I love Kung Fu!

Homebrew and House Rules

I really really really really really reallyx100000 wanna play in a kung fu campaign.
Or any campaign with lots of martial arts.
The Wandering Ascetics
The Zen Swordsman
The Peasant Hero
its all just so cool!!!

I'm thinking there would definitely have to be some class restrictions, or at least some serious re-flavoring.

Obviously people would be heavily encouraged to take at least a couple monk levels.
I think I'd use the vitality/wound point variant from 3.5 Unearthed Arcana

Is this something anyone else has fantasized about? Has anyone actually done it?
What else would it need/how would you set this up?

I understand this may not be what you're looking for, but I heavily encourage checking out the RPG Weapons of the Gods for all your crazy kung-fu needs.

Cowjuicer wrote:
I understand this may not be what you're looking for, but I heavily encourage checking out the RPG Weapons of the Gods for all your crazy kung-fu needs.


Perhaps the Ultimate Combat asian weapons section could also offer some interesting possibilities. You may need for a while untill they are in PRD if you don't want the book though...

Silver Crusade

I remember reading in a dragon magazine article a while ago, that the author suggested if you were doing a Wu Xia type game, to give everyone the "improved unarmed strike feat" . He also suggested to give every character the spell like ability to fly 1/ round a level per day.

my memory may be fuzzy about the aritcle
I hope this helps

ElyasRavenwood wrote:

I remember reading in a dragon magazine article a while ago, that the author suggested if you were doing a Wu Xia type game, to give everyone the "improved unarmed strike feat" . He also suggested to give every character the spell like ability to fly 1/ round a level per day.

my memory may be fuzzy about the aritcle
I hope this helps

I was going to just encourage everyone to take at least one level of monk. Also, not everyone is going to have improved unarmed strike necessarily, although most will.

As for flying...hmmmm. Maybe there could be a slow fall variant where you get slow fall distance as a fly speed?

Also, how would it affect the game if monetary were fairly uncommon? I'd like to be able to emphasize that wealth is not something that one acquires easily in this world

Grand Lodge

Could be very cool

Allow me to introduce you to a pretty good homebrew by Kuma (with a litttle of my help): Martial Artists. There's also a thread were we made a Ninja and a Samurai class too. Hope this helps.

Use the gestalt rules, everyone is half monk. Except don't use, the monk bab or saving throws, the other class is the primary class with just the monk abilities tacked on.. but everyone in the world has this... you should also include armor as dr from ultimate combat...

Maybe also lose flurry of blows, requiring the character to invest in two-weapon fighting instead. (it works the same, it just requires feats)

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