Dimensional Agility and Synthesist


Just realized it today, a Synthesist can pic up the Dimensional Agility feat tree from UC :D. I know there is some question-ability about wearing the eidolon over 24 hours, but assuming it works this might be something rather interesting, and works with my main idea I have been working with.

What is your take on this?

Considering the whole point of the synthesist (in my opinion) is to BE your eidolon, I don't see any GM not letting you take feats based on your fuzed mode.

Yes, this feat line would be awesome on a synthesist, starting the feats at level 7, being able to tele-charge massive distances by 9, and omnislash multiple enemies at 11.

Calypsopoxta wrote:

Considering the whole point of the synthesist (in my opinion) is to BE your eidolon, I don't see any GM not letting you take feats based on your fuzed mode.

Yes, this feat line would be awesome on a synthesist, starting the feats at level 7, being able to tele-charge massive distances by 9, and omnislash multiple enemies at 11.

Fuzed mode? I was thinking scaled, fleshy, or armored.

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