Looking for input on combo built off of rhino charge


I'm trying to build a character suited for infiltration/ambush playstyle group. Party needs some beef and foes neutralized quickly. Party is level 9 ...not necessarily relevant but we have a scout/trapmonkey rogue, gravewalker/vivisectionist arcane trickster, illusionist, and life oracle ninja...

The crux of my idea is to have my piercing attack from rhino charge (ready a charge...from sargava book) initiate a free grapple from hamatula strike.. any thoughts on the "best" way to approach this? I'd have to have at least +7 BAB and would like to avoid as many "one trick pony" feats as possible. I'm guessing unarmed fighter with boar style tree but dunno.

So the feats needed so far:
improved unarmed
imp grapple
imp bull rush
power attack
rhino charge
hamatulatsu strike

OK here is my first attempt...it assumes that my DM will not question readying an action while raging...25 pt buy

Human barbarian (brutal pugilist)6 / unarmed fighter 3

1)barb Power attack, Imp Bullrush
2)barb -
3)fighter IUS(b), Boar Style(b),Imp grapple
4)barb -
5)barb rhino charge
6)fighter boar ferocity(b)
7)barb hamatula strike
8)fighter -
9)barb ?body shield?

Rage Powers: lesser hurling, hurling charge, lesser fiend totem

so I could (when raging) all as a readied action..
throw a drawn weapon, charge with a piercing gore or boar style, initiate free grapple from ham strike, and be ready to use grappled for cover...

Any thoughts on how similar thing could be done "better"... or if there are any problems with how I see this working?

Though the BaB loss will hurt on prereqs, a maneuver master monk wil be able to use flurry of grapples on an impaled foe. I think it can be used with the many styles archetype as well, helping you nab boar style chain.

Also, you have 2 bonuses on level 3, is that because of an archetype?

You can also drop boar style and pick up a piercing weapon, like a short spear (Hurlable), your grapple is still possible. carry a bundle of spears and you can use the feats freed up on weapon feats.

Hung out with my DM and told him my intentions... He said he would not allow a barb to ready an action while raging *shrug*. So now I guess I'll drop the hurling... so I'll probably stick with completely unarmed to help my grappling. So here is attempt 2
Human unarmed fighter(4) master of many styles/monk of the sacred mtn(5)
Str 18/20 (belt +2 str, dex)
Dex 14/16
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 16/18 (headband +2 wis)
Cha 10

imp grapple
(bf)power attack
(bf)imp bull rush
rhino charge
greater grapple
body shield
hamatula strike

that leaves 4 feats for style feats. I am thinking...
(bm)boar style
boar ferocity
(bm)snapping turtle style
snapping turtle clutch

The style choices are the overwhelming part for me now... If anyone has input for how to accomplish a surprise round/readied action monster or shore up weaknesses I would really appreciate it. I have until friday to figure it out.

@Brambleman thanks again... looks like MoMS doesn't stack with maneuver master... that would have been very nice ... skipping MoMS for man master is a possibilty. And yeah spear would have been perfect for a barb version. Might try that later with the DM that allows psionics for a soulknife/hurling barb ..throw spear on hurling charge and quick draw free action re-form spear for the end of charge .. tasty...

What made you go for Sacred mountain? Curious as I don't see the synergy.

there really isn't much in the way of synergy .. just toughness and a little extra AC vs other foes when grappling another and not moving.

Hadn't thought of that. You may want to start looking at items now, if you get starting gold.

Yeah patience is sort of required when readying an action.

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