current brothel we have (called Night's Caress) can be upgraded to a sacred brothel, increasing it's scores from +1E,+2L to +2E,+3L. The down side (as denoted by the (L)next to the goddess' name) is that the Cathedral itself gives us only +2 Loyalty instead of the standard +4, but since Loyalty is our highest stat and we need more econ, I feel it is the best trade. This also allows us to build special temples which can be detailed later.

This is the standard cost for a Cathedral, which is 58bp

Build Roads? No

Establish Farms? No

Adjust Edicts? No

**Edit: Previous Phase was Improvement, not Event**

Cathedral to Nocticula added to A4, Upgraded Brothel

58 BP spend.

19th Desnus-4711ar
Income Phase
(Current Treasury:255g)
(Current BP: 2)



Sell magic Items, You can sell up to 6 Different magic Items over 4k

Everything under 4k is sold @ 50% gold.

DC to sll items is 15 for Minor, 35 for med, and 50 for major

Roll 1d20+30

then roll Taxes 1d20+30 vs DC 33

Male Human (I think)
Evil Ginger DM wrote:

19th Desnus-4711ar

Income Phase
(Current Treasury:255g)
(Current BP: 2)



Sell magic Items, You can sell up to 6 Different magic Items over 4k

Everything under 4k is sold @ 50% gold.

DC to sll items is 15 for Minor, 35 for med, and 50 for major

Roll 1d20+30

then roll Taxes 1d20+30 vs DC 33


Stuff gained and not claimed from last session:
Gold: 536+413+165+7= 1121g
Bejeweled mw shortsword - 510g
12 gemstones - 1920gp
Mithril Statuette of Elven woman worth - 1200gp
Lifesized alabaster statue of nude elven woman - 900gp (500lbs)
Small carved jade statuette of coiling snake - 75g
Elven Waterclock - 1000g (200lbs)
White Bearskin - 50g
2 Noble outfits - 200g each
3 courtier outfits - 30g each
3 vials exotic perfume - 100g ea
gem studded tiera - 350g
Mw shortsword - 310g
3 amber (100g each)
silver ring - 65g
+1 leather armor - 1160g
+1 whip - 1301g
Items Total: 9931/2 = 4965.5
Grand Total: 6087 (I'll pitch in the extra .5)
6087+255 (treasury)=6342

Withdrawals? No.

Sell Magic Items:
The GM needs to roll better items...
staff of healing, with 4 charges 29,600 gp Staff 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (15) + 30 = 45

wand of level 3 spell, halt undead (caster level 5), with 7 charges 1,575 gp
arcane scroll of level 1 spell, shocking grasp (caster level 1) 25 gp Scroll
arcane scroll of level 2 spell, bear's endurance (caster level 3) 150 gp Scroll
oil of remove paralysis 300 gp Potion / Oil
potion of cat's grace 300 gp Potion / Oil
+1 greatsword 2,350 gp Weapon
Total: 4700/2 = 2350g
2350+6342 = 8692 = 692 and 2bp.

Taxes: 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (3) + 30 = 33

BP earned by Selling Items 10

BP earned by Taxes 6

Total BP earned 16, added 692 GP to Treasury

26th Desnus-4711ar
Event Phase
(Current Treasury:692g)
(Current BP: 18)

1d100 for an Event


1d100 ⇒ 75

50% next event phase

No events.

2nd Sarenith-4711ar
Upkeep Phase
(Current Treasury:692g)
(Current BP: 18)

First Roll is a Stability Check (1d20+28 (DC33)

0 Consumption
Magic Items Generated:

4 Medium:
cloak of resistance +4, 16,000 gp Wondrous Item
+3 sized composite longbow, 18,400 gp Weapon
helm of underwater action 24,000 gp Wondrous Item
cloak of the bat 26,000 gp Wondrous Item

, hows that for better Magic items, you jerk~!

8 Minor:
potion of bleed 25 gp Potion / Oil
divine scroll of level 1 spell, doom (caster level 1) 25 gp Scroll
divine scroll of level 1 spell, endure elements (caster level 1) 25 gp Scroll
potion of bleed 25 gp Potion / Oil
divine scroll of level 2 spell, protection from energy (caster level 4) 200 gp Scroll
+1 medium sized heavy steel shield 1,170 gp Shield
handy haversack, function indicated by a rune 2,000 gp Wondrous Item
+1 medium sized bastard sword, sheds light 2,335 gp Weapon

Male Human (I think)
Evil Ginger DM wrote:
hows that for better Magic items, you jerk~!

