Thassilonian Schools of Magic and School Powers

Rules Questions

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Does a wizard get any school powers if he decides to specialize in a Thassilonian School of Magic? I'm having trouble understanding if Thassilonian schools modify or replace the traditional schools of magic that a wizard normally specializes in, and whether or not he would still get school powers.

For example, let's assume he specializes in the Lust (Enchantment)Thassilonian school of magic. He gets the two bonus spell slots per spell level that both must be filled with a single Enchantment spell. He also has Necromancy and Transmutation as forbidden schools. Would this wizard gain the Enchanting Smile ability (from the normal Enchantment school)? Would he have the ability to take a focused school such as Controller?

I believe that since a Thassilonian specialist is gaining something (a limited bonus spell slot for each spell level) but is also losing something else (hindered access to two schools of magic becoming no access at all), that all of the other parts of being a specialist wizard remain the same.

Otherwise you are looking at a situation where the gain and the loss are completely out of balance with each other... like asking for change for a dollar and being given a nickel instead of 4 quarters.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Yup; being a Thassilonian specialist doesn't change any of the rules for being that type of specialist. It just locks you into your prohibited schools and gives you a bonus spell slot; you still gain all the extra perks of specialization.

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Sorry for a necro on this thread, but does this mean, that a Wrath Specialist could also get the Evocation school's Admixture sub-school?

Curious on this also, any other thoughts? :D

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I definitely say Yes, if you make a Wrath specialist, you could choose Admixture specialist, because it is a Focused Arcane school of Evocation.

Take a look at Kerzoug in the PF update to Rise of the Rune Lords. He has the Transmutation school abilities.

Thassilonian specialist gives you another bonus spell slot in exchange for predetermining your opposition schools, and making them prohibited schools.

If you think about them as archetypes, Thassilonian specialist doesn't change any of the same features that Focused Arcane schools change. So you should be able to apply both to the same character.

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