Can this guy be a tank for a group?


I tried to make him as a Phalanx fighter but relized he might be better as a normal one. Basic stratagy for him is to trip bad guys then attack them. He would gain threat by tripping and controling the movement of bad guys around him.

I want Improved and Greater Will, but didn't have the free feats :(
Stats are 20Point buy like for a PFS Game. Gear is bought with weath per level table guidelines. Focused on Str because he needs to beable to beat badguy's CMD.

Fighter LVL 6 Human
STR 21 +5
DEX 14 +2
CON 12 +1
INT 13 +1
WIS 12 +1
CHA 8 -1
HP: 58
Fort: 7 (5+1Con+1Cloak)
Ref: 5 (2+2Dex+1Cloak)
Will: 5 (2+1Will+1Trait+1Cloak) 7 vs Fear
Speed: 20F
AC: 27 (10+2Dex+10Armor+3Shield+1trait+1Dodge)
Flail: +14/+9 1d8+9
Flail: +12/+7 1d8+13
CMB: 11 (6BAB+5Str)
Trip CMB: 15 (6Bab+5Str+4Feat)
Trip with Flail: 18 (6Bab+5Str+4GT+1WF+1Weapon+1class)
CMD: 24 (10+6BAB+5Str+2Dex+1Dodge)
Trip CMD: 28 (10+6Bab+5Str+2Dex+4GT+1Dodge)
Climb: +8 (6Rank+5str+3Class-6Armor)
Knowledge Dungeoneering: 10 (6Rank+1Int+3Class)
Knowledge Engineering: 10 (6Rank+1Int+3Class)
Swim: +8 (6Rank+5Str+3Class-6Armor)
Feats: Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip, Weapon Focus Flail, Combat Reflexes (3 AoO), Weapon specialization Flail, Toughness, Greater Trip
Weapon Group: Flail
Traits: Defender of the Society, Indomitable Faith
Gear: +1 Full Plate, +1Flail, +1 Heavy Steel shield with shield sconce, Cloak of Resistace, Belt of Str, ring of Protection

I say he would make a good tank. but with the plate mail your max dex bonus is only +1 so your ac and reflex are off. and since Max dex+1 i would lower your dex and use the points in con (hitpoints) or will (perception).

Armor dose not affect Reflex. Also Armor training at LVL 3 (fighter) give me +1 to Dex with armor and -1 Armor check penelty. This is a Normal Fighter build. (the extra bonus vs Fear is Bravery)

ddgon wrote:
Armor dose not affect Reflex. Also Armor training at LVL 3 (fighter) give me +1 to Dex with armor and -1 Armor check penelty. This is a Normal Fighter build. (the extra bonus vs Fear is Bravery)

Opps your appsolutly right my bad. ("stupid stupid" ***bangs head into wall***)

Yes it would make a good tank!!!

Grand Lodge

It's difficult to be an effective trip specialist without a reach weapon. This isn't WoW, you don't develop threat by tripping people. Unless you are in a confined area, the foes will run around you at the soft squishy toons that are hiding behind you. (This depends to a certain extent on your GM, but intelligent foes will target the healers and those who are doing the damage first.

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