darklopez |
It should be possible to replace a lot of the Story in #31 with Crown of the Kobold King and bring in Return of the Kobold King and Hungry are the Dead with ease, when #32 started. Even Falcon Hollow's last Hope could be possible when turning Oleg's into a small settlement (~50 Settlers, Hunters, Lumberjacks should do the trick). Carnival of tears is an option and Master of the fallen fortress seems to be a viable addition to the forest.

Arcmagik |

Reading the description it looks like Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale could be used during Rivers Run Red...
When I get home I'll explain how I inserted Realm of the Felnight Queen and Conquest of Bloodsworn Veil into Rivers Run Red in order to foreshadow book 6 rather than overlap it.
And you ninja'd me while I was sitting here reading the preview of adventures! I would like to see that as it was the same thing I was thinking when I read the Fellnight Queen that it could be used to introduce the Fey aspect.
I was also eyeing Master of the Fallen Fortress...

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So far I've used Carnival of Tears and am currently running Realm of the Fellnight Queen. I changed the wedding a bit, having Loy and Latricia be the adoptive parents of their son Elyin, 19, sending an invitation to the party to attend the wedding of Elyin and Kailah. I had Loy be the one who won the honey harvesting competition. Right now I'm in the middle of RRR, with APL at 7. They are both good at working up the evil fey angle.
I have also incorporated the Old Margreve into my campaign world, from Tales of the Old Margeve. I've added it south of the Nalmarches to occupy most of what is originally plains in the Mivon region. In addition, I started adding various creatures from the Margeve to the Nalmarches as either wanderers or refugees in order to help integrate the location into the campaign and generate interest in the area.
I also plan on using Bloodsworn Vale locales and perhaps a few other modules, I haven't decided yet.

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My usual method of adding stuff to an AP is to scan for areas that seem to be tailor made spaces for a GM to insert their own material, or leave it blank if they dont have the time. Areas like Candlemere Island, the claw tree with treasure buried under it, and the Lonely barrow are good examples of three places that seem to beg for expansion. Once you figure out what sort of areas you are looking at, you can figure out what to insert. If you want major add-ins, at least in KM, they sort of best fit either at the very beginning, or after the first book or second book, where there are natural pauses for many kingdom turns to be taken.
Realm of the Fellnight Queen does indeed make a very good foreshadowing adventure for the party in this AP. It can also serve as a very insightful look into fey politics and ranking, since she was banished by the rest of the senior fey.
Something Lovecraftian or at least very creepy and insanity inducing seems to beg to be inserted at Candlemere.
The claw tree or lonely barrow, as well as the grave of the barbarian (where the party finds a ring) all are areas where an expanded crypt mini-dungeon could be inserted.

BornofHate |

I'm surprised no one has mentioned "From Shore to Sea" for Candlemere Island.
It's level appropriate and Lovecraftian. It also includes a small fishing village for the PCs to incorporate into their kingdom as well as a map of the island.
As an added bonus: you don't have to change any rumors of will 'o wisps. They are there too.

Arcmagik |

I'm surprised no one has mentioned "From Shore to Sea" for Candlemere Island.
It's level appropriate and Lovecraftian. It also includes a small fishing village for the PCs to incorporate into their kingdom as well as a map of the island.
As an added bonus: you don't have to change any rumors of will 'o wisps. They are there too.
I thought the same thing about Candlemere Island when I read the back-cover of it. I also considered City of Golden Death as well, Candlemere Island is really the Isle of Terror.

John Benbo RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 |

I added Raging Swan's "Road of the Dead." It's a 3rd level, short dungeon crawl that can be inserted anywhere really. I had the PCs find a map that lead to the ruins in a hex next to the Stag Lord's fort. It's great, because the adventure has included in each encounter how to scale it -1/+1. I'm also planning on inserting Raging Swan's "Dark Oaks" as well which is a 5th level adventure with lizardmen.

RuyanVe |

...Raging Swan's "Dark Oaks" as well which is a 5th level adventure with lizardmen.
But you find that already in the AP - well not an adventure but a major encounter is about them - although, I guess, the adventure from Raging Swan can be used to enhance the encounter as in the AP.
My worries would be, that my PCs would gain too many XP, so I have to limit my ideas for additional stuff *sad face*

John Benbo RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8 |

Quote:...Raging Swan's "Dark Oaks" as well which is a 5th level adventure with lizardmen.But you find that already in the AP - well not an adventure but a major encounter is about them - although, I guess, the adventure from Raging Swan can be used to enhance the encounter as in the AP.
My worries would be, that my PCs would gain too many XP, so I have to limit my ideas for additional stuff *sad face*
Yeah, I'm thinking of tying them together and replacing the boggards in the 4th book with Raging Swan's "Lizardfolk of the Dragon Fang." Both groups (the ones already in Kingmaker and Dark Oaks) would be fringe groups of a much larger lizardmen army who've displaced the boggards. I've always liked lizardmen and I haven't really taken to the boggards. But that's if the campaign gets that far before the PCs get bored.