That's starting to get better. :P

Stability: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (15) + 28 = 43

Stable King, Surplus of goods +1 BP

9th Sarenith-4711ar
Improvement Phase
(Current Treasury:692g)
(Current BP: 19)

Claim up to 2 hexes

Establish and Improve cities (up to 2 buildings, or 1 new city)

Build Roads (up to 2)

Build Farms (one)

Change Edicts?

Male Human (I think)

Claim up to 2 hexes.
the hexes with points P. & I.

Establish and Improve cities (up to 2 buildings, or 1 new city).
Build a temple to Nocticula (16 bp) as described in Wayfinder #5, pg 19-20 using the Calistria type (Halves cost of Brothel, Monument, and Shrine in same city; 2 minor items; Loyalty +1, Stability +3; Unrest –2).

Build Roads (up to 2). No

Build Farms (one). No

Change Edicts? No.

Claimed 2 Hexes -2 BP

Build Temple, -16bp

Total BP spend 18

16th Sarenith-4711ar
Income Phase
(Current Treasury:692g)
(Current BP: 1)



Sell magic Items, You can sell up to 6 Different magic Items over 4k

Everything under 4k is sold @ 50% gold.

DC to sll items is 15 for Minor, 35 for med, and 50 for major

Roll 1d20+30

then roll Taxes 1d20+30 vs DC 35

Male Human (I think)

Deposits: No

Withdrawals: No

4 Medium:
cloak of resistance +4, 16,000 gp Wondrous Item 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (18) + 30 = 48
+3 sized composite longbow, 18,400 gp Weapon 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (7) + 30 = 37
helm of underwater action 24,000 gp Wondrous Item 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (19) + 30 = 49
cloak of the bat 26,000 gp Wondrous Item 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (2) + 30 = 32

, hows that for better Magic items, you jerk~!

8 Minor:
potion of bleed 25 gp Potion / Oil
divine scroll of level 1 spell, doom (caster level 1) 25 gp Scroll
divine scroll of level 1 spell, endure elements (caster level 1) 25 gp Scroll
potion of bleed 25 gp Potion / Oil
divine scroll of level 2 spell, protection from energy (caster level 4) 200 gp Scroll
+1 medium sized heavy steel shield 1,170 gp Shield
handy haversack, function indicated by a rune 2,000 gp Wondrous Item
+1 medium sized bastard sword, sheds light 2,335 gp Weapon
Total: 5805/2= 2905.5

Taxes 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (20) + 30 = 50

24 BP collected via Selling Magic items

2905 deposited into Treasury

10 BP collected via taxes

23rd Sarenith-4711ar
Event Phase
(Current Treasury:3597g)
(Current BP: 36)

Event roll:

50% chance
1d100 ⇒ 72

75% chance next Phase

No events.

30th Sarenith-4711ar
Upkeep Phase
(Current Treasury:3597g)
(Current BP: 36)

First Roll is a Stability Check (1d20+31) vs DC35

0 consumption

Magic Items Generated:

3 Medium,

potion of fly 750 gp Potion / Oil
+2 heavy steel shield, arrow catching 9,170 gp Shield
rod of the python 13,000 gp Rod
cloak of the bat 26,000 gp Wondrous Item (helod over from last phase)

10 Minor
arcane scroll of level 1 spell, erase (caster level 1) 25 gp Scroll
divine scroll of level 1 spell, command (caster level 1) 25 gp Scroll
oil of mending 25 gp Potion / Oil
arcane scroll of level 1 spell, magic mouth (caster level 1) 35 gp Scroll
potion of magic fang 50 gp Potion / Oil
arcane scroll of level 2 spell, summon monster II (caster level 3) 150 gp Scroll
potion of resist energy (Electricity) 10 300 gp Potion / Oil
potion of resist energy (Electricity) 20 700 gp Potion / Oil
wand of level 1 spell, shield of faith (caster level 1), with 50 charges, function indicated by a design 750 gp Wand
wand of level 2 spell, command undead (caster level 3), with 21 charges 1,890 gp Wand

No unrest

Male Human (I think)

Stability Check 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (16) + 31 = 47

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