Druid alignment

Rules Questions

Allowed alignment for druids: "any neutral".

Does this include NE and NG?

Are they neutral? Are they part of any neutral?

Why yes, yes they are. Same as LN and CN.

Dark Archive

Hyla Arborea wrote:

Allowed alignment for druids: "any neutral".

Does this include NE and NG?

Yup. N, NG, NE, LN or CN are all viable.

NE Druids are likely all about 'nature, red in tooth and claw,' with a brutal and remorseless cycle of birth, life, pain and death, predators and prey, life devouring and destroying other life to survive, survival of the fittest, the cleansing purity of the forest fire, burning away the unfit to make room for the new growth, lightning storms, etc., etc.

NG Druids would be more nurturing and gentle, focussing on growth and birth, life-forces, gaia-worship, the wisdom and rythmns of the natural world, natural empowerment and strength, the cycles of life, and the life-web that connects all living things, blah-blah, bunnies and rainbows and unicorns. :)

Grand Lodge

Set wrote:
Hyla Arborea wrote:

Allowed alignment for druids: "any neutral".

Does this include NE and NG?

Yup. N, NG, NE, LN or CN are all viable.

NE Druids are likely all about 'nature, red in tooth and claw,' with a brutal and remorseless cycle of birth, life, pain and death, predators and prey, life devouring and destroying other life to survive, survival of the fittest, the cleansing purity of the forest fire, burning away the unfit to make room for the new growth, lightning storms, etc., etc.

NG Druids would be more nurturing and gentle, focussing on growth and birth, life-forces, gaia-worship, the wisdom and rythmns of the natural world, natural empowerment and strength, the cycles of life, and the life-web that connects all living things, blah-blah, bunnies and rainbows and unicorns. :)

I don't necessarily think so. A NG Druid can just as easily be about the ferocity of nature, in particular against those things which encroach upon its domain. I could see the righteous fury of a NG Druid calling lightning down upon the evil tyrant government that seeks to destroy the forest to create a headquarters for its military.

Remember, [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GoodIsNotNice]Good is not the same thing as "nice".[/url.]

Abraham spalding wrote:

Are they neutral? Are they part of any neutral?

Why yes, yes they are. Same as LN and CN.

Ok, that was my opinion too. In older versions of the game the alignments were explicitly spelled out: d20 SRD

The change to the wording "any neutral" raised some doubts with some people.

They could make a (weak IMHO) case with the fact that:

"any evil" = three aligments
"any lawful" = three alignments

Only "any neutral" encompasses five alignmenmts.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If you wanted a good example of a contrast between NG and true Neutral nature powers, think of the differences between Ehlonna and Sylvannus in the Forgotten Realms setting. About all of their disagreements pretty much fall in their alignment differences. They both sponsor Druids though, Ehlonna has a soft spot for rangers having been one herself, when she was mortal.

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