Revival Channeling? Use duration too long?

Rules Questions

Breath of life has to be cast within 1 round of a creature dying, if it takes a full round action to cast wouldn't that already be too long after the creature had died to work?

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jstbell wrote:
Breath of life has to be cast within 1 round of a creature dying, if it takes a full round action to cast wouldn't that already be too long after the creature had died to work?

It's unclear, but I interpret it as working anywhere that your channel would normally work, and just producing the same effect as breath of life. So they just need to be within your channel radius.

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Channeled Revival (Ultimate Combat, page 92) uses a Full-Round Action, which is NOT the same thing as a spell with a casting time of 1 round.

Channeled Revival occurs at the end of the turn of the cleric using it, NOT at the beginning of his next. Thus, it still occurs within the 1 round of the creature dying (if used right away).

Other examples of Full-Round Actions are: making a Flurry of Blows, Attacking more than once due to high BAB or fighting with two weapons, Charging, etc.

Could you imaging Charging (a Full-Round Action) and not being able to make your Charging attack until your next turn? The rules don't work that way.

The important thing here is that a character using a Channeled Revival can only make a 5' step and use a Swift action in the same turn, nothing more (and nothing less).

EDIT: added relevant links and fixed some spelling. Also note that the caveat for Spells with a 1 round casting time is only for Spells that have a 1 round casting time... NOT for anything and everything that is a Full-Round action.


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Okay thanks, I guess i just misunderstood the wording.

Also Revival is 30ft radius, does that mean it can work on multiple fallen allies? If they died in the same round? (I.E. Breath weapon wipes out everyone but the cleric, cleric revives all allies with channel revival)

That is super cool and Loads better than Ultimate Mercy.
(except ultimate mercy can wait until after combat, but recieves 2 negative levels)


No worries, it happens (I've misread a few things in my time as well).

In the end, the answer is simple: ask your GM.

However, from my understanding of the feat, it would only affect a single fallen creature. I say this for two reasons:

1: it works as the Breath of Life spell, which only affects a single target (though it is through your channel ability, so one within a 30' radius, and it is not reliant on spell slots <- a fact that can, literally, be a life saver)

2: because of the use of singular vernacular in the feat itself.

Channeled Revival wrote:
... to restore a dead creature to life as if you had ...


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