jstbell |
I'm looking at creating a Human Huntmaster Fewterer, to do something different and fun.
My comments are;
Since Boon Companion is so important, you may want to take it a little early at 5th and at 7th, rather than wait till 9th.
For my Huntmaster I'm thinking of taking the 'Order of the Penitent', that way when I have my pack of dogs Entangle, Trip, and Grapple the enemy, I can simply walk up and make an easy 'Tie-up' manueaver with reduced penalties, bonuses from the dogs, and debuff condition penalties to emey CMD.
It will also be easy to add Riding Dogs into the Pack of Animal companions and still be exceptional, because of the crazy bonuses to Handle Animal to train the dogs with tricks.
Handle Animal (tricks): 3+lvl(in skill)+1/2 level(trainer)+5 (equipment bonus)+ 2 (hunt master feat)+ any thing else. At 4th lvl that is atleast +16 on DC 20 tricks, and i can raise the DC to train more dogs or train quicker.
CHAR / 1st dog / 2nd dog / 3rd Dog (A.C. lvl+Boon+Huntmaster Feat)
Lvl.7th / 7 (1+5+1)/ 7 (1+5+1) / 6 (5+0+1)
Lvl.9th / 9 (3+5+1) / 9 (3+5+1) / 9 (3+5+1) (this requires dismissing 3rd Dog at the end of 8th level, and getting another and reassigning levels)
Char Feats
1. Eye-For-Talent
1. Huntmaster
1. Tactician: Pack Attack
3. Net Adept ?
5. Boon Companion
6. Step-Up
7. Boon Companion
8. Order: Improved Disarm
9. Boon Companion
9. Greater Tactician: Broken Wing Gambit ?
11. Coordinated Charge (as a swift action, the WHOLE PACK CHARGES!)
Dog Feats
1. Coordinated Manueavers (extra INT from Eye-for-Talent)
2. tandem Trip
4. Out Flank
8. Broken Wing Gambit